National Repository of Grey Literature 35 records found  beginprevious16 - 25next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Predictive Control of DHW and Household Heating Using Machine Learning Methods
Necpál, Dávid ; Zemčík, Pavel (referee) ; Materna, Zdeněk (advisor)
The thesis is devoted to the development of a system for the control of domestic hot water (DHW) and heating. The system uses machine learning methods to predict future data - learning and predicting repetitive routines of people in the home, predicting hot water consumption and temperature trends in the home. The work is divided into two parts, where the first part is the control of domestic hot water heating, and the second part is the control of home heating. Both parts of the system use established hardware devices that implement the data collection and the actual control of the given activities. The devices collect water temperatures from the electric boiler, air temperatures from the rooms of the household and information about the presence of people in the household. The measured data is used to create a model for data prediction, which is used for the final decision on whether DHW heating or home heating should be implemented. The first subsystem for DHW heating achieves energy savings of 20 to 24 %, the second subsystem for domestic heating 18 to 30 %. The benefit of the developed system is the possibility of predictive automatic control of domestic hot water heating and heating, which leads to a reduction of energy consumption required for the above-mentioned activities, as well as a possible increase in comfort in the home.
Experimental equipment for testing of temerature influence on permanent magnet parameters
Ouroda, Jan ; Diakov, Jakub (referee) ; Vlach, Radek (advisor)
This thesis presents the design and manufacturing of an experimental device for measuring permanent magnet´s pull force and it´s dependency on temperature. The introductory part includes an introduction to permanent magnet brushless motors, properties of permanent magnets and methods for testing of said properties. Main part of the thesis focuses on the design and manufacturing of the mechanical structure, electronics, and software of the device.
Measuring temperatures in the rotor of an electrical machine
Pokorný, Vladimír ; Ctibor, Jiří (referee) ; Knobloch, Jan (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá problematikou měření teplot v rotoru elektrického stroje. Těžištěm práce je návrh, výroba a testování čtyřkanálového bezdrátového měřicího systému, který je primárně určen pro měření teplot v rotoru elektrického stroje. První kapitola této práce – Resistance temperature detectors přibližuje problematiku použití odporových senzorů teploty, jejich normy, tolerance a měřicí obvody, které slouží pro měření odporu, respektive teploty. Druhá kapitola – SPI vysvětluje základy symetrické sériové komunikační sběrnice SPI, která je v navrhovaném měřicím systému využita pro komunikaci mikrokontroléru s teplotními čidly. Ve třetí kapitole Bluetooth autor vysvětluje komunikační standard Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), díky kterému navrhované zařízení komunikuje a odesílá naměřená data ostatním zařízením v okolí. V úvodu této kapitoly jsou uvedeny základní parametry BLE a jeho výhody a nevýhody. Závěr této kapitoly pak rozebírá strukturu vrstev BLE. Následuje obsáhlá čtvrtá kapitola Hardware design, kde je detailně popsán hardwarový návrh bezdrátového teploměru. Začátek této kapitoly je věnován napájecímu zdroji, který je v tomto případě složen z 3,6 V baterie velikosti 1/2 AA a lineárního napěťového regulátoru, který se stará o stabilizaci napájecího napětí. Následuje popis měřicího integrovaného obvodu MAX31865, který byl vybrán pro měření teploty díky jeho vysoké přesnosti a velkému měřicímu rozsahu. Aby se ušetřila elektrická energie v době nečinnosti zařízení, každý ze čtyř senzorů je vzdáleně zapínán a vypínán povelem mikrokontroléru. Posledním bodem této kapitoly je návrh desky plošných spojů s ohledem na vyvážení komponent, aby nedocházelo k nežádoucím vibracím vlivem vysokých otáček rotoru. Měřicí systém se bude otáčet společně s rotorem motoru, se kterým je pevně spojen. Pevné spojení dovoluje měřit teploty kontaktní metodou. Pátá – podobně obsáhlá – kapitola Software design je zaměřena na popis firmware měřicího systému. První část kapitoly se zaměřuje na konfiguraci a inicializaci SPI sběrnice, nastavení komunikačních pinů a komunikační frekvence. Dále jsou popsány základní funkce pro čtení a zapisování registrů, které jsou využity pro řízení integrovaného obvodu MAX31865. Následuje popis implementace BLE do měřicího systému a popis hlavní smyčky programu (čtení teplot a vysílání naměřených dat pomocí BLE). Závěr této kapitoly se zabývá klientskou aplikací, která byla nad rámec zadání vytvořena a slouží pro příjem a ukládání dat z měřicího systému. Závěrečná – šestá kapitola –Device commissioning popisuje výrobu, oživení a naprogramování výrobku. Měřicí systém byl otestován při 6500 ot/min a při měření kalibrační křivky byla zjištěna průměrná odchylka +0,8% v rozsahu +20°C až +200°C . Přílohy na konci práce obsahují výrobní podklady. Produktový list výrobku lze nalézt v příloze A.
Calculations of temperature fields on the model of induction motor
Koníček, Pavel ; Makki, Zbyněk (referee) ; Janda, Marcel (advisor)
The aim of this work is to get acquainted with the construction of induction motor, the calculation of temperature fields in the motor model in ANSYS Workbench and subsequent evaluation of the results for different operating conditions. There is provided a general description of the function and design of induction motor, a summary of sources of heat inside the engine design, heat transfer theory, the basic description of the finite element method and ANSYS Workbench description. Furthermore, comparison of temperatures measured on a real engine with the values obtained from the calculation program.
Electronical system for greenhouse control
Šedivý, Jozef ; Štohl, Radek (referee) ; Bradáč, Zdeněk (advisor)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to develop an electronical system for greenhouse control, controlled by microcontroller. This device has been divided into 2 parts, which communicate between each other via RS422 interface. The system contains temperature, humidity and illumination sensor. Based on data from sensors, it controls climate conditions in a greenhouse.
Data from temperature sensors measuring and evaluation software
Obrtlík, Milan ; Pokorný, Michal (referee) ; Všetula, Petr (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the development of applications running under the Microsoft Windows System. Its aim is to create an own simple communication protocol on the serial line, which will communicate with the 8-bit AVR microcontroller. Furthermore, the paper deals with processing of the data obtained from the sensors (detection of the sensors, conversion of the sensors‘ numbers into ° C, the display of the obtained values) and with basic commands (modes of measurement, sleep modes, etc...) for the microcontroller.
Data from temperature sensors measuring and evaluation software
Obrtlík, Milan ; Pokorný, Michal (referee) ; Všetula, Petr (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the development of applications running under the Microsoft Windows System. Its aim is to create an own simple communication protocol on the serial line, which will communicate with the 8-bit AVR microcontroller. Furthermore, the paper deals with processing of the data obtained from the sensors (detection of the sensors, conversion of the sensors‘ numbers into ° C, the display of the obtained values) and with basic commands (modes of measurement, sleep modes, etc...) for the microcontroller.
Laboratory thermometer based on Pt100 sensor
Konečný, Jiří ; Murina, Milan (referee) ; Steinbauer, Miloslav (advisor)
This text put mind to questions of touch temperature measurement. Describes the various of electrical temperature sensors, which are divided in accordance with physical principles, on which they work. For each sensor are given its characteristics, such as temperature range, tolerance, advantages and disadvantages, or the measuring circuit. The sensors are described mainly by mathematical equations and polynomials. Their knowledge is needed for the construction of additional circuits or devices for processing information from sensors. In this work is also suggested a completely involvement of digital thermometer, which uses a Pt100. According to this proposal is made a prototype piece.
Weather Station with Ethernet Interface
Novák, Pavel ; Šimek, Václav (referee) ; Bartoš, Pavel (advisor)
This thesis deals with the design and construction of the meteorological station. The meteorological station is designed and constructed to be able to measure the basic meteorological parameters (temperature, humidity, air pressure) and the other three variables (measuring rainfall, wind speed, wind direction). This thesis will introduce you to meteorology. Meteorology determines the daily weather forecast and the results are used for examples in aviation or maritime affairs. The method of atmospheric origin is given in the theoretical part. Meteorology must use measuring instruments to determine quantities. The dissertation also includes analysis of the measuring instruments. The meteorological station uses the Ethernet technology. In the chapter devoted to Ethernet are described its principles, types and method of power supply over Ethernet. The following section describes the design of the entire meteorological station, selection of all components and description of their connection. The chapter about implementation contains a description of the parts which forms program part of the meteorological station. The aim of the thesis is a summary of the achieved results including price comparison of the renovated meteorological station with other meteorological stations, which can be normally bought.
Thermometer for SW/HW Platform FITkit
Čižinský, Vojtěch ; Šimek, Václav (referee) ; Vašíček, Zdeněk (advisor)
The real progress in temperature measurement was made in 20th century. This specialization has since affected all domains of human doing and improved many of processes. This bachelor thesis deals with the design of a measuring module, which has to be plugged to a FITkit platform, and the implementation of the program, which communicates with the module. There will be a couple of various temperature sensors placed on the module, with various ways of the temperature presentation.

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