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The Quality of Life of a Full-Time Health Education Students , Faculty of Education, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.
The bachelor thesis ?The Quality of Life of Full-Time Health Education Students? at Faculty of Education, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice is in its theoretical part primarily focused on the definition of the concept of health, quality of life and lifestyle of contemporary people. It deals with evaluation of quality of life and approaches to investigation of the quality of life. The next chapters are devoted to characteristics of adulthood, especially the period of young adulthood. It concentrates on the development of cognitive processes, attitudes towards standards and socialization in this phase of life. In the empirical part I set the goal to evaluate the quality of life of students of Health Education program. The research was done by survey with the help of questionnaire WHOQOL ? BREF and couple of my own questions. What I evaluated from the results of this survey is that most of the students are in a good state of health and 93, 2% of them are satisfied with their health and environment in which they live. 97, 2% of respondents find their quality of life quite good or even very good. It was clear from the answers of the last part of the questionnaire that more than half of respondents live by the rules of healthy lifestyle, or they at least try to. The final part of my thesis holds the answers to my goals and the research questions. After comparing the results of all three grades I came to a conclusion that students of second grade were the most affected by the program ?Health Education?, and the influence was positive. The results are an interesting probe to the life of students attending a relatively young program "Health Education".

Countermeasures of power analysis
Gerlich, Tomáš ; Malina, Lukáš (referee) ; Martinásek, Zdeněk (advisor)
Side channels affect a security of the cryptographic systems, due to it is necessary to focus on implementation of the algorithm. There are mention basic classification of side channels in the beginning of the work. The following chapter describes types of countermeasures against side channel attack, which the most emphasis on masking, because of possible implementations on existing cryptosystems. Masking techniques are introduces in the following chapter, where is a description of their method of masking, treatment of cipher and their resistance against attack. The practical part describes the measurements that are trying to record the power consumption of the microcontroller. Measurement was designed to examine primarily on information leakage through power side channel.

Determination of Valproic Acid using Capillary Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry Detection
Šillerová, Tereza ; Kučera, Radim (referee) ; Kastner, Petr (advisor)
Valproic acid is a chemical compound with simple structure and wide therapeutic effect. It is primarily used in treatment of epilepsy, bipolar disorder and rarely in treatment of depress. The serum levels of valproic acid have to be determined due to its narrow therapeutic window and risk of drug-drug interactions. Thus a new sensitive analytical method using capillary gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection has been developed for determination of valproic acid levels in human serum (caprylic acid used as an internal standard). The results showed that the new method was linear within the range of 0,96 - 967,38 µmol/l, which include the therapeutic range (367 - 693 µmol/l) of valproic acid. This method was compared with formerly established fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA) method for determination of valproic acid levels in human serum (FPIA) by means of the Passing-Bablok regression analysis and Bland & Altman Plot. The statistical analysis confirmed that new method is suitable for determination of levels of valproic acid in real human serum samples. The validated method has been applied to the routine analysis of patient's serum samples.

Wound repair and factors influencing healing in veterinary clinical medicine I.
Kudrnová, Adéla ; Skalický, Jiří (referee) ; Semecký, Vladimír (advisor)
Wound healing in both human and veterinary medicine is essential physological process important for the survival of any species. Not only the internal (nutritional status, age, tissue hypoxia, etc.) and external (infections, medication, physical - chemical external influences, etc.) factors affect each stage of wound healing and its success, but also the overall treatment and choice of covering material. Wound healing is a natural process and sometimes takes place without any problems, themselves without external intervention, but if the wound is burdened with some complications such as infection, edema, necrosis, and further, our intervention in the treatment for the successful healing of wounds is essential. This thesis focuses not only on the wound, general types of wounds and the healing phase, but primarily on the factors influencing the healing process, method of treatment and choice of therapeutic coverage. In the experimental part, we followed the influence of the therapeutic coverage with MDOCTM on speed and quality of wound healing by different animal species (cat, dog, horse). The wound was watched at regular intervals, both macroscopically (with photos) and by sampling and subsequent microscopic analysis. We tried to demonstrate the positive impact of substance MDOCTM at various stages...

A study of the modulation of recombinant and native NMDA receptors by physical and chemical factors
Cais, Ondřej ; Vyklický, Ladislav (advisor) ; Blahoš, Jaroslav (referee) ; Chvátal, Alexandr (referee) ; Šťastný, František (referee)
Excitatory synaptic transmission in mammalian CNS is mostly mediated by ionotropic glutamate receptors. NMDA receptors, one of three subclasses of this ligand-activated ion channels family, are involved in memory formation and learning and also play a role in the pathogenesis of various neurodegenerative diseases. Current knowledge about NMDA receptors function is predominantly based upon results of in vitro experiments conducted at room temperature, far from physiological. The aim of this PhD thesis was to describe the temperature dependence of NMDA receptors. We determined the rate constants that characterise each step in the mechanism of recombinant NR1/NR2B receptors activation in the temperature range 25-45řC. The receptor desensitization, resensitization and glutamate unbinding turned out to be the most temperature sensitive of these processes. In addition to that, we described the temperature dependence of deactivation kinetics in various experimental models of NMDA receptors (both recombinant and native). The second part of the thesis focused on the modulation of NMDA receptors function by steroid compounds derived from pregnanolone sulfate, an endogenously occuring neurosteroid. We tested 21 steroids that showed various degree of ability to inhibit (or, in one case, potentiate) the current...

Fornicata and biological pecularities of Giardia intestinalis
Rmoutilová, Eva ; Čepička, Ivan (advisor) ; Jirků, Miloslav (referee)
Fornicata is a recently established group of anaerobic protists that belongs to supergroup Excavata. Three main groups of Fornicata are Diplomonadida, Retortamonadida and Carpediemonas-like-organisms (CLOs). Most of these protists live as endobionts of various animals, several free-living representatives have been described as well. Fornicates are typical excavates, though some excavate features have been reduced in Diplomonadida. Diplomonads are unique with doubled (diplozoic) cell structure of most representatives. Several hypotheses explaining the evolution of diplozoic diplomonads were proposed, but none of them has been widely accepted. Fornicata are closely related to Parabasalia and Preaxostyla forming together clan Metamonada. Since Metamonada were considered to be primarily amitochondriate, they were classified among Archezoa. However, the kingdom Archezoa was rejected after the discovery of mitochondrial genes and reduced mitochondria in most supposedly archezoal protists. Within Fornicata, reduced mitochondria - called mitosome - was found in the parasite Giardia intestinalis. Giardia intestinalis is a well known parasite of humans and other mammals. Besides epidemiology, there are many other interesting aspects of this protist that are intensively studied, e.g. its high genetic...

Zvláštnosti profesní etikety a obchodního protokolu Francie
Veselá, Jana ; Gullová, Soňa (advisor) ; Müllerová, Františka (referee)
This theses describes specialities of professional etiquette and business protocol in France. The aim of this theses is to provide comlete view of rules of behaviour in business relations with French business partners primarily because of the fact that France has become, during last 15 years, an importat business partner of the Czech Republic. The first chapter defines terms professional etiquette and business protocol in general and chracterizes basic French qualities. The second chapter is dedicated to specialities of professional etiquette in France. It is focused on character of French companies, work etiquette, business trips and business negotiations with French business partners as well. The third chapter is concentrated on business protocol in France which means the rules of etiquette that should be followed during business negotiations with the French. It describes forms of introdictions, addressings, the rules of written and oral etiquette as well as the rules of dressing and dining. The fourth chapter is devoted to France and to the Czech-French business relations. The aim of this chapter is to shortly characterize the situation of France in the international trade and developing business relations between France and the Czech Republic.

Sensitizers, Acceptors and Secondary Sources of Singlet Oxygen and Their Supramolecular Complexes with Cyclodextrins
Slavětínská, Lenka ; Mosinger, Jiří (advisor) ; Němcová, Irena (referee) ; Sýkora, Jan (referee)
l. Introduction 1.1. Singlet oxygen Singlet molecular oxygen 'o, 1'Á,) has been intensively investigated by the chemists and biologists over the few decades, primarily due to its high reactivity and cytotoxity. singlet oxygen is common term for oxygen molecules in two lowest-lying excited energy states lo2 1'Á.1 and 'oz('E.) differing in occupation of HoMo orbitals, energy and lifetime. First singlet excited state 'o, (t^r) is generated, if two electrons with antiparallel spin occupy one antibonding n* orbital. The configuration of the molecular orbitals ofthe singlet excited state r02(rts) is identical to that ofthe ground state' except that the last two electrons have antiparallel spinsr'2. Singlet oxygen is short-lived' highly oxidative cýotoxic species. Its |ifetime significantly depends on type of solvent2'r. Singlet oxygen can be generated vla photosensitized reaction. The mechanism includes the formation of the sensitizer triplet state and transfer of energy to triplet oxygen leading to lo,1'Á,) formation o.''u 1see Fig. l). Singlet ox;-'een can be a|so produced by the number of chemical reactions. e.g. using H2O2/CIO' ,.r, Hrorl MoOq2- e'r. and H2o2/cao2rr systems based on disproporcionation of H2o2that leads to H2o andrO2.

Measurement of diffusion coefitients by use of magnetic resonance
Král, Jakub ; Gescheidtová, Eva (referee) ; Bartušek, Karel (advisor)
This Bachelor thesis is focused on imaging techniques based on the principles of nuclear-magnetic resonance. These techniques are one of the most modern studies of physical, chemical and biological properties of substances. Introduction of this work is focused primarily on physical principles. Further in this work attention is given to the method of the PFG-SE but also to more modern multiinterval NMR methods, which removes the systematic measurement errors for heterogeneous materials. Part of the work is also devoted to b-factor calculations for various kinds of pulse sequences. In last part the work is devoted to data processing in Matlab and Marevisi. Selected method from the beginning of the work is than used to measure the diffusion and processing of tissue cultures.

Influence of interfering elements on the electrochemical selenium hydride generation
Vošmiková, Anna ; Hraníček, Jakub (advisor) ; Rychlovský, Petr (referee)
This work is focused on the influence study of selected hydride forming elements (As, Sb), transition metals (Ni, Cu, Zn), anions (Cl- ,NO3 - ,SO4 - ) and cations (Ca2+ ,Na+ ), on the electrochemical hydride generation of selenium hydride. The analyte was converted to the volatile form and consequently atomized in a quartz tube atomizer. Atomic absorption spectrometer was used as a detection technique. For comparison, the same interference study was used to investigate for chemical hydride generation. The biggest influence on the analytical signal suppression was observed for other hydride forming elements at higher concentration (from 1mg/L of interfering elements the signal was suppressed by nearly 100 %). The transitions elements nickel and copper suppressed the analyte signal significantly. Neither selected anions nor cations suppress the signal significantly. No effect on the analytical signal was observed whet the sodium and calcium were tested at different concentration.