National Repository of Grey Literature 1,634 records found  beginprevious1615 - 1624next  jump to record: Search took 0.10 seconds. 

Analyse of the management of the allowance organization National Museum through the years 2007 - 2009
Kurimská, Veronika ; Takáčová, Hana (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis deals with financing and management of allowance organizations. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The first part deals especially with state allowance organizations with an emphasis on museums and related issues. Also, I mention the changes brought by the state accounting law reform, with effect from 1 January 2010. The practical part is focused on the management of specific conditions of the National Museum in 2007-2009.

The National Repository of Grey Literature Partner Network
Fürstová, Iveta
The growing need for access to collections of grey literature in the field of science, research and education leading to a coordinated collection building and collection at all levels. National Technical Library (NTL) has provided the collection of grey literature at the national level through the project "The Digital Library for Grey Literature – Functional Model and Pilot Implementation” supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic under research program projects.The project aims to build the National Repository of Grey Literature (NRGL). A network of grey literature producers has come into being along with the building of the NRGL digital repository. Emergence this network is conditioned by several reasons. NRGL focuses on technical grey literature, especially in science, research and education. The main partners and sources of gray literature in the field of science and research are the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, public research institutions and grant agencies. In the area of education are especially high school, library and museums. Cooperation is also focused on public administration and can occur even in the commercial sector. The partner can not become any body, because NRGL to offer its users the technical documents gray literature with original and valuable content. An important factor contributing to the need for networking is the necessity of abiding by Czech law, primarily laws to do with copyright, the protection of privacy and general contractual rights. Paper presents NRGL building a partner network with specific examples from within the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, research institutions, universities, libraries, etc., and draw attention to important legal issues from the grey literature. To promote cooperation is the project's website ( and developed the methodology, procedures, and organized training.
Fulltext: idr-49_1 - Download fulltextPDF
Slides: idr-49_2 - Download fulltextPDF

National museum. Marketing, audience and project for attractive exhibition
Novotná, Lucie ; Zamazalová, Marcela (advisor) ; Černá, Jitka (referee)
The thesis cocnsists of three parts. First, concern on musuems and marketing generally, point out the importance of the audience survey. Second part is a essence of this thesis. Gives information about National museum and its marketing. Part is the survey of National museum audience. The last part brings a suggestion of project based on results of surveys. This project is meant to make the exhobition of National museum more attractive for visitors.

Baroque glass and its collection in the Older history section of the Czech National Museum
Mádl, Martin
Celá tato práce je výsledkem několikaletého projektu, zaměřeného na studium barokního skla. V jejím prvním dílu se pokoušíme podat vymezení problému barokního skla v obecné rovině. Na začátek zařazujeme nejprve teoretickou úvahu o možnostech pojetí materiálu v dějinách umění. Druhou část prvního dílu pak věnujeme soudobým názorům na sklářství, které nám ve svém literárním díle zanechal německý polyhistor 17. století Johann Joachim Becher. Celý tento úvodní díl není přehledem dějin sklářství, ani přehledem názorů na sklářství. Vychází však z dosud málo známých dobových literárních pramenů, které se snaží nově zhodnotit a vytvořit z nich určitou teoretickou základnu, z níž by bylo možné barokní sklo vnímat a k jeho studiu dále přistupovat. V jeho závěrech se spíše snažíme některé problémy otevřít a vymezit, než na ně s konečnou platností odpovědět. V příloze k tomuto dílu uvádíme ukázky Becherových textů o skle. Na závěr zařazujeme přehled použité literatury, na kterou odkazujeme v statích a v katalogových heslech ve zkratkách. Druhý díl práce je věnován sbírce barokního skla v oddělení starších českých dějin Národního muzea. V jeho úvodu podáváme stručný přehled vývoje této sbírky a jejího odborného zpracování, a její zběžnou charakteristiku. Jednotlivým předmětům sbírky se dále věnujeme v následném...

History of the Sokol Club I. Smíchov
Doubrava, Michal ; Kašpar, Ladislav (advisor) ; Mojžíš, Otakar (referee)
Title: The History of the Sokol Club I. Smíchov Abstract: This bachelor thesis deals with history of Sokol Club I. Smíchov since its establishment till year 1940. The aim of this thesis is not only to describe its history and activities but also shortly give account of Sokol Club. The part of thesis attends to history of the town of Smíchov which is definitely connected with Sokol Club Smíchov. The thesis called "The history of the Sokol Club I. Smíchov" is based on research on historical sources and literature. Mostly I insisted on archival documents from The National Museum, The Collection of Physical Education and Sport and on archival documents of Sokol Club I. Smíchov. From literature I used publications about history of the town of Smíchov and about history and persons of consequence of the Sokol Club. The thesis consists of three parts. The first part is divided into an introduction and an analysis of archival documents, literature and working methods. Next part describes the history of the town of Smíchov, the history of the Sokol Club and biographies of Miroslav Tyrš and Jindřich Fügner, too. There is also described the history of Sokol Club I. Smíchov divided in three periods. The summary of the thesis takes place in the third chapter. There is also placed an index to abbreviations, a list of...

Marketing Communication of the National Museum in Prague in the year 2010
Červínová, Adéla ; Dolanský, Pavel (advisor) ; Halada, Jan (referee)
This Diploma Thesis "Marketing Communication of the National Museum in Prague in the Year 2010" deals with communication activities of the National Museum in Prague during the whole year 2010. It focuses on a wide range of communication channels and means typical for marketing communication by which the museum presents itself to the wide public. The thesis is based on the premise that this cultural institution of international importance applies art marketing methods not only to increase the awareness of its existence but also maintain its goodwill, gain new customers and popularize the sphere of cultural heritage of the Czech Republic. Attention is paid to the impact of the Museum's communication to its image in the media, current positioning and its influence on communication strategy. The description of communication strategy results from current communication mix consisting of advertising, direct marketing, promotion and public relations activities. Significant attention is devoted to one of the main activities of the Museum - exhibitional activity. On the example of the successful exhibition - "Story of the Planet Earth" there is researched the communication related to the exhibition including all accompanying programs and materials. In relation with the creation of added value - this...

Marketing of the Vrchotovy Janovice Chateau
Johnová, Miroslava ; Černá, Jitka (advisor) ; Štědroň, Bohumír (referee)
The theme of this master's thesis is "Marketing of the Vrchotovy Janovice Chateau". The Vrchotovy Janovice Chateau is one of the exhibitions of the National Museum outside Prague. The introductory part analyses the history of the castle from the point of view of its potential for marketing strategies. Another part deals with number of visitors of the castle as an important measure of successful marketing. Furthermore the thesis concentrates on application of the marketing tools and it analyses marketing of the castle by using SWOT analysis. The inseparable part of the thesis is a survey of the "chain guidance" and of the public awareness of the existence of the castle. The aim of the master's thesis is to evaluate the marketing potential of the Vrchotovy Janovice Chateau and its park, consider its current marketing tools and suggest improvement solutions for the future. Key words: Vrchotovy Janovice Chateau, Vrchotovy Janovice park, National Museum, Arts marketing, Chain guidance

Libraries of Dietrichstein house in Mikulov, their history and discoveries of Dietrichstein's manuscripts in the National Library in Prague
Petr, Stanislav
Dietrichstein family built up two libraries in Mikulov chateau; both belonged to the greatest noble libraries not only in Moravia but in the Central Europe. The first one was founded by Adam Dietrichstein (+ 1590); it culminated during the rule of his son Franz, archbishop of Olomouc. After his death the library came as a war plunder in the royal library in Stockholm, and the queen Kristine carried away its part to Rome (now in the Vatican library). The core of the 2nd library was gained from bibliophile Hofman von Grünbüchl; it had to be, however, sold out in an auction in 1933. The Czechoslovak Republic bought 117 manuscripts then, today preserved in the Moravian Provincial Library in Brno. 24 manuscripts were deposited in the Library of the National Museum in Prague in 1950s and 1960s. 9 manuscripts were identified in the National Library in Prague in the last time; they get there from the auction and later also thanks to purchases from Prague second-hand bookshops.

The role of book in the life of Konstantin Biebl
Ferdová, Hana ; Vorlíčková, Blanka (advisor) ; Khel, Richard (referee)
The goal of the bachelor thesis is to analyze the personal library of Konstantin Biebl and Konstantin Biebl's estate in the National Literature Museum. By the findings from this analysis to draw Konstantin Biebl's relationship to books and their influence on his work. The first chapter deals with the life and work of Konstantin Biebl. The next chapter deals with Biebl's relationship to the book and with the book as inspiration to Biebl's work. Another chapter is concerned with Biebl's personal library which summarizes external and internal characteristics of Biebl's library a large part of this chapter is devoted to exceptional elements in the books of the library. The last chapter presents the history and content of Biebl's literary estate held in the National Literature Museum. Thanks to this were found some facts noted in the previous chapters. Work is completed by photo attachments representing significant items of books and correspondence of Konstantin Biebl. There is also a full acquisition list of the personal library. The conclusion summarizes the findings which were done.

Socialism is work. The life of Rudolf Bechyně 1881-1948
Noha, Jiří ; Kuklík jun., Jan (advisor) ; Gebhart, Jan (referee)
The present thesis discusses the life of Rudolf Bechyně, the eminent Czech Social-Democratic politician of the first half of the twentieth century. The author studies in a practically chronological order the life's path of the poli tician, start ing in Moravia (sti ll dur ing the era of the Austro-Hungarian Empire), over the period of the First Republic of Czechoslovakia, until his exile to London during the Second Wor ld War when Bechyně, a s the Chairman of the Council of State, became together wi th the President Edvard Beneš the main leader of the Czech resistance movement abroad. Wi th respect to extant archival materials, the thesi s focuses more systematically on the description of Bechyně' s work at the Ministry of Public Supply, as well as on the last decade of his life when the politician was forced to revalue most of hi s atti tudes and principles. Al though the author tends to follow the traditional biographical pattern, through the fate of Rudolf Bechyně he furthermore depicts the fate of the Czech Social Democratic Party. A certain excursus of the thesis is presented in an attempt at a comparison of the socialist ideas and their differentiation under the influence of the Bolshevik Revolution; and in a separate case study of the politicalcultural review Nová Svoboda published by the left-wing...