National Repository of Grey Literature 3,024 records found  beginprevious3015 - 3024  jump to record: Search took 0.55 seconds. 

Comunity of Portuguese Speaking Countries:ideal and reality
Němec, Jan ; NÁHRADNÍ, VEDOUCÍ (advisor) ; NÁHRADNÍ, OPONENT (referee)
This text explores the topic of contemporary relations between lusophone countries, principally at the level of Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (iComunidade dos Paises de Lingua Portuguesa - CPLP), the international intergovernamental organization founded in 1996 by représentants of seven countries which use Portuguese as official language - Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal and Sao Tome and Principe - with intention to promote a multidimensional cooperation. The project of CPLP tries to get value from the common past of these countries, to which in 2002 added independent East Timor, that goes to the colonial era. Characteristics of this period are also matter of interest of this essay, including the ideological background of the Portuguese presence in the overseas areas and the process of the abrupt decolonization of the Portuguese Empire are also focused in this text. Being the language the most solid tie between these countries, in addition to mutual cultural influences, the Comunity of Portuguese Speaking Countries tries above all to promote a difusion of the common language in the world and within the participating states. Moreover, among the objectives of the CPLP we can find permanent political-diplomatic concert and cooperation in all the possible fields....

The importance of mutual cooperation of the bodies of state administration and local government and social partners for tourism development
Machačová, Romana ; Petrů, Zdenka (advisor) ; Houška, Petr (referee)
Diplomová práce se zabývá partnerstvím veřejného a soukromého sektoru - PPP, z angl. Public Private Partnership. Práce je zaměřena na oblast cestovního ruchu, ve které je vzájemná spolupráce velmi důležitá, neboť v cestovním ruchu dochází ke každodennímu střetu veřejného a soukromého sektoru. Práce ukazuje význam této spolupráce na pilotních projektech České republiky, splňujících definici PPP, a na projektech založených na principu partnerství, které jsou v cestovním ruchu daleko častější. PPP pomáhá rozvíjet infrastrukturu, která je tolik potřebná pro rozvoj cestovního ruchu, a je příležitostí pro regiony a kraje, jak realizovat projekty, které by nemohly provést tradiční cestou.

Range load in the casualty department
SEMECKÁ, Barbora
This bachelor´s thesis looks at the range load in the casualty department. The nursing care is focused on working with people, especially with the sick and is highly demanding, both physically and mentally. When working as a nurse, it is required to be professional and also have the ability of dealing with the unexpected and difficult situations. The knowledge of nursing care and the specific care in the injury area are also very important aspects. Nurses hold a position of responsibility and other people rely on them, they have to be responsible and accountable for their own decisions and actions as well as the results of their work have to be flawless. Another very important point is the mutual collaboration between nurses and local doctors, because just with the mutual help effective and quality care can be achieved.Two aims have been established in this thesis. The first aim: To map out the range of the nursing load in the casualty department. The second aim: To find out if nurses feel more physical or mental stress. Two research questions have been posed. The first research question: What is the nursing load in the casualty department? The second research question: Do nurses in the casualty department perceive more the physical or mental load? The practical part of this bachelor thesis involves the result of the qualitative research investigation. The results have been obtained through a semi-structured interview, which had been realized with the help of nurses who work in the casualty department in the South Bohemian region. In total twelve nurses have been spoken to. All the informations was completely anonymous and all of the respondents had the chance to reject being part of this interview. This interview, which has been made in advance, contained 21 questions in general. The basic identification date have been abducted at the beginning.

Mutual Notification of Smart Phone and Server
Douděra, Martin ; Korček, Pavol (referee) ; Kořenek, Jan (advisor)
This thesis deals with notification between smart phone and application server which controls intelligent home. It is focused on Android mobile platform and it is implemented for that platform. Notification service Google Cloud Messaging is used because it is not possible to directly address mobile phones from server. Based on actual position and user defined area the server is informed about moving to or from the area. The server can perform defined event automatically with these information. Implementation was tested in real system. Alpha and beta versions were regularly published.

Mutual link between the monetary and exchange rate policy and economic development on the example of Romania and Bulgaria
Mleziva, Daniel ; Brůna, Karel (advisor) ; Obešlo, František (referee)
This bachelor's thesis focuses on the possible link between the monetary and exchange rate policy and economic development. The first part presents basic theoretical aspects of monetary and exchange rate policies which are then applied to the case of two selected countries, namely Romania and Bulgaria. The practical part analyses the evolution of monetary and exchange rate policies in both countries and also follows the development of both economies with the help of several indicators. The objective of the thesis is to describe a possible dependence of the economy's evolution on monetary policy regime using the evaluation and comparison of collected data.

Management of Hotel
Zemanová, Veronika ; Musil, Martin (advisor) ; Oberhel, Martin (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to find out common and different features between the ways of management of selected hotels and after that to compare their ways of management with prevailing theory about the management of this type of organizations. Part of this thesis is to analyse management of three hotel organizations and their mutual comparison. First, there will be found information about the particular way of management in each of selected hotels, which will then be applied to theoretical knowledge. The result of this comparison will be information on whether the way of management in individual organizations corresponds with theoretical knowledge and whether, by contrast, could this knowledge be actually used. The next step is to compare individual hotels among themselves and based on results, which emerge from this analysis, the proposal to improve the management of individual hotels will be suggested.

Socioeconomic relations between centre and hinterland exemplified by Prague and Central Bohemia
Štefan, Jan ; Macháček, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Vochozková, Jacqueline (referee)
This thesis deals with mutual socio-economic relations core and hinterland on the example of Prague and Central Bohemia. In the introduction relevant theoretical approaches which deal with this topic are presented. Furthermore most important relations between Prague and Central Bohemia are identified and analyzed. These are migration of population from core to hinterland known as suburbanization, commercial suburbanization, commuting to work and changes in land use. The last chapter is a comparative analysis of relation between core and periphery on examples of Vienna and Budapest. In all three regions there are similarities consisting of faster growth of hinterland in terms of population and the spatial differentiation of suburbanization, which depends on the attractiveness of location and traffic accessibility.

Funding districts of selected cities
Lišková, Jiřina ; Čermák, Jiří (advisor) ; Marcela, Marcela (referee)
This dissertation is focused on description, explanation and creation of financial relationships which are created based on criteria and weights between district and Capital of Prague and between districts and city of Brno. The reference period covers years between 2013 and 2015. In budget of Prague capital these transfers are labelled as subsidy relationship, in the city of Brno these transfers are labelled as non-purposed subsidy. This work identifies criteria which are determinative for amount of assigned income. The next section is an analysis of the management of the Brno-Chrlice and the district of Prague-Reporyje for the years 2007-2015. Part of this work is switching criteria and their weights for the district of Prague and the City of Brno and the conversion of financial relationships to one inhabitant of urban areas and evaluation of this change for the district.

Local political partisanship in a local government environment (town Kutná Hora)
Kučerová, Alena ; Čopík, Jan (advisor) ; Monika, Monika (referee)
The thesis deals with the local political party line in the environment of regional government. The work is focused on the town of Kutna Hora (Central Bohemia). The first part, the literature search, is the theoretical definition of basic concepts that deal with the local political party line in four categories according to the size of the municipalities. The most important is a definition of medium-sized municipalities, which corresponds to the currently investigated Kutna Hora. Then there is a definition of the characteristics of communal system, voting behavior and formation of municipal coalitions. The literature search is followed by the practical part, where there is the acquired theoretical knowledge applied to the local government of Kutna Hora. The focal point is based on the identification of local political participants (local organizations of political parties and other political organizations, interest groups, etc.), their electoral successes, the internal decision-making mechanisms, relationships and activities. The essential finding is that it´s not possible to apply expressly the assertion of Katz and Maira that the number of members of local organizations of political parties is steadily decreasing in western democracies, to the local government of Kutna Hora. The number of members in particular political entities of Kutna Hora is relatively high. Mutual relations of political entities of Kutna Hora however are based on personal sympathies and aversions. The local political system can be assessed as fully competitive, based on the principle of government and opposition.

Potential of trade between the Czech Republic and India – possibilities of its promotion
Proch, Dominik ; Müller, Štěpán (advisor) ; Čajka, Radek (referee)
In the diploma thesis, author focuses on the state of the Indian economy and the position of India in the foreign trade of the Czech Republic. Firstly, local specifics and current changes (after 2014 elections) are outlined. Afterwards, an analysis of the India's position in international relations, its foreign trade relations and the intensity of mutual trade with the Czech Republic is propounded. The third chapter deals with the Czech system of trade promotion, including a description of its institutional structure and relation to the Czech export destined to India. In the last part of the thesis, author provides readers with a case study of selected Czech companies operating in the Indian market. The aim is to evaluate the possibilities and limits of bilateral trade and investment exchange promotion.