The Place of the Library within the Organisational Framework of Universities in the Czech Republic and USA: A Comparison Study
Plzáková, Aneta ; Landová, Hana (advisor) ; Drobíková, Barbora (referee)
The aim of this master thesis was to describe and asses the place of the library within the organizational framework of universities in the Czech Republic and USA. Aim of this thesis is to describe and evaluate the current position of library in organizational structure of colleges and universities in the Czech Republic and USA. First chapter sums up the current situation. For Czech universities in public school sector the corresponding elementary data, relevant legislative scope and position in organizational structure of public universities are emphasized and presented. For US universities the current status is presented with a particular example of five public universities. Second chapter is about current trends in evolution of university libraries in Czech Republic and USA with an emphasis on position in university or college structure. Third chapter is the essential part of the thesis. It contains report about survey performed with representatives of Czech public universities and representatives of given libraries. Last chapter presents parallel research done in USA.
The Place of the Library within the Organisational Framework of Universities in the Czech Republic and USA: A Comparison Study
Plzáková, Aneta ; Landová, Hana (advisor) ; Drobíková, Barbora (referee)
The aim of this master thesis was to describe and asses the place of the library within the organizational framework of universities in the Czech Republic and USA. Aim of this thesis is to describe and evaluate the current position of library in organizational structure of colleges and universities in the Czech Republic and USA. First chapter sums up the current situation. For Czech universities in public school sector the corresponding elementary data, relevant legislative scope and position in organizational structure of public universities are emphasized and presented. For US universities the current status is presented with a particular example of five public universities. Second chapter is about current trends in evolution of university libraries in Czech Republic and USA with an emphasis on position in university or college structure. Third chapter is the essential part of the thesis. It contains report about survey performed with representatives of Czech public universities and representatives of given libraries. Last chapter presents parallel research done in USA.
Beginning of public libraries in our territory
Plzáková, Aneta ; Černá, Milena (advisor) ; Večeřová, Petra (referee)
Tématem bakalářské práce je popis prvotního vývoje českých lidových knihoven na našem území. První kapitola je věnována popisu historických souvislostí včetně fenoménu českého národního obrození. Druhá kapitola se zaměřuje na předpoklady vzniku prvních českých lidových knihoven a jejich typy. Kapitola třetí se stručně věnuje tzv. veřejným půjčovnám knih a jejich vztahu k lidovému knihovnictví. Jádro práce pak tvoří popis vývoje a charakteristika jednotlivých typů českých lidových knihoven (kapitola čtvrtá) a prvních českých veřejných knihoven (kapitola pátá). Šestá kapitola je věnována významným osobnostem českého lidového knihovnictví a jejich práci. Poslední kapitolu tvoří nastínění dalšího historického vývoje a na něm závislého vývoje českého lidového knihovnictví. Bakalářská práce byla zpracována na základě publikované literatury a studiu dobového tisku.
Profile of visitors of the Toulava touristic region
This bachelor thesis focuses on tourist area Toulava which arose three years ago. It mentions the history of Toulava which was created as a combination of beautiful nature and interesting tourist sites. It analyses what visitors always do here and popular tourist sites. The first part focuses on literature. The practical part of the work introduces two researches which were done during the summer season in 2013 and through the summer in 2015. The goal was to get a general visitor profile of Toulava. Tourist from this region filled in the questionnaires relating to this area, which were placed at various tourist spots. The work concludes that the visitors profile is still the same and tries to suggest a new product for gaining the interest of potential tourist.