National Repository of Grey Literature 25,963 records found  beginprevious25954 - 25963  jump to record: Search took 1.27 seconds. 

Gröbnerovy báze v kryptografii
Hubáček, Pavel ; Stanovský, David (advisor) ; Šťovíček, Jan (referee)
The thesis focuses on the use of GrÄobner bases in cryptography and especially on applications in cryptanalysis of block ciphers. Some elementary concepts from the theory of GrÄobner bases are introduced together with Buchberger's algorithm, a method for constructing such bases. The principle of solving of poly nomial systems using suitable GrÄobner bases is explained. This is followed by pre sentation of modern algorithms that improve the Buchberger's algorithm. In the last part of the thesis present results achieved by GrÄobner bases are summarised and the notion of algebraic cryptanalysis is introduced. In algebraic cryptanalysis we transform breaking of given cryptosystem into a problem of solving polynomial equations over some nite eld. Examples of polynomial descriptions of block ciphers are provided together with some experimental result on arising polynomial systems.

Comparison of Export Support Systems in Austria and the Czech Republic
Zbranková, Lenka ; Král, Petr (advisor) ; Vokáč, Matěj (referee)
This master's thesis deals with the comparison of export support systems in the Czech Republic and Austria. In the first chapter, the terms "export support" and "export credit agencies" are defined and instruments of export supporting policies as well as their positive and negative aspects are listed and EU regulation and policies in this field are briefly described. A short description of the Czech Republic and Austria follows. Special attention is paid to the following analysis of export strategies and export credit agencies in both economies. This descriptive theoretical part is complemented by a practical case study carried out in cooperation with TOSHULIN, a.s. -- a successful producer and exporter of machinery. Both systems of export support are evaluated from the point of view of the company's sales department. The thesis concludes with an evaluation of the topic, a comparison of the effectiveness of both export support systems, and the author's suggestions for potential innovation and improvement in this area.

An Existential and Non-religious Interpretation of the Christian Faith
Holubec, Tomáš ; Funda, Otakar A. (advisor) ; Hauser, Michael (referee)
V této práci jsme analyzovali koncepty nenáboženské a existenciální interpretace křesťanské víry. V úvodu jsme si kladli spolu s Robinsonem otázku, zda lze tyto pokusy označit za reformaci analogicky k reformačnímu hnutí v Evropě patnáctého a šestnáctého století. Zdá se, že se Robinsonova naděje, že tyto pokusy o interpretaci evangelia rozpohybují podobný proces, jako se to povedlo v reformaci, nenaplnila. Přestože byly tyto pokusy zaměřeny na moderního, sekularizovaného člověka, zůstal tento člověk vůči této řeči hluchý. Možná to bylo způsobeno nejednoznačnou terminologií a určitou intelektuální náročností, kterou se nenáboženské interpretace vyznačují. Odhady a charakteristika "čtvrtého člověka" také neodhadly moderního a tím spíše postmoderního člověka přesně. Ano, do určité míry je takový člověk skeptický vůči všemu nadpřirozenému. Má výhrady vůči náboženským mýtům, zázrakům a dogmatům, zároveň však tento člověk hledá duchovní útěchu v nejroztodivnějších typech náboženství a duchovní sféry.

Business Plan: Coffee House
Bezemková, Nikola ; Pilař, Ladislav (advisor) ; Tereza, Tereza (referee)
This thesis deals with the issue of the cafe establishment. The mater thesis consists of two main parts. The theoretical one describes basic concepts necessary for the business, which may include the definition of entrepreneurship, the characteristic of the legal forms of business and the catering equipment. Furthermore, the theoretical part characterizes Pacov town and the individual components of the business plan. The practical part comprises the business plan and its other parts described in detail in the theoretical part. Business plan is divided into 13 steps, which create total picture for the owners and potential investors. The first page of the business plan shows a title page with the company name, logo, address, the responsible manager and contacts. Other pages make up the content of the plan, summary, basic information about the company, description of the business opportunities which the company wants to take as an advantage and control discovered a niche market. Further part clarifies the issue of the individual suppliers to ensure the necessary inputs and raw materials, potential markets and competition analysis in the industry, marketing and business strategies as well as staff. At the end of the plan the financial plan is given, the most important part of the business plan, which decides on the possible implementation of the project and tells, what is more conveniently from the view of the owner, if to carry on the cafe or to rent it. In the last part the main prerequisites for the success of the project and an appendix are formulated. All conclusions are supported by proven and real information from available resources.

Economic policies practised by Ronald Reagan in the USA
Bureš, Vladimír ; Antoš, Ondřej (advisor) ; Urban, Luděk (referee)
This work analyses the economic policies applied by President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s in the United States of America. At first it deals with the characteristics of the main economic approach used in the 1970s and the reasons for its failure. Further it describes personality, political beginnings and the preferred economic direction of Reagan. Following this is the main part of the work, which concerns the characteristics of the most important areas of Reagan's unique economic policy. Remarks on foreign policy are also present. In the end the work examines and analyses the impacts of Reagan's policies on chosen economic indicators, in comparison with those that occurred under other American Presidents. It also presents the opinions of notable economists regarding Reagan's economic policies.

Adoption - a comparison between the law of the Czech Republic and Germany
Péková, Kateřina ; Frintová, Dita (advisor) ; Pohl, Tomáš (referee)
76 Abstract (anglické resumé) Adoption - comparing of the legal regulation in the Czech Republic with the Federal Republic of Germany The dissertation compares adoption problems in the Czech Republic and in the Federal Republic of Germany. The First Chapter considers the historical development of adoptions in both countries comparing legal regulations. Principle of the full adoption is described in the first part of Chapter Two. The second part shortly explains the difference between revocable and non-revocable adoption, which is possible in the Czech Republic. Chapter Three is the most extensive one. This chapter focuses on the adoption of minors. First it analyses and compares the terms of adoption. For easier orientation the terms are subdivided into four groups: the first looks at the terms on the side of adoptive parents, the second group deals with the terms on the side of adoptive child, the third shows terms on the side of biological parents and the fourth group deals with further terms of adoption. Each group describes terms according to the Czech and German law separately and then compares them. Besides the terms of adoption Chapter Three deals with the adoption process. It contains mediation process, proceedings for determination whether biological parents' consent is necessary, which Czech law...

Legal capacity - a comparison of its legal regulation in the Czech Republic and Germany
Kalivodová, Markéta ; Salač, Josef (referee) ; Dvořák, Jan (advisor)
54 6 Závěr Problematika způsobilosti k právním úkonům ve vztahu k nezletilým se zakládá v českém a německém právu na zcela odlišných koncepcích. Původní římskoprávní základ, ze kterého i nadále vychází německé právo, byl v naší zemi opuštěn občanským zákoníkem z r. 1964 a koncepce pevných věkových hranic tak byla nahrazena koncepcí přiměřenosti právního úkonu rozumové a volní vyspělosti dítěte. České právo nestanoví věkovou hranici, pod kterou by dítě bylo absolutně nezpůsobilé k právním úkonům, což je podle mého názoru vhodnější přístup, nicméně německá právní praxe se mu brání s odvoláním na složitost dokazování existence vůle malého dítěte. Německým občanským zákoníkem se jako červená niť vine princip ochrany nezletilého (Minderjähigenschutz), naproti tomu české právo klade důraz rovněž na v německém právu potlačenou ochranu druhé smluvní strany. Rigiditu a nepraktičnost koncepce vycházející z pevných věkových hranic v německém právu překonávají ustanovení typu Taschengeldparagraph, možnost udělení omezeného generálního konsensu, ustanovení o právních úkonech nevyžadujících souhlas zákonného zástupce atd. Ochrana nezletilého, ochrana dobré víry druhé smluvní strany a zaručení principu právní jistoty, to jsou hodnoty, které se budou neustále střetávat při úvahách o vhodnosti toho či kterého řešení úpravy...

Racist legislation of Nazi Germany
Kubelková, Jana ; Horák, Záboj (referee) ; Seltenreich, Radim (advisor)
Tema moji diplomove prace je rasisticke zakonodarstvi nacistickeho Německa. Toto tema jsem zvolila, protože si myslim, že je třeba si připominat i stinne stranky pravnich dějin, abychom se z historie poučili a předešle chyby neopakovali. Diplomovou praci jsem rozdělila do osmi zakladnich kapitol. V prvni kapitole vymezuji zakladni pojmy rasismus a antisemitismus, rasove teorie a vůdcovsky princip, neboť tvořily integralni součast nacisticke ideologie. Druha kapitola obsahuje nastin politicke a ekonomicke situace v povalečnem Německu, postupny vzestup Nacionalněsocialisticke německe dělnicke strany v čele s Adolfem Hitlerem, převzeti moci nacisty a prvni fazi protižidovských opatřeni. Třeti kapitola se věnuje nejvyznamnějšim rasistickym zakonům, tedy tzv. norimberskym zakonům, a dvěma zakonům, jež se tykaly dědičneho zatiženi. V dalšich kapitolach jsem se zabyvala dvěma důležitými mezniky protižidovske politiky Německa. Prvnim je celonarodni pogrom z 9. a 10. listopadu 1938, tzv. křišťalova noc, kterou bych označila za předehru holocaustu. Druhy meznik představuje porada na tema "konečne řešeni evropske židovske otazky" znama jako konference ve Wannsee. 1

Gender Selection as a Topic of Bioethics
Hendlová, Tereza ; Kolářová, Kateřina (advisor) ; Kiczková, Zuzana (referee)
My thesis focuses on the topic of gender selection (deliberate determination of the child's gender which is now possible thanks to recent developments in reproductive medicine) from the perspective of biomedical ethics. The main question is whether the practise of gender selection complies with the 4 basic principles of bioethics against which all medical action should be assessed (principle of autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice). In the thesis, I distinguish between two main types of gender selection: gender selection for medical and non-medical reasons. The main focus is put on the second type, which is more ethically disputable, as it is not as directly related to the child's health and well-being as the first type. Gender selection for non-medical reasons is practiced in the context of multiple interactions of social, political, economic and other factors that all inform parental choices. One of the very influential factors is the medical discourse. For the purpose of complex contextualisation of gender selection for non-medical reasons, the concept of procreative liberty (introduced by J.A. Robertson) and feminist critiques of reproductive choices are presented. My main argument is that gender selection for non-medical reasons should not be legal and available as it has a high potential...

Nigeria in Historic Perspective, its Foreign Policy and Current Problems
Kozlová, Tereza ; Volenec, Otakar (advisor) ; Kochan, Jan (referee)
The thesis "Nigeria in Historic Perspective, Its Foreign Policy and Current Problems"describes a historic development of Nigeria including current political and economic situation after parliamentary and presidental elections in spring 2007. Historical outline forms the introductory part of the thesis, which is followed by general analysis of Nigerian foreign policy and its activity in chosen African and other international organizations. The other part of the chapter contains an analysis of mutual relations between Nigeria and its surrounding states -- Benin, Niger, Chad, Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. Next chapter characterizes the oil conflict in the Niger Delta and possible suggestions for its solutions. The closing part presents summary of discovered information.