National Repository of Grey Literature 43,669 records found  beginprevious43660 - 43669  jump to record: Search took 1.27 seconds. 

Národní parky v ČR a v zahraničí
Kolská, Kateřina ; Čamrová, Lenka (advisor) ; Moravec, Jiří (referee)
Ve své práci jsem se rozhodla aplikovat ekonomické teorie, které se zabývají ochranou životního prostředí, na národní parky zřízené jako území ochrany biodiversity. Zajímá mne, jaké jsou výhody a problémy státních a soukromých parků, která z těchto situací je efektivnější ekonomicky a která z hlediska ochrany životního prostředí a jestli se u státních parků objevují některé aspekty soukromého podnikání. Jako zdroj budu mimo jiné používat studie efektivnosti národních parků, které již byly ve světě provedeny. Dále se zaměřím na financování národních parků ? zejména na systém udělování státních dotací a míru a možnosti samofinancování národních parků. V analytické části budu porovnávat fungování českého národního parku České Švýcarsko s německým parkem Saské Švýcarsko. Tyto národní parky jsem si vybrala proto, že ačkoliv spolu bezprostředně sousedí, každý funguje v jiném státě, a tudíž podle různých zákonů. Vzhledem k různému stáří parků a odlišné minulosti i současnosti obou států předpokládám rozdíly ve způsobu správy a financování národních parků. Zjištěné rozdíly se pokusím vysvětlit pomocí výše zmíněných ekonomických teorií.

Functions of repertoire size in passerines
Kinštová, Anna ; Petrusková, Tereza (advisor) ; Musilová, Zuzana (referee)
5 Abstract Songbirds use visual and vocal signals to communicate. Visual signals have several disadvantages, for example they are more difficult to detect in darkness or poor light. On the contrary vocal signals, the most typical and advanced way of communication in passerines, can be noticeable even in these conditions. Vocalizations can be divided into songs and calls. The two main functions of a song, especially in songbirds living in temperate zone, are to defend a territory and to attract a mate. The songbirds have a considerable variety in songs among particular species. Moreover, the individual of the same species can differ greatly in their repertoire size. This means they have different number of song types or syllables. Currently we assume that repertoires have arisen in response to widespread female preference for mates with larger repertoires. The evolution of repertoire complexity was driven by a sexual selection of females preferences. In this case the repertoire size is considered to be a phenotypic trait which should work as an honest indicator of male quality. Therefore females could obtain direct and indirect benefits. I study the functions of repertoire size in passerines in my bachelor thesis. I focus in particular on possible benefits that females could gain from pairing with males with...

Pathos as a Natural Aspect of Film Narration
Soukupová, Irena ; VAJCHR, Marek (advisor) ; MRAVCOVÁ, Marie (referee)
In my work I deal with a phenomenon that has been discussed widely but still remains elusive pathos. Pathos bears significances for current society that are not always positive. That is why I am going to try to define it, as well as categorize it. I am going to describe the usage and exploitation of pathos in cinema. I am also going to think of pathos criteria or what it determines - is it still pathos or so called sentiment? Unlike sentiment, pathos has its historical background. Based on particular films and scenes analysis, I will clearly demonstrate how to work with pathos. I will also show how to create pathos itself altogether with pathetically tuned scenes by means of particular devices of film language.

Optimization of costs in transportation company JOLLY trans, s. r. o.
Válek, Libor ; Novák, Radek (advisor) ; Rathouský, Bedřich (referee)
The Master´s Thesis deals with analyze of total costs in transportation company JOLLY trans, s.r.o., where these costs are divided into operational and financial. This thesis is preparing data for a pricing of the transportation. Operational costs are divided into salary for driver, fuel and much more, there are a lot of hidden charges, that affect the final price of transportation. Financial costs are one of the highest costs in company accountancy, because this costs include purchase of a truck and semitrailer. This thesis focus on optimization of this financial costs to save the money. Main goal of this Master´s Thesis is to set the minimal price that transportation company is able to offer to the customer to take profits. And then suggest how to cut the costs to realize higher profit.

Vytápění alternativními zdroji energie
Stříbrská, Petra ; Dvořák, Antonín (advisor) ; Hadrabová, Alena (referee)
Ve své bakalářské práci bych ráda poukázala na rostoucí nutnost zabývat se otázkou ?Čím budeme topit??. Mám na mysli prozatím pro většinu naší společnosti uzamčenou 13. komnatu s názvem ?Netradiční zdroje tepla?. A proto bych na několika stránkách mé práce chtěla Vás, čtenáře, seznámit s tím, co vše si můžeme představit pod pojmem netradiční zdroj tepla. Někdy se můžeme setkat i s pojmem obnovitelný zdroj tepla. Jde v podstatě o ty zdroje tepla, které se samy obnovují přirozeným koloběhem přírody, například sluneční energie, teplo získané z vody, ze vzduchu, tepelná čerpadla? Já se ale zaměřím pouze na biomasu ? především peletky, ale zmíním se i o dřevěných briketách a bioplynu ? a jaké přínosy představuje pro lidstvo. Chtěla bych samozřejmě také pohovořit o naší černé minulosti a tím je negativní dopad masivního spalování uhlí na naše životní prostředí. Poukázat na trendy ve vytápění a to jak v minulosti, současnosti, tak i naší budoucnosti. Upozornit na hrozbu opětovného návratu k vytápění tuhými palivy a vyzvednout výhody ekologičtějšího způsobu vytápění objektů a tím jsou právě netradiční zdroje ? biomasa. Nic ovšem není zadarmo, a zisk laciného a ekologického tepla je vyvážen vysokými investicemi. I zde tedy platí zásada, že za pohodlí a zdraví naší budoucí generace musíme platit. A právě prvotním investicím, úsporám za platbu tepla a době návratnosti je věnována závěrečná část mé práce. Byla bych velmi ráda, kdyby se většina čtenářů po prostudování mé práce se zamyslela nad tím, jak moc aktuální je téma změny způsobu vytápění a jak oni sami si v budoucnu budou chtít zařídit svůj vlastní zdroj tepla. Doufám, že můj příspěvek někoho ovlivní při rozhodování jaký zdroj tepla si zvolit při vytápění domu a že to budou třeba pelety.

The application of psychology in staff management (focusing on mental home)
Žáčková, Miluše ; Štěpánek, Zdeněk (referee) ; Šnýdrová, Ivana (advisor)
To sum up my work l' d like to evaluate all my knowledge obtained during my studies, practice or information found in literature. l' ve realised that people are the most important part of every successful organisation. Thať s why iť s necessary to take heed of him.A man is a member of society, a social creature.He' s different needs and of course there are different ways how to satisfy him.The ways of satisfaction can influence his approach to moral or the meaning of life. A man spends a great part of his life at work. Thať s why his job, his profession should satisfy him it should become not only the necessity but a certain kind of entertainment as well.

Stability, extraction and metabolism of doxorubicin
Osecká, Jana ; Skálová, Lenka (advisor) ; Szotáková, Barbora (referee)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biochemical Sciences Titul, Name, Surname of candidate: Bc. Jana Osecká Titul, Name, Surname of tutor: Doc. RNDr. Lenka Skálová, Ph.D. Title of a diploma work: Stability, extraction and metabolism of doxorubicin Anthracyclines antibiotics belong among the most effective cytostaticum and the most often used chemotherapeutic drugs. The main representative of this line is doxorubicin (DOX). Wide spectrum of solid tumors and human hematology malignancies react on the therapy of DOX. DOX is the most effective in breast carcinoma therapy. The main unwanted effect of DOX is cardiotoxicity and resistance of medicine. Clinically the most significant effect of DOX is secondary alkohol doxorubicinol (DOXOL), which is not cytostatic effective, but it is more cardiotoxic. In this case inhibition of transformation DOX to DOXOL would lead to reduction of deactivation and cardiotoxicity DOX. The aim of graduation thesis was to contribute to study of metabolism of DOX by testing stability of the water solution DOX and DOXOL during different conditions, optimizing of extraction DOX and DOXOL and testing effect of potential inhibitor of oracin and quercetin to reduction DOX in cytosol from breast tumor cells. It was found out, that DOX...

Vitality in the architectonic environment
Eyer, David ; Horáček, Martin (referee) ; Hudec, Mojmír (referee) ; Kyselka, Mojmír (referee) ; Žabičková, Ivana (advisor)
More and more research studies are being conducted on the quality of architectural space as a factor affecting our mental, social and physical health. In the past, this topic was often overlooked in its complexity. The establishment of the specialized fields of building biology, biophilic architecture and the works of Christopher Alexander and Nikos Salingaros now allow us to consider various facets of this subject. This dissertation aims to analyse the topic of vitality in architectural space by studying the abilities and perceptions of its users. Therefore its aim is not to develop a new theory of “vitality-enhancing architectural space”, but to describe how this phenomenon is perceived by the users themselves. Users can provide feedback on which features of architectural space they see as the most important for the feeling of vitality. These features have been hierarchically organized based on their perceived importance, analysed and described in detail to allow their relatively easy application in practice. This dissertation will also allow a comparison with other existing works on the studied topic.

The Box Full of Light
Přibylová, Květoslava ; RŮŽIČKOVÁ, Alice (advisor) ; ŘEZNÍČEK, Martin (referee)
In my thesis A Box Full of Light, Personality and Thoughts of Niels Bohr as an Inspiration for Science Documentaries, I look, as a documentary film director, at the basic principles and visualizations of the characteristic contemporary popular-science documentaries. I consider this form of documentary film for the most part bleak, often flat and lacking in any kind of progress. I am attempting to unravel where these tendencies come from and show, that they strongly relate to the general notion of science, which stands on the foundations of Newton-Carthesian paradigma. Especially in the area of ideals of measurableness, objectivity and mathematization. At the same time I also contemplate the relationship of knowledge and power, of science as a certain ideology and so also the connection between science documentary and ideological film. In the second part of this thesis I look for inspiration for artistically more progressive, richer and more multi-layered documentary films about science. I find this inspiration in the thoughts of the Danish physicist and philosopher Niels Bohr.

Pastoral aspects of Baptism in the current debate in the German speaking sphere..
Kolářová Takácsová, Kornélia ; Filipi, Pavel (advisor) ; Michalcová, Andrea (referee) ; Filipi, Pavel (referee)
The thesis "Pastoral aspects of the baptism in the current discussion in the German speaking countries" analyzes critically the theological discussion since the seventies. The baptism is deprived of its closely sacramental and christological determination and is treated as an occasional service. Biographical and ritual concepts of the occasional services attribute to these acts a special theological significance that cannot be derived from Christ's commission to preach the gospel, but rather is rooted in a piety, which targets the life cycle of individuals and families. Occasional services are therefore seen as a pastoral accompaniment of man in his fault (and critical) stage of life. Its aim is to convey his emotional and cognitive stabilization and assist in re-establishing his fluctuating identity. The practice of the baptism, in this perspective, must regard ambivalent experiences of parents and provide them an appropriate religious intervention. Traditional theological contents of the baptism are markedly eliminated with regard to the situation of the distant Christians who became estranged from the reflected Christianity. Keywords Baptism, Pastoral Care, Occasional Services, Ritual, Folk Church