National Repository of Grey Literature 24,210 records found  beginprevious24201 - 24210  jump to record: Search took 2.66 seconds. 

Changes of biogenic amines and polyamines content during storage and heat treatments of mutton.
The aim of this thesis was to determine the content of biogenic amines and polyamines, specifically putrescine (PUT), spermidine (SPD) and spermine (SPM) in mutton meat during storage and heat treatment. The meat of slaughter animals is rich in these amines but, unfortunately, data on the content of mutton meat whether in slaughter bodies as well as during storage or heat treatments in the literature are still missing. The samples were provided by small farmers and the animals were hybrids of several breeds. The samples were taken from the thigh and back. The samples of lamb meat were frozen and the ones were watched from 0-6 months. The samples of leg were cooled and packed into three different types of packaging. It was the type of packaging in a polyethylene bag (PE), vacuum packed (VP) and controlled atmosphere packaging (MAP). All the samples were analyzed in the days and also on the initial concentration at day 0. For frozen and cooled (chilled) samples which were stored in PE and VP was observed the decrease in all monitored amines. Only the packaging in MAP occurred in the SPD to a slight increase over the initial content. From heat treatments were performed usual preparations of the meals which are made in central Europe and the meals were cooked on particular days. The highest decrease was measured in roasted meat, then stewed and cooked meat in this order. Reported data are comparable to published data for pork and beef meat stored under the same or similar conditions. I think that these data can help to extend the data in the literature.

"European Identity" of a Teacher
Gröschlová, Andrea ; Walterová, Eliška (advisor) ; Chvál, Martin (referee) ; Janík, Tomáš (referee)
This work attempts to identify and analyse factors that have an effect on the identification of teachers with Europe: "European identity" of a teacher is being argued. We widely discuss actual meaning of the term "Europe" and seek an empirical approach to the "European identity" research. Correctness of the "European identity" of a teacher is not put to test; actual issue of the teacher's profession is being discussed instead. The structure of this work consists of three chapters. First of all some basic assumptions for the work need to be posted: we discuss such terms as "globalisation", "knowledge society", "educational aims" and context of "European dimension of education". The second chapter presents three interrelated parts. They are focused on the meaning of theme "teacher as a subject of research", "identity as a subject of research" and "Europe as a subject of research" . We conclude with the own meaning of the "European identity" of a teacher in the end of the second chapter. Empirical approach throughout the rest of the work is based on this conclusion. The methodological approach is derived from the character of the postulated hypothesis. We compare two independent samples. Two samples being a) teachers (teachers of basic and secondary schools in Prague) and b) random population. Based on the...

The evaluation of RUDOLF JELÍNEK a.s.
Kotrbová, Dominika ; Scholleová, Hana (advisor) ; Smrčka, Luboš (referee)
The goal of the thesis was to evaluate the company RUDOLF JELÍNEK a.s.. This company is very successful now. It sticks at modernization of its factory and technologies but it put attention to expansion as well. It expands to the other countries of Europe but to America, too. Thesis was divided into two parts, theoretic and analytic. There were described the basic steps of the evaluation process and some methods in the theoretic part. Then all the process was applied in the analytic part of the thesis. The main result is the concrete value value of the company.

Human biomonitoring - limitations and opportunities
Figenschou, Kristian ; Černá, Milena (advisor)
Human biomonitoring aims to measure the amount of certain substances in all aspects of the environment, how much of this that reach humans and in what way, and finally how this affects our health. In all aspects of this process lays challenges that must be overcome. When measuring substances in the environment, one must make sure that one is measuring the biomarker which gives the most precise results according to what one seeks to find. Dependent on the biomarker in question, multiple factors can potentially affect the measurements. When the most suitable biomarker has been found, one must make sure that all possible sources are located and taken into consideration, in order to provide a sufficient exposure assessment. The next challenge is to gather accurate epidemiologic data, and link this to the exposure in question, and make a reliable risk assessment. As the examples in this paper highlights, within each step are challenges, and possible limitations. For most substances, there are data gaps and incomplete understanding. There is now much work done globally, on how to further improve the process. Based on today's experiences and knowledge, new guidelines are put down. In Europe there was recently launched a program, that will coordinate the cooperation between the member states. Though it is already a...

Functional shifts of the -ria form in current Portuguese
Rundová, Dana ; Hricsina, Jan (referee) ; Jindrová, Jaroslava (advisor)
The pr e sent diploma the s i s , ent i t led "Fun c t ional Shi f t s of the - r ia Form in Cur r ent Por tu gue s e " , i s dedi ca ted to an int e gr a ted s tudy of a ve rba l pa r adigm, the so ca l l ed " - r i a form" ( t r adi t iona l ly known a s " condi t iona l tense " ) in the Europe an and Bra z i l i an Por tugue se . At f i r s t , the pape r pre sent s broade r concept s of t ime and moda l i t y a s the ba s i c pr inc iple s for the cons t ruc t ion of modot empora l s y s tems of a l l na tura l l angua ge s . Subs equent l y , the modot empora l s ys tem of cur r ent Por tugue se i s e xposed, and f ina l l y the - r i a form i t se l f . In a c cordanc e wi th the s t ruc tur a l approa ch, the t empora l and moda l func t ions of the form a r e de f ined in re la t ion to the othe r s by se t s of di s t inc t i ve f e a ture s . Consequent l y, the a l t e rna t i ve forms able to compute the - r i a form in appropr i a te conte xt s (but s l i ght l y modi f y ing the s igni f i ca t ion) a re re sumed. In the pr a c t i ca l pa r t of the the s i s , conc re t e oc cur renc e s a re ana l ys ed, ba sed on s e a r ching in journa l i s t i c te xt s or gani zed in corpus Ce t emPúbl i co (Europe an Por tugue se ) and CHAVE (Br a z i l i an Por tugue se ) , and then put up to a s ta...

That's the way we fought and died. World of a legionary in the press reflection of Czechs and Slovaks in Russia in years 1914-1920.
Boháčková, Ilona ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor) ; Šedivý, Ivan (referee)
The topic of this bachelor paper is an insight on the life of the soldiers fighting under the banner of the Czechoslovakian legions on the Russian front during the First World War. The paper does not deal with the situation on the battlefields but tries to show the life of the soldiers at the base, their pastime, when they put their guns aside and dealt with the usual daily routines. The crucial sources of information about the daily life of a legionnaire were the foreign resistance magazines made by the soldiers themselves. The opening part of this paper introduces the individual types of the printed matter issued in Russia and describes why and under what circumstances they were written. The following chapters describe how the soldiers spent their free time, what they did, how they had fun, or what problems they dealt with. The attention is given not only to the life of the troops at the base on the eastern front but also to the transport over the Siberian Railroad to the east and the evacuation of the troops on ships to Europe.

Social advertising
Grossová, Lenka ; Matějů, Martin (referee) ; Hubáček, Ondřej (advisor)
The social advertising is a cultural phenomenon, the objective of which is to point out the problems of society and to change the public attitude and behaviour. These objectives are reached by the same principles and strategies used in the commercial advertising. The social advertising, as well as its hybrid and transitional forms, are a branch of the social marketing. While the submitters of the social advertising are mostly non-profit organizations, even more private companies are involved in Corporate Social Responsibility programme, trying to reach not only their company (commercial) goals but also the sociality beneficial goals in order to distinguish from the competition. The marketing instrument which puts on the notifications about this activity into the company communication strategy is called Cause Related Marketing. Considering the social advertising in the Czech Republic (or CSSR) we can only talk about it when regarding the change of the regime in 1989. Even if we can find this kind of advertising in the era of communism, it was mostly only the propagandism. For this reasons, the social advertising is at the higher level in Western Europe and The United States of America, as more space and assets are devoted to it then in our country. In my thesis I tried to plot its problems, to consult it...

Analysis and concept of partial modification of simulation mechanics and graphical user interface of the educational simulation Europe 2045
Fixl, Matěj ; Šisler, Vít (advisor) ; Slussareff, Michaela (referee)
The presented work is concerned with systematic analysis of the user interface of computer simulation and serious game Europe 2045. The author then puts forward modifications of the current user interface, which aim to enhance the user experience, and allow for further utilization of the computer simulation. Europe 2045 is approached as an information system, and proposed modifications of its user interface are based on evaluation, which was provided by users of Europe 2045 during the years 2008 - 2012.

The Development of Political Party Systems in the Czech Republic and Slovakia after 1989
Schaller, Jennifer ; Just, Petr (advisor) ; Krausz Hladká, Malvína (referee)
The transition to democracy and consolidation of democracy in Central and Eastern Europe is a widely debated topic within the study of comparative politics. Nearly twenty years after embarking on the democratization and economic liberalization path, most of these states have emerged with stable and internationally accepted democratic systems. The literature on democratization has identified many different factors that contribute to the success of democracy (its stabilization and consolidation) in post­ communist states. One of the crucial factors in the development of democracy is institution-building. New democratic states must rapidly and decisively put democratic institutions in place in order to be able to carry out the procedures related to democracy. Institutions include not only the governing bodies, but also political parties, which form the basis of political competition. The development and maintenance of political parties is crucial to newly-formed democracies, and the ability of parties to win elections, survive, and adapt is one important indicator of the successful functioning of democracy. Studies of newly-formed or renewed political parties and political party systems focus on the contexts and conditions for their development, incorporating a variety of variables that account for differences...

Application of DSSAT model to simulated thermophilic crops in central and southern Europe
Potop, V. ; Mateescu, C.D. ; Türkott, L. ; Zahradníček, Pavel ; Boroneant, C. ; Constantinescu, F. ; Iamandei, M.
This study presents applications of DSSAT version 4.5 software package to simulate thermophilic crops. The results are used to identified adaptation options to reduce impacts of climate changes, pest and diseases in thermophilic crops in the central and southeastern Europe, specifically in Elbe River lowland and Romania. For the Czech Republic, experimental research at farm level includes: (1) testing thermophilic assortment of vegetables in Elbe lowland conditions; (2) monitoring the meteorological data, phenological phases, soil characteristics, leaf area and the amount of aboveground biomass on farmer vegetable fields. For Romania, the focus is put on crop water use efficiency under current and future climate scenarios for thermophilic species (maize) in different agricultural sites from south and south-eastern regions. CERES Maize and CROPGRO-vegetables modules embedded in DSSAT were used.