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Driver in paragraph captivity
This work is made to help drivers with communication a orientation among subjects authorized to controle participants of traffic, conrole traffic itself, give out regulations and instructions and inspect interier and boots of cars, make tentative and special physical examinations to find out, if driver had ingested an alcoholic drings or drugs. It ansvers to questions of rights and responsibilities of Czech police, Customs administration a General inspection, questions like: How to discern members of Police, Customs administration and General inspection; when you could be stopped by them and when the can make an inspection of our car´s interier; what are rights and responsibolities of drivers in relationship with Police, Customs administrations and General inspection.

Rights and duties of a forest owner
Křižánková, Jana ; Drobník, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Žákovská, Karolina (referee)
70 Resumé a název práce v anglickém jazyce: Rights and duties of forest owner (Práva a povinnosti vlastníka lesa) The thesis is composed of seven chapters. Chapter one is introductory. Chapter two defines basic terminology used in the thesis. The legal regulation of rights and duties of forest owner is based on the Forest Act (N. 289/1995 Coll.). The forest is a forest stand with its environment and land determined to fulfil the function of forest. Other terms defines in this chapter are especially function of a forest, the land designated to fulfil the function of a forest, and the forest categories. Part two of this chapter is describing historical progress of forest ownership, what is ownership, who can be the forest owner. Chapter three is about basic rights and duties of forest owner, about the relevant Czech legislation, control of observation duties. Chapter four concentrates on rights and duties of forest owner within forest management. This chapter is subdivided into six parts. Part one describes the forest managing. Part two is about forest plans consisting of regional plans of forest development, forest management plans and forest management guidelines. Part three is about administrative-legal instruments and duties of forest owner within forest management, within the reconstruction and breeding...

Industrial property rights protection in the Czech judicial practice
Hainz, Miloslav ; Pítra, Vladimír (referee) ; Růžička, Michal (referee)
118 Resumé Ochrana pr myslového vlastnictví v eské soudní praxi Práva z pr myslového vlastnictví, k nimž náleží nap íklad práva k chrán ným vynález m (práva k patentu), užitným vzor m, pr myslovým vzor m, ochranným známkám nebo obchodní firm , mají stále rostoucí význam pro ekonomický rozvoj moderní spole nosti, a náleží jim proto odpovídající ochrana. Soudní ochrana pr myslového vlastnictví je v dnešním právním ádu R postavena na t ech základních pilí ích, jimiž jsou správní soudnictví, ochrana prost ednictvím civilního soudního ízení a kone n trestní ochrana soudní, p i emž každý z t chto t í pilí plní specifický ú el. Ú elem správního soudnictví je soudní p ezkum rozhodnutí Ú adu pr myslového vlastnictví, který má vést ke sjednocení a zkvalitn ní rozhodovací innosti Ú adu pr myslového vlastnictví. ízení, jímž se rozhoduje o ud lení ochrany nebo o jejím zrušení, je tak pod p ezkumem soudní moci. Ú elem civilního soudnictví je poskytnout osobám, jimž sv d í práva z pr myslového vlastnictví, soudní ochranu t chto práv. Majitelé pr myslových práv uplat ují v civilním ízení své nároky podle zákona . . 221/2006 Sb., o vymáhání práv z pr myslového vlastnictví, který je inkorporací sm rnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2004/48/ES o vymáhání práv duševního vlastnictví. A kone n , trestní ochrana soudní je ve...

Collective administration of copyright and neighbouring and relating rights
Theinová, Terezie ; Žikovská, Petra (referee) ; Wünschová Pujmanová, Alexandra (advisor)
61 Tůma, P., Základní charakteristika kolektivní správy autorských práv k dílům hudebním v USA, Právník, 11/2002 Utěšený, P., Autorské ochranné organizace ve světle antimonopolního práva v komunitární a české právní úpravě, Právní rádce, č. 11/2002 www.č, Evropské komisi se nelíbí monopol autorských svazů v Česku, 27.11.2008 Zákon č. 121/2000 Sb., o právu autorském, o právech souvisejících s právem autorským a o změně některých zákonů (autorský zákon), ve znění pozdějších předpisů Resumé Collectiv Administration of Copyright and Rights similar to Copyright This work describes mainly the collective administration and its legal frame in the Czech Republic. Basic terms as copyright and collective administration are described and explained at the beginning. There is also a part dedicated to the history and establishment of the collective administration in general and also in the Czech Republic during the twentieth century. Among the sources of legal administration the international conventions and european law sources, especial several directives, are mentioned next to the Czech Copyright Act. The present Copyright Act is already in compliance with most of the european directives. Among the legal sources and also as a break 62 through the principles on which the continental collective administration is...

Quo vadis, Czech Legislation - Laws of the Czech Republic since 1993 and Factually Subject Characteristics
Novák, František
This chapter is concerned of the analysis of the Czech legislation from the year 1993 to the present in category of Law Acts as the basic legislative instrument enected in that period. The results obtained from such comparisons demonstrate that the most intensive attention is in legislation devoted to economic and state administrative affairs including justice, but problems connected with individual and his rights and possible satisfying his cultural, social and education needs are after the year 1990 even more marginalized.

Citizens on the political system in the Czech Republic - February 2012
Ďurďovič, Martin
In its February survey, CVVM focused on opinions towards the political system in the Czech Republic. Questions in the survey concerned the level of satisfaction with democracy, the evaluation of democracy as a form of government, respect to human rights, coequality and fairness in treating people and the evaluation of the politic system development since 1989. Current data are compared with the data on the same topic collected in previous surveys.

Protection of Right to Fair Trial in Relation to Preliminary Ruling Proceedings
Němečková, Petra ; Tomášek, Michal (advisor) ; Král, Richard (referee) ; Smolek, Martin (referee)
v anglickém jazyce - English abstract Protection of Right to Fair Trial in Relation to Preliminary Ruling Proceedings Right to fair trial is one of fundamental human rights, which enables individuals to effectively invoke their rights and freedoms before a lawful, impartial and independent court. In Europe, the protection of this right is guaranteed at a multi-layer level, whose layers interact: first layer is formed by constitutional orders of individual States, second layer by institutions of European Union, in particular the Court of Justice of the European Union, and a third one, that of the European Court for Human Rights. In the European Union, the Treaties have introduced the mechanism of preliminary ruling with the aim of preserving unity within the Union and of ensuring coherent interpretation and application of European law by the courts of the Member States. Preliminary ruling proceedings ensure effective cooperation between national courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union. Art. 267 TFEU provides for an obligation to request a preliminary ruling for national courts of last instance (if none of the CILFIT case law conditions is met). Breach of this obligation may entail violation of right to fair trial at all three layers of human rights protection in Europe. Each European...