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School, the Foundation of Life – a Complex of Educational Buildings in Ostrava, Cerna louka
Záthurecká, Zuzana ; Vysloužil, Ondřej (referee) ; Mikulášek, David (advisor)
New school buildings are designed out of area of Black Meadow in Ostrava but with very close connection with the park. This plot is situated between the river Ostravica, Black Meadow and planned living area New Karolina. It´s orientation to the south and the proximity of nature it´s also very important for the school buildings. Elementary school, secondary school , gym and kindergarden are designed as one komplex connected with platform opened to the river.
Easy Vulkan
Halás, Timotej ; Chlubna, Tomáš (referee) ; Milet, Tomáš (advisor)
Zatiaľ čo staršie grafické API (Application Programming Interface) ako OpenGL alebo DirectX verzie 11 a nižšej sa v súčasnosti stále bežne používajú, novšie rozhrania API, najmä DirectX 12 a Vulkan, prinášajú mnohé vylepšenia, ako je lepší výkon, natívny Ray-tracing na podporovanom hardvéri a efektívnejšie využitie CPU a GPU. Vylepšenia výkonu a efektívnosti sú výsledkom povahy rozhraní DirectX 12 a Vulkan API. Obidve sú pomerne nízkoúrovňové API. To znamená, že GPU je možné ovládať na oveľa nižšej úrovni, čo má za následok oveľa viac kódu potrebného, aby boli dosiahlnuté podobné výsledky ako pri použití staršieho rozhrania API. Táto práca predstavuje nový framework, vkEasy, ktorý zapuzdruje Vulkan API takým spôsobom, že väčšina jeho funkcií zostáva použiteľná, ale výrazne uľahčuje používanie Vulkan API na vkresľovacie alebo výpočtové operácie. Zdrojový kód obsahuje príklady, ktoré boli implementované pomocou vkEasy, aby ukázali jednoduchosť vkEasy a porovnali ho s kódom napísaným v čistom Vulkane. Bolo pozorované priemerne 94% zníženie potrebných riadkov kódu.
Visions for Krnov
Macejková, Eva ; Ječmen, Marek (referee) ; Mléčka, Jan (advisor)
The subject of bachelor thesis was to create a new vision for one of many brownfields situated near the main square of the city of Krnov. The area has been closed for years now, unpenetrable, with no shortcuts going through it. The only remnant of the textile factory is one building with strong expression. The city is suggesting the need of bigger spaces for their library. The potential of the land is predestined for it. But could there be something more to it? Could Library of the 21. century bring something more to this sleeping brownfield?
STU Innovation Center, BA internal transformation
Tamaši, Ladislav ; Boháč,, Ivo (referee) ; Šindlar, Jiljí (advisor)
The assignment of the bachelor's thesis is the proposal of the Innovation Center for the Slovak Technical University (hereinafter referred to as STU) in Bratislava. The work is based on the architectural study of the subject AG033, which, however, was largely revised based on the expansion of information from the management of the STU faculties. The site of the proposed building is located in the inner block, which consists of four existing STU faculty buildings. The complex of these buildings stands right in the centre of the capital city, which means that not only the building of the innovation center itself, but also its surrounding public spaces, or inner block. According to the requirements of the assignment, the innovation center should serve not only the needs of the university but also as a platform for cooperation between the private, public and scientific sectors. It is also supposed to promote not only STU but also technology as such and attract a wide range of people. Therefore, the spatial content of the innovation center is very wide. There are laboratories, the office of the rector's office, rentable premises, lecture halls, libraries and a study room.
Restoration of the chateau in Velke Nemcice
Danková, Andrea ; Špiller, Martin (referee) ; Guzdek, Adam (advisor)
The topic of the bachelor's thesis is the restoration of the chateau in the village of Velké Němčice. The documentation is based on an architectural study processed within the subject AG033 Studio of Architectural Creation - Restoration of Monuments. The chateau is located in the historical center of the village, where it has been standing since the second half of the 16th century. It will primarily be used as a village office, but it will also have associated functions - an information center, a ceremonial room, a cafe, room for local associations and a municipal library. As part of the project, the wider area around the chateau will be transformed into an area worthy of the cultural and historical center of the village. The space will be modified as a park, which should be used for the recreation of local residents, at the same time, parking spaces and space for seasonal markets will be prepared. The proposed object has a U-shaped floor plan (the middle wing is on the east side, the other wings are north and south). The building has one underground floor, two above-ground floors and an attic. There is a hipped roof over almost the entire floor plan. Currently, part of the chateau is an extension from the 20th century in the central part of the western facade; however this extension will be removed. An extension with the function of a library will be added to the northern wing of the chateau. This extension will follow the historical building in its form and size, but the materials of its structures (glass facade, reinforced concrete skeleton support system) have been chosen so that the extension has a contrasting effect.
Palacková, Katarína ; Matoušková, Petra (referee) ; Mléčka, Jan (advisor)
Piarist monastery, known in the past as a place of education and development. Now dilapidated and spiritless. Just empty and silence. Silently waiting for his revival. The work deals with the reconstruction of the Piarist monastery in Lipník nad Bečvou.
Biblioverse - Multifunctional building with library
Guzová, Ivana ; Sedziak, Urszula (referee) ; Bykov, Oleksii (advisor)
KNIŽNICA ZDROJOV V inštitúcii knižnice sa poznatky netvoria len na základe už sformulovaných faktov, informácií a prezentovaných záverov, ale rovnako aj na základe procedurálnych poznatkov. Význam knižnice nespočíva v uchovávaní kníh, skôr by mala byť spojivom poznania. Miestom, kde sa človek môže učiť a zároveň tieto vedomosti uvádzať do vzťahov. Mala by poskytovať pôdu na zdieľanie vedomostí, a nie len na individuálne spracovanie informácií. Opätovné obnovenie, opätovné uloženie a opätovné generovanie. Spojením kníh ako úložiska informácií, remeselných dielní a centra opätovného použitia obehového hospodárstva vzniká komplexný systém, ktorý reaguje na roztrieštenú štruktúru centier opätovného použitia v Brne. Knižnica je miestom, ktoré tvorí pevný rámec pre neustále sa meniace znalosti a ich priestorové prejavy. Nie je to statický sklad, ale dynamický ekosystém, ktorý sa neustále dopĺňa.
Easy Vulkan
Halás, Timotej ; Chlubna, Tomáš (referee) ; Milet, Tomáš (advisor)
Zatiaľ čo staršie grafické API (Application Programming Interface) ako OpenGL alebo DirectX verzie 11 a nižšej sa v súčasnosti stále bežne používajú, novšie rozhrania API, najmä DirectX 12 a Vulkan, prinášajú mnohé vylepšenia, ako je lepší výkon, natívny Ray-tracing na podporovanom hardvéri a efektívnejšie využitie CPU a GPU. Vylepšenia výkonu a efektívnosti sú výsledkom povahy rozhraní DirectX 12 a Vulkan API. Obidve sú pomerne nízkoúrovňové API. To znamená, že GPU je možné ovládať na oveľa nižšej úrovni, čo má za následok oveľa viac kódu potrebného, aby boli dosiahlnuté podobné výsledky ako pri použití staršieho rozhrania API. Táto práca predstavuje nový framework, vkEasy, ktorý zapuzdruje Vulkan API takým spôsobom, že väčšina jeho funkcií zostáva použiteľná, ale výrazne uľahčuje používanie Vulkan API na vkresľovacie alebo výpočtové operácie. Zdrojový kód obsahuje príklady, ktoré boli implementované pomocou vkEasy, aby ukázali jednoduchosť vkEasy a porovnali ho s kódom napísaným v čistom Vulkane. Bolo pozorované priemerne 94% zníženie potrebných riadkov kódu.
Cultural Centre of Velké Němčice
Tomašáková, Alexandra ; Krettová, Eva (referee) ; Nový, Vítězslav (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with the design of a new cultural center in the village of Velké Němčice. It is located right in the historic center of the village. The current building of the cultural house does not sufficiently serve its purpose and its revitalization is necessary. The building, built in the 1960s, is one of many cultural facilities of this type. Over time, various extensions were added to the site, which are responsible for the incomplete appearance of the building. The aim of the work was to check the possibilities of designing a new cultural center that would better serve the people od Velké Němčice. It can be an example of how to deal with this type of building, which is located in all corners of the Czech Republic. Emphasis is placed on the functionality and variability of spaces, which should create a multi-purpose cultural background of the village with a community character. It should be the best place for the locals and their hobbies and clubs. The building also responds to the context of the structure of the village and tries to integrate into its surroundings. The proposal was also preceded by an urban study of the village center itself and its square, which is also the cultural center of the village where its social life take place. The multifunctional cultural and educational center includes many new functions that should help the further development of Velké Němčice.
Visions for Krnov
Kulíšková, Andrea ; Mašek, Radomír (referee) ; Marek, Jiří (advisor)
The new Krnov library stands on the corner of Soukenická and Sv. Spirit, in the junction of the temple of the same name and the former textile factory. The proposed building not only serves as a library and media library, but also houses a full-fledged community center, gallery, coworking facility and cafe. Of course, there is also an increase in parking capacity in the city center and the modification of the surrounding public areas.

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