National Repository of Grey Literature 28,544 records found  beginprevious28535 - 28544  jump to record: Search took 1.45 seconds. 

SPECT brain perfusion in differential diagnosis of dementias
Černáková, Petra ; Lang, Otto (advisor)
The topic of the thesis , the preparation and defense of a place in the classroom Preventive Medicine in the sixth year , we chose at the beginning of the fifth year , without We at that time could imagine what all prevention can be, and how interesting Questions may be addressed. Many of us , myself included , to prevent at the time represented as uninteresting medical discipline, and it led to my decision to choose at any cost Clinical topic though their selection was very limited. Today, after completing training preventive medicine, I can honestly say that this subject interested me and that I and a number of my classmates have changed your mind and if I opted topic today , I was not afraid to take is one of the preventive -oriented topics. Why I chose the topic but Perfusion brain scintigraphy in the differential diagnosis of dementia , which sounds terrible not only for a number of lay people, but also for some of my classmates ? This led me to several motives , as well the fact that I like neurology and seriously thinking about future career as a neurologist , then it that unlike many of my peers have no resistance to the elderly and I have personal experience a demented patient in their own family and not least in my time completely minimal knowledge of nuclear medicine , which I hoped that within...

A philosophical postulate about the signifikance of the art of theatre in the 21st century
Hlava, Nina ; Hybner, Boris (advisor) ; Petišková, Ladislava (referee) ; Hyvnar, Jan (referee)
In my work I place a sociocritical light on the inherent events on the stage in the 21st century. I address topics such as cynicism and decadence and point out that the art of performing leads to ambivalence, and therefore resulting in a diremption in the art of acting. I continue my philosophical discurs in the spirit of perceptionalism and ask the provocative question, has theatre, especially in Europe, become a victim of narcissism and therefore turned its back on its political and sociocritical functions. The use of petitio principii has been helpfull in explaining the paradoxical term of ?physical theatre?. I want to illustrate that this youngest form of theatre shows a tendency of moving away from the social ethics and more towards individual ethics. At the conclusion of my work I confront my pessimistic outlook with an aesthetical approach in which I make an appeal to have confidence and believe in the philosophy of beauty again.

Value of gender stereotypes in Marketing
Šimíková, Kristýna ; Koudelka, Jan (advisor) ; Stříteský, Václav (referee)
This dissertation addresses the role and value of gender stereotypes in Marketing. The objective is on the one hand to chart male and female imagery in advertising and on the other to establish consumers' attitudes to this imagery, thus enabling a comparison of these outcomes. The first, theoretical part of the dissertation depicts the status of men and women in society and how advertising seeks to reflect this, and in addition describes the research methodology employed in the second, practical part. This latter part comprises a questionnaire survey and an advertising content analysis, and concludes with a comparison of the mentioned surveys.

AJAX technology
Florian, Jan ; Šalamon, Tomáš (advisor) ; Pavlíček, Luboš (referee)
This paper's goal is to provide a complex description of the AJAX technology. The paper provides detailed technical description of the technology and its parts; names the technology's positives and negatives resulting from its usage and also addresses its most commonly used alternatives (hidden frames, Flash, Java, ASP, NET, XUL, XAML). Further on, the paper addresses interesting JavaScript frameworks facilitating application development (Prototype,, dojo, qooxdoo, YUI) or compatibility of the most commonly used browsers (DOM, CSS, ECMAScript). The paper's conclusion is dedicated to security of applications based on JavaScript, their optimalization and performance. Several recommendations for optimizing the JavaScript are tested on the most commonly used browsers and a wide selection of browsers - both Windows and Linux based - is subject to complex performance tests.

Texts Addressing the Problem of Field Rails and Their Departure
Filipová, Vendula ; Řezníček, Jan (advisor) ; Hanel, Lubomír (referee)
Tato diplomová práce je souhrnným textem o chřástalovi polním - jeho morfologii, životním cyklu a prognózách vývoje chřástalí populace. Popisuje druhy ohrožení chřástala a největší rizika pro jeho vývoj a rozmnožování. Zabývá se způsoby ochrany chřástala v přírodě i národní a evropskou legislativou. Zároveň porovnává úroveň ochrany v některých státech světa. Dále charakterizuje populační trendy a výzkum chřástala v České republice. Přináší pohled na rozšíření a vývoj světové populace tohoto ohroženého druhu. Součástí práce je i dotazníkový výzkum provedený mezi žáky 2. stupně základní školy o znalosti chřástala polního. Výstupem dotazníku je populárněnaučný text pro základní školy "Chřástal polní - vzácný pták na louce za vaší zahradou".

Chiropterans in education of zoology at elementary and high schools
Špringerová, Pavla ; Andreska, Jan (advisor) ; Řezníček, Jan (referee)
This graduation thesis processes the topic of Chiropterans and focuses on its use in education of biology at elementary and high schools. The thesis consists of two main parts. Theoretical part provides basic information about Chiropterans, their characteristic signs, habits and way of life. Special attention is focused on species of bats living in Czech Republic. The chapter deals with the factors threatening Chiropterans and problems of their protection in Czech Republic are addressed as well. Practical part of this work processes excursions to winter roosting sites of the bats and also proposes summer excursions to their hunting-grounds with the use of electronic device to monitor active bats. The same chapter deals with didactic and methodic too. PowerPoint presentation, suitable for introduction Chiropterans to pupils and students at schools, is also part of this work. Major reason for choosing this topic is lack of zoological excursions at elementary and high schools. It is because zoological excursions are considered to be complicated to organize and difficult to prepare. Therefore students don't have a possibility to observe animals in their nature sites. Excursions to winter roosting sites provide good opportunity to change this situation. Another reason for choosing the topic of this thesis is the...

The Development of the Drawing Art in German Speaking Countries from the 15th to the First Half of 17th Century Regarding its Representation in Czech and Moravian Collections
Volrábová, Alena ; Konečný, Lubomír (advisor) ; Royt, Jan (referee) ; Fučíková, Eliška (referee)
The thesis deals with the development of drawing in German-speaking countries since the early 15 th century, when the late Gothic traditions still echoed, to mannerism in the 16 th and first half of the 17 th centuries, when the Baroque enjoyed its ascent. The introductory chapter is dedicated to the current state of ongoing research, especially in Germany. Eliška Fučíková, in her Candidate of Sciences (CSc.) thesis in 1969, and later Pavel Preiss and today Lubomír Slavíček, have dealt with the subject in Bohemia. The next chapter deals with drawing techniques in the respective periods, with a focus on the pen drawing common in Germany at the time. The chapter that follows summarises the typical characteristics of German drawing, which was usually more confined and firm in volume than the Italian drawing of the time. The section addressing the representation of German drawing in the Czech collections is dedicated to the provenance of the drawings and the resulting repertoire of the museum collections in the Czech Lands. The explored theme is well represented for the most part, despite a painful lack of drawings by Albrecht Dürer. The thesis' main section follows the development of drawing in different art circles in German-speaking regions, illustrating its subject with examples found in public...

Effective tax rate measures : (survey of methods, computations and comparison to statutory tax rates in the Czech Republic)
Kábrtová, Jana ; Zápal, Jan (advisor) ; Hedbávný, Petr (referee)
Structure of tax systems of particular countries across the world features with great complexity and largely differ from one country to another. Statutory tax rates are not a good measure of the tax burden imposed by the tax nor are they a good tool for comparing of different tax systems or analysing the effects of changes in tax laws. To gather all these information we need to construct synthetic indicators as effective tax rates that are the main subject of this thesis. The effective tax rates can be calculated using several different methods. The first part of this thesis describes and summarizes these methods of computation of effective tax rates and points its strengths and weaknesses. The second part of the thesis then bases on my own effective tax rate's computations and compares effective tax rates in the Czech Republic with effective tax rates in Europe. The aim of this part is to find out whether the final tax burden in the Czech Republic is higher or lower than in EU-15 countries. Moreover I compare the effective tax rates with the statutory ones and describe the features of Czech tax system. The last part of the thesis is talking about the proposed tax reform with focus on the impact of this reform to effective tax rates.

Universal Full-Text Index
Švantner, Marek ; Skopal, Tomáš (referee) ; Holub, Martin (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the design and implementation of a highly efficient universal index of textual documents. Universal stands for an opportunity to configure structures of index records and methods of the index data processing (without recompiling an application). Furthermore, it means that the index library can be used even for other purposes, for example to implement a thesaurus, to represent bibliographic relationships or even for generic representation of a specific class of functions in other areas than documentographic systems. The index is implemented using the dynamic inverted file which can be efficiently updated without need of the data structure rebuilding. Specific issue is on-line index compression and failure recovery via the transactional log. It is shown that the amortized complexity of the data structure is linear. This fact is afterwards experimentally verified. Other experiments address the compression methods and the impact of the data structure parameters on its efficiency. The diploma thesis contains the implementation of the universal index in C/C++. It has been tested in the Linux and Windows XP environments.

Fiscal Policy Rules
Prušvic, David ; Izák, Vratislav (advisor) ; Mandel, Martin (referee) ; Žák, Milan (referee)
Předkládaná práce zachycuje komplexnějším způsobem problematiku fiskálních pravidel, včetně vybraných v realitě používaných typů, s cílem přispět na základě analýzy současného stavu fiskálních rámců v Evropské unii a v České republice k diskusi o volbě vhodného fiskálního pravidla pro české veřejné finance a českou ekonomiku. Stěžejní typy fiskálních pravidel byly komparovány jednak vzájemně, jakožto i ve vztahu k osmi fundamentálním atributům ideálního fiskálního pravidla. Pozornost byla rovněž věnována chování pravidel v rámci hospodářského cyklu. Ze srovnávaných pravidel bylo celkově nejlépe hodnoceno pravidlo výdajové. Jelikož primárním fiskálním rámcem po české veřejné finance je Pakt stability a růstu, byla spolu s Maastrichtskými fiskálními kritérii hodnocena jeho účinnost. Metodou pro hodnocení byla vybrána panelová regresní technika nejmenších čtverců s fixními efekty. Výsledek ekonometrické verifikace potom naznačil, že pravidlo Paktu účinné skutečně bylo, avšak že je funkční pouze tehdy, je-li skutečně vynutitelné (citelná ztráta z nečlenství v ?euro klubu?). Další část práce se teoreticky věnujeme otázce koordinace politiky fiskální a měnové. Analýza se ubírá směrem malých otevřených ekonomik cílujících míru inflace s deficitním omezením, čili k problematice relevantní pro českou ekonomiku. Sestavujeme tak teoretický model, kterým ukazujeme, jak tyto dva stěžejní elementy hospodářské politiky reagují na chování druhé autority sledujíce svůj zájem vyjádřený tzv. ztrátovou funkcí příslušné autority a kdy je možné dosáhnout bodu stálého stavu v prostoru nástrojů měnové a fiskální politiky. Řešíme rovněž otázku koordinace těchto dvou makropolitik po vstupu české ekonomiky do společného měnového prostoru a pomocí dedukce pak z nastolených premis modelu usuzujeme na důležitost fiskálního pravidla v malých ekonomikách pro jejich ?zdravý? fiskální vývoj. Na závěr práce syntetizujeme získané poznatky a vyvozujeme patřičné závěry pro českou hospodářskou politiku, které ústí do návrhu vlastního, resp. modifikace, fiskálního pravidla vhodného pro české veřejné finance v kontextu evropského Paktu stability a růstu.