National Repository of Grey Literature 30,161 records found  beginprevious30152 - 30161  jump to record: Search took 2.13 seconds. 

Causes and Types of Head Injuries Sustained during Sport Activities and Treated at the Department of Neurosurgery of the Teaching Hospital Brno-Bohunice
Řádková, Lenka ; Papoušková, Věra (advisor) ; Benešová, Hana (referee)
Název: Příčiny vzniku a typy poranění hlavy při sportovní činnosti léčené na Neurochirurgické klinice v Brně - Bohunicích Causes ofaccident and types ofhead injuries in sport aktivity at the Neurosurgical department ofFaculty hospital Brno - Bohunice Cíl práce: Cílem práce bylo zjistit, jaké byly nejčastější příčiny vzniku úrazů hlavy při sportovní činnosti a jaké typy úrazů hlavy se v souvislosti s touto činností nejčastěji objevily na Neurochirurgické klinice v Brně- Bohunicích v roce 2004 a zamyslet se, zda používáním preventivních ochranných pomůcek bychom mohli těmto úrazům zabránit, nebo alespoň zmenšit procento takto vzniklých úrazů. Metoda: Tato práce byla zaměřena na pozorování a srovnávání pacientů po úrazech hlavy při sportovní činnosti léčených na Neurochirurgické klinice v Brně - Bohunicích. Byly zde srovnávány a vyhodnocovány příčiny vzniku úrazů hlavy a typy poranění hlavy při sportovní činnosti během roku 2004 na již uvedené klinice. Výsledky: Z přehledu pacientů je patrné, že za rok 2004 bylo na Neurochirurgické klinice v Brně - Bohunicích hospitalizováno 48 pacientů po úrazu hlavy vzniklém při sportovní činnosti. Více úrazů hlavy při sportovní činnosti utrpěli muži a to až 73%. Nejvíce úrazů hlavy při sportovní činnosti se objevilo ve věkovém období 51 - 60 let života jedince....

Harmonizace Účetní Úpravy Pozemků, Budov, Zařízení a Nehmotných Aktiv
Babinec, Matúš ; Krupová, Lenka (advisor) ; Mejzlík, Ladislav (referee)
The globalization of world economy has inevitably affected also the movements in harmonization process of accounting standards around the world. International Financial Reporting Standards have become the ultimate accounting and reporting tool of most developed countries. The only remaining counterpart -- the US GAAP, is slowly subsiding to the enormous spread momentum that IFRS gained in recent years. In this setting I examine the application of International standards on accounting treatment of Property, Plant and Equipment, and also the Intangible Assets. Subsequently I compare this treatment to US GAAP and document all major differences still persistent at the end of year 2008. Considering that there are still many divergences between the two sets of standards, I try to document their impact on the reporting and presentation of financial statements of several blue chip companies. My analysis suggests that differences in reported numbers depending on standards chosen can distort comparability of financial statements and performance assessment, thus potentially biasing the decision making process of involved stakeholders.

CSR strategy for the company Liho Blanice
Březinová, Ilona ; Lhotáková, Markéta (advisor) ; Kopecký, Jan (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to propose a socially responsible activities, which could a smaller company, like Liho Blanice, deals with and implement them in practice. The theoretical part focuses on the introduction of the concept of CSR, its basic features and principles, as well as the methodology of Standard Responsible Company, and some concepts related to CSR. The next part deals with the application of CSR practices, from initial planning to its measurement. CSR strategies of three global producers of alcohol are compared. The practical part introduces the current activities of the company, the results of research to costumers, and based on them are then designed individual activities within CSR.

Financial analysis of company Air navigation services of the Czech republic
Bernat, Matyáš ; Staňková, Anna (advisor) ; Marek, Petr (referee)
This bachelor´s thesis deals with financial analysis of a company Air navigation services of the Czech Republic. It is divided into three parts. The first part describes methods, users and sources of financial analysis. The second part is focused on the description of company´s core business and it´s structure. The last part consists of horizontal and vertical analysis and analysis of several selected ratio indicators. We subsequently test financial stability with one bankrupcy and one solvency model both of which prove that the company is in a stable financial situation with minimal chance of entering bankruptcy. Such result is essential for the company´s core business.

Marketing activities of Airbnb
Weinmannová, Jana ; Boučková, Jana (advisor) ; Pešek, Ondřej (referee)
The thesis focuses on the phenomenon of the sharing economy. Using Airbnb as an example to show the opportunities and threats that the sharing economy may bring to companies, individuals and society. The thesis is divided into several chapters, the theoretical part is devoted to the analysis of the marketing environment, marketing strategy, the specifics of marketing mix of tourism and the theoretical background of sharing economy. The practical part is dedicated to company introduction and analyzes marketing activities of Airbnb both in Czech republic and abroad. The main goal of this thesis is to reveal the potential od Czech market for Airbnb through market research, identify the future goals of the company and suggest how to achieve these goals.

Analysing options to increase the attractiveness of graduates of the University of Economic, Prague in the labour market
Pospěchová, Michaela ; Jarošová, Eva (advisor) ; Motlová, Veronika (referee)
The thesis focuses on analysing the possibility of increasing the attractiveness of graduates of the University of Economics Prague (VŠE) in the labour market. It maps the opportunities for enhancing the knowledge and skills beyond the scope of the regular instruction. The theoretical part among others includes an overview of the historical development of the number of university graduates and their employability in different fields. Furthermore, it focuses on the interpretation of selected theories of career management, the topic of career development and the career management skills, the so called new careers and new psychological contracts (all in relation to university graduates). The empirical part includes the analysis of students potential activities that may play a role in their entry in the labour market. The empirical investigation was carried out focused on the expectations of employers in relation to graduates and to what extent do employers take into account graduates previous activities for acquiring knowledge and skills beyond the scope of their studies. The results of the work are the practical recommendations for students / alumni of VŠE justified on the basis of the analysis.

Modelling of ecosystem service change
Cudlín, Pavel ; Pechanec, V. ; Purkyt, Jan ; Jakubínský, Jiří ; Štěrbová, Lenka ; Cudlín, Ondřej ; Plch, Radek ; Seják, J. ; Včeláková, Renata ; Brom, J.
Submitted report introduced results obtained by researchers from the Institute of Global Change Research and the Department of Geoinformatics of University Palacký in Olomouc. From all activities the following activities are the most important: Habitat mapping of agricultural and non-agricultural plots in the Kopanický stream catchment according to Seják at al. (2003) a Seják at al. (2010); Computation of the indicators of landscape fragmentation and ecological stability for Kopanický stream catchment; Valuation of land use change from the point of view of the optimalization of the selected ecosystem functions performance and selected provisioning and regulating ecosystem service provision, including financial valuation; and Valuation of functional land use from point of views territorial planning of small villages and environmental demands to landscape.

The influence of Asian culture on business- case study of Chinese culture
Uhlíková, Aneta ; Maitah, Mansoor (advisor) ; Radka, Radka (referee)
Topic of the thesis is to explain the influence of Asia culture on doing business, specifically focused on Chinese market. It analyses cultural differences and points out the importance of culture in business. In the theoretical part, the most important factors as well as all cultural influential factors are mentioned. Definition of culture itself is presented together with basic cultural elements and differeces among cultures. Further on, cultural dimensions of Geert Hofstede, one of the eminent world culture-scientist, are described, specifically focused on interaction among different cultures and organisational cultures. Practical part then puts more emphasis on the Chinese business culture itself. Topics such as business negotiation differences are starting the practical part, followed by behaviour patterns after coming to China and meeting future business partners with Chinese roots. After explanation of all the basic differences " on the first sight", author goes more into details and explains detailed differences connected with traditions, rules and all other necessary information about how to behave in the Chinese business enviroment. Thesiś focuses on all formal collective behaviour concepts, which are very important in the Chinese culture as well as its history and philosophy, which influences both their personal and professional life every day.

Statistical analysis of financial indicators ČSOB insurance, Inc. in the years 1993 – 2015
Klímová, Aneta ; Hošková, Pavla (advisor) ; Petr, Petr (referee)
This thesis focuses on the statistical analysis of the financial indicators the ČSOB insurance company inc. in the years 1993 to 2015. First is the issue of insurance from a global point of view, where in the context of financial markets ranks, what kinds of insurance there are etc. Furthermore, it is established by specific information from the analysis of ČSOB insurance company for historical and even current. In the next section also examines the issue of financial analysis, both in general concept and specifically tailored to the field of insurance. In the analytical part of the thesis is carried out first, the financial analysis of statements of insurance companies on financial analysis of standard and special financial indicators for insurance companies. Follow the elemental characteristics of time series, indicators, profit, number of employees, the premiums, the share of the insurance market and insurance indemnities. In the next section is discussed the insurance market in terms of competition and comparison the development of the situation CSOB pojistovna with the leader of the insurance Česká pojišťovna further by Kooperativa and Generali insurance company in the areas of profit, the prescribed profit and the number of contracts. The specified income and the number of contracts in this case have separately divided into life and non-life insurance. At the conclusion of the analytical part of the work are made a prediction for 2016 and 2017.

Audience development from perspective of film exhibitors and distributors
Lísalová, Anna ; Kameníková, Zuzana (advisor) ; DANIELIS, Aleš (referee)
The aim of this diploma thesis is description of (i) how cinemas and film distributors work with their audience, (ii) activities made for audience, (iii) ways to develop the audience, and (iv) active approaches to the audience. The first part of the thesis defines the term 'audience development' which is currently the key and widely discussed term from perspective of cultural institutions. The second part of the thesis then focuses on particular concepts of the audience development - primarily on activities for existing and potential audience, activities for specific groups and activities organised at non-traditional places and outside traditional organisations. Conclusions outline future of the audience development.