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Traffic solution in the area Kníničská - Bystrcká
Strmiska, Tomáš ; Novák, Jan (referee) ; Holcner, Petr (advisor)
The target of this diploma thesis is to create and compare variants dealing with a complicated traffic situation in Brno-Komín. Two dynamic responsive signal-controlled junctions situated in close proximity constitute the researched area. The situation is complicated by the presence of a streetcar crossing. Conducted traffic surveys represent the first part of the thesis. Data supplied by a junction's administrator are then added to the survey results. All acquired data serve as background information for designing possible solutions. Most of the work is connected with a capacity analysis which is done according to valid regulations. A microscopic simulation is implemented to examine impacts of selected concepts. The presented concepts are then evaluated financially. Finally, an optimal variant for implementation is suggested.
Structural and technical condition of the sewer network
Šimek, Radim ; Hluštík, Petr (referee) ; Raclavský, Jaroslav (advisor)
The bachelor thesis is focused on the evaluation of the construction and technical condition of the selected part of the sewer network. The first part of the thesis deals with the problems of designing, exploration and methodology of evaluation of sewerage system and sewer connections. In the second part of the camera records were recorded failure classification according to the coding system ČSN EN 13508-2. The individual shafts and sections of the selected section of the sewer network were evaluated by technical indicators for which the overall technical condition was evaluated. The data was processed in Microsoft Office Excel. The results found show that the selected section of the sewerage network is in critical condition and measures should be taken to address it. At the end of the thesis there are proposed basic possibilities of rehabilitation.
Evaluating of actual state of existing designs
Kopec, Jan ; Balkanský, Ondřej (referee) ; Schmid, Pavel (advisor)
This study deals with evaluation of current state of existing constructions. In the theoretical part of the study are explained the standards for the design and execution of concrete constructions, which specify for which materials and types of structures, including calculation methods for the design and execution of concrete constructions, these standards can be used. However, are described principles of rating existing buildings according the principles for evaluating existing structures according to applicable standarts and description of the most common and the most appropriate diagnostic methods. In the practical part are mentioned theoretical knowledge from the currently valid standards practiced on the example of the evaluation of existing construction of cinema Scala in Brno. Building-technical survey of the building will be done and its output will be evaluated of building-technical survey of the building and the draft of preliminary measures.
Marketing Plan for Fitness ProGym
Kubík, Ján ; Láník, Klára (referee) ; Novák, Petr (advisor)
The aim of the bachelor thesis is to elaborate a marketing plan for Fitness ProGym, belonging to the Sokol Brno 1. The focus of the thesis is on analysis of the current situation, services and competition, research of customer satisfaction and opportunities in these areas. On the basis of the analyses and information gathered, a proposal to promote a gym, support sales in the form of loyalty shares and increase customer satisfaction is made so that Fitness ProGym is a dignified competitor in the sports market in Brno.
Marketing Communication
Zamazalová, Adéla ; Kalandra, Leoš (referee) ; Schüller, David (advisor)
This diploma theses deals with marketing communicatin of company EMOS spol. s r.o. The theses is divided into several parts. First part consists of theoretical background needed as basic for the following analytical part. Second part deals with presentation of the company and with marketing mix as a part of communication mix. Third part of the theses deals with elaboration of the marketing environment and with questionnaire survey. Based on the analytical parts the last part provides the company with some recommendations for future improvement of the company´s communication mix.
Building survey and evaluating the state construction
Suchánková, Zuzana ; Anton, Ondřej (referee) ; Heřmánková, Věra (advisor)
The diploma thesis is focused on study of diagnostic methods used for reinforced concrete structure with a practical example of a survey on the subject of the original memorial Bata in Zlin, today's House of Art. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the general methodology of the survey with the distribution methods for testing materials and structures, and displays the evaluation according to ČSN ISO 1382 Also deals with the required properties and used by diagnostic methods for concrete and steel. In the practical part of the surveyed, which is supposed to show the methodology of the survey to the evaluation process involving the setting apart of strength and classification of concrete and chemical analysis, which should show whether the concrete is not based on aluminous cement.
Recommendation for Improvement of Provided Services
Heyduk, Petr ; Horáčková, Saša (referee) ; Novák, Petr (advisor)
This thesis analyzes customer satisfaction surveys, using questionnaires. Based on the results are made suggestions for improving the services offered by Piccolo Mondo Ltd. It will increase levels of customer satisfaction.
Network Forensics Tools Survey and Taxonomy
Zembjaková, Martina ; Ryšavý, Ondřej (referee) ; Pluskal, Jan (advisor)
Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá prieskumom a taxonómiou sieťových forenzných nástrojov. Popisuje základné informácie o sieťovej forenznej analýze, vrátane procesných modelov, techník a zdrojov dát používaných pri forenznej analýze. Ďalej práca obsahuje prieskum existujúcich taxonómií sieťových forenzných nástrojov vrátane ich porovnania, na ktorý naväzuje prieskum sieťových forenzných nástrojov. Diskutované sieťové nástroje obsahujú okrem nástrojov spomenutých v prieskume taxonómií aj niektoré ďalšie sieťové nástroje. Následne sú v práci detailne popísané a porovnané datasety, ktoré sú podkladom pre analýzu jednotlivými sieťovými nástrojmi. Podľa získaných informácií z vykonaných prieskumov sú navrhnuté časté prípady použitia a nástroje sú demonštrované v rámci popisu jednotlivých prípadov použitia. Na demonštrovanie nástrojov sú okrem verejne dostupných datasetov použité aj novo vytvorené datasety, ktoré sú detailne popísane vo vlastnej kapitole. Na základe získaných informácií je navrhnutá nová taxonómia, ktorá je založená na prípadoch použitia nástrojov na rozdiel od ostatných taxonómií založených na NFAT a NSM nástrojoch, uživateľskom rozhraní, zachytávaní dát, analýze, či type forenznej analýzy.
Marketing Research of the Customer Satisfaction of the Company OKAY s.r.o.
Chrápavá, Lucie ; Jegrová, Šárka (referee) ; Novák, Petr (advisor)
This thesis deals with problematics of customer satisfaction in company OKAY electronics. The whole research and final asking were done in Brno, in two selected shops of the company. The work connects theoretical knowledge, from the field of satisfaction research, with the practical part made by asking customers personally. From those surveys the final conclusions and recommendations are made. Based on the conclusions from questionnaire result, some areas were defined, which should be improved by workers of company OKAY.
The survey and assessment of existing production facility for renovation
Zíb, Petr ; Bažant,, Zdeněk (referee) ; Cikrle, Petr (advisor)
Overview of diagnostic methods. Inspection of buildings and structures - photographic documentation of the existing situation, analysis of documents. Design of diagnostic tests, treatment plan, diagnostic investigation and determination of critical deficiencies. Carrying out the survey and sampling. Evaluation and classification of materials. Static assessment of the selected design.

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