National Repository of Grey Literature 36,500 records found  beginprevious36491 - 36500  jump to record: Search took 2.02 seconds. 

CSR of a selected enterprise
Pancheva, Yana ; Legnerová, Kateřina (advisor) ; Koukolíček, Václav (referee)
The Master´s thesis aims to assess the overall CSR strategy of Tesco by using KORP analysis. It also evaluates the CSR projects of the company through media analysis. Research has shown that the company is targeting its activities to social and environmental pillar. They are both ranked above average . The economic pillar has the potential to be improved, therefore there are some recommendation how to achieve it . The work points to effectively set CSR strategy of the company

Mathematical Programs for Dynamic Pricing - Demand Based Management
Hrabec, Dušan ; Karpíšek, Zdeněk (referee) ; Hoff, Arild (referee) ; Haugen, Kjetil Kare (advisor)
Tato disertační práce se zabývá vývojem, modelováním a analýzou poptávkově orientovaných úloh, které zahrnují marketingová, operační a logistická rozhodnutí. Úlohy jsou zvoleny tak, aby mohly být dále rozšířeny o koncept tzv. dynamického oceňování a jiných dynamických marketingových rozhodnutí. V práci jsou využity dvě základní poptávkově orientované úlohy: a) úloha kolportéra novin, která je zvolena pro její jednoduchou formu a která tak slouží jako nástroj pro ilustrativní ukázky rozhodovacích procesů v podobných typech úloh, a b) úloha návrhu dopravní sítě, kde jsou využity některé výsledky a znalosti získané při řešení úlohy kolportéra novin. Kolportér (či obecně maloobchodník) čelí náhodné poptávce, která může být postupně ovlivněna oceňováním, marketingovými (tj. reklamními) rozhodnutími a nakonec jejich kombinací. Poptávka obsahuje tedy náhodnou složku, která je pomocí přístupů stochastické optimalizace modelována ve specifickém tvaru (tj. aditivní či multiplikativní tvar). Závislost cena-poptávka je zachycena pomocí nelineární klesající poptávkové funkce, zatímco (vhodná) reklama vede ke zvýšení poptávky (běžně rostoucí s-křivka či konkávní funkce). Výsledky získané při řešení úlohy kolportéra novin s oceňováním jsou následně využity v úloze návrhu dopravní sítě. Tato stochastická úloha je modelována (reformulována) pomocí dvou přístupů stochastické optimalizace: wait-and-see přístup a here-and-now přístup. Jelikož tato implementace vede na lineární či nelineární celočíselnou (navíc scénářovou) úlohu, jsou v práci zmíněny taky výpočetní nástroje. Autor pro řešení používá (původní) tzv. hybridní algoritmus, což je kombinace heuristického (genetického) algoritmu a nástroje optimalizačního softwaru. Potenciální aplikace sestavených modelů, obzvláště v oblasti odpadového hospodářství, jsou diskutovány v závěrečné části disertační práce.

Social networks and new media
Störzer, Martin ; Lohr, Václav (advisor) ; Hřebejková, Jana (referee)
This bachelor thesis shares light on new media in the world we live in today, while focusing specifically on social networks. The theoretical part of the thesis is meant to describe selected networks from the most common types of social networks. This portion also includes their history of creation and development up to present days. Attention is primarily given to existing advertising formats and marketing strategies. The practical part of this thesis is concentrated on the effectiveness and advertisement of a particular organization who advertises through social networking sites. It also includes an advertising campaign proposals and recommendations for the other selected network sites.

Foreign direct investments and their impact on the Czech Republic
Klugová, Kateřina ; Burian, Stanislav (advisor) ; Milan Robin, Milan Robin (referee)
The theoretical part of the dissertation is dedicated to the balance of the payments as well as to the theory of the direct foreign investments with the linkage to new methodology of the balance of the payments. The determinants of the direct foreign investments are consequently introduced in the economic theory. The attention is to the higher extent dedicated to the industrial and territorial break-down. The incentive system and the Agency for the support of incoming direct foreign investments (CzechInvest) are described and introduced in the connection with the system functioning in Czech Republic. The incoming direct foreign investments in the period from 2004 to 2014 are analyzed in the second part of the dissertation. The time series were set up on the basis of the annual reports and the databases of Czech National Bank; the evolution phases of direct foreign payments is consequently analyzed with the regard to the respective industries and territories. The development of the direct foreign investments and their impacts on Czech Republic is assessed in the conclusion of the dissertation. It is concluded that the development of the incoming direct foreign investments is in a close correlation with the economic situation in Czech Republic and neighboring countries. The dissertation confirms that the economic and also non-economic factors of each country are key determinants for the final level of the incoming direct foreign investments.

The Institution Of Leisure Activities Youth Up To 18 Years Old
Kovářová, Kristýna ; Polišenský, Miroslav (advisor) ; Lörinczová, Enikö (referee)
This bachelor thesis is focused on an institution of spending leisure time of youth up to 18 years. The theoretical part, firstly, sets out terms, like teenagers and factors. The first describes every phase of a child's age, and the second an influence on child's upbringing. Next, the thesis defines the function of upbringing and it's method, which also includes negative factors influencing leisure time. A certain scope is dedicated to the function and participants of teenager's leisure time, who are integral constituents. The description of nonprofit organizations of spending leisure time of youth, which one can also encounter, is also included in this part. The theoretical part is concluded by funding these institutions, and by possibility to get grants and funds. At beginning, the practical part deals with characteristics of Municipal part Prague 3, the it concentrates on "Dům dětí a mládeže Praha 3- Ulita". The institution is examined by Bronislaw Malinowski's analysis, which was published in his book "A Scientific Theory of Culture and Others Essays". The analysis survey if the institution has enough space for organizing its activities, if the offer of activities is sufficient, if the staff is qualified, and if they have sufficient resources for their activities. The aim of this thesis is to find out whether the institution performs its mission according to its purpose and in accordance with law.

Corporate Social Responsibility and its Impact on Consumers' Behaviour
Grigoryan, Lusine ; Král, Petr (advisor) ; Olšanová, Květa (referee)
The awareness and concern regarding social and environmental issues is growing among representatives of the business sector and they cannot eliminate the impact that they have. Corporate Social Responsibility is a complex strategy to govern the whole process of doing business. The objective of the Diploma Thesis is to prepare comprehensive analysis of current CSR practices in the Czech Republic and find out what type of impact the socially responsible practices of a company can have on a customers behaviour. The used literature represents pervious findings in the field, mainly researches done among Czech customers. In the practical part personal interviews with the company representative will be held in order to examine practical implications of CSR practices for the biggest brewery; Anheusher-Busch InBev.

Stress and coping strategies of exposed profession
Bieliková, Liliana ; Pauknerová, Daniela (advisor) ; Franková, Emilie (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to point out the stress factors present in the profession of a firefighter, define the concept of stress and suggest the options of coping with stressful and challenging situations. The thesis consists of theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part is focused on clarifying the definition of the concept of stress, its types, manifestations and potential stressors. In addition, conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, burnout, coping with stressful situations and Eysenck personality typology factors are explained. The empirical part is focused on the analysis of coping strategies, used by firefighters on the selected workplace and their connection to temperament, age and years of service. Based on the analysis, recommendations for management in HaZZ Nitra are suggested.

Risk analysis of company strategic plan of KOVOFINIŠ s.r.o.
Mohoritová, Eva ; Špička, Jindřich (advisor) ; Heřman, Jan (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to find out risk factors, which influence the company, measure their impact on discounted cash flow of the company (DCF) and set measures to reduce these risk factors. First part of the thesis describes theoretical and methodological basis for the second practical part. Second part begins with company introduction and is followed by strategic and financial analysis to find out risk factors. After these analyses we can predict future development of the company and form financial plan for following three years. Next step is the calculation of discounted cash flow of predicted 3 years which will be used to count the impact of risk factors on the company. The last part of the thesis will contain a strategy how to reduce risk impacts.

Possibilities for developing sustainable transport in Prague
Macháč, Richard ; Černá Silovská, Hana (advisor) ; Kolaříková, Jana (referee)
This diploma thesis is concerned with the issue of sustainable transport. In the theoretical part, the emphasis is placed on setting the concept of sustainable transport into a broader context; it also describes various factors influencing the choice of the means of transport, which is crucial for transport planning. Furthermore, it describes a set of diverse tools used for transport regulation. At the end of the theoretical part, it mentions specific approaches implemented in selected cities all over the world. The practical part is based on a significant personal research, which helps to understand the issues of transport in a selected area of Prague. On the basis of this research, it subsequently suggests possible measures that might lead to a decrease in the intensity of automobile transport in the aforementioned area. Most of those measures can be similarly applied in other city areas as well.

Inbound marketing of Nestlé in the area of infant formula
Hnízdilová, Lucie ; Průša, Přemysl (advisor) ; Postler, Milan (referee)
This master's thesis deals with inbound marketing of Nestlé in the area of infant formula. Its aim is to determine whether inbound marketing is a suitable tool for infant formula promotion which is strongly regulated. The thesis is based on a comprehensive analysis of the area of infant formula and analysis of inbound marketing strategy of one of the most dominant companies on the market, Nestlé. In the beginning, attention is focused on important milestones of the development of infant formula and on a case which caused an important change in the promotion of infant formula, Nestlé boycott. The following section deals with the supervision and marketing regulation both in international and the European law. The final chapter of the first part emphasizes on philosophy of inbound marketing. The second part is introduced by outlining the current situation both on global and the Czech market of infant formula. Then, attention is focused on Nestlé. Its introduction is followed by analysis of company's inbound marketing strategy which is then evaluated. For this purpose, analysis of the effectiveness of marketing tools is made with regard to strategic goals of the company.