National Repository of Grey Literature 30,381 records found  beginprevious30372 - 30381  jump to record: Search took 1.37 seconds. 

The current status of fulfillment of the Copenhagen criteria by TurkeyT
Pavelková, Mária ; Stuchlíková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Karpová, Eva (referee)
The paper gives a picture of Turkey`s readiness for the membership in the EU. The Copenhagen criteria serve as a base for illustration of the status quo of Turkey`s preparation process. As Turkey`s negotiation process has already last for several decades, the first part of the thesis briefly describes the development of relations between EU and Turkey. The second part concentrates on the Copenhagen criteria and explains its origins as well as its content. Finally, the last part of thesis examinates to what extent Turkey fulfills the given areas of political and economic Copenhagen criteria. The focus was given on the most problematic areas as the main aim was to explain the origins of these problems and consequent obstacles Turkey has to tackle.

Pragmatic motivation of cliché from the point of view of an interpreter
Barciuc, Ina ; Rejšková, Jana (referee) ; Abdallaova, Naděžda (advisor)
This thesis offers a comparison of the research of clichés in three languages: English, Czech and Russian. Clichés are just one possible manifestation of how speech can be automatized and syntactic structures that can be reproduced and identified are created. This complex phenomenon must be studied through the prism of lexicology, stylistics and pragmatics. Understanding and interpretation of this phenomenon differs depending on linguistic schools and single authors, some linguists hold a negative opinion of clichés, some believe that in certain types of discourse clichés are necessary. There is no unified definition of a cliché either. This thesis is focused on clichés in political discourse where the pragmatic dimension of clichés and their functions in relation to users, both politicians and their listeners, is studied. Clichés are a prominent stylistic element which may have a significant impact on the work of an interpreter. This is why the empirical part is aimed at clichés from the interpreter's perspective. An experiment involving 14 professional intepreters is set up in order to study their attitude towards clichés.

The Family in the Czech Republic and its Regions
Rousová, Ilona ; Kouřilová, Jana (advisor) ; Kadeřábková, Jaroslava (referee)
This master thesis is focused on the present state of the family issues in the Czech Republic. Except the explanation of the basic terminology, it also indicates some of the areas with the family in the first place and its legal regulations and sociology investigation. It observes the actual trends in the behaviour of couples in the connection with the common life and starting family. The acquired demographic and sociological findings, valid generally for the Czech Republic, are analysed and compared with the statistical dates of the lower territory self-governing units. It also checks the rate of the regional differences above these regions (mainly at the level of districts), especially in the area of the marriage behaviour, parenthood and amount of the separating marriages. It confronts these data with the age structure of the founding family members. At the end of the graduation thesis is established whether the results of the sociological investigation and studies are consistent with the realized conclusions from the statistic data and if there exist the significant regional dissimilarities in the Czech Republic in statistic indicators which characterize the "family" behaviour of population.

An Analysis of a Test of School Preparedness in the Context of the Development of Children at the End of Pre-school Age
Myšková, Lucie ; Trpišovská, Dobromila (referee) ; Kucharská, Anna (advisor)
The thesis concerns various screening procedures applied on pre-school children with regard to their readiness to the school-entry. The chapters with theoretical basis mainly examine children's abilities and skills, like reading and writing, which are thought an essential for the sake of further education. A particular attention is paid to present diagnostic and screening methods, which are aimed at mapping readiness of children for the school-entry. A method that can be in particular useful in pre-school children screening procedures is a newly created Test of school readiness. The test can be used for stopping insufficiently prepared children from entering the school. Moreover, the test is also aiding in finding a suitable way to prepare children for school; and appropriate interventions can be made upon the test results. The actual task was to consider recently prepared method with regard to its applicability and usefulness. It has been compared in the form of sub-tests to previously mentioned Test of school readiness, Orientation test of school maturity (Jirásek, 1970), Compare scheme of school ability (Kondáš, 1984). It has been confirmed that the test could be appropriately used as a screening method. However, it is necessary to adjust both subtests and several tasks within the test and further...

Islam in the Balkans in the post-communist period. Transformations and new forms of Islam in Southeast Europe, 1990-2005
Macháček, Štěpán ; Kropáček, Luboš (advisor) ; Gombár, Eduard (referee) ; Hladký, Ladislav (referee)
Na rozdíl od mediální říše byl na akademické a odborné úrovni již široce akceptován "neislámský" přístup ke studiu problémů současných muslimských zemí a společností. Klasické orientalistické tendence dívat se na všechny společenské či politické procesy, probíhající v oblastech historicky ovlivněných islámskou kulturou, skrze islám jakožto hlavní politický a společenský faktor nejsou již dnes považovány za metodologicky relevantní pro vysvětlení dnešních otázek s tímto regionem spojených. Namísto islámu jako pozadí a východiska ke studiu například blízkovýchodních zemí a společností jsou pro výzkum těchto oblastí často používány metody antropologie, sociologie, politologie a ekonomie a dalších společenských věd, pomocí nichž je možné dojít ke skutečnému jádru problémů současných muslimských zemí. Role zdánlivě všemocného islámu, islamismu nebo islámského fundamentalismu poněkud bledne ve světle moderních fundovaných studií, metodologicky zakotvených v uvedených společenských vědách. Tak například období občanské války v Alžírsku v devadesátých letech 20. století, během níž zahynulo noži ozbrojených skupin a gangů nebo kulkami ze zbraní alžírské armády téměř čtvrt milionu lidí, už dnes není některými odborníky nahlíženo jako důsledek vzepětí islamismu v zemi a jeho úspěchu mezi Alžířany, kteří chtěli...

Literacy of IS/IT in Czech republic
Gezo, Pavel ; Doucek, Petr (advisor) ; Klas, Jan (referee)
This thesis deals with the level of information literacy IS/IT in Czech republic based on comparison with surrounding states of European territory. Countries were chosen by number of inhabitants and their membership or long term cooperation with European Union. 16 countries meet given conditions - Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Austria, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden and Norway. Countries were divided into 2 categories according the date of admission to European Union. First group were formed by so called "old" countries with Norway and in the second group were countries accepted to European Union in 2004 and 2007. The goal of this work is compare the level of information literacy IS/IT of Czech Republic with 16 chosen countries in 5 areas acting in information society -- i2010 benchmarking indicators and e2005 Policy indicators, computers and the Internet in households and enterprises, e-commerce by individuals and enterprises, structural indicators of information society and research and development. Final thesis analyses/subscribe years 2005 -- 2007 and presumable future development not only in the area of information literacy, but also information society.

Comparison of Selected chapters of Economic Policy during the Labour Goverment (1974-1979) and Thatcherism
Pavlíčková, Ivana ; Kovář, Martin (advisor) ; Brhelová, Jana (referee)
This bachelor thesis compares the approach of economic policy of Labour government in the years 1974 to 1979 and Thatcherism. At first the thesis introduces the economical and political context of post-war consensus and periods under government of Margaret Thatcher. Then it analyses working of Welfare State in areas of health care and education. Margaret Thatcher had partial success in application of principals of market economy here. The thesis continues by descripton of nationalization and analysis of issues of privatisation process. The aim of thesis is complex analysis of Thatcherism in contrast with interventionist economy policy of previous Labour government.

Nodální regiony v Evropě vymezené na základě letecké dopravy
This master´s thesis deals with the delineating of nodal regions via civil aviation data in the territory of central European states. This kind of transport has become a very popular type of spatial mobility after its deregulation and liberalization particularly thanks to its speed, cheaper fares and relative safety. Thanks to this spatial mobility of inhabitants, it is possible to delineate borders of regions according to real movements. Supposing usage of aviation data to delineate nodal regions, the airports represent their nodes. The purpose of this master´s thesis was delineating nodal regions via civil transport data in an interesting territory of Central Europe. Its western and eastern part has undergone different historical and political development which has had consequences on the aviation development level. Research input data included number of flights between central European airports for the period of 1 day. The master´s thesis is structured into 5 chapters. The first parts are: introduction and goals, theoretical part and methodology. The analytical part evaluates the whole nodal-region-delineating process and also nodal regions final hierarchical structure. Each partial part of research was depicted into a map and was also expressed by population and area. There are answers on the input hypothesis in the final part of this paper.

ASP (Application Service Providing) - Spekytování aplikací formou ASPcifika pos
Váňa, Ondřej ; Žídek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Bruckner, Tomáš (referee)
Application Service Providing (ASP) neboli poskytování aplikačních služeb je jedním z nových způsobů distribuce softwaru. Tato práce si klade za cíl seznámit čtenáře se specifiky využití tohoto modelu. Analyzuje ASP z různých úhlů pohledu, snaží se nalézt silné a slabé stránky v jednotlivých oblastech, tj. ekonomické, technologické a obchodně organizační. První část se zabývá strukturou a výší nákladů zákazníka. Další část se zaměřuje na dostupnost a bezpečnost služby, jakož i na vlastnosti samotné aplikace. Poslední kapitola je věnována vztahu poskytovatele a zákazníka včetně jeho řízení pomocí smlouvy o úrovni služby (SLA).

Euroregion Glacensis ? přeshraniční spolupráce na pomezí Čech, Moravy a Kladska
Taláb, Josef ; Nezdařilová, Eva (advisor) ; Kytlík, Tomáš (referee)
Tématem diplomové práce je ukázka česko-polské přeshraniční spolupráce na příkladu Euroregionu Glacensis. Ten již celou jednu dekádu úspěšné působí v mnoha oblastech přispívajících k rozvoji svého území. Jeho členové jsou úspěšnými uživateli nemalého množství grantových schémat vypisovaných institucemi na krajské, státní i evropské úrovni. Jako ukázka dotačního titulu je uvedena Iniciativa Společenství INTERREG III A a její opatření 2.2 ? Podpora iniciativ místních komunit (Fond mikroprojektů), kterou hojně aplikují členské obce Euroregionu Glacensis ve svých projektech. Je totiž primárně určena na neinvestiční projekty charakteru ?People-to-people? a tudíž ji lze chápat jako nejdůležitější finanční podporu využívanou k navazování a utužování kontaktů na obou stranách hranice.