National Repository of Grey Literature 1,383 records found  beginprevious1374 - 1383  jump to record: Search took 0.08 seconds. 

Analysis of actual trends in mobile market on example of Vodafone Czech Republic
Jirman, Tomáš ; Král, Petr (advisor) ; Bockstefel, Jan (referee)
This work aims to prepare the analysis puts current trends in the mobile market, and these results are then used to evaluate the current position of Vodafone Czech Republic and its marketing communications to mobile communications market in the Czech Republic. The analytical part of the work focuses on the local telecommunications market, regulatory environment, and marketing communications company described. Based on these findings are then also defined current trends in the mobile communications market and they then derive predictions of the future development of the entire market. Given the specific nature of this market, the individual's internal analysis based on information obtained directly from the surveyed companies, which for this work of great benefit as set out conclusions are backed by real market data. The work also draws on research methods conducted among customers of mobile operators, but their aim was to determine customer attitudes to new technologies or brand awareness operator or its marketing communications.

Potential of trade between the Czech Republic and India – possibilities of its promotion
Proch, Dominik ; Müller, Štěpán (advisor) ; Čajka, Radek (referee)
In the diploma thesis, author focuses on the state of the Indian economy and the position of India in the foreign trade of the Czech Republic. Firstly, local specifics and current changes (after 2014 elections) are outlined. Afterwards, an analysis of the India's position in international relations, its foreign trade relations and the intensity of mutual trade with the Czech Republic is propounded. The third chapter deals with the Czech system of trade promotion, including a description of its institutional structure and relation to the Czech export destined to India. In the last part of the thesis, author provides readers with a case study of selected Czech companies operating in the Indian market. The aim is to evaluate the possibilities and limits of bilateral trade and investment exchange promotion.

Model transport relations in the Vysočina region focusing on railway transport
NOSEK, Lukáš
This bachelor thesis evaluates the use of railway transport in Vysočina region based on the everyday commuting to work and school. In theoretical part of thesis are presents basis of the spatial interactions with an emphasis on transport interactions and gravity models. Another chapter describe the evolution railway transport and assessment of the current position of railway transport in the Czech Republic. The methodology part describes the data base including its shortcomings and also presents the methods of processing this thesis. The main aim of analytical part is creating model of transport relations focusing on railway transport in Vysočina region. Then this model is confronted with another inter-urban interactions in Vysočina region (e.g.connections public transport). The last part of this thesis evaluates the spatial interactions between commuting centers in Vysočina region, in light of the theoretical spatial relationships, the real direct train connections, the real direct bus connections and the movement of passenger cars.

The study the behavior of the reinforced soil block under the concentrated load
Prechtlová, Kateřina ; Kliš, Lumír (referee) ; Miča, Lumír (advisor)
This thesis deals with numerical 3D modeling of reinforced earth block under concentrated wheel load. This is a parametric study, which varies entering face and load position and even his own task. And either by simplification of the CSN 73 0037 or directly. At the beginning briefly describes the construction of reinforced soil in terms of history, application, construction, and properties of materials from which the structure is formed. Attention is also paid to static action and methods of spreading of a concentrated load to earth block. structural design using analytical methods is also part of the thesis

Optimalization of development process in connection with a change of a supplier of material
VORÁČ, Michal
The development process, and in fact the entire question of processing X-ray images is still, despite all of the simplifications and standardizations, a relatively complex series of interesting processes. Even though it no longer enjoys the attention it once did, its position within the diagnostic algorithm is nonetheless permanent, and until digitalization becomes practical, irreplaceable. It will continue to fall within the competence of the radiological assistant, and hence the radiological assistant will continue to hold responsibility for its optimal course. Today, of course, it is no longer to have specific chemical training, but on the other hand it is more necessary than before to ensure a responsible approach, careful work, and to a great extent a degree of enthusiasm for the entire procedure. The present work is not intended in any way to influence the choice of a new subcontract for our section, but merely to draw attention to the positive and negative aspects of this change. A series of densitometric measurements were performed under various conditions of the development process, for the purpose of investigating the advantages and disadvantages of the new film material and its results were then compared with the similarly processed values acquired under the present state of the processing procedure. The development process may be influenced by many factors; hence the complex reaction must be carefully followed and maintained within precisely delineated standards. Only as such it is possible to achieve a quality image. Even the very best photographic operation can come to naught if the final processing of the image is not correct. In this instance, the patient is quite unnecessarily subjected to a higher dose of radiation than should be, and the image does not contain all of the possible details and the diagnostic potential is lowered. Only a correctly performed development process can make the maximum use of the X-ray image and thus provide the doctor with better conditions for his or her responsible work.

Palestinian Churches after 1967. Evolution in Church Politics and Theology
Šlajerová, Monika ; Noble, Timothy (advisor) ; Bugel, Walerian (referee) ; Kropáček, Luboš (referee)
Church-policy and theological evolution of Palestinian Churches in Jerusalem and in the West Bank is the main topic of a thesis entitled "Palestinian Churches after 1967. Evolution in Church Politics and Theology." Gradual process of politization and nationalization of Palestinian Churches is taken as a chief development leading towards ecumenically shared position denouncing Israeli occupation as unethical, statement commonly expressed by church representatives starting with the first Intifáda. Within context of growing national awareness, local Palestinian theology has emerged in the eighties trying to reflect upon the ongoing political conflict and its impact on churches. Similarly, Palestinian hermeneutics deals with political misuse of Old Testament struggling to create a genuine Palestinian reading of the Bible. To understand the situation of Palestinian churches better, historical and regional context of Great Syria (Bilad ash-Sham) territory is described in two first chapters. The first examines the historical condition of mutual Muslim-Christian and inter-church relations. The second identifies the main socio-political, ecumenical and theological problems of Churches in neighbouring countries of Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. Then the three chapters consecrated to church policy, theology and...

Financial Position and Performance of the Company WELCO, spol. s r.o. and Prediction of their Future Trends
Hnátek, Robert ; Štefánek, Petr (referee) ; Beranová, Michaela (advisor)
Bachelors thesis focuses on financial analysis with the aim at financial performance of company. It contains theoretical basis of the financial analysis and methods. These basis are apllied on examination of the current financial situation of compeny to suggest a improvement.

Microsoft Project Server 2010 usage for education of portfolio management
Lojka, Tomáš ; Chocholatý, Drahomír (advisor) ; Chlapek, Dušan (referee)
The main theme of this diploma thesis is the implementation of Microsoft Project Server 2010 into practice. In the first part there is described a dilemma of project management and its role in domain of management by projects. Analysis of current situation in the field of taught portfolio management courses is also part of this section. This analysis is focused on czech universities environment and courses in private training centres. The most important part is the second part of this dissertation, which is focused on description of the Microsfot Project Server 2010 implementation. The general benefit from this description is the cumulative overview step by step from basic installation to local clients software configuration. From the functional side this thesis gives implemented SharePoint Server 2010 and Project Server 2010, which are going to be used as one of the cornerstone of new course in The University of Economics in Prag.

Woman in Israel and in the Neighbouring Countries
Kryczka, Katarzyna ; Hřebík, Josef (advisor) ; Brož, Jaroslav (referee)
Anglická anotace The focus of my baccalaureate thesis is an issue of marriage and family in Israel in the times described in the Old Testament. The role of a woman-mother was very special in that era. My work includes also descriptions of roles for women from the neighboring countries. In my opinion, women fulfill a very special and irreplaceable role in every culture throughout the centuries. Mature woman through her love and honesty creates a home filled with warmth and safety. In our times false feminism proclaims that women have the same rights as men, but robes them from their femininity and motherhood. I would like to point out that even though women in the Old Testament were assigned the second place they were happy, interested in life and had respect among the members of society. Therefore, I would like to present women form different groups of society starting with the slaves and ending with the queen. The interest in their religious practices, approach to raising a family and teaching the children will be a focus of my presentation.

Birds of Passeriformes order on CHKO Třeboňsko champaign
FUKA, David
During the breeding season in 2007, the mapping of the nesting ranges in birds of the order Passeriformes was carried out on the chosen localities in Třeboň wet meadows within the Třeboňsko landscape; Aim of study was to order qualitatives and quantitatives status of the Passeriformes within localities and their comparasion. Localities were situated in the immediate vicinity of Třeboň. The total mapped area was 25 hectares. The Vegetation was dominated by tall sedges (locality New station). The principal biotops consisted of tall sedges biotop M1.7 and K1 (locality New station and locality Old station) and V1 biotop. Within Old station locality and Opatovický locality it was especially: T1.5 and T1.4 and X5. Nesting birds were counted by the mapping method (Janda a Řepa, 1989). The GPS system was used for the recording of single males. Twenty three passerine bird species were found within localities. In total, nine bird species were founded in all the localities. The most abundant species were: (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) the Sedge Warbler, (Luscinia svecica cyanecula) the Bluethroat, (Locustella naevia) the Grasshopper Warbler (Old station locality and New station locality), Opatovický locality was dominated by Acrocephalus schoenobaenus the Sedge Warbler. There was signigicant differences of total density of bird assemblage betwen Opatovický locality and New station locality and Old station locality and Opatovický locality. High breeding density was found especially in the Whinchat and the Bluethroat on New station locality. High conformity of bird assemblage was among New station locality and Old station locality.