National Repository of Grey Literature 29,354 records found  beginprevious29345 - 29354  jump to record: Search took 2.15 seconds. 

Becoming a teacher - a male perspective
SUCHAN, Ondřej
This diploma thesis takes a closer look at the aspects that influence the process of becoming a teacher from the perspective of men. The theoretical part focuses first on general factors such as the personality of a teacher and teaching profession. It discusses the importance of a teacher?s personality and its development. Furthermore, it gives a description of the teaching profession, its demands and requirements, and its different phases. Next, it proceeds to a more specific issue which is the position of men in education. Finally, it describes teachers of foreign languages as a specific group of experts. In the practical part five male teachers at different stages of their careers are interviewed. They are asked about specific aspects that influence the process of becoming a teacher. The questions are structured into three parts: becoming a teacher, demands and requirements of the teaching profession, and men in education. At the end of the thesis my own conception of a good teacher is introduced.

Corpus Responsing Research on Morphology of Chosen German Irregular Verbs. Their Analysis and Creation of Training Papers for German Language Lessons.
The aim of this thesis is to make an analysis of selected strong verbs and subsequently to create a suitable teaching material. The theoretical introduction, which is focused on general problems of strong verbs in German is followed by the analysis of verbs with different transitive and intransitive forms. These verbs were selected on the basis of the questionnaire given to the students of German studies at the University of Augsburg and at the University of Southern Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice. Contributions for the analysis were obtained from the ReDeKo corpus (IDS Mannheim COSMAS II Client). The selected verbs are analyzed according to various criteria such as frequency, government or valence whereas every verb is followed by a summary of accomplished results and its comparison with grammar information. In the last part of the thesis general teaching principles of German language are shortly presented as well as types of exercises determined to mastering and practicing of grammar structure. In the light of these pieces of knowledge actual exercises focused on the selected verbs were proposed.

The use of the internet while working with the Team Deutsch textbook
This diploma work deals with the use of the Internet in German language teaching, especially while working with the text book Team Deutsch. The first part of the work summarises general aspects of using the Internet in the language teaching and describes the interactive German text book Deutsch mit Max. The practical part of the work concentrates on the connecting of the text book Team Deutsch with the Internet, brings a list of suitable links to the particular lessons, several worksheets for using in the class and a list of useful web pages for everyday teachers{\crq} work.

Věc Makropulos. From the idea to the performance
Mudrová, Jitka ; Pecháček, Stanislav (advisor) ; Volavá, Iva (referee)
This thesis presents a complex of Janáček's opera The Makropulos Affair, covering its origin (and the genesis of opera in general), represents personality of Leoš Janáček from different perspectives and offers a didactic treatment of this theme. The work includes two layers - a theoretical and didactic. If we look at the text from a theoretical perspective, then here are about Janáček operas in terms of ideas, editing, production and inspiration of women. Further information on the general features of the libretto, practice, the role of stage manager, Janáček personality, his creative period, music and speech input field of prose to opera. Didactic point of view we see in the arrangement of this work and in quantities of information. The teacher can use the work as the basis for teaching, including the last chapter, which is dedicated only to the practical challenges and ideas. This thesis should help teachers, who want to focus on the opera or the personality of Leoš Janáček in the classroom.

Parables in the Gospel According to Matthew and Their Role
Omesová, Terezie ; Ryšková, Mireia (advisor) ; Scarano, Angelo (referee)
Terezie Omesová ENGLISH ABSTRACT Parables in the Gospel of Matthew and their role This bachelor thesis deals with the themes of selected parables in the Gospel of Matthew and their relevance for our life. The introduction presents general characteristics of the parables, their definition, interpretation, occurrence, the process of handing them down and their structure. The following part turns our attention to the person of Jesus in the context of his time. The parables are given in the same sequence as in the Gospel of Matthew. Nine selected parables summarize the basic message of Jesus's teaching in the Gospel of Matthew. They are concerned especially with the following fourfold: 1 - the kingdom of God, 2 - the beginning, 3 - the vocation, and 4 - the judgement. Although the parables were voiced and written down in a completely different period and context, they - being the word of God - carry an important message also for contemporary humanity. They call us to vigilance, prudence, responsibility, forgiveness, readiness and love to our neighbours, but they also warn us against foolishness, indifference and stagnation. The thesis shows that the selected parables have their relevance both for the time of their genesis, but they also carry an important message for the contemporary context. Jesus and his...

Use of contemporary music in teaching French as a foreign language. Focused on French rap
Asterová, Kamila ; Klinka, Tomáš (advisor) ; Jančík, Jiří (referee)
4 The abstract: The title: "The present music in French classes" The subtitle: "Focused on French rap" The target of the thesis is to point at possibility of using a present music, especially French hip-hop/rap, during the French lessons as a lesson of foreign language. In the first part of the thesis is a general characteristic of above mentioned style of music. In the second part is presented educational material, which is already used in a different ways during the French classes. Further you can find a newly made material for teachers and pupils who share the same enthusiasm in hip-hop/rap. The third part comprises the result of applied questionnaire. The main intention of the questionnaire was to find out whether the focus groups (French students from 12 to 20 years old) want to work with a French hip-hop/rap during the lessons of French language. Another intention of the questionnaire was to find out what style of present music the focus groups prefer in their leisure time. Key words: French methodology French music the rap motivation understanding of utterances

Creation and a Use of Didactic Presentations in Teaching General Chemistry
Urbanová, Klára ; Čtrnáctová, Hana (advisor) ; Ganajová, Mária (referee) ; Cídlová, Hana (referee)
Cíle Hlavním cílem této disertační práce je nalézt vhodnou formu prezentací určených pro výuku tak, aby žáci při výuce doplněné prezentacemi byli aktivně zapojeni do výuky a spolupodíleli se na tvorbě znalostí, vědomostí a dovedností z oblasti obecné chemie. Součástí hlavního cíle práce je dále vytvořit soubor prezentací zahrnujících učivo obecné chemie pro střední školy tak, aby žáci byli schopni získané znalosti, vědomosti a dovednosti využívat ve studiu dalších oblastí chemie. Metody Při tvorbě prezentací jsme vycházely především ze zásady maximálního využití grafických a názorných prvků, tedy obrázků, schémat, fotografií, animací, grafů a tabulek. Dále jsme se snažily o dodržení zásad týkajících se barevnosti a typů písma (např. velikost písma minimálně 20 bodů, používání bezpatkového písma atd.) Dalším podkladem při tvorbě prezentací byla podrobná rešeršní práce. Vycházely jsme jednak z výzkumů, které se zabývají přímo ověřováním efektivity a dopadů prezentací na edukační proces [1, 2, 3, 4] , ale také z prací, které se věnují vlivu grafiky na proces učení a porozumění [4, 5]. V další fázi byli vyzváni učitelé, kteří měli zájem začlenit prezentace do výuky, aby se zúčastnili semináře, ve kterém jim byly tyto prezentace představeny a byly jim zodpovězeny dotazy, které se týkaly práce s prezentacemi ve...

How to teach about holocaust (methodical topics)
Hupková, Soňa ; Míšková, Alena (advisor) ; Parkan, František (referee)
Tento citát jsem zvolila záměrně, protože si myslím, že vystihuje problematiku, které se ve své diplomové práci věnuji. Kdykoliv otevřete jakoukoliv publikaci věnovanou problematice židovského národanebo vyhledáváte ve slovníku heslo "holocaust", narazíte na statistiku, která obecně zní: přibližně 6 miliónů Židů v Evropě bylo v období 2. světové války pronásledováno a nakonec systematicky vyvražděno nacistickým terorem v rozmezí let 1933 - 1945. Tyto informace jsou samozřejmě pravdivé, ale mám obavu, že jsou až příliš obecné na to, aby si jednotlivec, který je ve výchovně - vzdělávacím procesu uvědomil fakt, co to holocaust vlastně byl. Při této myšlence jsem se pozastavila a výsledkem je moje diplomová práce. Powered by TCPDF (

Depression and her incidence on quality of life of adult persons
Šragová, Paulína ; Šlaisová, Ivana (advisor) ; Štefančíková, Mariana (referee) ; Skorunka, David (referee)
Bachelor's thesis discourse about depression and her incidence on quality of life of adult persons. Thesis analyse depression disorder, her reasons, treatment and incidence on life. Thesis alignment on care of patient with depression. Analyse quality of life in common and special level of this life. Decision point of this bachelor thesis is made with question-form and a research specialized on quality of life of adult persons. Corpus is made with ambulatory patients, which have been healing with depression disorder on Psychiatric clinic of Teaching hospital in Hradec Králové.

Information literacy and information needs of students of colleges of education and role of information education in universities
Jehlíková, Hana ; Landová, Hana (advisor) ; Drobíková, Barbora (referee)
The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with the concept of information literacy, its development, and its broader context of information society. Furthermore, it presents selected initiatives, recommendations, concepts and standards of UNESCO, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, American Library Association and Czech representatives of the Association of Libraries of Czech Universities, always in relation to education, information education and lifelong learning. The practical part of the thesis describes author's own questionnaire survey that was conducted at the same time at three faculties - in České Budějovice, Plzeň and Ústí nad Labem. The survey looks into general students' awareness of information resources and their use. In addition, interviews with librarians are provided. These interviews illustrate the real situation and conditions for teaching information literacy provided by the faculty.