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The humanities with the predominance of classical languages in the Czech lands in the 19th century
Svatoš, Martin
The paper presented at the symposium about the education and cultural activities in the Czech culture in 19th century deals with the development of the classical philology and the position of the classical languages in the system of humanities education in the said century and he also follows cultural, social and political aspects and functions of this kind of education in the Habsburg monarchy as well as in the Czech lands in this century.

The Catalogues of Records Companies of Early 20th Century
Gössel, Gabriel ; Šír, Filip
Grey literature often contains documents such as publisher or corporate catalogues. Included among these are catalogues of record companies, which provide evidence of all the sound documents issued for sale. Recordings are part of the collections of many institutions, but few of them also own these secondary information resources. Therefore, they are not able to contribute to the overall view of the cultural heritage of the era when the gramophone industry began and developed rapidly.
Fulltext: idr-1042_2 - Download fulltextPDF; idr-1042_3 - Download fulltextPDF
Slides: idr-1042_1 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: idr-1042_4 - Download fulltextMP4

Typology and development of Bohemian chateau architecture, 1620-1690
Bláha, Václav ; Macek, Petr (referee) ; Horyna, Martin (advisor)
The aim of the diploma thesis "Typology and Development of Bohemian Chateau Architecture, 1620-1690" is the definition and analysis of the principial functional and esthetical components of the chateau architecture, and also an attempt at their classification to wider context of early baroque Central European and European architectural development. The catalogue of 76 exquisited architectural objects is included.

Russian cinematographers of the 70`s and 80`s of the 20th century
Souček, Prokop ; SMUTNÝ, Vladimír (advisor) ; BERNARD, Jan (referee)
In this diploma thesis I summarize and analyze information about cinematographers of the 70`s and 80`s of the 20th century. I deal with the basics of theory in the context of the period, as well as artistic relationships, and detailed analysis of specific films, with the target to explain the innovative visual procedures established in this period in Russia. I aim to show the influence of the unique production of the period on todays work by analyzing given means of expression.

Bohemian lands and the War of 1813
Kessler, Vojtěch ; Bělina, Pavel (referee) ; Stellner, František (advisor)
In my work I try to analyze the war events of the year 1813, which took place on our land. I focused mostly on the reactions to the events from the inhabitants of the cities and the countryside. Therefore the key questions were - how did the inhabitants see and understand the major war events of their time. I also kept in mind the reflection about the economical difficulties caused by the military actions, or by a simple passing of the armies. For the obvious reasons I focused on the inhabitants of the north of the Bohemia region. It turned out that the war is still understood by a simple man of the beginning of the 19 century as a God's deal or as a caprice of the mighty. The people realized it's destructive potential only if it directly affected them. We could say that the level of the disagreement and the laments is inversely proportional to the distance between the places where the battles took place or where the armies were passing and the residences of the people manifesting them. Despite the sufferings of the war and the economic exhaustion, very soon after the battles had stopped, news about the natural cycles and the harvest started to reappear in the chronicles. Those were undoubtedly the events of a great importance for a person of that time.

Munich Treaty as a legitimizing means for normalization in Czechoslovakia - Contribution to the influence of mass media in Czechoslovakia at the end of the 60' and beginning of 70' of 20th century
Provazníková, Jana ; Szobi, Pavel (advisor) ; Tajovský, Ladislav (referee)
This magister thesis is focused on relationships between mass media, political power and society in Czechoslovakia in the late 60' and in the beginning of 70' in 20th century and desribe the transformation of media atmosphere during the era of political changes in Czechoslovakia, that means the transformation from "liberalized" 60' due to the normalization. I find answers to these questions: What were the most important changes in medial atmosphere in the Czechoslovakia in late 60' and beginning of 70'? Were media and politics connected? How important was the influence of mass media due to the political changes and normalization? Did comunists mass medias have such great power to influence society and persuade people about the rightness of intervention? As a main hypothesis there is the claim, that mass media under the comunists influence wanted to and actually managed to manipulate with people and their opinions. The answers for questions and hypotesis are verified on the basis of a general theory of media history and studies and then specifically analyzed on the concete historical example -- Munich Treaty. Methodologically this work come out of the new political history and discussion that lead to the role of mass media in modern sotieties, and also from the latest scientific literature and archival materials.

Pick´s disease and the specifics of the nursing care of a patient with this disease
Pick's disease is a degenerative-atrophic process that primarily affects the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. Besides Alzheimer's disease, it is a lesser known form of dementia which affects people of younger age. Although the exact range of Pick's disease occurrence varies in the literature, the average reported age is between 50-60 years. The disease can change eating habits, cause emotional swings, inappropriate behaviour and sloppy appearance of the patients. The behaviour to others is often selfish, the patients are unable to listen to others and ignore their surroundings. Pick's disease is also characterized by inappropriate sexual behaviour. Globally, the number of dementia patients is still growing and according to expert guesses the increase will continue. Nursing care for patients with dementia is therefore becoming a very actual topic as dementia is called a quiet epidemic of our century. Nurses in their departments quite frequently encounter patients suffering from dementia of various origins at different stages of disability and the staff at healthcare facilities often regard these people as a burden. The aim of this thesis, which is called Pick's Disease and Specifics of Nursing Care for Patients with this Disease, is, based on the theoretical knowledge, to map definitions and diagnosis of Pick's disease, to define the needs of such a patient, and to list the most common problems in the nursing care. It focuses on people with dementia within medical facilities. For proper understanding of the problem, the thesis starts with the anatomy and physiology of the brain and the description of cognitive functions which are affected by the dementia syndrome and the definition of dementia. Based on the studied literature, dementia is divided according to various criteria. It has been found out that dividing dementia is not entirely uniform, but the essential facts and overall opinions of the authors do not diverge. Pick's disease belongs to a group of frontotemporal dementia and its position in this group has changed over time, as it is recorded in the literature. The thesis includes recommendations resulting from the studied literature in the approach to patients with dementia and emphasizes personal communication with the patients and empathetic and humane approach. Although medicine cannot prevent dementia, an early diagnosis of a specific type of dementia and correctly targeted treatment can increase the quality of life not only of the patients but also of their families. I have chosen this topic because I find it very current and interesting. During my nursing practice at the Surgery Department and Aftercare Department, I have met patients suffering from dementia and I did not know how to properly and efficiently communicate with them. For the theoretical part of my work, the methods of explanation, synthesis and induction on the basis of Czech and foreign information sources have been used. The most frequently quoted Czech authors in my thesis are doc. MD. Roman Jirák, PhD., the head of the center for diagnosis and therapy of Alzheimer's disease at the psychiatric clinic of the General University Hospital in Prague, the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University. This thesis can serve as an informational and educational source both for nurses and the general public who may experience the disease within their families. It would be considered a great success if it helped nurses or family members to diagnose Pick's disease or other dementia at an early stage.

The image of the "Prague spring" and the year 1968 in the Czech literature of the 2nd half of the 20th century as a problem of emblematic reduction
Čmejrková, Anna ; Holý, Jiří (referee) ; Bílek, Petr (advisor)
The thesis presents an analysis of the image of the "Prague Spring" and the year 1968 in Czech literature of the 2nd half of the 20th century. It focuses on the issue of emblematic reduction which occurs in the representation of the social situation in 1968, and analyzes the emblems which participate in the construction of the literary image of the Prague Spring in particular texts. The first part focuses on texts of the official literature of 1970s and 1980s, which attempt to create an image of the Prague Spring as a period of crisis in accordance with the conclusions of the document Poucení z krizového vývoje ve strane a spolecnosti po 13. sjezdu KSC (Lesson drawn from the crisis development in the Party and Society after the 13th Congress of the C.P.Cz.), as well as the contemporary requirements of socialist literature. In these texts the principle of emblematic reduction proves to be abundantly applied, in full concordance with the idea that simple notions and stereotypes guarantee unambiguous reading and add the necessary cogency. The emblems, based on the main ideological pillars of the normalization period (the principle of the class struggle, the cult of work and family etc.) and thus having fixed meanings at the time, play a vital role in the representation of characters, milieu and the situation...

Complete scenographic project for Charles Gounod's FAUST
Forstová, Anna ; David, Milan (advisor) ; Vohlídalová, Ivana (advisor) ; Glogr, Karel (referee) ; Zábrodská, Dana (referee)
My bachelors work is focused on a study of different costume approaches to Fausts theme. I compare selected foreign inscenations since the end of eighteen century to present. Selection of performances was made upon the existence of picture materials and theatre reviews. I tried to reflect the change of costume tradition and discover what parts of original costume remained unchanged till now. The best example for this observation was costume of Mefistofeles. In second part I?m dealing with treatment of my practical assignement ? costume and set design work for Gounod opera Faust and Marketa.

System of the support of the Czech cinematography
Stibralová, Alena ; Kallista, Jaromír (advisor) ; Šuster, Jan (referee)
In my bachelor thesis I prepared an overview of the system and development of the support of Czech Cinematography. I am focusing on the film legislation in the Czech Republic after 1989. Nowadays, laws which contain the terms and mechanism of the functioning of the film area are not satisfactory anymore. The acts were established in the nineties of the 20th century. These Acts are not reflecting the progress of the new technologies and development of cinematography. With the end of the Act about digitalization of broadcasting (Act no. 304/2007) a question arises as to where to find the financial resources for the State Fund of Czech Cinematography. I am comparing, in short, the state of film support in the Czech Republic and in different states of the European Union. The Czech Ministry of Culture is now working on a new version of the Cinematography Act - passing of this law would bring an amendment to the Act no. 273/1993 (audiovisual law) and Act no. 241/1992 (law about the State Fund for the Support and Development of Czech Cinematography). I would like to show the historical and thematic context. I am analyzing and evaluating the new Cinematography Act from different points of view. In the conclusion of my thesis I contemplate the chance of the new Act being passed. Overall, I assess the new proposal of the Cinema Act positively. Although it is a sort of a compromise, it meets the needs of the present.