National Repository of Grey Literature 29,721 records found  beginprevious29712 - 29721  jump to record: Search took 1.07 seconds. 

Kindergarten as public service
Havelková, Martina ; Havlová, Jana (advisor) ; Kropáčková, Jana (referee)
The aim of this work is to look into the issue of interpretation of the term public service in preschool education. The main goal is to find out how this service is understood by parents who use this service - whether their interpretation corresponds with the needs of children and to what extent they recognize the social mission of kindergarten. In addition, ttthe ambition here is to show the neccesity of change the traditional perception of education which has become part of market environment. Therefore the works highlights positive benefits of marketing management of school. The work is also focused on effective school communication as a way to reach the basic mission of school. Key words Kindergarten, public service, preschool education, school law, education goals, parents, communication, marketing

Subsequent changes of anthropometrical parameters after three months physical therapy
Joachimová, Marie ; Radvanský, Jiří (advisor) ; Slabý, Kryštof (referee)
INTRODUCTION: Therapy of obesity is currently based on weight reduction. The recommended strategies are effective for a short period of time but do not have long- term results. A steady rate of regain is observed from 6 months onward, reversion to baseline weight is predicted by 3 - 5.5 years. GOALS: The goal of this study was to evaluate short-term and long-term effects of three months physical therapy on anthropometrical parameters. The next goal was finding predictors of successful and unsuccessful long-term weight maintenance in this study and the literature. METHODS: We recruited 20 overweight or obese women (average BMI 28,6±2,6 kg/m2 ). Four anthropometrical parameters (weight, BMI, waist circumference, hip circumference) were measured at the beginning, end and six months after finishing the program. The differences of parameters were statistically evaluated. Each participant filled in a questionnaire which was focused on potential predictors of successful l or unsuccessful weight maintenance. RESULTS: All anthropometrical parameters were lowered after the program. Six months after the end of the program all the average values of the parameters were increased. These results support findings of other follow-up studies. The influence of the eight selected factors was not proved. Even though...

Research of teaching possibilities in virtual reality and in Second Life
Jůnová, Štěpánka ; Kera, Denisa (advisor) ; Koťa, Jaroslav (referee)
The thesis consists of current and traditional language teaching methods' description. Methodical approaches for language teaching in virtual reality are also described. One example of applying methodical approaches is mentioned in connection with effectivity evalutation. A project and a case study is a part of this thesis. They focus on application of different language teaching methods in Second Life. A combination of pedagogical research methods was used to carry out the project. Two goals were set in the project. The first goal was about to find out the average knowledge the students acquired depending on applied teaching method. The second goal was about to find out the average knowledge the students acquired in total. The indirect and mixed teaching methods proved as the best in the research. In the section "Project Realization" there is a final report about useful findings and recommendations for effective use of Second Life in the field of education. A video domumentation from the research can be found on enclosed CD. During the research that was originally defined by the university a new questions and problems appeared like Netspeak and language learning, question of identity when applying for a job in Second Life or how to document your teaching activities in virtual environment with the help of...

Nurse in the psychiatric ward as a source of confidence and trust for the mentally ill
TICHÁ, Kateřina
Mental diseases are often view as a taboo and stigmatizing phenomenon by the public eye. Similarly, the work of a nurse in a psychiatric ward is considered as unimportant in number of publications. The nurses, working in this department, are designated as unable to work in other departments. In the theoretical part, first is mentioned the current psychiatric care in the Czech Republic. Further, a history of psychiatric care is also mentioned. The largest chapter is created by providing the general definition of communication, its forms and specific of communication with the mentally sick patients. The theoretical work is concluded by a chapter devoted to ethics and law in psychiatry, and of course the nurse as a person takes also a well-deserved part in it. The aims of the dissertation thesis were four. The first objective was to determine whether the authority of the nurse is an integral part of the nursing process in the care of the mentally ill patients. Furthermore it was to determine whether nurses in the psychiatric ward strengthen their authority by compliance with communication policies and procedures. The penultimate goal was to find out in what nurses with experience in other fields of medicine see the most important differences in the requirements imposed on them in the implementation of the nursing process. The last goal was to find out whether nurses in the psychiatric ward know and follow the guidelines for communicating with the mentally ill persons. To these goals four research questions were set: Do nurses perceive the influence, which results from their authority,as a positive aspect of nursing care of patients in the psychiatric ward? Is the nurses' authority strengthened within their work with the mentally ill throughout the observance of the principles of communication? What are the most common differences in nursing care that the nurses see, which currently works in the psychiatric ward in comparison with other branches of medicine, where they acted in the past? Do nurses have the knowledge of the principles of communication with the patients and adherence to these principles, in a psychiatric ward? The research group consisted from four nurses for observation purposes and seven nurses for semi-standardized interviews in the Psychiatric ward at the hospital of Ceske Budejovice, j.s.c. The first part of the research works with the concept of authority. This research provided a result that the authority should not occur between nurses and patients, and moreover nurses themselves should aspire to be more a companion and a helper to a successful treatment and mental health care. All nurses rather talk about trust, which by their own words is obligatory for effective nursing care and communication with the client. Therefore, they always try to provide the patient with maximum acceptable form of information and so to minimize their fear from the unknown and often from their own illness. At the same time they require and pay attention to strict observance of the rules by patients, which in effect reinforces the sense of confidence. Everywhere in health care and when working with people the communication is important, but nurses say, that in the care of the mentally ill, especially in communication it is essential not to make mistakes. The research observation confirmed their behavior, and with their approach that they subordinate all their behavior to the patient. When caring for a mentally ill person it is necessary at least double the efforts to gain the trust for enhance the feeling of safety and security. Nurses are also aware that working with patients depends on his personal qualities and recognition of individuality.

Managing the training process in bodybuilding
Netík, Tomáš ; Suchý, Jiří (advisor) ; Petr, Miroslav (referee)
Title: Managing the training process in bodybuilding Objectives: This thesis describes the sport of bodybuilding and its training process. It also describes aspects of managing the training process and based on own research determines what impact the training process is applied to changes in the state of training and performance. There is also considering the impact of specific training methods and intensification. Methods: In the research of this thesis, we used different testing methods. We performed functional tests, anthropometric measurements and biochemical tests. Based on these tests, we studied the effect of training programs for performance in bodybuilding. Results: We found that the use of specific methods and intensification has a signifiant influence on the performance of bodybuilding. We also found that effective management of training process has an overall positive effect on performance status in the bodybuilding sport. Keywords: bodybuilding, training process

Evaluating the Effect of Spa Treatment for Ideopatic Scoliosis
Bílková, Martina ; Pavlů, Dagmar (advisor) ; Novotná, Irena (referee)
Title Evaluating the Effect of Spa Treatment for Ideopatic Scoliosis Objectives The main objective of this work is to evaluate effect of spa treatment for children with ideopatic scoliosis at age of 12-15 years. My objective was to find out the efficiency of spa treatment. I also would like to find out a long-term effect while comparing girls and boys. A long-effect means, that the spa effect will last at least until the next spa visit. The next objective was to find out how many children are affected by ideopatic scoliosis, or how many children suffer from bad body posture. I was also seeking, if there is sufficient number of spa centers for treating these kinds of diseases in Czech Republic. Methods This work has a scientific character. It is a retrospective study focused on evaluation of the effect of spa treatment for children with ideopatic scoliosis. For evaluating the rate of improvement, informations from semi-standartized tests was used. These tests are used in the spa centre in Lázně Bělohrad, Czech Republic. I extracted a selected category of patients, compared these data, and visualised them in a graphs. There are 5 physioterapists working in this centre, and all of them are using the same methods for patient monitoring. However, all data had to be standardised before working with them,...

The Status of Penalty of Common Useful Works in the Penalty Justice
Schubertová, Jana ; Stretti, Sylvie (referee) ; Mitáš, Václav (advisor)
From 1. 1. 1996, engagements for magistrates and assistents were institute at more of the district and some regional judgements. The law of the Probation and mediation service (PMS) n. 257/2000 Sb. and his useful effect arose to 1. 1. 2001. The main aim of PMS is that she strains intermediation of effective social useful solution of conflicts which are united with penal activity. Currently organizes and supports effective dignified tenure of alternative sentences. For the my diploma work I choose introduction one of alternative penalties a it's penalty of Common useful works. His basis, offender and purporting above his effect. As a practic example I choose one year a in him count carried penalties Common useful works. The main sence of this punishment is that the convict who was sentenced to the penalty of community work has a duty to discharge it on the loose. So there aren't disturbed humans relations between the convict and his / her familly, friends or to a lost of an employment. I have set two amis: 1) Introduction of penalty of Common useful works. 2) Work example of choosen year, what war penalty of Common useful works. And as well the questioning of institucions, in which is the penalty works, at their attitude towards penalty. This diploma Thesis show a process informations, whitch i obtained from...

Utilization of the bycicle paths and cycling tracks for the transport round Prague
Mlejnková, Markéta ; Andrtová, Marie (referee) ; Navrátilová, Miroslava (advisor)
Utilization of the bycicle paths and cycling tracks for the transport round Prague Purooses: To describe the current situation of building-up and utilization of bycicle paths and cycling tracks in Prague and to compare it with the situation in any analogous European town (Munich). To set up my own recommendation in terms ofthis finding for the improvement ofutilization ofPrague's bycicle paths and cycling tracks for transport round the town. Methodology: It will be used description and comparative analysis as well as questioning - to creation the questionnaire for inhibitants ofPrague, who utilize Prague's bycicle paths and cycling tracks. Results: The results indicate the efficiency of the utilization bycicle paths and cycling tracks, if they prove to facilitate to Prague's transport and they also indicate content of people who utilize the cycling tracks. This results will condute to improvement ofthe current situation. Keywords: Bycicle path, cycling track, transport, Prague

Communication with elderly people suffering from a hearing disorder
People communicate to understand one another and share information. Speaking is crucial in the course of everyone's entire life. In this thesis, we have focused on the issues related to communication with seniors with a hearing disorder. It is necessary to properly diagnose the hearing disorder using suitable methods of examination, and subsequently propose possible means of therapy and train the patient on use of the hearing aid if necessary. Two objectives were set out, both of which were achieved. Objective 1: Map the effective skills used by nurses when communicating with seniors with a hearing disorder. Objective 2: Determine how unsuitable communication by nurses affects seniors with a hearing disorder. A quantitative and qualitative examination was performed. Within the quantitative examination, 200 questionnaires were handed out, of which 178 properly completed were returned for processing. The qualitative examination consisted of a semi-structured interview of ten seniors with a hearing disorder with the help of technology. We defined three hypotheses. Hypothesis 1: The type of education affects nurses' communication skills with seniors with a hearing disorder. Hypothesis 2: Nurses adhere to the principles of communication with seniors with a hearing disorder. Both hypotheses were confirmed. Hypothesis 3: Nurses consider care for seniors with a hearing disorder to be a burden. The last hypothesis was not confirmed. Three research questions were also defined. Research question 1: How does the current manner of communication by nurses affect seniors with a hearing disorder? Answer 1: The current manner of communication of nurses with seniors with a hearing disorder has a positive effect. Research question 2: How do seniors with a hearing disorder perceive non-verbal communication by nurses? Answer 2: Seniors with a hearing disorder consider the non-verbal communication of nurses to be adequate. Research question 3: What problems do seniors with a hearing disorder encounter when communicating with nurses? Answer 3: The most common problem mentioned by seniors with a hearing disorder was lack of eye contact.

Řešení správy dokumentů ve firmě E-solutions, s.r.o.
Švanda, Jan ; Kunstová, Renáta (advisor) ; Svěžen, Zdeněk (referee)
Presented thesis is focused to the document management system in the firm E-solutions, Ld. Selection of this firm is purposeful, because I have been working in the firm for several years. My thesis is targeted to the complex analysis of document management system (DMS) in the firm and the results of the analysis will be used for the implementation of new DMS. The target is accomplished by following steps, which can be expressed as partial concrete goals: First, the present situation of DMS in the firm is described, next, the detail description of the documents, the system should work with, is presented. Description of these documents is structured to the DMS needs. Subsequently firm processes which should DMS support are identified and analysed. These processes are converted to the optimal conditions to maximize their effectiveness in the DMS support. Integral part of the analysis is the consistent collection of the requirements to the new system. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes DMS generally, explains basic principles of DMS (characteristics, documentation and functionality) and creates base line for the practical part. The more comprehensive practical part of the thesis is directed to the document management in the firm E-solutions, Ld. Presentation of the basic information about the firm is followed by detail solution of partial goals. Assessment of the achieved results creates the final part of the work. The thesis will serve in the firm or at a contactor of DMS as the base for the selection, parameterisation and implementation of the concrete DMS solution.