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Specialized E-commerce
Turák, Miroslav ; Skoumal, Stanislav (referee) ; Skoumal, Stanislav (referee) ; Dvořák, Jiří (advisor)
This master's thesis was written to create a model of the solution of the specialized e-commerce focusing on the sale of textiles. Part of this work is the model solution, economics of the project and the proposal of the project promotion.
Fashion brand
Slanař, Karel ; Klouzková,, Alice (referee) ; Macháček, Mikuláš (advisor)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to create my own fashion brand and to come up with idea for starting my business. The work of graphic designer consists of collaboration with client which mostly leads to some kind of compromise. My aim was to create whole final product. I took this project as challenge to try something new and recieve professional feedback on my work. The reason why i chose fashion design is because i am interested in fashion for a long time.
I am here it is not
Daneková, Petra ; Hosnedlová, Klára (referee) ; Kohoutková, Karolína (advisor)
I have chosen the concept of mimicry, camouflage and disappearance because the subject of fusion and invisibility interests me. To vanish in the nature or in the city just with the help of body and clothes. For the purpose of this thesis I have created an outfit that will prove effectiveness of camouflage for the ordinary people watched by cameras everyday. By using this outfit I should find out whether digital devices are sophisticated enough to recognize a person even in the case that he has more legs or arms and his face is covered only with the eyes visible. In my thesis I am using several kinds of digital devices by which I am trying to figure out the effectiveness of created outfit. For comparation and better capture of person I have created two types of outfit. One of them is monochromatic while the second one, and more essential one, is printed with glitch. I am testing these two outfits both in exterior and interior. The outcome of the thesis are photographs and videos of person dressed in created outfits.
Assesment of the Thermal Environment in Vehicular Cabins
Fojtlín, Miloš ; Khoury, Roch El (referee) ; Havenith, George (referee) ; Jícha, Miroslav (advisor)
Ľudia žijúci vo vyspelých krajinách trávia väčšinu svojho života vo vnútorných prostrediach budov alebo dopravných prostriedkov. Z tohto dôvodu, záujem o výskum kvality vnútorných prostredím rastie, pričom hlavný dôraz je kladený na oblasti výskumu ľudského zdravia, produktivity a komfortu. Jedným z faktorov ovplyvňujúci kvalitu prostredí je ich tepelný aspekt, ktorý je najčastejšie popísaný teplotou vzduchu, radiačnou teplotou, vlhkosťou vzduchu a rýchlosťou prúdenia vzdu-chu. Zatiaľ čo tieto parametre je možné riadiť systémom pre vykurovanie, vetranie a klimatizáciu nezávisle na počasí, takéto zariadenia sa podieľajú na vysokej spotrebe energie a značnej uhlíkovej stope. V prostediach kabín áut a dopravných prostriedkov je riadenie parametrov tepelného prostredia komplikované z dôvodu ich asymetrickej a časovo premenlivej povahy. Táto situácia je obzvlášť kritická vo vozidlách na elektrický pohon s vlastnou batériou, kde je energia na úpravu vnútornej mikroklímy čerpaná na úkor dojazdu vozidla. Pre uvedené dôvody sa hľadajú nové, en-ergeticky účinnejšie spôsoby pre úpravu tepelných prostredí a zabezpečenia tepelného komfortu. Jedným z potenciálnych riešení sú zariadenia dodávajúce človeku teplo alebo chlad lokálne, ako napríklad vyhrievané a vetrané sedadlá a sálavé panely. Vzhľadom na to, že experimentálny výskum vnútorných prostredí je náročný s ohľadom na čas a potrebné vybavenie, trendy výskumu vplyvov takýchto zariadení na človeka smerujú k optimalizačným úlohám vo virtuálnych prostrediach pomocou modelov ľudksej termofyziológie a tepelného pocitu/komfortu. Avšak pre spoľahlivé výsledky modelovania sú potrebné presné vstupné parametre definujúce prostredie, odev, vplyv povrchov v kontakte s človekom (napríklad sedadlá) a pôsobenie systémov na lokálnu úpravu mikroklímy. Cieľom tejto dizertačnej práce je vytvorenie metodológie na hodnotenie tepelných prostredí v kabínach automobilov s ohľadom na pozíciu v sede a využitím technológii na lokálnu úpravu tepelných prostredí. Jedným z požiadavkov na takúto metodológiu je jej aplikovateľnosť vo virtuálnych ale aj reálnych prostrediach. V prípade hodnotenia reálnych prostredí, cieľom je vytvorenie demonštrátora, ktorý by bol využiteľný ako spätná väzba pre riadenie systémov pre úpravu mikroklímy na základe požadovaného tepeleného pocitu. Validita uvedenej metodológie bola demonštrovaná v typických podmienkach kabín automobilov (5–41 °C) a poznatky z tejto práce sú prenesiteľné do širokého spektra inžinierkych aplikácii. V oblasti osobnej dopravy a pracovných prostredí s vyššou tepelnou záťažou je táto metóda užitočná pre identifikáciu možných zdrojov diskomfortu. Navyše je táto metóda vhodná i pre rýchlo rastúci segment elektrických vozidiel, kde je možné sledovať tok energie potrebnej na dosiahnutie určitej úrovne komfortu a riešenie optimalizačných úloh za účelom úspory energie a predĺženie dojazdu. Obdobné aplikácie možno nájsť i v budovách a prostrediach s podobnými charakteristikami.
Everyday fashion show
Rémanová, Jana ; Šagát, Petr (referee) ; Ruller, Tomáš (advisor)
Work is dealing with the problems of unusual clothing and conflict with surroundings. The work includes research of what is regarded as weird, extravagant and alternative in everyday fashion, but also designs of outfits inspired by research made by questionnaires and finally realization of artistic performances in public places. The result of the project is information obtained from the research of one hundred respondents. Furthermore, a series of ten "costumes", which show the stimuli obtained from previous research from selected questionnaires. Each model is an example of the stereotype of what was found to be eccentric in dress. In these models, a performance was subsequently performed in public. All individual phases of project creation are presented as a whole and presented as a bachelor's thesis.
Svobodová, Hana ; Pangrácová, Lucie (referee) ; Gabriel, Michal (advisor)
Although the main topic of my diploma thesis is Kabát, I describe in the introductory chapters of my previous work, because their creation and gradual emergence have been directed towards the final project - Kabát. As part of my sculpture, I concentrate mainly on the possibilities of transforming the human figure, using various classical and non-traditional sculptural materials. The fabric of a selected piece of clothing (in the case of a coat) is reinforced at a certain point in time, which I transposed into the feathered cavity - the coat that you put before you. His work with the "outer envelope of man" in the final passage of the text corresponds to the work of Czech and foreign artists.
Silver Lining
Ručka, Svatopluk ; Klouzková, Alice (referee) ; Macháček, Mikuláš (advisor)
Silver Lining is created on the basis of the interdisciplinary research of the two disciplines of design, i.e., fashion and graphic designs. These two branches of design are viewed from the practical point of view, in which the work procedures of both the design branches, their mutual relationship, possible intersections, and real and hypothetical syntheses are examined. The potential of such a synthesis is studied by the visual language of the graphic design and fashion production using contemporary digitalized knitting technology which is applied in the bachelor’s thesis.
Everyday life in the period of socialism in the Podblanicko region
Lapáčková, Jana ; Šalanda, Bohuslav (advisor) ; Šmídová, Olga (referee)
The topic of the thesis deals with everyday life in Podblanicko Region during the socialist era. This is a local research that tries to show the memories of rural people on the period of normalization, defined by the 70s and 80s of the 20th century, in terms of food, clothing and housing. The research deals with the strategies, tactics and improvisations of the inhabitants of this region in the period of socialism, among other things focused on the lack of required goods in shops, poor supply, searching for not very high-quality construction materials and fashionable clothes. Apart from individual expressions, it deals with community style that inherently belongs to the rural population. The era of socialism is strongly ingrained in the mind of the people who lived at that time. It is clear from many sources that before the year 1989 people in the countryside did not live just meaningless lives, remarked and emptied by a totalitarian regime. In many cases, they tried to ignore the regime or they just were not interested in it. In their everyday life they created values, which were more important to them. However, they were able to realize the values mostly only partially. In order to achieve the things they considered important, their ingenuity, strategy and tactics were essential. A life in the...

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