National Repository of Grey Literature 36,437 records found  beginprevious36428 - 36437  jump to record: Search took 2.01 seconds. 

Practical and Experimental Teaching in Context of Modern Chemistry Education
Mokrejšová, Olga ; Čtrnáctová, Hana (advisor) ; Vašutová, Jaroslava (referee) ; Pečivová, Markéta (referee)
and Conclusion Practical activities suitable for effective teaching of chemistry mentioned in thiswork are: - scientific method of work - ways of critical analysis of scientific documents - graphic organizers used in learningprocesses - critical thinking development actiúiies - problem solving activities - project work - demonstration experiments - student experiments - group work exercises ., - team work teaching and building All activities are based on theoretical studying and practical resurts obtained bylong teaching experience. The work is illuštrařeJ with examples of student work(see attachmerrts) and the book ..p.u"ti"ái-und Laboratory Teaching ofChemistrý', Triton Prague 2005. In the above are examples of motivation, demonstrations andstudent laboratory experiments, atong wlth examples of "x"r"is"s ior i"á"i'ingwork with documents. The work wiďscientiÍic i"it. i, not u".y ot.n p.Ll".ain our schools yer, and because of this, ,.u"t "., ".J ;;;h ;"*oi.r"# r""upractíce in this type of work, and encourágementio do tlris.

Financial analysis of Třinecké železárny, a.s.
Makešová, Lidia ; Schönfeld, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Smrčka, Luboš (referee)
The main goal of my thesis was to make a financial analyse on the annual reports of the company Třinecké železárny, a.s. during years 2003 -- 2007. By using indicators of profitability, activity, liquidity, indebtedness and stock market I evaluated financial health of the company. I also applied models of prediction of financial pressure. At the end of my thesis I compare Třinecké železárny, a.s. within the industry.

Financial analysis Fujitsu Siemens Computers, s. r. o.
Hanzlíková, Martina ; Doláková, Helena (advisor) ; Cimický, Jan (referee)
Financial analysis is the analysis of the financial health of company. This can be analised in many ways - rentability, liquidity, activity, etc. Also some bonite and bankrot models can be used. This work is about the financial analysis of Fujitsu Siemens Computers, s. r. o.

Copmplex conception of health and sustainable developement
Krýslová, Simona ; Rynda, Ivan (advisor) ; Haškovcová, Helena (referee)
My diploma thesis deals with the topic of health and sustainable development. I am working with two topical Euro-American concepts, the socio-ecological model of health as promoted by the WHO (holistic concept of health) and the strategy of sustainable development as I acquainted myself with it during my studies at the School of Humanities of the Charles University. First of all, I analyse both concepts by means of expert sources. I emphasize their characteristic features, compare them and carry out a synthesis. On grounds of that I demonstrate three established hypotheses: 1. the holistic concept of health and the strategy of sustainable development with regard to their historical development are not only complementary but also mutually conditional concepts; 2. the holistic concept of health and the strategy of sustainable development have many common features; 3. the holistic concept of health is a natural and indispensable part of sustainable development. I began to be interested in interconnecting those topics in my diploma thesis in the moment I found out what both these interdisciplinary and systematic concepts have in common. At the same time, the interconnection was the most precarious part of my work. I did not expect to have any particular difficulties with separating individual features from...

Analysis of the economic efficiency of the company TRW Volant Inc.
Chlebečková, Eva ; Doláková, Helena (advisor) ; Čapková, Tereza (referee)
Diploma thesis deals with evaluation of the economic situation of the company TRW Volant Inc. in the years 2003 -- 2007 and assessment of its financial health by analysing the chosen economic indicators. There are shortly described the individual phases of financial analysis as a basic instrument of the economic analysis in the theoretical part and there are also explained some basic terms. The practical part is focused on further identification of the company and the branch where it operates in, and also on aplication of theoretical analyses by means of mathematic calculation and graphic comparison. For the analysis purposes I used f.e. ratio indexes from the sphere of profitability, liquidity, structure of capital, activity and capital market, value index EVA, chosen bankruptcy and financial standing models, Du Pont's pyramidal decomposition etc. One of the component parts is also comparison of the analysed company with an average of the branch.

Financial statements and financial analysis
Skučková, Hana ; Cardová, Zdenka (advisor) ; Strouhal, Jiří (referee)
Financial analysis is very important in making decisions and also has some dificulties. The first part is about sources of information for financial analysis (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow, annual reports etc.). The second part describes elementary methods of financial analysis. Mainly methods of calculation, interpretation and usage of ratios for the purpose of firm's financial health evaluation (profitability, liquidity, financial stability etc.). The third part is about history of brewing indurstry, history and present of Pivovar Holba, a. s. There are calculated indicators and are compared with branch average and median.

The sibling incest
Jarošová, Lenka ; Junková, Vendula (referee) ; Weiss, Petr (advisor)
We wanted to describe the situation of sibling incest in the population of the Czech men and women in the age between 18-30 years old. The questionnaire of 21 items was created for this purpose. The questionnare was located to the Internet and we distributed it to 4 secondary schools as well. Overal! we acquired 1129 completed questionnares. 52 of the informants had an experience with the sibling incest. 46 of them were victims, 6 were perpetrators. We found aut, that the most common sexual acitivity was touching and masturbation, in 1/3 cases vagina! intercoursce was made. The most common perpetrators was the older brother, the most common victim was the younger sister. The average age difference between siblings was 4,27 year. The most of the victims report negative influence of this act (f.e. depression, anxiety, somatic problems, nightmares). These negative influences were temporary in most of the cases.

Landscape management - lessons from the landscape development
Petřík, Petr ; Fanta, J.
The landscape of the Czech Republic is unable to sufficiently compensate for extreme weather events such as droughts and floods within the current climate change. Damage is done to human health, property and key resources (water, soil and biodiversity), and costs are rising in agriculture and forestry. Sustainable soil management is in the public interest, and the fundamental question is how to encourage land users to farm the landscape while respecting its fine-grained mosaic and in accordance with the European Landscape Convention. For this purpose, we have set up the so-called Platform for Sustainable Landscape Management, in which research institutes even outside the Academy of Sciences are increasingly involved. The main objectives of the platform are the sharing of information, assistance in developing strategic advice and education on sustainable landscape.

Healthy lifestyle of young population
Ženíšková, Petra ; Polišenský, Miroslav (advisor) ; Lenka, Lenka (referee)
Name of the thesis is Healthy lifestyle of young population. Teoretic part explains elementary concepts, which related with this topic, highlights the main principles of healthy lifestyle and describes risky behavior at adolescents. Attention is given to programs and projects which support sports and healthy food for adolescents. Besides legislation and financing examined institution is define institutional analysis from the Bronislaw Malinowski in last chapter of teoretic part. Institucional analysis from the Bronislaw Malinowski is applied in practice in the empirical part of the thesis, concretely on Elementary school Město Touškov. From this analysis enables to determine whether the institution fulfils its public role regarding healthy lifestyle of its pupils and whether it has enough resources for this purpose. The values of the pupil´s BMI is used to determine whether the activities of the institution have an effect on the health condition of the pupils. Another step is describing the provision, which the school apllies for pupils of first class. After overal evaluation is recommendation for school and better healthy lifestyle of young population.

Migration of doctors and health workers in selected countries of Europe since 1990
Panczaková, Kateřina ; Kotýnková, Magdalena (advisor) ; Loužek, Marek (referee)
The main objective of this thesis is the comparison of the position of the healthcare personnel on the labor market and migration in selected countries - Czech Republic, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. In the theoretical introduction it describes concepts such as brain drain, remittances, emigration and others subjects associated with the migration of the workforce. It analyzes the differences in labor market of healthcare personnel in selected countries and the activities of doctors for change of working conditions. The practical part presents and analyzes data from publicly available statistical sources (OECD, Eurostat, IHIS CR etc.) regarding the number of healthcare personnel, the number of migrating doctors and nurses and their destination countries, salary and wage conditions of health professionals. Expenses on health and quality of the health care are compared between selected countries. Finally, recommendations for Czech Republic, that could help prevent excessive drain of medical personnel abroad, are given - an increase in wages and health expenditures, increasing the number of medical personnel and reduction of administrative burdens.