National Repository of Grey Literature 36,959 records found  beginprevious36950 - 36959  jump to record: Search took 2.60 seconds. 

The effect of the Feldenkrais method on body schema
Bestová, Zuzana ; Lepšíková, Magdaléna (advisor) ; Doubková, Lucie (referee)
Bibliografic identification BESTOVÁ, Zuzana. The effect of The Feldenkrais method on body schema. Prague: Charles University in Prague, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Department of rehabilitation and exercise medicine, 2012. 96 pages. Supervisor Mgr. Magdaléna Lepšíková. Abstract The diploma thesis deals with neurophysiological concept of body schema and evaluation of the effect of the Feldenkrais method (FM) on its quality. The research comprises two groups of probands without motor system disorders. The participants passed an investigation of the body schema quality by the following tests: a test of estimation of body dimensions (width of mouth, width of shoulders, width of hips and length of foot), a modification of Petrie's test, a test of proprioception and a test of graphestesia. The examination was accomplished before FM investigation and after the course. The first group (group A) comprised 13 individuals (5 males, 8 females) who participated in a semestral course of FM, the second group of probands (group B) included 17 individuals (3 males, 14 females) underwent a two days long FM program. A significant improvement (p = 0,0027) in the estimation of the length of foot was detected after FM intervention in group B. There was not a significant improvement in any of estimated body dimensions in group A....

Intimacy in the current society in Toussaint's novel La Salle de bain
Zábranská, Michaela ; Pohorský, Aleš (referee) ; Jamek, Václav (advisor)
This thesis deals with a question how the human intimacy is concieved in the novel of Jean-Philipp Toussaint La Salle de bain, and how to put this conception into continuity of changes, which have been happening in society and french literature. This novel tells a story of a young man, main character and narrator at the same time, who moves himself into a bathroom one day but after leaving it, he is returning back soon.

Steatosis of liver and mitochondrial dysfunction
Páleníčková, Eliška ; Balková, Patricie (referee) ; Novák, František (advisor)
Aim: To determine the effect of diet-induced steatosis in the development of mitochondrial dysfunction in the liver and hepatic sensitivity to the partial ischemia. Methods: Male Wistar rats (361 ± 8.8 g) were fed standard (SD) or high-fat diet (HFD). Partial ischemia was induced by short-term clamp (20 min) of vein porta two days before the end of the experiment. Results: Ten-week HFD administration lead due to increased ketogenesis the altered glucose tolerance elevated serum NEFA. We demonstrated the inhibitory effect of HFD on the respiratory capacity of mitochondria in vitro. HFD negatively affected the activity of antioxidant systems and stimulated the formation of lipoperoxides. Partial ischemia had no efect on the mitochondrial oxidative capacity but significantly elevated the oxidative stress. Conclusion: HFD administration lead to the development of fatty liver that was still not accompanied by biochemical markers of liver injury. Nevertheless, we proved the impairment of to mitochondrial respiratory capacity, signs of structural damage of mitochondria and the increased sensitivity to oxidative damage of the liver. Subject words: biochemistry, physiology Keywords: mitochondria, HFD, ischemia, respiratory chain, antioxidant systém, ROS

Journalist's freedom of expression in the light of European convention on human rights and case law of European court of human rights
Lopour, Martin ; Balaš, Vladimír (referee) ; Hubálková, Eva (referee)
114 6. Summary "Freedom of expression constitutes one of the essential foundations of a democratic society and one of the basic conditions for its progress and for each individual's self-fulfilment."320 A journalist is a person who tests the above mentioned statement through his work almost every day. "Although journalists, or the media for that matter, are not mentioned in paragraph 1 of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which is devoted to freedom of expression, a great deal of the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights concerns journalists and the proper functioning of the mass media. Media professionals are typically the main beneficiaries of a liberal freedom of expression regime. When States decide to clamp down on freedom of expression the journalists are the first to be affected. In this body of case-law the Court has laid down several principles that apply in cases concerning journalists and the media."321 This thesis entitled Journalists' Freedom of Expression in the Light of European Convention on Human Rights322 and Case Law of European Court of Human Rights323 reacts on fact that this subject-matter has not been so far systematically analysed in Czech written literature. The intention of this paper was to fulfill the gap because it is undisputed that journalists'...

Information and the information society
Vrbka, Jan ; Rosický, Antonín (advisor) ; Brixí, Radim (referee)
This paper deals with the substance of the word "information" and its influence on the formation of information society. It also focuses on the resources from which the information is acquired with an emphasis on the Internet and its trustworthiness. In the paper there are various aspects of the information society and more importantly the topic of financial crisis connected with the informatization issue. Ultimately, there are instructions how to proceed when checking the trustworthiness of information.

Nunneries of Upper Lusatia between spiritual and secular power in the 16th and 17th century
Zdichynec, Jan ; Bobková, Lenka (advisor) ; Maur, Eduard (referee) ; Hrabová, Libuše (referee)
Convents of Upper Lusatia in the 16th and 17th century between sacral and secular power Out of the various religious and church structures of Upper Lusatia, the presented thesis focuses on the local women's religious Catholic houses, on the Cistercian convents of Marienthal and Marienstern, and the penitent sisters of Mary-Magdalene's convent in Lauban and on their domains. The period of interest is mostly 16th and 17th century. These abbeys are the only catholic institutions which have survived up to this day in the mainly protestant area. The introductory debate about monasteriologic research and about the possibilities of applying modern historical methods to the field are followed by an overview of the research dedicated to the area - both from the local and general German, or even Czech point of view. Careful analysis of the utilised resources follows. In assessing the factors that allowed the coexistence of institutions firmly tied to the Catholic Church and of the Protestant majority, it was first necessary to investigate the role of convents in the local society and to explore the earlier pre-reformation events. For the existence of monasteries of traditional orders was, in the early modern era, determined just as strongly by politics, (church) administration and by social and economical...

A comparison of Internet's influence on the human society in the 90's and today
Pavelec, Jan ; Rosický, Antonín (advisor) ; Šubrta, Václav (referee)
This work is about the Internet and its influence to the present society. The aim of this work was to illustrate the progress by which the Internet have gone thruth the last 10 - 15 years. How the possibilities of it's utilization have been changed and hightened, how the count of its users has increased and how its availibility has been boosted up. The work has got two parts. The first part defines the elementary notions related with the Internet, describes the absolute beginning of the Internet and its onset to the Czech Republic. It also includes specifications of basic services of the Internet and it's characteristics. The second part surveys the availibility of the Internet in 90's and in presents. It characterizes utilization of the Internet in selected spheres and maps its merits, negatives and negative influences. On the basics of this work there are following results: The Internet is the very important medium for the major part of the present society. The utilization of the Internet has greatly increased in last 15 years . For the major part of the society (including me) the Internet is mainly useful and its positives predominate. Unfortunatelly, there have appeared some negatives, which we should realize and be beware of.

The Czech Music Community - Tradition, the Present Day
Kuhnová, Barbora ; Jenčková, Eva (referee) ; Kittnarová, Olga (advisor)
My thesis is focused on the entire history of the Czech Music Society. This work is divided into two main parts. In the first section I deal with the history of the Czech Music Society from its very beginning to nowadays and in the sccond part I concentrated on the organization structure of every single part. The Czech Music Society is a voluntary independent association of people who are interested in music. The organization concentrates primarily on music education, musicology, interpretation, publishing and so on. It organizes a lot of activities in connection with music, for example courses both for professionals and amateurs, lectures, workshops, concerts, music summer camps and excursions. Its own history dates back to 1972 when the preparatory commission was established. The organization officially started its activity in 1975. The range of activities was truly wide. After the Velvet revolution in 1989 the Czech Music Society had to tackle serious financial problems. The members have tried to solve these problems, unfortunately without any success. The Society will cease to exist by the end of the year 2006.

Travelling as alternative spending leisure time at 1960s in Czechoslovakia
Labská, Helena ; Soběhart, Radek (advisor) ; Soukup, Jaromír (referee)
Bachelor thesis contains description of basic changes in society in Czechoslovakia at 1960s, which dramatically influenced leisure time of population. It is focused on travelling in Czechoslovakia with support only trade union -- Revolutionary trade movement. It analysis three main types of trade recreation, which were "selected centrally planned recreation", "business recreation" and "pioneer recreation". The aim of my thesis was discover, how people spent their leisure time on holidays, mainly at recreations and why these recreations had a big success. Mainly bargain price and quite hight quality of these recreations with big expansion among employees ensure big popularity of organised recreation, cognitive and stay trips also in these days.

Origins of Violence in Colombian Society in the 20th Century
Bílá, Kateřina ; Pešková, Vladimíra (advisor) ; Němec, Jan (referee)
Práce zkoumá příčiny násilí v Kolumbii především ve 20. století. Zabývá se socioekonomickými podmínkami země a postavením politických stran a jejich vlivem na společnost, důraz je kladen i na možnost aktivní participace obyvatel na politickém životě. Definuje jednotlivá období násilí a hledá u nich možné kořeny konfliktů. Větší pozornost zaměřuje na válku dosud probíhající, určuje její charakter a aktéry, zmiňuje její historii i současný vývoj.