National Repository of Grey Literature 21,012 records found  beginprevious21003 - 21012  jump to record: Search took 1.50 seconds. 

Numerical model of NATM tunnel in stiff clays
Svoboda, Tomáš ; Mašín, David (advisor) ; Hilar, Matouš (referee) ; Barták, Jiří (referee)
Disertační práce představuje aplikaci hypoplastického konstitučního modelu při realizaci NRTM tunelu v prostředí městské zástavby s cílem obdržet "class A" predikce chování zeminového masivu. Tunely Královo Pole tvoří hlavní konstrukci severní části Velkého městského okruhu v Brně. Tunely o šířce 14 m a výšce 12 m jsou raženy v prostředí tuhých brněnských jílů s výškou nadloží v rozmezí 6 až 21 metrů. Materiálové parametry hypoplastického modelu kalibrované na výsledky laboratorních experimentů byly optimalizovány využitím dat geotechnického monitoringu a následně použity při simulacích tunelu. Po průchodu ražby profilu tunelu zvoleným úsekem staničení došlo k vyhodnocení prediktivních schopností a vhodnosti konstitučního modelu. Druhým konstitučním modelem použitým při simulacích průzkumné štoly a plain strain analýze tunelu je Mohr - Coulombův model. Metoda redukce napětí využitá v procesu optimalizace parametrů byla vyhodnocena formou porovnání s 3D simulacemi. K vyhodnocení posloužily simulace třech skutečných podzemních konstrukcí s nízkým nadložím realizovaných v prostředí tuhých jílů. Abstract The thesis demonstrates the application of a hypoplastic model in class A predictions of a NATM tunnel in an urban environment. The Kralovo Pole tunnel is a main construction of a northern part of a...

Výuka angličtiny ve Španělsku v rámci programu SOCRATES/ COMENIUS- Asistent při výuce jazyka
This diploma thesis deals with my stay at C.P.I. Tino Grandío, Guntín, Spain where I participate in classes of English as the SOCRATES/ COMENIUS language assistant in the school year 2006/2007. The Socrates programme as well as the Spanish system of education is presented in the theoretical section of this diploma work. Another part of this section is constituted by the presentation of the Common European Framework of Reference and the European Language Portfolio and their incorporation into the Spanish and Czech curricula. The practical section focuses on the presentation of my host institution C.P.I. Tino Grandío, in particular on its technical facilities, the course books employed in classes or on the aims of teaching English in general. The following part of the practical section contains examples of activities employed in classes of English where I participated as assistant. In this part, I also mention what the assistantship brought to me, what impact did it have on my host school and I comment on the problems encountered during my assistantship. In the final part, I evaluate the whole assistantship at C.P.I. Tino Grandío.

The currency reform in Czechoslovakia in 1953
Stromšík, Jakub ; Kuklík, Jan (advisor) ; Rákosník, Jakub (referee)
Resumé The Currency Reform in Czechoslovakia in 1953 The currency reform in Czechoslovakia in 1953 was significant because of many reasons. People lost their long-term savings, they understood the reform as theft of their honestly earned money. Communist propaganda could not change the people's feelings. The confidence in bank savings and life insurance was undermined. The result of the currency reform was cancellation of rationing but in fact the standard of living of Czechs and Slovaks dropped. In centrally controlled economy it was impossible to overcome the supply problems, which played into the hands of the shadow economy. Old-age and disability pensioners were also in difficult financial situation because they lost their income from their bound deposits and life insurance. The biggest group affected by the currency reform was labour class. That was the reason why the planned increase in industrial production failed. The monetary reform was a necessary condition for the continuation of extensive development of heavy industry, in the coming years to allow increased investments in this sector. Further, there have been general assumptions, that the corporate debts would be removed, however in contrary the debts substantially increased. Bankruptcy was unthinkable for many political reasons, and loans were...

The level of vocabulary among first-year primary school pupils.
Bachelor thesis pursue speech development in separate language plane. It is focusing in more detail on lexikal semantic plane, i.e. word-stock by children in separate age period. The emphasis gives on vocabulary level standard of children at the biginning of the first class primary school. The sato determinare the vocabulary level ck at the biginning of the first class primary school with the assistence of experimantal sond in two primary schools and it contains the comparison beetwen two primary schools. It contains methods to learn and games.

SOFAnet 2
Papež, Michal ; Bureš, Tomáš (advisor) ; Malohlava, Michal (referee)
SOFAnet 2 MASTER THESIS Michal Papež Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems, 2011 Abstract: The aim of SOFAnet 2, as a network environment of the SOFA 2 com- ponent system, is to exchange components between SOFAnodes in a simple and rational way. Current concerns of the SOFA 2 users about software distribution are analyzed and discussed. New high level concepts of Applications and Components are defined together with their mapping to SOFA 2 first class concepts, means of distribution and removal. Furthermore a methodology to keep SOFA 2 repository clean is introduced. All new elements as concepts and operations are studied using a formal set model. The proposed concept of SOFAnet 2 is proved by a prototype implementation. 1

Enriching Czech physical education curriculum of Asian motion culture elements
Daňková, Petra ; Fialová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Potměšil, Jaroslav (referee)
Title: Enriching the Czech physical education curriculum of elements of Asian motion culture Aim: The aim of the thesis is incomporating elements of Asian motion culture into Czech physical education curriculum with the purpose of making it fancier and more varied. The enhancement of student's interest in physical activities and their motivation to participate in them was an accompanying aim. The thesis's ambition is to introduce to the Czech public the Taiwan educational system, the development of physical education in Taiwan, its organisation and planning. Elements of Asian motion culture applied in physical education classes can be well used also for multicultural education purposes. Metod: Content analysis and interviews were used as a method. The results were evaluated through WORD, EXCEL, sound and video recordings. Data collection was conducted continously during a year stay in Taiwan. The translations of foreign materials were realized by the author. An assistance of Chinese native speaker was neccessary only with a limited number of Chinese publications. Results: The result of the carried out research is the comparison of Taiwan and Czech school system, introduction of 2009 Plan to support and popularize traditional sports and a proposal of incorporating a battery of physical excercises...

Physical education for pupils with physical disability on the first grade of basic school
Bělastová, Markéta ; Šumníková, Pavlína (referee) ; Hájková, Vanda (advisor)
My dissertation occupies by physical education for pupils with physical disability. The aim of this dissertation is to chart the educational process at physical education of pupils with physical disability and compare theory with current practice at schools. Teoretic part of the dissertation attends to personality of the teacher and pupil, didactics and methodics of development motoric abilities and skills of pupil with physical disability. It deals with teaching methods, with forms of organization and with structure of unit of physical education, with motivation, evaluation and classification of pupils. Practical part of dissertation explores problems in physical education from a teacher's view. It maps over preparation of the teacher to physical education, the proportion of pupils, which attend to physical education and pupils, which don't and number of assistants in classes. It collects information about the most freguently kinds of motivation and problems which the teacher meets in the physical education. Key words: pupil with physical disability, motoric abilities and skills, motoric learning, teaching unit, teaching methods, motivation, evaluation.

Choice of branch health assistant
Podkalská, Jitka ; Janíková, Taťána (advisor) ; Jurásková, Dana (referee)
Diploma work deals with problems of the new non-medical health branch at the secondary school - health assistant branch. The aim of the work is to map dominant motivation factors of choice existing in academic branch, to find out, where would future graduate like to search for the fulfillment and to compare attitudes to this branch in the particular year - classes. The effort of this diploma paper is to contribute to a wide discussion about the present situation of non-medical health workers education.

The testing of celiac disease in connection with osteoporosis
SLADKÁ, Romana
My Bachelor´s thesis deals with the examination of celiac disease in connection to osteoporosis. The aim of the thesis was to specify the level of antidotes against tissue transglutaminase in the class IgA and IgG in the serum with osteoporosis diagnosed patients, to interpret, based on the results of the study, possible link between osteoporosis and celiac disease as well as to compare the outcome with scientific data. I focused on the present knowledge of osteoporosis and celiac disease in the first part. As for celiac disease, I described its history and characteristics. I also paid attention to diagnostics of celiac disease with the assistance of laboratory serological tests ELISA. I mentioned the free-gluten diet treatment after that. As regards osteoporosis, I described its history, symptoms, forms, perils and complications which the disease causes. I conducted the methodical part of my work in the biochemical haematological laboratory Stafila where I work, with its seat in České Budějovice. As for measurements, I took them in the department of microbiology, where immunologic tests are also taken. I carried out the screening of celiac disease from serum, namely the determination of antidotes against tissue transglutaminase in the class IgA and IgG, with the aid of ELISA - a sandwich method. I took measurements with 58 osteoporosis diagnosed patients. I obtained the sera thanks to the supervisor of my thesis Mrs. Marie Ládová, who is at the head of an osteological outpatient department in České Budějovice. I stated the serological markers of celiac disease with the assistance of enzymatic immunoanalysis conducted on automatic analyzer Nexgen Four, which was provided by the firm Test-Line. I describe the analyzer, its specification, checking and calibration of the gadget together with determination checks in this part of the thesis. Additionally, there is described the principle of the method ELISA- sandwich, which is non-competitive enzymatic immunoanalysis. At the end of the section there is depicted the methodical procedure of my work, the preparation of working solutions and checks, the preparation and dilution of samples for analysis and working procedure for semiquantitative interpretation with positivity index and for quantitative interpretation U/ml. I continued with my own measurements. while respecting standard operations procedures of the laboratory Stafila, a limited liability company. The results of my measurements are processed in the third part of the thesis. The acquired results are given in a table: quantitative interpretation of the antidote against tTg IgA and IgG (U/ml) level in the sera of the osteoporosis diagnosed patients. Then I presented a graph interpreting the proportional relation of the antidote against tTg IgA and IgG levels in the sera of the osteoporosis diagnosed patients. There are included calibration graphs for tissue transglutaminase IgA and IgG and tables of the obtained data of checks for the methods in the results. 3 out of the 58 examined samples of osteoporotic patients were positive, they had the level of antibodies higher than 22 U/ml. One of the samples had marginal figures, which means it had the antidotes against tTg IgA an IgG between 18 and 22 U/ml. Positive results were found with patients born in 1976 and 1978. A patient born in 1962 appeared to have a marginal result. The acquired antidote figures against tissue transglutaminase in the class IgA and IgG are presented proportionally in the graph 1. 3 out of the 58 measured samples were positive, which represents 5%, and 1 sample was marginal, which is 2%. My analysis is based on the availability of the examined material and the potential of our laboratory. Celiac disease is an illness which was not paid much attention to in the past. Hypothesis about the link between osteoporosis and celiac disease has been proved.

Production of carotenoids by red yeasts grown on some waste substrates
Kubáčková, Martina ; Čarnecká, Martina (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
Carotenoids belong to the most widespread and abundant classes of natural pigments with utilised in food industry, pharmacy and cosmetics. Presented work was realized as a comparative study of some substrates for cultivation of red yeast Rhodotorula glutinis, which produces carotenoid pigments. Yeasts were cultivated in different media with several waste substrates (for example potato fiber, apple waste, cereals, grains, etc.) as nutrition sources. To some substrates hydrolytic enzymes isolated from the fungi genus Fusarium were added. Majority of waste substrates were acceptable for cultivation. However, the best conditions for production of carotenoid enriched biomass (6,4 g/l of biomass enriched 3,2 mg /g of beta-carotene) exhibited media with hydrolytic fungal enzymes.