National Repository of Grey Literature 192 records found  beginprevious183 - 192  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Motivation to the folk art by creative technics in free time education during liturgical year for older school age.
My thesis is about traditional celebrating of feasts and holidays during ecclesiastical year. It introduce us art techniques which is connected with these dates. At the start we familiarize us folklore and folk art and it shows us differences between folk art and city art. Next chapter is about ecclesiastical year and about important dates in church. At the next part we can read about time of pubescence, its characteristics and progress what the teenager has to go through, and with the typical behaving and work of these young people. The practical part leads us through the innovative art techniques and introduces us traditions and customs on our villages. We can also read here some facts about celebrating feasts in other parts of Europe and World.
Educating Gifted Children and Specific Features of Teaching Foreign Languages to Gifted Children
This thesis concentrates on contexts and view-points, that should determinate the character of activities designed for gifted children in foreign languages classes. This work proposes some methods and ways that are convenient for gifted learners. It deals also with the characteristics of the teacher, who is able to conduct the gifted and the characteristics of the gifted in order to devise such activities that satisfy their special cognitive, emotional and social needs.
Importance of coordinated P.E. activities during teaching nursery school children to be healthy.
The present work monitors controlled physical activity for children of preschool age both in terms of pre-school and in terms of family environment. The aim is to monitor the current level of physical activity and highlight the fundamental relationship of health education and healthy development of preschool children. Total attendance was 28 children of preschool age. Because of the feedback I have also addressed the 200 participants (nursery school teachers, parents). Based on my findings showed that teachers in nursery schools provide working children with high-quality physical activities. In terms of family background should be paid attention to physical activities and continue to highlight the problems in this area.
Research of the Creativity Level of Children of the Fifth Grade
The aim of the diploma thesis is to diagnostic levels of particular creative abilities in a selected group of population {--} pupils in the fifth grade. Theoretical knowledge is analyzed and compared in the first part. Particular creativity problems are briefly specified using specialized literature, e.g. Creativity barriers, Factors effecting creativity, Methods used for creativity development. Empiric part presents research description of individual levels in creative abilities. Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking were used as a main method of research. Effect of sex, class, school and its size on individual creativity parts was considered within the testing. A relative level of these parts was compared as well.
Creative Cities
Šťáva, Zdeněk ; Juračková, Simona (advisor) ; Hucková, Barbara (referee)
The aim of this work is to introduce the concept of Creative Cities, to describe briefly its essential parts and to assess the possibility of its applicability in the Czech Republic. This work deals in particular with cities and their inhabitants, entrepreneurial and non-entrepreneurial entities and the relations between them. However, it is not the ambition of this work to give instructions how to create a prosperous city. The purpose of the concept is not to become a creative city of the world but to become a creative city for the world or to become creative for one's own city. The concept of a creative city is a recommendation, rather than a manual, how to make the most of the potential of any cityin order to make it a better place for life.
Employees creativity development
Šimůnková, Vendula ; Franková, Emilie (advisor) ; Lukeš, Martin (referee)
The main topic of the diploma thesis is creativity and its function in CIE Automotive company in Valašské Meziříčí. Creativity is the integral part of personal and working life of each person. It influences the ability of the company to react to possible changes and it can also dramatically influence the existence and prosperity of the whole company. CIE Automotive is an important supplier in automobile industry. In a long term the company faces lack of support and development of creativity of its employees. The main aim of the thesis is to explore the relation of CIE Automotive employees to creativity and on the basis of this information formulate a suggestion of new project for creativity development in CIE Automotive. The theoretical part is dedicated to specification of essential definitions associated with creativity and its function in the company. In the thesis are used two main methods for necessary data finding - interview and questionnaire. On the basis of received information are suggested recommendations to CIE Automotive and created entirely new program to support the development of creativity among employees in the above mentioned company. In the practical part the emphasis is placed on weakness identification resulting from the interview with HR manager and mentioned questionnaires. Weaknesses are considered to be insufficiently creative atmosphere, lack of team support, inefficient communication in the company and vague program for creativity support. Considering the weaknesses, there are recommendations suggested how to focus on improvement of weaknesses and also created a new program to support creativity - REGIA IDEA.
Factor of originality in advertising
Ešner, Rudolf ; Černá, Jitka (advisor) ; Pešek, Ondřej (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with exploitation of original attitudes in advertising. The thesis solves answers, what role plays the factor of originality in advertising, when and why firms use that factor, how creators work with it, how consumers perceive the factor and what other elements it generally contains. The bachelor thesis qualifies relationship of advertising and originality, describes and probes practical situations, when originality in advertising can be used as a serious competitive advantage.
The importance of creativity in marketing communication
Lejčková, Radka ; Černá, Jitka (advisor) ; Pešek, Ondřej (referee)
The work deals with the relationship between creativity and marketing communication. In the theoretical part are described the traditional methods and new trends. I characterize which conditions for creative activities should comply with the creative individual. Next I describe the creative methods, which are currently used in developing communication strategies and originative techniques leading to some idea or the solution of an assignment. In the practical part I check the selected techniques. By using an interview I probe the real state of the implementation of creativity to marketing communication. Furthermore I try to find out what is important for the consumers; to what they pay attention and what could be their reaction to the advertising messages.
Mind maps in theory and practice
Vašíček, Václav ; Pavlíčková, Jarmila (advisor) ; Matějovský, Jan (referee)
Bakalářská práce, týkající se myšlenkových map, objasní jejich teoretické pozadí a ukáže, jak se myšlenkové mapy vytvářejí. Dále práce seznamuje čtenáře se všeobecnými oblastmi a také s konkrétními příklady, ve kterých jsou myšlenkové mapy přínosem. Součástí výkladu je také test softwaru pro tvorbu myšlenkových map pomocí počítačů a nakonec jsou představeny příbuzné koncepty uchování informací. Nastíněných cílu se dosáhne tím, že se čtenář v první části seznámí se stavebními kameny, na kterých je postavena teorie pro tvorbu myšlenkových map. Po první fázi se práce pak zabývá s příklady aplikace myšlenkových map.
Marketing on the Internet focused on the technology Flash
Velička, Petr ; Střížová, Vlasta (advisor) ; Hrdlička, Pavel (referee)
Internet je fenoménem současnosti, v tržní realitě dnešní doby stále více platí ono rčení ? ?Kdo není na internetu, jako by nebyl?. Internetový marketing je dnes nedílnou součástí marketingu většiny firem. Dynamicky se rozvíjející tržní prostředí dneška však klade o to vyšší nároky na orientaci v této oblasti. Cílem diplomové práce je analyzovat moderní teoretické přístupy v marketnigu ? zejména v oblasti využití internetu jako reklamního média a demonstrovat praktické využití technologie Flash na konkrétních příkladech. Předpokladem pro dosažení cíle této práce je má několikaletá zkušenost v oblasti internetového marketingu, prezentace a vizuální komunikace firem a především technologie Flash. Proto jsem se kromě nezbytných teoretických východisek zaměřil i na praktické ukázky a doporučení v této oblasti. Přínos této práce spočívá v teoretickém popisu východisek internetového marketingu a technologie Flash a v její následné demonstraci na multimediální flashové aplikaci.

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