National Repository of Grey Literature 16,653 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 1.40 seconds. 

Influence of meadow management on the migration behavior of selected species of butterflies
Bubová, Terezie ; Langrová, Iva (advisor) ; Farkač, Jan (referee)
Migrations are the key process and one of the basic biological features, which allow survival of endangered species in fragmented landscape. In the last decades, agriculture intensification, industry and urbanization caused that number of natural butterfly habitats has significantly decreased. The localities originally suitable for butterflies are currnetly converted to farmland or building plots. This PhD thesis aimed to find a compromise solution of meadow management, which should allow a commercial use and concurrently do not jeopardize the continued existence of endangered or threatened species. The main idea of this study was in the intentional emigration causing in the middle of flight period, which should lead into resettlement of the population to another (potentially more suitable) locality. Possibility of aimed manipulation with butterfly emigrations would be considered as a major breakthrough in their protection. The investigated species Phengaris nausithous (Bergsträsser, 1779) and Phengaris teleius (Bergsträsser, 1779) are both considered to be flagship species for protection of European butterflies at open meadows. This study is based on research, which was carried out in 2013-2015 at 17 patch in localities Dolní Labe, Czech Republic. In above mentioned years, one selected meadow was mowed in the middle of flight season and the emigrations were then monitored using mark-release-recapture method. Results of population and migration characteristics were calculated in MARK 8.1 software. Subsequently, the effect of mowing on emigration (comparison of emigrations from the meadow before and after mowing) was evaluated using Statistica 13. The hypotheses of this study were based on the assumption, that the loss of resources after well-timed mowing should increase the activity of adult butterflies. During the monitoring, number of emigrations was increased only in flight season 2015. Unfortunately, the statistical evaluation did not show significant effect of mowing on migrations. On the other hand, the hypothesis dealing with colonization of nearest meadows was confirmed. Effect of intentional emigration caused by management interventions was unfortunately not proved. However, we found out, that even though the population at one mowed meadow decreased clearly, the metapopulation size at the locality remained more or less stable. At investigated (mowed) meadow, there was observed a sharp decline of P. nausithous abundance. On the other hand, P. teleius population was only slightly reduced. It is therefore conceivable, that P. teleius are not as susceptible to innapropriate term of mowing. The results obtained in our research conclusively displayed no possible positive effect of mowing in the middle of flight season and a necessity of suitable management maintenance at localities inhabited by Phengaris butterflies.

Antioxidant, anti-proliferative and immunomodulatory effect of fruits, vegetables and mushrooms in vitro
Doskočil, Ivo ; Havlík, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Orsák, Matyáš (referee)
Recently there has been an increasing interest in discovering of new species of plants and mushrooms which have antioxidant or anti proliferative activity. The interest is caused by the fact that these species have medicinal and food utilization. These properties of plants and mushrooms can be used when dealing with many diseases which may be connected with oxidative stress (inflammatory bowel disease, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and tumour disease, etc.). The thesis propounds characteristics of in vitro antioxidant and anti proliferative activity of 19 types of juices and 28 methanol extracts of fruits and vegetables, which are common parts of a diet. In the thesis there are also characteristics of 13 ethanol extracts of edible mushrooms of the order of Polypore (Popyporales). Antioxidant activity was quantifie by 2, 2 diphenyl 1 picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), and inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) production. Cytotoxicity was measured by MTT (3 (4,5 dimethylthiazol 2 yl) 2,5 diphenyltetrazolium bromide. Immunomodulatory activity was determined by an assay of phagocytic activity of human neutrophil granulocytes. Further a total phenolic content (TPC) and total beta glucan content were investigated; these are considered to be the potentially active constituents participating in mentioned activities. From the obtained results it is evident that juices (TPC = 1603.2 mg GAE/L; ORAC = 438.5 umol TE/g) and a bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) fruit extract (ORAC 836.6 umol TE/g; DPPH = 404.6 umol TE/g) showed the highest antioxidant activity of all tested samples of fruits and vegetables. Capsicum (Capsicum L.) juices (TPC = 642.1 mg GAE/L; ORAC = 127.9 umol TE/g) and a radish (Raphanus sativus L.) extract (ORAC 724.5 umol TE/g; DPPH = 52.2 umol TE/g) also proved to have the high values of antioxidant activity. From the tested fruits and vegetables the following inhibited to produce a nitric oxide: onion (Allium cepa L) juices (lowered the NO production by 57%), tangerine juices (Citrus reticulata Blanco)(by 52%), broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis italic) extract (by 21%), and orange (Citrus sinensis Pers.) extract (by 10%). Concerning edible mushrooms, Lentinus tigrinus (Bull.) Fr. (TPC = 216.2 umol GAE/g of extract), Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P. Kras (TPC = 257.9 umol GAE/g of extract), and Royoporus badius (Pers.) A.B. De (TPC = 257.8 umol GAE/g of extract) presented the highest phenolic content. Sparassis crispa (Wulfen) Fr. (117.4 mg/g of extract) had the highest content of beta glucan. Substantial effect on phagocytic activity of granulocytes was noticed in connection with Neolentinus lepideus (Fr.) Redhead & Ginns, Polyporus squamosus (Huds.) Fr., and S. crispa. In connection with the latter of mentioned mushrooms, a moderate inhibitory effect towards HT 29 human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line (IC50 = 107 ug/ml of extract) was noticed. The results indicate that the tested plants and mushrooms can be beneficial when reducing the negative effects of oxidative stress. The oxidative stress has been recognized as a contributing factor to a whole range of diseases and the reduction of the oxidative stress may lead to the decrease in the possibility of the diseases´ progression. The results show the possible favourable effects on the human health. When evaluating the results, the following fact should be taken into consideration; the in vitro tests and screenings are considered to be the first phase of systematic research of the effects and serve for the choice of respondents for further detailed studies.

System for evaluation of taxation of multinational enterprises in the Czech Republic
Janský, Petr
The methodology presents the system of indicators for evaluation of taxation of international companies active in the Czech Republic. Based on the identification of the potential channels of corporate tax base erosion and profit shifting of multinational enterprises it enables to recognise companies whose taxation policy might not be in line with the best practice. Extreme values of the indicators might initiate further examination of a company by state authorities. This methodology thus complements the existing set of analytical tools of the Financial Administration of the Czech Republic in the area of taxation of multinational enterprises.

Provision of alternative refuse collection for a real estate surrounded by foreign property
Kvapil, Radek ; Štindl, Michal (referee) ; Klika, Pavel (advisor)
The thesis deals with possible ways of drainage and wastewater disposal. The issue of wastewater discharge to the environment has been closely monitored in recent years, and there is an apparent effort to improve the current situation.The dissertation discusses and compares three selected options – access to improved sanitation, building reservoirs and domestic wastewater treatment plant.The final section is dedicated to a comparison of acquisition and operating costs over time and to subsequent evaluation of the most suitable option. For the sake of clarity and assessment of potential solutions, the locality in the administrative area Vysoké Mýto - Domoradice has been selected as a model. The local authorities have been designing a public storm sewer, and given that it is surrounded by land, this issue will need to be addressed.

Analysis and Testing of Concurrent Programs
Letko, Zdeněk ; Lourenco, Joao (referee) ; Sekanina, Lukáš (referee) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (advisor)
V disertační práci je nejprve uvedena taxonomie chyb v souběžném zpracování dat a přehled technik pro jejich dynamickou detekci. Následně jsou navrženy nové metriky pro měření synchronizace a souběžného chování programů společně s metodologií jejich odvozování. Tyto techniky se zejména uplatní v testování využívajícím techniky prohledávání prostoru a v saturačním testování. Práce dále představuje novou heuristiku vkládání šumu, jejímž cílem je maximalizace proložení instrukcí pozorovaných během testování. Tato heuristika je porovnána s již existujícími heuristikami na několika testech. Výsledky ukazují, že nová heuristika překonává ty existující v určitých případech. Nakonec práce představuje inovativní aplikaci stochastických optimalizačních algoritmů v procesu testování vícevláknových aplikací. Principem metody je hledání vhodných kombinací parametrů testů a metod vkládání šumu. Tato metoda byla prototypově implementována a otestována na množině testovacích příkladů. Výsledky ukazují, že metoda má potenciál vyznamně vylepšit testování vícevláknových programů. 

Physically-based Modeling and Simulation
Dvořák, Radim ; Racek, Stanislav (referee) ; Šujanský,, Milan (referee) ; Zbořil, František (advisor)
Disertační práce se zabývá modelováním znečištění ovzduší, jeho transportních a disperzních procesů ve spodní části atmosféry a zejména numerickými metodami, které slouží k řešení těchto modelů. Modelování znečištění ovzduší je velmi důležité pro předpověď kontaminace a pomáhá porozumět samotnému procesu a eliminaci následků. Hlavním tématem práce jsou metody pro řešení modelů popsaných parciálními diferenciálními rovnicemi, přesněji advekčně-difúzní rovnicí. Polovina práce je zaměřena na známou metodu přímek a je zde ukázáno, že tato metoda je vhodná k řešení určitých konkrétních problémů. Dále bylo navrženo a otestováno řešení paralelizace metody přímek, jež ukazuje, že metoda má velký potenciál pro akceleraci na současných grafických kartách a tím pádem i zvětšení přesnosti výpočtu. Druhá polovina práce se zabývá poměrně mladou metodou ELLAM a její aplikací pro řešení atmosférických advekčně-difúzních rovnic. Byla otestována konkrétní forma metody ELLAM společně s navrženými adaptacemi. Z výsledků je zřejmé, že v mnoha případech ELLAM překonává současné používané metody.

Effective using of potential of bilingual environment
The dissertation thesis "How to use the potential of bilingual environment efficiently" endeavors to highlight bad as well as good practices in bilingual upbringing. Bilingualism represents at present a very topical issue. In connection with increasing globalization, the issue of learning of foreign languages is more and more emphasised. People living in mixed marriages have often no idea how to bring their children up. In many cases they take steps that lead to irreversible consequences. The theoretical part of the thesis gives a survey of bilingualism, the division and kinds of bilingualism and ways of its acquisiton. The theory is practically illustrated in the empirical part through various examples. 42 case studies have been carried out, which include characteristic and uncharacteristic respondents. The findings of the research are compared with the facts mentioned in the reference works. The aim of the dissertation thesis is to find out which educational methods should parents follow in bilingual education and which methods they should better avoid.

Tretiag, Štěpán ; KORČÁK, Jakub (advisor) ; HRBEK, Daniel (referee)
Using the concrete examples of my practical bachelor work my intent is to retrospectively describe and reflect on our scenic realization of the play Missing by south-African author Reza de Wet. The essence of a modern dramatic direction is to perceive the script of a play as a model which becomes a basis for its interpretation and the subsequent staging of the play. It is the process from the initial interpretation to final scenic realization I wish to focus on in my work.In the first part I will be dealing with creation of a physical space, that being stage design. I will try to capture what lead us to its final shape and how the basis for that can be found in the script of the play as well as the potential capability of the physical space to become a dramatic space. Its ability to create a platform for the actors to proceed from and how can it provoke them into acting, in particular. In the second part I will be dealing with the dramatic space, ergo the spacial expression of relationships and themes. I will proceed again retrospectively, focusing on how we managed to achieve the stage image which is functioning as a materialized metaphor. I will focus mostly on non-verbal actions, but with regard to the fact, that dramatical script is the basis for our realization of the play.

Profile of visitors of the Toulava touristic region
This bachelor thesis focuses on tourist area Toulava which arose three years ago. It mentions the history of Toulava which was created as a combination of beautiful nature and interesting tourist sites. It analyses what visitors always do here and popular tourist sites. The first part focuses on literature. The practical part of the work introduces two researches which were done during the summer season in 2013 and through the summer in 2015. The goal was to get a general visitor profile of Toulava. Tourist from this region filled in the questionnaires relating to this area, which were placed at various tourist spots. The work concludes that the visitors profile is still the same and tries to suggest a new product for gaining the interest of potential tourist.

The Potential of Railway Stations in Trade and Tourism
The diploma thesis was focused especially on train station service supplies and on the potential offered by unutilized or misused spaces of a train station hall. The main goal was to find, define and examine this potential in a chosen station within Trade and Tourism development in a chosen place. The railway station in Ceske Budejovice became the chosen train station. The thesis contains a mapping of the given place, a marketing research carried out among train passengers travelling with the Czech Railway company, as well as on social networks through an on-line survey. The secondary objective was a determination of several possible suggestions to improve the train station, out of which one main suggestion was chosen and subsequently analysed.