National Repository of Grey Literature 3,473 records found  beginprevious3464 - 3473  jump to record: Search took 0.39 seconds. 

The Relationship between Medieval Bohemians and Veleti Tribes in the Years 805 - 1035
Tomášek, Jan ; Žemlička, Josef (advisor) ; Doležalová, Eva (referee)
This thesis deals with the analysis of the relationship of early medieval Bohemians and Slavic tribes of Polabian Slavs. It concentrates on the interaction of Bohemians with Vetelti tribes in the years 805 - 1035, the Serbian and Obodrite tribes are metioned only briefly. Alliance and probably a military pact between Bohemians and Veleti was active particulary in the encounters with the Caroligian and later Oton empire. Therefore, the thesis focuses on the campaign of the Empire to Bohemia and Polabian area and on the basis of the reaction of both subject analyses possible causes of mutual alliance. During the analysed period, the structure of the pact between Bohemians and Veleti was changing, mainly due to the development of international conditiond in middle Europe. Therefore, this thesis describes basic elemements of the development of the situation in middle Europe in analysed period of time. It also wants to introduce latest results of research of the foreign policy of the early medieval Bohemia, on the basis of contemporary sources to determine possible establishment, development and end of the pact between Bohemians and Veleti and to describe in detail this scarcely analysed problem.

Anglo-French relations in the Wars of Religion in France in the second half of the 16th century
Dundrová, Milena ; Skřivan, Aleš (advisor)
The period oť the Wars of Religion in France and the following reign of llcnry IV havc always drawn attcntion of French and ťoreign historians. All main sources and period documents have been edited. Specialized revues started to bc published and ample syntheses about the Early Modem History of France have been written since the second half of the 19th century. Neverthclcss. French historians have always preferred to study the interna! dcvclopment of the statc and have 1arge1y omitted its relations with foreign countrics. ln thc internationa1 contcxt. the interrelationship with Spain has been accented. because of more apparent int1uence of the Spanish Empíre to the French policy than that oť England or any other power. Excepted several old works at the turn oť the 19th and the 20th century the Ang1o-French relations in the period have not almost been studied in Frcnch Historiography. Thc wars oť Rcligion in France covering the period ťrom 1562 to 1598 did not mean only an interna! struggle between Catholics and Huguenots, but onc oť the cont1icts betwcen Catholics and Protestants in religiously divided Europe during and aťtcr the Reformation. Together with the Revolt in the Netherlands, they reprcscnted a ťocus of international policy in the second half oť the 16th century. For France the key relation was...

The development of the French economy between 2007 and 2010
Svobodová, Lenka ; Karpová, Eva (advisor) ; Němcová, Ingeborg (referee)
The objective of this diploma thesis is to evaluate the economic situation in France by analysing the macroeconomic indicators between 2000 and 2010, while the main emphasis is put on the period of 2007-2010. The first chapter describes the fundamental geographic, demographic, political and economic facts about France. The main macroeconomic indicators of France during the period of the world financial and economic crisis (2007-2010) are analysed in the second chapter. The third chapter focuses on the impacts of the world financial and economic crisis on the French economy. This part deals mainly with problems concerning the public finance, the labour market and immigration.

Initial Public Offerings in the Czech Republic and in the World
Zahradníková, Kristýna ; Marek, Petr (advisor) ; Podškubka, Tomáš (referee)
Initial public offerings as a source of obtaining the additional capital usually used for financing new projects or further development of companies are popular especially in the United States and Great Britain. There is not such a tradition of initial pubic offerings in the Czech Republic where companies usually prefer to use credit resources prevailingly from the banks. The aim of this paper is to define initial public offerings not only on the general basis but also specifically on the stock markets in France and in Spain. This paper focuses on the Euronext Paris stock market in France and the Madrid stock market in Spain. Firstly, the basic advantages and disadvantages of IPOs are defined in conjunction with the principal IPO anomalies. Secondly, this paper gives a general outline of the IPO process in the Czech Republic. Consequently, this paper presents an overview of the IPO activity in France, Spain and in Europe on the whole in the past few years. Furthermore, it defines particular conditions of admission to the French and Spanish stock markets specified above. Concerning the affinity of the number and total offering value of the French and Spanish IPOs and the business cycle, this paper endeavours to prove certain relation using the correlation analysis. The IPO process in France and in Spain is demonstrated on the specific examples of one French and one Spanish IPO.

To the question of the French arms export to China, 1919-1929
Pšenka, Lubomír ; Kovář, Martin (referee) ; Skřivan, Aleš (advisor)
V první polovině 20. století procházela Čína velmi nesnadným obdobím. Revoluce roku 1911 neodstranila vleklou vnitřní krizi a spíše než aby zemi sjednotila, umocnila její prohlubující se dezintegraci. Jednotlivé čínské provincie se stávaly doménami vojenských vládců - militaristů, jejichž kliky mezi sebou soupeřily o moc a to prostředky politickými, ale především vojenskými. Tento rozvrat zasáhl také zájmy velmocí, které v průběhu 19. století získaly od císařské vlády řadu privilegií podpisem tzv. nerovnoprávných smluv. V průběhu první světové války byly západní velmoci nuceny věnovat téměř veškerou svou pozornost a prostředky evropskému bojišti, což dočasně oslabilo jejich pozice v Číně. Zmírnění tlaku západních velmocí tlaku přineslo Japonsku nebývalou příležitost k velmi výraznému posílení jeho vlivu v Číně. Západní velmoci tak byly konfrontovány s dvojí nepříjemnou realitou neklidné čínské vnitropolitické situace a mocné japonské expanze, přičemž tyto dva problémy byly do značné míry vzájemně propojené. Především rozháranost vnitřních poměrů v Číně umožňovala Japoncům prosazovat jejich požadavky a tyto japonské zásahy pak zpětně působily rozkladně na vnitřní čínskou situaci. Oba tyto problémy se západní velmoci, především Velká Británie a Spojené státy americké, pokusily řešit tak, že se pokusily Čínu...

Codification of law in France under the First Empire
Vavříček, Martin ; Seltenreich, Radim (advisor) ; Císař, Jaromír (referee)
Codification of law in France under the First Empire The purpose of my thesis is to analyze genesis of preparation of six codes in France, to explain all influences and to show importance of this codification for the rest of the world. The scope of my thesis research is wider than just a description of codification works between years 1804-1815. The first part of this work explores the basis for codification. Sources of law, roman law, natural law, age of enlightenment, Declaration of the Rights and of the Citizens and legislative procedure under the First empire. The second part is composed of five chapters. Chapter one describes French Civil code promulgated in 1804. This chapter is composed of following subchapters: genesis of codification between years 1789-1804, the major figures of codification, systematics, related laws, selected paragraphs of Civil code and language quality. Chapter two is about Code of civil procedure (Code de procedure civile, 1806). It is composed of three subchapters: genesis, systematic and characteristics of this code. Chapter three describes Commercial Code (Code de commerce, 1807). This chapter includes genesis of commercial law from 16th century. The rest subchapters analyze genesis, systematic and characteristics of this codification. Chapter four is composed of...

History of Church and Parish of st. Peter and Paul in Bohnice 1738-1918
Kofroň, Vít ; Foltýn, Dušan (advisor) ; Charvátová, Kateřina (referee)
Kostel sv. Petra a Pavla nebyl po Třicetileté válce v žádném vzduchoprádnu, nýbrž byl živým centrem duchovního života osady. Jak předložená práce ukazuje, měl vždycky dva až tři kostelníky, kteří o něj pečovali, a duchovní správce, kteří se starali o jeho inventář. Podařilo se z větší části rekonstruovat, kdo vykonával duchovní správu od 70. let 17. století až do roku 1738, kdy farnost znovu dostala vlastního faráře. Překvapením je zejména působení misionářů z řad světských kněží ve 20. a 30. letech 18. století. Úloha patrona resp. vrchnosti při péči o udržení pozemkového zádušního jmění se ukázala jako nezastupitelná, byť svazovala do jisté míry ruce farářům, jimž záduší sloužilo. Patronova péče však nešla o mnoho dále a mnohé záviselo na invenci a osobních kvalitách duchovní správce. Práce dále ukazuje, jak se místní lidé podíleli na fungování kostela, ať už dary různých předmětů či peněžními fundacemi. Důkladný rozbor inventářů vedl rovněž k upřesnění resp. určení stáří a původu jednotlivých součástí vybavení a výzdoby kostela. V tomto směru uváděla starší literatura říkala málo, nebo mlčela. Ukázalo se, že vývoj kostelního interiéru měl své etapy, z nichž do současnosti přetrvalo pouze to nejhodnotnější. Podařilo se také rekonstruovat podobu kostela a fary v 18. století, o níž starší literatura uvádí...

French horn in Bohemia after 1945
Petrusová, Vilma ; DIVOKÝ, Zdeněk (advisor) ; BABORÁK, Radek (referee)
The bachelors work named ?French horn in Bohemia after 1945" is based on the most important information concerning French horn in the period od 1945 - 2012. The work is divided into four chapters. First chapter refers about the personality of Zdeněk Tylšar, the genius who brought highly visible merit into the world of French-horn-players. Second chapter is focused to AMU Prague and JAMU Brno, significant educators and important students - graduates. The third chapter describes Czech Philharmonic Orchestra and the history of members of its horn section since 1945. The fourth chapter summarises the overview of horn international courses in the Czech Republic - "Hornclass". Attached information - the student memories of schoolteachers František Šolc and Zdeněk Tylšar, personal dialogue with Radek Baborák and Bedřich Tylšar.

Marketing Strategy of the company Plzeňský Prazdroj a.s. on the French Market
Křečková, Alena ; Machková, Hana (advisor) ; Štěrbová, Ludmila (referee)
The diploma thesis analyzes the marketing strategy of the company Plzeňský Prazdroj a.s. The first part of the study deals with an analysis of privatization in the nineties, a characteristics of the current owner, SABMiller plc, and description of each brand of the product portfolio. The second chapter focuses on the analysis of international marketing strategy of the company. The subject of the third chapter is an analysis of the French market. The final chapter describes the marketing strategy of the company Bieres d Europe, which is, like Plzeňský Prazdroj a.s., a subsidiary of SABMiller plc.

Memoirs of Glikl of Hameln
Polišenská, Jana ; Nosek, Bedřich (referee) ; Šedinová, Jiřina (advisor)
This diploma thesis "Memoirs of Glikl of Hameln" is dedicated to life and work of Glikl bas Judah Leib, an Ashkenazi Jewish woman living in the years 1645(?) - 1724. The first part includes biography of Glikl and characteristics of the preserved text of her Memoirs. Glikl was born in Hamburg and there she spent a great deal of her life. Approximately in the age of 13 she was married to Hayim, with whom she lived through a long and happy marriage. She bore 14 children, out of which 12 reached the adult age. Glikl was also a very talented busenesswoman, she dealt with precious stones and other goods and she had a wide web of businness contacts. Her family belonged to the Ashkenazi elite of Hamburg. After her husband's death in the year 1689 she took over the family businness and since the year 1691 she has been writing her Memoirs ( .( In the year 1700 she married for the second time, left Hamburg and went to live with her husband Hirsh Levy to Metz (at that time French). Two years later Hirsh Levy went bankrupt and the couple was left penniless. In the year 1710 Glikl became a widow for the second time. She died in Metz aged approximately 78. The Memoirs of Glikl were written in several periods of time in the years 1691-1719 and they were destined only for family members, not for public. The original...