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Comparison of the strategies of the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany in the development of public administration in the context of the Digital Agenda for Europe by 2020
Stratílková, Žaneta ; Dvořák, Tomáš (advisor) ; Pokorný, Radek (referee)
Title of the thesis: Comparison of the strategies of the Czech Republic and Federal Republic of Germany in the development of public administration in the context of the Digital Agenda for Europe by 2020 Abstract: Bachelor's thesis reflects the differences between the strategies for the development of public administration in the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany in the Digital Agenda for Europe 2020. The strategy of the European Union - Europe 2020, which began in 2010 and aims primarily to economic growth and lower unemployment, consists of seven elementary pillars. One of them is the crucial Digital Agenda for Europe 2020. Thanks to these seven fundamental initiatives, the European Union and national authorities of member countries can combine their efforts in various areas, such as innovation and modernization of public administration. Czech Republic followed the other EU countries and actively began the process of e-government to facilitate communication in the relationship citizen - state. Vypracovala: Žaneta Stratílková

Horčičková, Anna ; Dvořák, Jan (advisor) ; Elischer, David (referee)
1 Abstract Representation This thesis concerns the institute of the representation in effective legislation of civil law particularly in the Act no. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code. This institute is very important for each person, no matter it's age or profession, because everybody in his live needs to use the representation. Not only have I focused in my thesis on the part of the Civil Code which is called representation, but also on the other parts that contain representation as well. My thesis is divided into nine chapters, in which I am dealing with representation based on the decision of the court as well as the contract or the law. At the beginning my thesis describes historical basis of representation and also short glimpse to the previous legislation. The next chapter deals with chosen types of the representation that are not regulated in the chapter III of the Civil Code, but I also consider them as really important and very useful in practice. The most of the thesis is focused on the part of the Civil Code that is named the representation. Firstly general provisions are described where I specially focus on the power of attorney, its form and necessary provisions. In the representation based on contract belongs also procuration, where I included its origin, its extent, form and termination. The thesis...

The Influence of Inline Skating on the Knee Joint
Procházka, Aleš ; Pavlů, Dagmar (advisor) ; Malá, Jitka (referee)
Title of the thesis: The influence of inline skating on the knee joint. Abstract: lnline skating is one of the fastest growing sport acitivities not only in the USA and the Western Europe but in the entire Czech Republic as well. Many people understand inline skating as a possible leisure activity- a fitness activity such as jogging, other do the inline skating as a supplementary summer sport to crosscountry skiing and other see it as an attractive means of transport. Many non- experienced enthusiasts as well as recreational and top athletes have tried to move on inline skates. There are available skating products of various quality and price on the market. The thesis deals with influence of inline skating on the entire structures and functions of a knee joint. Apart from the physiological effects on respiratory, cardiovascular system etc. exists a topíc which has not been talked about: that is the influence of a periodic and repeating movement on the locomotory system and especially on the knee joint. The skate's construction, its rigidity, individua! skating technique and the status of skater's locomotory system as well as the quality of surface seem to have fundamental ímportance in this aspect. The quality of the surface together with fast skating may cause sígnificant vibrations. Key words: inline...

The clinical application of the Functional Independence Measure (version 5.2) for patients with brain trauma
Hájková, Pavlína ; Svěcená, Kateřina (advisor) ; Angerová, Yvona (referee)
Bachelor's dissertation Abstract: The focus of this Bachelor's dissertation is on the evaluation of Functional Independence Measure (FIM, version 5.2) and its clinical application for patients with brain trauma. This dissertation includes theoretical and practical section. The theoretical section focuses on the basic information about causes and consequences of brain trauma, and about methods and different measures of independence. Further chapters of the theoretical section describe the establishment and history of FIM, target population of FIM, its clinical use, and psychometrical measures of this tool. The practical section is based on the clinical application of FIM used with patients with brain trauma. The main focus of this dissertation is to analyze the advantages and the disadvantages of using FIM tool to measure functional independence of patients with brain trauma. Key words: Functional Independence Measure, Functional Independence Testing, functional independence, independence, personal activities of daily living, measuring independence, standardized testing methods for measuring independence, brain trauma, consequences of brain trauma

To thin from psychedelic experiences - a transdisciplinary interpretation
Pokorný, Vít ; Komárek, Stanislav (advisor) ; Horák, Miroslav (referee) ; Dadejík, Ondřej (referee)
Pokorný, V., To think from psychedelic experiences. Transdisciplinary interpretation. Diseration Thesis, Departement of General Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University Prague, 2016 Abstract: The goal of this text is to think from and according to psychedelic experiences. To think from psychededic experiences means to introduce a transdisciplinary model of psychedelic domain. This model is based on autoethnographic, cognitive, phenomenological and psychopharmacological types of analysis. These analyses allow to demonstrate: 1) place of psychedelics in contemporary globalised czech society; 2) possible heuristic (theoretical and experiemental) value of psychedelic experience for understanding human situation. This text interprets psychedelic experience as a process of deteritorialization and reteritorialization that occurs on different, intertwinned levels of our experience, and, thus, it is a contribution to explication of a philosophical concept of intertwinning. Keywords: psychedelic experience, transdisciplinarity, autoethnography, cognitive anthropology, anthropology of experience, enactivism, phenomenology, embodiment, analogy, intertwinning

Case report of physiotherapy care for patient with Guillain-Barre syndrome
Veselý, Vojtěch ; Pánek, David (advisor) ; Novotná, Irena (referee)
Title: Case report of physiotherapy care for patient with Guillain-Barre syndrome. Objective: Summary of theoretical knowledge and the processing of case report of patient diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome. Abstract: This thesis consists of two parts. The general part contains a survey of the problems of Guillain-Barre syndrome as a clinical manifestation of a undergone Lyme borreliosis. The largest area is devoted to the pathogenesis, diagnosis and subsequent treatment of disease called Guillain-Barre syndrome. A special section is devoted to case report and determination of the patient's plan of physiotherapy. The main aim of therapy was verticalization of patient into standing position with a view to return to normal life as before the illness. Case report was worked out on the patient's neurological department of the Regional Hospital Kladno a. s. at the time of continuous bachelor practice 9. 1. - 1. 2. 2012. Keywords: Guillain-Barré syndrome, Lyme borreliosis, case report, physiotherapy, peripheral polyradiculoneuritis.

Comparison of levels of physical load during selected swimming techniques with and without clothes
Thiel, Dan ; Sýkora, Karel (advisor) ; Maršálek, Kamil (referee)
1 ABSTRACT Title Comparison of levels of physical load during selected swimming techniques with and without clothes. Purposes My work compares particular swimming styles with or without army suits worn by Armed Forces of the Czech Republic focusing especially on physical effects on a human organism. The goal of my work is to find out the best and the most useful swimming style for the military swiming. Methods This is an observational type of quantitative research. Implemented using the intra-individual comparative analysis on a sample of two diferently swimming skilled probands. The measurement is made in the pool with a counter in the FLUM facility at faculty of Physical Education and Sport at Charles University. The compared swimming styles are breast swimming with head above water, crawl, rescue backstroke and swimming on the side. Results The results compare levels of physical demands utilised swimming techniques while swimming with clothes and in swimwear. They contrast the physical demands based on heart rate. The results show a difference in performing the same activity in clothes and in swimwear. Breast with head above water was the best of both probands when compared heart rate in swimming in clothes. When comparing the changes in heart rate with the difference between swimming in clothes and...

Sudden Cardiac Death - Social Impact on Family
Abstract The Bachelor´s thesis "A Sudden cardiac death - and its social impact on the family" deals with a sudden cardiac death and its influence on functionality of a basic element of the state ? the family. The main task of this thesis is to determine a total psychosocial impact of a sudden cardiac death on the relationships in the family and verify which psychosocial rehabilitation options are offered to the bereaved persons. The expected application of this thesis in practice should improve living conditions for the bereaved persons and to provide them with more information about this diagnosis. In the theoretical part the diagnosis of a sudden cardiac death was described in detail. The death that occurs within one hour after the first signs is a frequently discussed topic in professional medical circles. The heart disease is considered as the main risk factor. Therefore, doctors primarily concentrate on this area in the treatment and prevention. Nevertheless 25 percent of patients who died of sudden cardiac disease had no signs of heart disease. So it´s important to think about familial syndrome. The major role in therapeutic activities is played by antiarhytmic therapy, kardiovertru-defibrillator implantation or catheter ablation. The main objective of the research was to determine how the current society is informed about the risk of NSS, its causes and possible prevention. The possibilities of psychosocial rehabilitation for families with psychosocial impact from diagnosed sudden cardiac death of a family member were analyzed here as well. The first set of questions was focused on lifestyle diseases that are closely connected with NSS and significantly increase the risk. The answers revealed the current society is quite well informed about lifestyle diseases, mainly cardiovascular diseases. Despite this knowledge the Czech population health situation has not changed significantly and civilization diseases are growing instantly. Another set of questions focused on the NSS and its causes. A lot of survey respondents put emphasis on SAC prevention in contradistinction to experts who already work with endangered patients and focus on managing and control of life threatening arrhythmias. Approximately half of the respondents identified themselves as endangered because of their health problems (cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, etc.) More than 95 percent of the respondents expected impacts on the family and its relationships caused by the sudden cardiac death of a family member. Only 8 percent of the respondents put emphasis on potential social-economic changes. The research dealt with a problem whether the public is well-informed about possibilities of psychosocial rehabilitation. And the findings indicate it is not. More than 58 percent of the respondents try to solve problems themselves or with help of their family or friends. The responses to the survey confirmed the assumption that majority of the respondents (80 percent) know only about financial support from the state to the bereaved persons. And they would use only this state support if their family member died. Common people consider the using of psychosocial rehabilitation unavailable or they believe it is intended for the target group of psychologically ill people, mentally handicapped, alcoholics and drug addicts. A most of them don´t know that it could be used by the bereaved persons (91.16 percent). Due to the activity developed by the MMR as counseling for bereaved persons, it seems that it could get better in the near future. The offered service called ?consultancy for the bereaved persons? could get widely into the public knowledge.

Rehabilitation and reintegration of people conditionally released from prison.
Abstract The extensive name of this thesisResocialization and Integration of Conditionally Released People from an Imprisonment means here monitoring of these people experience with getting job and potential employers willingness and causes which defend their admission to work. The theoretical part is divided into five chapters, where I try to clarify the important key words , describe a preparation for resocialization and integration in prison , deal with a status and opportunities of prisoners´ employment in the Czech Republic. I show the statistic as well as state organizations and NGOs care and help offers for conditionally released people. Finally I introduce some of reintegration and resocialization projects in the Czech Republic in conclusion of the theoretical part. The empirical part includes the research itself and it is divided into two parts. I performed the first one on the research sample of six conditionally released people under the probation supervision using qualitative research method, method of questioning and semi-standardized interview technique. Because of my interest of employers attitudes to former prisoners employment, I made the research with 20 employers from Prachatice region using the same methods and technique. The main goal of this research was to find former prisoners´ expectations dealing with getting job. The results showed, that these people expect assistance from family, friends, an labour office as well as from PMS or other organizations, e.g. NGOs. One of my research fractional aims was to find the expectations related to The Labour Office. The results showed nearly half of the respondents did not expect anything, however some of them expect the offer of retraining or vacancies. To find out willingness of employers to give a job to former prisoners was the goal of the second part of empirical research. The results of this research show that the vast majority of respondents would give a job to these people but only those positions, where the material responsibility is not required. This thesis shall provide insight into the problems of conditionally released people who try to find a job and integrate into society. On the other hand it shows potential employers and state or non-state organizations attitudes.

Plague epidemics and the world they created
Dryáková, Kateřina ; Czumalo, Vladimír (referee) ; Hoftichová, Petra (referee)
The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English