National Repository of Grey Literature 27,175 records found  beginprevious27156 - 27165next  jump to record: Search took 0.81 seconds. 

Formation of biofilm by probiotic bacteria and its processing to solid drug form.
Grossová, Marie ; Rittich, Bohuslav (referee) ; Buňka, František (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
The aim of present work is cultivation of probiotic bacteria L. acidophilus, B. breve and B. longum in such a way that the culture forms cells clusters or comprehensive biofilm on the variety of free carriers. Biofilm formation of L. acidophilus on the silica from point of view bile and acid tolerance in gastrointestinal tract was studied. While the number of living cells in planktonic form (planktonic form) at pH 1 fell by 30 %, the viability of the biofilm cells was maintained to 90 % under the same environmental conditions. The biofilm culture showed also the protection against environment contained bile. Furthermore, the possibilities of drying procedures of biofilm cultures used as commercial technologies in pharmaceutical industry were studied. The comparison of freeze-drying and fluidization bed drying showed, that freeze-drying is more suitable method, which is able to achieve higher amount of viable cells after drying than fluidization bed drying. The effectivity of freeze-drying method is dependent on the selection of suitable cryprotective medium. In this case, about 90 % higher viability after freeze drying was achieved in comparison with fluidization bed drying. Finally, the industrial processing of probiotic strains into the solid dosage form was studied. Tablets should be produced at hardness between 70 and 90 N and water activity of tablet mixture can be maintained below 0.3. Consequently, the drying step of the tablets in a hermetically closed space with at least 10 % of silica gel must be ensured. Thereafter, the tablets contain (5.4 ± 0.7)109 viable cells after 6 months of drying process. Capsule production technology has no significant effect on the cell‘s viability during production. The triplex blistering foil for primary blistering of probiotic capsules was chosen. The triplex foil, which has low values of water vapour transition rate (0.07 g H2O / (m2 × day) and oxygen transition rate (0.01 cm3/m2 × day), was chosen. Other studied blistering foils commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry are not suitable for long storage of solid dosage forms contained probiotics.

Development of Logistics in the Czech Republic
Džurňáková, Mária ; Pernica, Petr (advisor) ; Mervart, Michal (referee)
This thesis engages in the survey of logistics formative frame, logistics background, foreign direct investment, supplied services and logistics trends in the Czech Republic, complemented by a European and world context. With respect to the dependency of logistics on processing industry, the analytical part deals with the possible exchange of the FDI investors from this industry with the ones that would invest into higher quality demanding production. Cargo transportation inquires into currently discussed topics in particular transporation sectors within the European perspective.

The Fruit Beers Popularity in the Czech Republic
Balaštík, Milan ; Maier, Tomáš (advisor) ; Lukáš, Lukáš (referee)
The main topic of this thesis is the popularity of fruit beers in the Czech Republic. It describes a generic distribution of fruit beers, both abroad and in our country. Shows an overview of large and small manufacturers in this category in the domestic market. It focuses on the current situation flavored beer on domestic and foreign markets, according to the latest data. Based on the survey are analyzed consumer preferences in the domestic market. They are then formulated breweries general recommendations arising from the outcomes of the survey. Subsequently, using basic statistical methods detected significant correlation between the consumption of flavored beers and gender and between consumption and age of respondents. If so, then it determines the strength of this dependence. It was found that while significant correlation was demonstrated in sex exists between consumption and age of the respondents. The strength of this dependence was assessed as moderate. It was finally drafted forecast consumption of mixed drinks based on beer in the Czech Republic. The analyzed time series contained the actual annual data maintained by the Czech Beer and Malt Association from 2012 to 2015. The forecast was calculated for the next two years. It was found that consumption of mixed drinks based on beer in the future will continue to decline.

Statistical analysis of resocialization care after prison release
Dlouhá, Šárka ; Hlavsa, Tomáš (advisor) ; Michal, Michal (referee)
The level of crime has to be regulated in order to prevent the crime to cause major damage to society. Therefore it is profitable to address criminal recidivism as well. Recidivism is caused by a complicated process of reintegration of people with criminal records back to society. The main goal of this thesis was to find the main factors affecting reintegration process of people after incarceration. The thesis is trying to reach the results by quantitative research, specifically examining the frequencies and dependence of categorical variables. The main factors which influence the reintegration process of people with criminal past are unemployment and indebtedness. These elements are affected by certain demographic factors. These factors also influence the type of criminal activity and the probability of criminal recidivism.

Adolescents substance use : identifying factors influencing alcohol consumption among high school students in the Czech Republic
Mandelíková, Martina ; Strecker, Ondřej (referee) ; Pertold, Filip (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focuses on indicating the factors, which influence the participation in adolescent substance use. Possibly important factors are identified based on the previous researches dealing with the same topic. The effect of these factors is then tested with the empirical model. This thesis deals with a dataset from the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs done at the Czech high schools among freshmen and juniors. Since the results in dependence on sex and class year are expected to be different, the regression is run separately. The most significant factors are for all cases: the smoking experience, the age of the first intoxication, and the share of friends who already consume alcohol.

Does removal of mammalian predators significantly affect success of simulated nests in linear habitats? Case study on American mink \kur{Mustela vison} \& Predation on simulated duck nests in relation to nest density and habitat type
This thesis is made up of two studies dealing with predation of waterfowl nests. in the first study, we determined wheather removal of introduced predator Mustela vison affected nest survival of simulated duck nests in linear habitat. In the second study, we tested two hypothesis: 1)predation depends on density of waterfowl nests, 2)mammals are main predators in forest habitat and birds mainly depredate nests deployed in open land.

Vliv odvodnění a vegetace na množství a diverzitu metanogenů v rašeliništích
This work deals with attribute of microbial communities, especially methanogenic Archaea in pristine and drained peatlands. Methanogens are strictly anaerobic microorganism thus they live in deeper anoxic layers of peatlands. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine how the drainage affects the amount and diversity of methanogens depending on different depths, types of peatlands and litter type.

Design and production of sample panels with system installation Inels
Steidl, Jaromír ; Bátora, Branislav (referee) ; Macháček, Jan (advisor)
Diploma thesis deals with the problems of system installations. The system installation is presented as an installation, where the light switch does not serve for interrupt a power circuit, but it serves as a sensor, which directs the status change of actuator, that makes the own manipulation with a power circuit. In the first chapter the diploma thesis presents the history of the system installation development depending on the demand for the system regulation in buildings centrally and complexly. There are also summarize advantages and disadvantages of installations, which are used in these days. In the second chapter, the system installations are devided into centralized and decentralized systems. The centralized systems are constructionally simpler as well the communication, but the whole system is more inclinable to fail. The decentralized systems are more complicated, more expensive, but more reliable and they have also potentiality to extand. Two decentralized systems, nowadays the most used, are further presented – KNX and LonWorks. They are used especially for the administration buildings control. Then the diploma thesis presents both some systems, which are used abroad, and the situation at the Czech market, whereas there is described the system INELS, which is made by Elko ep. Limited Company. The goal of the thesis, which is mentioned in the third chapter, is to present the system installations, design a panel with this installation including the panel´s handmade, and then on this panel demonstrate the panel´s using for education in laboratory practices. The fourth chapter discusses the author´s characterization of the panel´s concept – there is described the graphical concept of the panel, used units and their integrations. By all of used units their functions on the panel are described. In the last but one chapter, there are mentioned the practical applications, which the panel serves, and there are also described the concepts of laboratory tasks for education of the fundamental configuration and possibilities of the system installation INELS. The chapter also engage in the configuration of the system for the panel, which presents control elements in one room via the system installation INELS. This configuration serves for the presentation of the educational panel. The conclusion is dedicated to the summary of the mentioned problems.

Estimation of Radioactive Aerosol Particles Size Distribution.
Otáhal, P.P.S. ; Burian, L. ; Ondráček, Jakub ; Ždímal, Vladimír ; Holub, R.F.
The main purpose of these experiments is to compare results of the size distribution measurements using conventional aerosol methods with results of radioactive aerosols measurements. Additional purpose was to compare our results with published data on dependency of unattached fraction on aerosol particle concentration. Our data show the limitations of the commonly used approximation to this relationship.
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Women on labor market
Nová, Lucie ; Nývlt, Ondřej (advisor) ; Arltová, Markéta (referee)
The objective of this thesis is to analyze and verify the existence of causality between employment rate, unemployment rate as independent variable and fertility rate as dependent variable. Two stated hypotheses are being verified within this thesis. First of them says that by decreasing employment rate also the fertility rate decreases. Second says that decreasing unemployment rate has an impact on growth of fertility rate. The final part of essay deals with today´s often discussed concept of work life balance which in many countries supports high economical activity of women and higher fertility simultaneously. It draws attention on positives of alternative work arrangements as well as on negatives and deficits which goes together with its practicing. In the end of the thesis different possibilities of effective work life balance management are suggested.