National Repository of Grey Literature 31,657 records found  beginprevious31648 - 31657  jump to record: Search took 0.87 seconds. 

An Analysis of the Company PHOENIX lékárenský velkoobchod, a.s. Using Time Series
Elbl, Luděk ; Marková, Světlana (referee) ; Doubravský, Karel (advisor)
The presented Bachelor Thesis aims to outline the possibilities for reaching competitiveness of a company and the assessment of its reflexion on results for his economy, especially in connection with the beginning economic crisis. In the theoretical part of the thesis, first of all the basic terms concerning competitiveness are explained and further chosen economic indexes suitable to the assessment of economic results of a company are introduced here. In the practical part of the thesis, the economic evaluation of a presentive company is carried out with the aim to find out, by means of financial indexes, if it reaches stable economic results and if the beginning economic crisis has become evident in these results.

The communication and communities on the internet
Macura, Lukáš ; Lupač, Petr (referee) ; Duffková, Jana (advisor)
The thesis deals with Internet communication and communities on the Internet. At the beginning summarizes existing knowledge in the field of communication, the theory and division. This is followed by the performance of certain Internet communications. Then describes the aspects of Internet communication, which brings you Cyberspace. After discussing the issue of communication focuses on issues of communities. More details will then deal with site Following the presentation of basic functions of this site presents accomplishments and negatives of this phenomenon of the last days.

Signal transduction in olfactory sensory neurons of vertebrates and tools for the computer simulation
Beneš, Martin ; Zápotocký, Martin (advisor) ; Hejnová, Lucie (referee)
The purpose of this thesis is summing up the information about olfactory transduction of vertebrates. This review is divided into four parts, each part focuses on a different aspect of olfactory transduction. First there is an overview of basic electrophysiological methods used for transduction research, followed by a description of a complete transduction on a molecular level. Next is a summary of model types and their use in olfactory transduction simulation, including a detailed description of two models: One of them describes the beginning of olfactory transduction, from the odorant binding on the receptor to the cAMP production, the other deals with the negative feedback of Ca2+. Finally there is an overview of software products designed to create and analyze the models from the preceding section.

Economic and political aspects of integration of Turkey into the EU.
Lorková, Aneta ; Hnát, Pavel (advisor) ; Tunkrová, Věra (referee)
This thesis in three chapters, objectively and impartially summarizes the key economic and political integration of Turkey into the EU and refers to any present or future pros and contras associated with joining the EU. First chapter focuses particularly on the economic situation of the country, current and future important energetic position of Turkey and Turkish demographic projections. Second chapter analyzes the army's role in the country and its potential ability to protect the EU external borders. The chapter also seeks to offer a comprehensive look at the circumstances and causes of the Cyprus question, turkish good-neighborly relations and the persistent instability in the underdeveloped regions of the country, coupled with Kurdish separatism in the southeast and the so-called "Armenian genocide". For better understanding of the benefits and risks of selected political and economic aspects are tables in the beginning of chapters. Final chapter outlines the current situation of Turkey's accession process, briefly acquainted with the Copenhagen criteria, analyzing the Commission's progress report on Turkey in 2009 and finally outlines the probable developments of the possible variations of the Union and Turkey relation and describes the potential impacts on the EU and Turkey in case of refusal of membership.

The General Election in Argentina 2015: Analysis of Progress and Impacts
Toula, Patrik ; Němec, Jan (advisor) ; Beranová, Marie (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the general (presidential and parliamentary) election in Argentina in 2015. Its aim is to analyse the progress and the impacts of the election. In the first chapter the thesis deals with the issue of presidential government in theory. It describes the various issues and questions which may arise from the presidential system of government. In the second chapter the thesis describes the Argentine political system from its historical beginnings, through constitutional and electoral system up to the main political parties. The third chapter deals with the election of 2015 itself. First summarizes the pre-election situation, then describes the progress and results of individual rounds of presidential election. Then interprets the results of the parliamentary election and finally analyse the general impacts. In the thesis is used the method of analysis based on the official results of election.

Financial aspects of company's estabilishment
Vrátil, Tomáš ; Tyll, Ladislav (advisor) ; Doláková, Helena (referee)
This bachelor thesis defines in the first chapter of the theoretical part some important terms connected to this topic. The second chapter of the theoretical part considers taxation of wages and earning of entrepreneur. In the third chapter are mentioned legislative forms of entrepreneurial activity especially their dependence on the amount of share capital and personal liability. Influence of accounting legislation and some accounting principles are object of chapter forth. The last three chapters of the theoretical part are attended to the following documents: business plan, business budget and financial plan. At the beginning of the operative part, the fictive company called APC účetnictví, audit s.r.o. is introduced by means of business plan. Business budget and financial plan are presented in the second chapter. These documents respect requirements for distinction of VAT and non VAT-payer and also various options of capital financing. In the last chapter of the operative part I evaluate expedience of business activity with respect to various options of capital financing and enterprise as VAT or non VAT-payer.

Analysis of Language and Structure of the Three Czech Translations of the Poem Jabberwocky from the Book Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There by L. Carroll
Nývltová, Martina ; Bozděchová, Ivana (advisor) ; Macurová, Alena (referee)
The thesis is about the poem Jabberwocky from the book Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There by L. Carroll and its three Czech translations - Žvahlav by J. Císař, Tlachapoud by A. and H. Skoumal and Hromoplkie by V. Pinkava. The theoretical principles of translating are summarized at the beginning of the thesis. The emphasis is on the aesthetic function of translation. The main part of the thesis is a detailed analysis of language of the original poem and its translations, from the linguistic levels. The discoveries are summarized in the conclusion. The conclusion also gives the evaluation how exact the translations are.

Marketing Strategy of a Private Eye Surgery
Roman, Aleš ; Maštera, František (referee) ; Chalupský, Vladimír (advisor)
The aim of this Master’s thesis is to create marketing plan for private eye office. The thesis is divided into two main parts, theretical and practical. The first part summarizes theoretical knowledge about marketing of services and specifics in healt care marketing. It was created marketing mix 4P and 4C of health care. Practical part begins of introducing of private eye office. Next step is to analyze environment of eye office using following methods: McKinsey 7S, Porter's five forces and SLEPT analysis. Conclusions of these analyses are summarized in SWOT analysis. Afterwards each question of questionnaire survey – focused on client´s comfort and ways how to improve it, is analyzed. Results and ideas come from survey how to improve our clients comfort during the examination are summarized in the proposed solutions and discussion.

Health care expenditures- future prospects and current situation
Škrobák, Martin ; Izák, Vratislav (advisor) ; Klazar, Stanislav (referee)
Diploma thesis "Health care expenditures- future prospects and current situation" is focused on three areas linked to health care expenditures in EU and USA. First area, health expenditures financing, is analyzed in first chapter of the thesis. In the chapter, the development of modern health systems from its beginnings to 2014 is described. Second chapter is based on statistical hypothesis testing- paired two-sample t-tests. Firstly, share of health expenditures on GDP in 2000 and 2014 is tested. Secondly, share of public financing on health expenditures in 2000 and 2014 in tested. Third chapter explores influence of demography factors on health care expenditures and tests structure of health care expenditures in 2004 and 2013.

Study of Electrophysiological Function of the Heart in Experimental Cardiology
Ronzhina, Marina ; Tyšler, Milan (referee) ; Halámek, Josef (referee) ; Kolářová, Jana (advisor)
Srdeční poruchy, jejichž příkladem je ischemie myokardu, infarkt, hypertrofie levé komory a myokarditida, jsou v experimentální kardiologii obvykle studovány na modelu izolovaného srdce. Kritéria pro detekci srdečních poruch však nejsou pro zvířecí modely standardizována, což komplikuje srovnání a interpretaci výsledků různých experimentálních studií. Obzvlášť složitá situace nastává při současném výskytu několika patologických jevů, jejichž vzájemná součinnost komplikuje rozpoznání jejich individuálních účinků. Korektní posouzení stavu srdce vyžaduje také zohlednění mnoha faktorů spojených s akvizicí dat. Tato práce je věnována kvantitativnímu hodnocení elektrofyziologických změn způsobených globální ischemií myokardu. Vliv ischemie byl hodnocen pro fyziologická srdce a srdce se zvětšenou levou komorou a dále pro srdce nabarvená napěťově-citlivým barvivem di-4-ANEPPS. Přestože jsou oba fenomény často zastoupeny v animálních studiích, nebyl dosud popsán jejich vliv na manifestaci ischemie v elektrogramech (EG), ani nebyl kvantifikován jejich vliv na přesnost detekčních algoritmů pro identifikaci ischemie. Práce shrnuje kvantitativní změny srdeční funkce vyvolané ischemií (v normálních podmínkách, při hypertrofii levé komory, a při administraci barviva) založené na hodnocení EG a VKG parametrů. Dále práce obsahuje rozbor důležitých aspektů akvizice záznamů, jako je umístění snímacích elektrod, způsob výpočtu deskriptorů z EG a VKG (s použitím výsledků manuálního rozměření záznamů, nebo bez něj) a identifikace okamžiku vývoje ischemie v preparátu. Nedílnou součást práce tvoří návrh, realizace a ověření metod pro automatickou detekci ischemie v experimentálních záznamech. Výsledky práce dokazují, že dosažení opakovatelných a věrohodných výsledků je podmíněno zohledněním všech výše uvedených faktorů souvisejících jak se stavem srdce, tak s metodikou záznamu a analýzy dat.