National Repository of Grey Literature 27,870 records found  beginprevious27861 - 27870  jump to record: Search took 1.15 seconds. 

Russia-Belarus Unification. Chosen Problems and perspectives of Union State (1999-2008)
Osipova, Kristina ; Zilynskyj, Bohdan (advisor) ; Svoboda, Karel (referee)
Russo-Belarus Unification. Chosen Problems and perspectives of Union State (1999-2008). The main subject of the diploma thesis is cooperation between Russia and Belarus within the Union State of Russia and Belarus, which was established in 1999. After the break up of the USSR, cooperation between the newly independent states was largely defined by their membership in CIS. However, during the first five years an integration core emerged, consisting of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. These states were mainly cooperating in economic sphere, which finally emerged into international organization (Eurasian Economic Community). Belarus is one of the former Soviet republics, which kept and is still keeping very close relations with Russian Federation. Their bilateral integration begins after the breakup of USSR and culminates in 1999, when treaty of establishing Union State of Russia and Belarus is signed. During the almost 10 year period between 1999 and 2008, however, the cooperation did not move forward as was originally planned. In my opinion, the main topics which delay effective Russo-Belarus integration are as follows: prices for energetic commodities (oil and gas) for Belarus; implementation of common currency - Russian ruble; and ratification of Constitutional Act of Union State....

Contract between user and provider of residential care for the elderly (or guidebook for negotiation with social service applicant to obtain information as well as for the adjustment and consclusion of contract)
Příhonská, Ivana ; Tomešová, Irena (advisor) ; Jarošová, Ludmila (referee)
Tato práce se pokouší být návod pro poskytovatele pobytových služeb pro seniory jak připravit podklady a sepsat smlouvu sjejich uživateli. Rozebírá dvě pro samotnou smlouvu nepostradatelné fáze celého procesu služby - jednání se zájemcem o službu a uzavření smlouvy, které vyplývá právě z předchozího jednání. Tento svůj cíl měla od samého počátku, i když v průběhu její přípravy muselo dojít vzhledem k níže uvedenému k podstatným změnám v jejím obsahu. V době, kdy jsem připravovala tuto práci se v České republice zásadně měnila legislativa týkající se právě smluv, dříve tzv. dohod1 mezi uživateli a poskytovateli služeb. Proces, kterým bylo ovlivněno celé spektrum sociálních služeb, včetně některých práv a povinností obou stran, tedy poskytovatele a uživatele, byl velmi zdlouhavý. Z počátku, myslím tím z počátku novodobého rozvoje sociálních služeb po revoluci v roce 1989, kdy se v ČR začal projevovat vliv zkušeností ze zahraniční, mělo jen několik poskytovatelů pobytových zařízení a jiných zainteresovaných osob zájem o zrovnoprávnění postoje poskytovatelů a uživatelů služeb prostřednictvím písemné dohody mezi nimi. Pokud ovšem zájem již měli, neposkytovala jim legislativa dostatečnou oporu, neboť zůstávala po dlouhou dobu nezměněna. Vztah mezi uživatelem a poskytovatelem se řídil převážně zcela jednostrannými...

Spatial Variability of Soil Texture in Selected Area of Alluvial Plain of Luznice
Dvořáková, Magdaléna ; Šefrna, Luděk (advisor) ; Janderková, Jana (referee)
5 Summary Research part of this dissertation thesis begins with floodplain characteristics and describes concerned area in geographic, geologic, geomorphologic and pedologic connections. A chapter about nature conservation is included as all the area is situated in a natural reserve and protected landscape area. Next part of the dissertation describes characteristics of fluvisols and differences of insertion fluvisols in soil taxonomy systems. This part also involves a chapter dealing with questions of soil texture classification and particle size analysis. Materials and methods chapter contains field research and particle size analysis, in particualr pipette and sieve analysis and statistical survey of grain size data. Last part of the dissertation thesis presents field survey data which was complemented by data from VUMOP and ýVUT. Results of grain size analysis of twenty chosen samples are also included. Results of geostatistical data survey on concerned areas are depicted on maps which illustrate variation of soil texture. The end of this part summarizes a change proposal of environmental-soil unions' classification and rough calculation of retention capacity of the concerned area. Key words: fluvisol, floodplain, Lužnice, texture, retention

JUDr. Bedřich Schwarzenberg (1862-1936), a prominent person of Czech public life in the 19th and 20th century
Kaiseršat, Jakub ; Šouša, Jiří (advisor) ; Rameš, Václav (referee)
The dukes of Schwarzenberg appertained to rich and powerful aristocratic families in Austria-Hungary. This diploma work is tryig to describe the elementary life moments of one of them, Bedřich / Friedrich (Fido) Schwarzenberg (1862-1936). Contains the basic informations from his personal life (birth, childhood, marriage, family events) and from public activity, particularly in political field. The historical period in which Bedřich lived, was abundant in many social inversions that broke the traditional political and economic leadership of nobilty in monarchy. Since 1848 all noble families had to share its political privileges with civil elite and the second aspect of historical evolution in Austria lay in fight for political, economic, cultural and especially language equality.

The christology in the work of Joseph Ratzinger
Frývaldský, Pavel ; Pospíšil, Ctirad Václav (advisor) ; Mohelník, Tomáš (referee)
Anglická anotace The Christology in the work of Joseph Ratzinger Pavel Frývaldský This thesis presents an analysis of the significant Christological works of Joseph Ratzinger. The aim of this work is to find and examine the constant features and development of Ratzinger's Christological reflection. The comparative analysis of his work was done from two points of view: the work of Ratzinger during his academic engagement and the work of Ratzinger as Cardinal and head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. In a diachronic analysis we examine biblical sources, quotations of Fathers, medieval authors and present-day theologians. In the diachronic analysis we research these areas of interest: Christological titles, the theology of incarnation, the mystery of Jesus' life, the theology of the cross and the interpretation of resurrection. From the analysis of the Christological titles we learned, which titles Ratzinger considers to be important, how he comprehends them and how he elaborates on the question of origination. In the analysis of theology of incarnation we can see an expression of the relation between incarnation and the cross, Christ centrism, reflection of the hypostatic union. The examination of the mystery of the life of Jesus explains the conception of the pre-paschal Jesus. The analysis...

The origin of the Nazi death camps 1941 - 1942
Hájek, Jakub ; Jeřábek, Martin (advisor) ; Moravcová, Dagmar (referee)
The bachelor thesis "The origin of the Nazi death camps 1941 - 1942" explores the escalation of the Jewish persecution in the period between the attack on the Soviet Union and the Wannsee Conference. The focus of this thesis lies in the cricial period for the destiny of the Jews in the Nazi Germany, with its stressing the most important points that led to the gradual escalation of the Jewish persecution. The killing starts with searching the most suitable destination for the deportations, and it proceeds to numerous murders in which there were the origins for the mass killings that followed. These were known as the "final solution" and they took place in a highly elaborated system of camps which were later called "death camps". The main focus is therefore the distribution of the directions, control and coordination of the killings by the Nazi security institutions and administration. This is because the formation of the administration and progressive centralization of the Jewish persecution are the most important points for the understanding of how this mass killing could be so carefully controlled by the Nazis and how it could develop from such local activities to the massively industrialized killings of the Jews from the entire Europe.

The Journuy Toward Freedom. Inspiration by Saint John of the Cross.
Žáková, Lenka ; Milfait, René (advisor) ; Klaus, David (referee)
The Bachelor thesis with the title The journey toward freedom: Inspired by Saint John of the Cross sets oneself a goal to inform readers about spirituality and teaching of Saint John of the Cross. It tries to interdigitate two the most famous writings of Saint John of the Cross - it is the book The Ascent of the Mount Carmel and the book The Dark Night - with the Bible. The topic of the freedom is the main topic of the Bachelor thesis, especially the process of liberation the man from something and toward something. In the first part of the Bachelor thesis the reader gets to know the basic informations about life of Saint John of the Cross; about roots of Saint John ́s teaching; what is the foundation of the man and at the same time what is the aim of the one' s life and for which he is calling. Next what is the cause for necesarry free oneself. In the next chapters the reader learns about the important symbols, counsels and rules of Saint John' s teaching and toward which he is inviting the man with his teaching. The second part of the Bachelor thesis deals in detail with individual parts of the process of liberation leads through the "dark night" all the way to the "transcendental union" the soul with the God, ergo to the "absolute freedom". Powered by TCPDF (

Special working conditions of women
Šindelářová, Miloslava ; Štangová, Věra (advisor) ; Vysokajová, Margerita (referee)
49 Závěr Cílem této diplomové práce bylo posoudit českou právní úpravu týkající se zvlášt- ních pracovních podmínek žen. Právní úprava dané oblasti je koncipována v souladu s komunitárním právem a právem EU. Ve své práci jsem se zaměřila na analýzu platné české právní úpravy, přičemž jsem poukazovala na změny nového zákoníku práce a neopomněla jsem popsat ani historický vývoj tématu. Na závěr bych provedla celkové zhodnocení. Trh práce v ČR je charakterizován vysokou zaměstnaností žen a vykazuje zřetelné nerovnosti, samozřejmě v neprospěch něžnějšího pohlaví. Přetrvávající diskriminace spočívá zejména v segregaci pracovního trhu podle pohlaví, nižších výdělcích žen a jejich mzdovém znevýhodňování, v obtížném dosahování řídicích a rozhodovacích po- zic. V ČR i nadále bohužel přetrvávají stereotypy o nižší schopnosti a flexibilitě žen- ské pracovní síly, a to zvláště v důsledku připsaných sociálních rolí ženy, zejména jako matky a hospodyně. Muži naopak bývají považováni za hlavní živitele rodiny. Je tomu tak v důsledku tzv. "dvoupříjmových domácností". Obecně se ale požaduje spolupodíl obou na výdělečné činnosti. Musíme si také uvědomit, že překonání tohoto rozdělení rolí není jen záležitostí žen, ale celé společnosti. Ženy i muži podceňují kompetence mužů pro participaci v rodině, i přesto však roste...

Collective bargaining
Manhart, Lukáš ; Tröster, Petr (advisor) ; Pichrt, Jan (referee)
70 Collective bargaining Resume The thesis written by Lukáš Manhart concerns about the issue of a social dialogue and a collective bargaining in The Czech Republic, as these issues have been formed during the process of the social and economical development in the country. Social partnership, tripartite, bipartite, collective bargaining, collective agreements and their expansion, strikes, social conciliation are the conceptions which emerged in connection with the solution of social conflicts between employees and employers, labour unions and employers' associations. The conception of a ,,social dialogue", after which is usually the communication between social partners and their representatives called in its whole width of possible topics and forms that take place in a company social dialogue but even at a sectorial, regional or national (tripartite) level, is not definite. A collective bargaining leading to a collective agreement, that is the subject matter of this thesis, represents, from its influence point of view under the current conditions in The Czech Republic with the respect to the quality of work conditions, the most important form of a social dialogue led at a sectorial and company level. The description of the system of a collective bargaining and its development in last few years focuses, in...

An introduction to sociology of theatre
Hlavicová, Lenka ; Hubáček, Ondřej (referee) ; Duffková, Jana (advisor)
Sociologie divadla je sociologickou disciplínou, která se začíná samostatně vyvíjet od poloviny 50. let především ve Francii, kdy Georges Gurvitch a Jean Duvignaud píší první sociologické práce o divadle, zejména z oblasti typologie výzkumu v divadle. V dnešní době se systematicky sociologickým výzkumem divadla a v divadle zabývá několik institucí v celé Evropě. Za všechny uveďme mezinárodní organizaci FIRT/IFTR (Fédération Internationale pour la Recherche Théatral/International Federation for Theatre Research) nebo mezinárodní asociaci SIBMAS (Société Internacionale des Bibliotheques et Musees des Arts du Spectacle, International Association of Librairies and Museums of the Performing Arts). Obě instituce sdružují výzkumníky mnoha oborů, jejichž průsečíkem zkoumání je divadlo se všemi svými aspekty. Divadlo je nazíráno z mnoha úhlů pohledu, teatrologického, psychologického, filozofického, antropologického, ale také sociologického. V rámci obou institucí se konají přednášky a workshopy, ve kterých má sociologie divadla své legitimní místo. V českém vědeckém diskursu je však od počátku sociologie divadla opomíjena a marginalizována, ačkoli lze nalézt články a statě českých teatrologů a filozofů, ojediněle i vědců sociálních věd, které se sociologie divadla dotýkají. Takové studie publikuje zejména...