National Repository of Grey Literature 38,925 records found  beginprevious38906 - 38915next  jump to record: Search took 2.63 seconds. 

Contemporary Hungarian theatre scene - A Bárka Színház
Hodinářová, Marie ; Kolmanová, Simona (advisor) ; Martinec, Václav (referee)
This thesis brings together facts about one of the first theatre ensembles, which was established after the revolution in 1989 on the Hungarian territory, about The Bárka Theatre. This theatre company still successfully operates today. Some of facts I have collected in form of register. First part of my dissertation talks about the economical, historical a practical facts in the progress of The Bárka Theatre. In the second part I divulge more about some of their performances ,(Nehéz - Hard, Mulatság - Fun, Széntivánéji álom - Midsummer Night's Dream), and about some names, associated with the projects of this group. I have chosen this topic because the Hungarian cultural scene is very interesting and has a rich history but, due to languague barrier, can be very difficult for foreigners to appreciate and understand.

Establishment and Termination of a Membership in a Cooperative Society
Mach, Ondřej ; Oehm, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Černá, Stanislava (referee)
Establishment and termination of a membership in a cooperative society Membership in a cooperative society is a basic cooperative relationship due to the fact that a cooperative society is a corporation which cannot exist without personal substrate and which cannot have solely one member. The understanding of establishment and termination of a membership is hence essential for the mere existence of a cooperative society. The task of this thesis is to describe in detail the means of establishment and termination of a membership in a cooperative society. This thesis provides a comprehensive explanation of individual means, especially with respect to the terms and their legal consequences. My goal was to point out the problematic issues and describe how those issues are resolved in theory and how they are solved by legal practice. I also attempted to compare those issues with foreign regulation, especially with German and Austrian ones. It was necessary to compare the Czech regulation with international cooperative principles since the Czech understanding of a cooperative law is frequently challenged by misunderstanding of those principles. Apart from the general principles applicable to all cooperative societies, I was in detail describing housing cooperative associations and European cooperative society...

Dynamics of the bow shock and magnetopause
Jelínek, Karel ; Němeček, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Kudela, Karel (referee) ; Vandas, Marek (referee)
viii Title: Dynamics of the bow shock and magnetopause Author: Karel Jelínek Department: Department of Surface and Plasma Science Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Němeček, DrSc. Department of Surface and Plasma Science e-mail address: Abstract: The interplanetary space is a unique laboratory which allows us to dis- cover (i) a behavior of the plasma under different conditions, (ii) origin of its insta- bilities, and (iii) its interaction with obstacles such as the Earth's magnetosphere. The present thesis analyzes the outer Earth's magnetosphere. The results are based on the in situ sensing by a variety of the spacecraft (e.g., IMP-8, INTERBALL-1, MAGION-4, Geotail, Cluster-II and Themis). The solar wind curently monitored by the WIND and ACE spacecraft near the La- grange point L1 affects by its dynamic pressure the Earth's magnetic field which acts as a counter-pressure and the boundary where these pressures are balanced is the magnetopause. Due to supersonic solar wind speed, the bow shock forms in front of the magnetopause and a region in between, where plasma flows around an obstacle is named the magnetosheath. The thesis contributes to a deaper understanding of the dependence of magnetopause and bow shock shapes and positions, especially, (1) on the orientation of the inter-...

Primary sensory cortices of microphthalmic mammals, adaptations to habitat and lifestyle
Miklušová, Zuzana ; Němec, Pavel (advisor) ; Druga, Rastislav (referee)
Microphthalmia has evolved in evolution many times independently within unrelated groups of mammals (e.g., rodens, echolocating bats, shrews). Due to such extensive convergent evolution, investigation of mammals with reduced eyes provides a unique approach for understanding the adaptive significance of sensory regression, the impact of peripheral reduction on organization of central sensory structures and cross-modal reorganization or compensation. In this thesis I review our current knowledge concerning the organization of the primary sensory cortex in microphthalmic mammals. In subterranean species (the eastern mole, Scalopus aquaticus; the star-nosed mole, Condylura cristata; the blind mole rat, Spalax ehrenbergi; the naked mole rat, Heterocephalus glaber) is obvious expansion of somatosensoty cortex, which processes tactile information.The sense of touch plays a pivotal role in orientation in their dynamically changing three-dimensional burrow systems. Microphthalmic, echolocating bats whose body is adapted to flight have topographicly reorganized somatosensory cortex, reduced the visual cortex and expanded, complexly organized acoustic cortex. Terrestrial shrews (Soricidae, Insectivora) do not posses any specific adaptations at level of the sensory cortex. Interestingly, their primary visual cortex is...

The issue of energy dependency of Slovakia and its armaments cooperation with the Russian Federation in the years 1993 - 1998
Drozd, Michal ; Irmanová, Eva (advisor) ; Litera, Bohuslav (referee)
Bachelor thesis"The issue of energy dependency of Slovakia and its armaments cooperation with the Russian Federation in the years 1993 - 1998 in terms of safety" deals with specificites of mutual affairs in the area of energetics and military cooperation between two countries, which are far too uneqal in potencial of power. At the first and second part thesis deals with short characteristic of the situation, which occured in the region of CEE at the beggining of the 90. It also deals with the explanation of different interests and expectations, which resulted of this mutual cooperation. In the core the thesis tries to understand the wiew of Russia on the region of CEE, Slovakia particulary, at the time of lasting two russian foreign policy doktrins. Subsequent synthesis of knowledges has got to provide the answer on required hypothesis. The thesis is trieing to form the answer, if there could be possible participation of the Slovac Republic, due to the forming of common economical and security area in Europe, if the political aiming of the country would be the same as at the time of Vladimir Meciar government.

Opioid receptors and their signaling system in the myocardium
Ladislav, Marek ; Novotný, Jiří (advisor) ; Neckář, Jan (referee)
The main objective of this bachelor thesis is to systematically collect and sort information about opioid receptors and their signaling system in the myocardium. Heart activity is controlled mainly by adrenergic signaling, and this work therefore contains also some data concerning the characteristic and significance of other relevant receptors. For better understanding, general basic information about opioid system, especially about the receptors and their signaling, is also provided. Relatively little is known about opioid receptors in the myocardium even though these receptors may have an important role especially in various pathophysiological conditions. There can be several reasons for this. The possibility of further characterization of opioid receptors in the myocardium is rather difficult due to the relatively small number of these receptors in heart tissue. The situation is somewhat complicated also by some differences in the modulation of cardiac function among different species. The complete molecular mechanism by which opioid receptors act on the myocardium has not yet been fully uncovered. Especially in the case of humans this knowledge can be crucial, because these receptors and their ligands could be used for medical purposes.

The Forest of Laughs (Xiaolin): mapping the offspring of self-aware literature in ancient China
Baccini, Giulia ; Lomová, Olga (advisor) ; Maršálek, Jakub (referee) ; Paolillo, Maurizio (referee)
Literary history, as established in 20th century China, mostly believed that Confucian conservatism had always oppressed and marginalized practices of "humour" in China.1 This view, formulated in early 20th century when anti-traditionalism prevailed among Chinese intellectuals, regarded entertaining practices as suppressed and suffocated by Confucian moralizing and at that time even the notion of "humour" itself was introduced to China using an English word (humour-youmo ).2 As a result, in sinology until recently the topic of "humour"3 in literature was - with only few exceptions - 4 perceived as marginal to the understanding of ancient Chinese society and culture (as very few works have been published on the topic of Chinese humour, which, though, do not bring valued insights to the topic).5 However, in early sources there are evidences of entertaining practices linked to humour, which can be traced back to Warring States period. The first step toward a reconsideration of the tradition could be due to the findings, particularly from the last decade (referring in particular to Guodian excavation in late 1993), of new textual materials which obliged the scholars to confront with a different reality of texts and thoughts (expressed by the texts) from that they have previously reconstructed. This led to a...

Group dynamics of school class
Kozel, Martin ; Soukup, Petr (advisor) ; Kotík, Michal (referee)
This work focuses on clasroom group dynamics and it's aim is to develop a comprehensive concept (model), which will be able to explain the socio-psychological processes within the class. It could be used for diagnostic purposes (measurement) and intervention. The author first defines the group dynamics as a field of forces aiming to reach goals, or preventing their fulfillment. Based on three sources of literature (research of small groups, pedagogical understanding of group dynamics and psychoterapeutiacl understanding of group dynamics) the author describes all reflected forces in group dynamics. Based on in-depth interviews with seven experts,he creates seven different perspectives on the context and choses the key forces of the group dynamics. By a synthesis of the information sources, the author creates the final model. It's validity due to data and potential future use is discussed.

The Concept of Self-Definition: Emersonian Principles in Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man and Richard Wright's Native Son
Piňosová, Alžběta ; Robbins, David Lee (advisor) ; Ulmanová, Hana (referee)
The works of the nineteenth-century American thinker Ralph Waldo Emerson continue to be inspiring particularly due to their empowering effect on the individual. It is especially Emerson's concepts of the sovereignty of the individual, the importance of self-definition, the view of life as a transitory flow, and the relationship between freedom and fate which can be practically and usefully applied in the life of an individual. It is possible, then, to understand and evaluate Emerson's works through the practical effects of his concepts, in other words through the prism of pragmatism. Emerson's empowering philosophy can be of use especially to disempowered groups such as African Americans. The Emersonian themes which are to be found in the works of various African-American non-fiction writers such as W.E.B. Du Bois, James Baldwin, Martin Luther King Jr. and Cornel West testify to the relevance of Emerson for this minority group. In Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man and Richard Wright's Native Son, two African-American novels, Emersonian principles are shown to be of utmost importance for the positive development of the protagonists.

The legal status and activities of the Czech National Bank
Prokop, Tomáš ; Vondráčková, Pavlína (advisor) ; Novotný, Petr (referee)
Legal status and content of activities of Czech national bank This thesis deals with legal issues of Czech National Bank. The aim of this work is the analysis of the basic institutes, the most important and the most controversial statutory provisions and also to introduce the most important activities of the central bank to the reader and explaining him why are these activities needed and what is their function in the system. Due to limited range of this thesis the author took considerable volume of this topic in account, that's why some chapters aim merely the most important information to explain the issue correctly and to help the reader to understand the contexts. This work is divided to seven chapters (including the Inroduction) and to the Conclusion, list of used shortuts, literature and attachments. In the Introduction the author acquaints the reader with reason, why has he choosen right this issue as the topic of his thesis and lays out the targets to be accomplished by his work. In the second chapter is the reader acquainted with the historical development of central banking on the territory of present Czech Republic - since the Austro-Hungarian monarchy to the evolution of current Czech National Bank. In the conclusion of this chapter the author analysis the possibilities of the immediate future...