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Alternatives to unconditional prison sentences and alternatives to criminal proceedings
Najdekr, Vladimír ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Osmančík, Otakar (referee)
Resumé/Summary: This thesis deals with alternatives to unconditional prison sentences and procedural law alternatives in the field of criminal law. The introduction outlines the historical development of alternative sanctions and the reasons for their creation and implementation. The following chapters address alternative sentences as accounted for in the valid and effective Czech legislation. The community service sentence, as the most typical alternative punishment, is discussed in detail. Attention is also focused on suspended sentences, including suspended sentences with supervision, i.e. punishments which are definitely the ones that are imposed the most frequently in the Czech Republic. The sentence of pecuniary penalty, which is also often imposed as an alternative sanction, is dealt with thoroughly too. Other punishments, including forfeiture of an item, prohibition of a specific activity, prohibition of residence and deportation, whose alternative function is rather secondary, are paid less attention. The following part of the paper provides a comparison of alternative sentences according to Slovak legal regulations with alternative penalties envisaged by Czech legislation. In view of the recent amendment to substantive criminal law in the Czech Republic (Act No. 40/2009 Coll.), this chapter also...

The meaning of renaming
Kramolišová, Hana ; Roubalová, Marie (referee) ; Beneš, Jiří (advisor)
It is very interesting to observe how much is man influenced by his name, and how it is change affects him. In the ancient world the name was regarded differently from nowadays. Its dimension was more mystical and it was an inseparable part of one man's personality. In biblical times, people stressed the role of name much more, which can be illustrated on an example of leviratical rule. One of its purpose was to preserve the name and at the same time memory of deceased man in Israel. This example is a positive testimony of the power of name. But we must still keep in mind that acquaintance of concrete name gave another person a possibility to grab, handle or abuse another man through such a knowledge. This might be why the God does not let us know His name and therefore stays hidden and ungraspable to us. Very important act connected to name is renaming. This phenomenon which is present throughout the whole Bible and stresses undeniable power of name. This work is mainly focused on this biblical phenomenon and it tries to cover the whole field of renaming with complexity and coherence.

Acquisition of real property by non-residents in the Czech Republic
Blažek, Jakub ; Dobiáš, Petr (referee) ; Brodec, Jan (advisor)
Name of the thesis in English: The real property acquisitions by the non- residents in the Czech Republic. This thesis tries to resume the development of the legal regulation of real property acquisitions by non-residents in Czech Republic because this topic became very important by the 1st of May 2009, when the first transition period of exemption from the free movement of capital within EU has ended in Czech Republic. At the beginning of the thesis I am trying to set up the topic from the view of the theory of International Private Law. In this part the thesis explains aspects of imperative law regulations which have to be applied every time, no matter which law rules the contract. Then the thesis explains the difference between obligation statute of the contract and effects of the contract on property rights, especially on the ownership transfer with respect to the regulations included in the Act on international private law. In next chapter the thesis summarizes the development of the legal regulation of real property acquisitions by non-residents before the Czech Republic enters in EU. This part simply describes and explains single Acts and other regulations which were in force in the past. In the following chapter the thesis summarizes the present legal regulation included in the Act 219/1995 Coll.,...

Export promotion activities of CzechTrade with a view to India
Lesáková, Petra ; Plchová, Božena (advisor) ; Nigrinová, Lenka (referee)
This bachelor thesis characterises activities of CzechTrade that help Czech exporters to break into foreign markets and concretely to India. The first chapter is concerned with the theory of export promotion policy, it describes mostly its instruments and institutions. The second chapter is dedicated to CzechTrade and services that are provided. The third chapter describes the territory of India, the development of bilateral relations and trade with the Czech Republic and perspectives, that Indian market brings to Czech exporters. The last part of the work is concerned with CzechTrade's international offices and concretely with the Indian office in Bombay. It mentions the most requested services for this territory and some examples of companies that succeeded in India.

Valency frames of Czech nouns: corpus-driven study
Čermáková, Anna ; Petkevič, Vladimír (advisor) ; Panevová, Jarmila (referee) ; Kopřivová, Marie (referee)
This thesis aims at providing a lexicological framework for systematic description of valency of Czech nouns. Valency is seen here as a lexicological property of words. Valency is an abstract relation with concrete textual realizations and the term "valency" is used here for both: the abstract notion and the concrete valency exponents and realisations. The analysis is corpus-driven and as such it is based on a rather loose notion of valency, devoid of any pre-conceived ideas, concentrating on typical structural patterns of occurrence on the right side of the noun under investigation. For the analysis the corpus SYN2000, a part of the Czech National Corpus has been used. The analysis is based on random selections of concordance lines of randomly chosen 99 nouns from the middle frequency range. In some cases, where the data proved insufficient, we have carried out additional specialized corpus queries. For high frequency nouns we assume highly differentiated valency profiles; to confirm this hypothesis we have carried out additional brief analysis of several high frequency nouns. The most frequent valency of Czech nouns is genitive complementation, which we find as occurring with more than 90% of the analysed nouns. For some of the nouns, the genitive valency is a very dominant valency pattern (in some cases...

Simulation methods and risk management
Šemnická, Eliška ; Kuncová, Martina (advisor) ; Borovička, Adam (referee)
Project management is a field in which risk management can be applied. There must be a business case for any project to recognize its benefits for the company. A business case generally uses point estimation of input parameters and evaluates financial criteria for individual variants such as the net present value, pay-back period or internal rate of return. A simulation enables to design a model for the business case analysis while making use of the probability distribution. The model then turns from a deterministic into a stochastic one. The Monte Carlo simulation method, calculating a large number of variants, is employed in projects. The simulation can identify major risk factors, assess their probability and the significance of the impact on the evaluated financial criterion. The analysis outputs suggested by the simulation are the fundamentals of proper risk management. The Crystal Ball simulation software was employed for the calculation in this thesis.

Treatment of flue gas polluted by NOx
Hanák, Libor ; Jecha, David (referee) ; Dvořák, Radek (advisor)
There is an overview of secondary methods for NOX removal from stationary sources in the first part of master’s thesis. There are well known methods as SCR o SNCR, but also new and experimental ones. An accent is putting on catalytic filtration, especially on cloth filter, which will be used for experiments. An important part of master’s thesis is a project of new experimental unit for experiments with cloth and ceramic catalytic filters as well as with a bit of cloth filtration material. Unit has compact proportions, high-class measurement and control and wide application spectra. Other advantages of this equipment are fast and easy cleaning and installation. This unit, called INTEQ II, can be used in plants or in laboratories. There is prediction model created together with new technology. It enables calculation of efficiency at catalytic filters with variable conditions without many experiments. This model is elaborate and will be finished with dates from measuring. There in only summary of planned experiments in this thesis, because measurements at new unit have not done yet. Experiences with operations at unit INTEQ I were used for proposal of new equipment and for experiments planning.

Pro-export financing with guarantee of Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation
Svobodová, Eva ; Sato, Alexej (advisor) ; Vanko, Libor (referee)
This work deals with pro-export policy and services of state in the field of pro-export financing and its insurance, which are provided for Czech exporters. There are listed the two most important state institutions engaged in this activity within pro-export financing - Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation and Czech Export Bank. Specific case of pro-export financing is described in the thesis which considers construction of a factory in the Russian Federation, on which Czech construction company PSJ acted as a general contractor.

Socrate's "Érótiké techné" in Faidros
Grimmich, Šimon ; Špinka, Štěpán (advisor) ; Jinek, Jakub (referee)
Práce představuje, co v kontextu dialogu Faidros znamená erotické umění (erótiké techné), o kterém se Sókratés zmiňuje v palinódii (257a6-9) a které je pro něj něčím nesmírně podstatným. V první a druhé kapitole nejprve zkoumá, jak Sókratés chápe lásku (erós) a umění (techné) řeči, přičemž si všímá jejich hluboké ambivalence, kterou by měla zvládat filosofie jakožto erotické umění. Třetí kapitola se zaměřuje na vztah duše a pohybu a předkládá pojetí přirozenosti duše, sebepoznání, nesmrtelnosti a blíže zkoumá vztah duše a těla. Čtvrtá kapitola konečně po shrnutí rozumění erotickému umění, jak ho nabízejí současní badatelé, nabízí své vlastní rozumění. Erotické umění se ukázalo být filosofií samotnou, která je láskou k moudrosti a která prostřednictvím dialogu a vztahu k druhému usiluje o probouzení lásky a plození krásných řečí. Filosofie je konečně uměním, které dokáže zvládnout ambivalenci lásky úsilím o sebepoznání.

Quality control of nursing care in the strategic plan of the Faculty Hospital in Motol
Sládková, Jana ; Vrzáček, Petr (advisor) ; Buda, Otakar (referee)
In 2009, the faculty hospital Motol acquired a certificate of accreditation SAK ČR. In fact it means that our hospital accomplished requirements of accreditation enquiry, accepted all standards of SAK ČR and this way it became one of several medical facilities in the Czech Republic, which are allowed to use this certificate of quality. By this accreditation, these facilities bound themselves to improve continually all-round care of their patients, medical background and to minimalize all hazards for patients and working staff. This graduation thesis is the guide through the whole accreditation process in the biggest medical facility in the Czech Republic. It goes through all phases of this complicated process from the preparation of the hospital through the before accreditation counsel, the correction of imperfections and shortfalls and the final comparison of the results before and after the accreditation. This work aims to become a small manual for other medical facilities trying to get the accreditation because it brings the whole process of the accreditation from the view of its author. It deals with the particular problems on workplace, not just from the point of view of an observer but from the position of a person incorporated in the process thanks to my position of the head-nurse, which...