National Repository of Grey Literature 25,947 records found  beginprevious25938 - 25947  jump to record: Search took 2.27 seconds. 

Analysis of marketing activities of e-shops in a chosen segment
Horký, Michael ; Sova, Martin (advisor) ; Čermák, Radim (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to describe problems of the online marketing from the perspective of its practical use among daily deal websites. In the theoretical part there are outlined terms, whose understanding bears a significant importance for understanding of the rest of the work and also described key tools that are being used in the online marketing world. The practical section focuses on the situation on the daily deal websites market and subsequently analyses marketing activities of the daily deal websites, and The contribution of this work is to advise the analysed websites how to optimize their marketing activities and to provide a summary of recommendations on how to effectively apply online marketing tactics for a subject considering entering the market of the daily deal websites.

The role of nurse in nutrition for cancer patients
Thesis: The role of the nurse in the nutrition of cancer patients. Nutritional issues concerning cancer patients are often discussed in recent years and they are still a current theme of debates. The results from surveys of recent years show the seriousness of the situation and urge to its fast solution. The situation is not favourable: the nutritional care in oncology is still underestimated, even though it forms significant foundation for the general success of treatment

Cost of Equity for Market Valuation in the Czech Republic with an Emphasis on Market Risk Premium
Novotný, Tomáš ; Maříková, Pavla (advisor) ; Brabenec, Tomáš (referee)
The aim of the work is to analyze the theoretical basis of determination of the market risk premium in conditions of the national market in the Czech Republic with CAPM and practical procedures of its determination using the market data provided by Bloomberg. The work addresses some open problems of practical determination of market risk premium as a choice between historical and implied risk premium, determination of credit spread as a representative of country risk and accurate determination of the equity and bond market volatility ratio. The thesis also contains research on the cost of equity and single-factor sensitivity analysis demonstrating the significant influence of a small change in one parameter entering the calculation of the discount rate on the resulting value.

The position and function of road network in interaction with other parts of plan of communal facilities
KLÍMOVÁ, Michaela
This Bachelor?s thesis concentrates on position and function of road network in interaction with other parts of plan of communal facilities. The aim of the thesis is to gain a comprehensive survey of the road network and assessment of its role in protection against soil erosion, its participation in ÚSES (Regional System of Ecological Stability) and its function as a component of improvement of water supply and distribution in the area, and lastly the influence of the road network on accessibility of plots in the area and permeability of the area. Secondly, it is necessary to compare two cadastral units ? cadastral unit Čejkovice by Hluboká nad Vltavou and cadastral unit Záluží nad Vltavou ? with regard to communal facilities and to judge. Road network in both above mentioned localities was designed with regard to other communal facilities, but in the future it is necessary to solve subsequent addition of side ditches in cadastral unit Záluží nad Vltavou or planting of solitary trees along rural roads in cadastral unit Čejkovice.

Analysis of the entry of the foreign company by the direct investment in the region
This thesis aims to analyse the impacts of the entry of the direct foreign investment of Futaba Czech s. r. o. on Havlíčkův Brod region. The introductory part contains a list of the sources reporting on the company{\crq}s investment decisions. Various aspects concerning the localization factors are included as well. Next part focuses on examining Futaba Czech s. r. o. in particular but also partly on Sklo Bohemi, a. s. and Pleas, a. s. They represent the three largest companies in Havlíčkův Brod region. The main aim of the author of the work was to find out how these three companies influence each other, even though each of them is interested in a different branch of industry. The following hypotheses are examined in the thesis: 1) Funding of FCZ by short-term credits indicates an existence of the significant insecurity, which can cause some doubts about company{\crq}s ability to continue to work according to principle based on continuation unlimited by time. 2) Benefit of the direct foreign investment of Futaba for the region is substantial at the present time and the impacts on the social environment are considerable as well. 3) Termination of operations of the company Sklo Bohemia, a. s. has influenced the social conditions of Havlíčkův Brod region significantly and it has had an influence on the operation of the companies Futaba Czech s. r. o. and Pleas, a. s. All three hypotheses have been verified in the thesis. The last part of the work gives the report of the evaluation of the hypotheses in question and a supposition, that the examined company might leave Czech market, because the results of its management are getting worse, is expressed.

The Pikler Early Childhood Education
Noack, Dana ; Šulová, Lenka (advisor) ; Mertin, Václav (referee)
Title: The Pikler Early Childhood Education Author: Dana Noack Department: Katedra psychologie, FF UK Supervisor: Prof. PhDr. Lenka Šulová, CSc. Abstract: The intention of this study was to explore how the parents who are familiar with the Piklerian principles use these in upbringing their children in the family in the period of early childhood. The theoretical part describes the process of socialization (with the emphasis on the preconditions for the early interaction both on the child's and the parent's side) as well as the topic of upbringing in the family (basic models and the relation of upbringing to the socio-cultural and the historical context) and the most important aspects of the child development in the first three years. The last chapter of the theoretical part introduces the Hungarian pediatrician Emmi Pikler, the basic pediatrist Emmi Pikler, the basic premises of her approach and it's principles related to the issue of the motor development, care and play. The empirical part presents the results of the qualitative content analysis of data gathered by a questionnaire. These data provide us with a basic picture of how the concrete parents use the Piklerian principles in upbringing their children.

Material effect in nuclear Fuel - Coolant interaction: Structural characterization of the steam explosion debris and solidification mechanism
Tyrpekl, Václav ; Nižňanský, Daniel (advisor) ; Matějec, Vlastimil (referee) ; Cognet, Gérard (referee)
Thesis Abstract This thesis has been performed under co-tutelle supervision between Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic) and Strasbourg University (France). It also profited from the background and cooperation of Institute of Inorganic Chemistry Academy of Science of the Czech Republic and French Commission for Atomic and Alternative energies (CEA Cadarache, France). Results of the work contribute to the OECD/NEA project Serena 2 (Program on Steam Explosion Resolution for Nuclear Applications). Presented thesis can be classed in the scientific field of nuclear safety and material science. It is aimed on the so-called "molten nuclear Fuel - Coolant Interaction" (FCI) that belongs among the recent issues of the nuclear reactor severe accident R&D. During the nuclear reactor melt down accident the melted reactor load can interact with the coolant (light water). This interaction can be located inside the vessel or outside in the case of vessel break-up. These two scenarios are commonly called in- and ex-vessel FCI and they differ in the conditions such as initial pressure of the system, water sub-cooling etc. The Molten fuel - coolant interaction can progress into thermal detonation called also "steam explosion" that can challenge the reactor or containment integrity. Recent experiments have shown that...

Vývoj eura ve vybraných zemích EU od počátku krize
Strupplová, Lucie ; Pavlík, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Froňková, Martina (referee)
The implementation of Euro as a single currency in Eurozone is a result of a long-time development of European integration. It presents the important milestone in the world economy. The main goal of bachelor's thesis is to evaluate the development and role of Euro in selected states of European Union from beginning of the crisis. The thesis analyses the differencies of the crisis using comparison of the macroeconomic dates. It evaluates the crisis's impact on Germany, France, PIIGS countries and on the whole Eurozone. It observes the role of ECB and interventional and salvation mechanisms as well. In conclusion the tesis evaluates the role of the single currency Euro, its asset and the negative impact in the time of crisis.

Selected psychological characteristics of interaction and communication in criminal investigation of violent criminality
Boukalová, Hedvika ; Gillernová, Ilona (advisor) ; Urbanová, Miluše (referee) ; Sochůrek, Jan (referee)
The work is focused on selected aspects of interaction and communication between investigator and investigated person in investigation of serious criminality. The primary social-psychological point of view on this interaction tries to stay within the applied focus to the field of investigative psychology. At the beginning the work is focused on important investigative conditions and also social-psychological context. After that it 5 moves to specific conditions on the side of investigated person, to motivation of participation in criminal investigation, to the topic of suggestibility and its role in testimony, importance of psychological disorders in the interaction with the investigator and context of investigation. Another topic is testimony as a result of interaction between investigator and investigated person, this chapter is more specifically focused on problem situations and a question of deceitful testimony. Following is the topic of social pressure in investigation and its different manifestations. The attention is devoted more thoroughly to different approaches of persuasive information processing as a bases for deeper understanding of specific interviewing techniques. In the following chapter we are concerned with the conditions on the side of the investigator, to see closer the demands of his...

Determinanty přímých čínských investic do zemí střední a východní Evropy
Belvončíková, Barbora ; Janíčko, Martin (advisor) ; Rod, Aleš (referee)
Chinese outward direct investment is surging and is unique in the sense that its development is much faster than of any other developing country. This thesis investigates the determinants of Chinese outward direct investment (ODI) in eight countries of Central and Eastern Europe throughout the years 2003-2014. Using panel data analysis, the regression model incorporates both traditional macroeconomic variables as well as institutional variables, testing thereby what are Chinese ODI driven by in those post-communist countries. The quality of institutional framework is represented by EBRD indicators, which seem to be more suitable for transition economies. Findings suggest that Chinese MNEs do not access Central and Eastern European countries primarily for market-seeking reasons, however the fact of being a member of the EU boosts Chinese ODI, since entering a member state market grants at the same time access to the whole EU common market and this fact is decisive for China. Also, R&D capacities play an important role in attracting Chinese ODI. On the other hand, Chinese ODI seem not to be associated with a good institutional environment of a host country, only large-scale privatization index is found significant and positively correlated with Chinese ODI inflow. Therefore, the findings of this thesis lead to the conclusion that macroeconomic factors are still more influential than the institutional ones when studying Chinese outward direct investment in Central and Eastern Europe.