National Repository of Grey Literature 12,845 records found  beginprevious12826 - 12835next  jump to record: Search took 0.95 seconds. 

Contractual freedom versus protection of employees
Kotula, Tomáš ; Hůrka, Petr (advisor) ; Lang, Roman (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the problematics of the contractual freedom and the protection of employees in labour law relations and the concept of flexicurity which seeks to find balance between these two opposing notions. Its main objective is to evaluate the applicable Czech legislation regulating formation and termination of an employment relationship from the view of flexicurity, including by proposing possible changes of legal instruments within the framework of reflections de lege ferenda. The first part characterizes the contemporary Czech labour law legislation and the concept of flexicurity, followed by its reflection into the Czech Labour Code. This part concludes with an introduction of successful flexicurity models. The following part analyses both development and understanding of flexicurity at European level with the focus on impacts of EU strategy for the Member States. The key parts of this thesis are parts number three and four which deal with the legislation regulating formation and termination of the employment relationship in the Czech Republic. In these parts, relevant legal instruments are first defined and then evaluated with respect to their flexibility and security. The third part defines the course of formation of the employment relationship, particularly on the basis...

Legislation on treating animals in human care
Konečná, Petra ; Stejskal, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Derlich, Stanislav (referee)
1 Abstract This Master's thesis entitled Legislation on treating animals in human care compares Czech and Australian legislation in selected aspects of three categories of animals in human care - farm animals, companion animals and animals used for scientific and other research purposes. The thesis is composed of 5 main chapters. The first chapter describes sources of law regarding treating animals in human care from the perspectives of international law, European Union law, federal Czech law and Australian law. The second chapter explains basic terms - an animal and its legal status and animal in human care in Czech and Australian legislation. The third chapter focuses specifically on farm animals as a category of animals in human care as it is detailed in Czech and Australian legislation. The fourth chapter deals with companion animals in both countries' legislation. Finally, the fifth chapter describes the legal protection of animals used for scientific and other research purposes in Czech and Australian legislation. . Keywords animal human care animal protection

Marketing Utilization in Service Sector
Jedličková, Lucie ; Čermák, Lubomír (referee) ; Chalupský, Vladimír (advisor)
This diploma work deals with marketing utilization in service sektor, concrete in legal profession. The objective was to make analysis of marketing assertion in legal office. On the basis of suitable methods was followed and evaluated actual posture of marketing literacy in legal office. Result of practical analyses was definition of barriers, handicaps, reserves and opportunities at marketing utilization in legal office. Theoretical part features information about marketing in service sektor, shows in legal profession domain and gets acquainted with used methods. Practical part analyses contemporary state in legal office. By means of suitable methods is drafted the measure, how to eliminate barriers, handicaps and reserves and to take advantage of opportunities.

Evolution of the social insurance and relevant national institutions in the Czech Republic between years 2004 and 2014
Táflová, Kateřina ; Bartůsková, Lucia (advisor) ; Matula, Miloš (referee)
The main aim of this thessis is to analyze the evolution of legal rules and structures of organization of public administration connected with social insurance between years 2004 - 2014. The first part of the thessis provides the intro of problem. The second part sumarises main crosspoints within the evolution of social insurance and sickness and pension insurance and its covering organization - Českou správu sociálního zabezpečení. The crucial changes are written down in surveillance tables. There are also mentioned changes in social benefits of passive policy of employment and evolution of Employment Department. These are also specified in surveilance tables. There are also analized: impact of legislative changes on amount of social benefits, administrative burden of byrocratic workers and total operating expenditures. These makroekonomics data are graphicaly pictured in the second part of the tessis. Crucial is the enumeration of changes that had real impact on the national economic.

De-merger of companies
Grohoľová, Alžběta ; Vomáčková, Hana (advisor) ; Pospíšil, Jiří (referee)
The main aim of this thesis is to describe the complex transaction that is de-merger. It outlines the legal process of divisions, accounting and tax procedures. From the legal point of view, the main emphasis is put on the decisive date and draft terms of division. The accounting part concentrates on valuation and deferred tax. There is also a brief characterization of corporate income tax regarding divisions. The last part of this thesis describes some examples from accounting practice and their analysis and comparison.

Higher education in Austria: the rule of law , case studies and implications for Czech Republic
Kravcivová, Aneta ; Neumann, Pavel (advisor) ; Antal, Jarolím (referee)
In 2015, Wien Wirtschafsuniversität ranked among economic universities regularly disclosed on the Financial Times in position number 42. The University of Economics last three years, around 80th place. Why is this so? In the context of this thesis is to analyze not only the legal prerequisites for successful graduates of the master's program Finance and Accounting, but also deals with the practical use of knowledge on the labor market resp. As well as the current unemployment of graduates in what fields they can work, etc. In this work also deals with the human capital theory, which explores the motives for higher education. They are given different conditions during their studies at WU and Economics, as well as development starting salary after graduation. The last chapter contains examples that would be good to apply in the Czech higher education system. The question remains, why WU placed on better positions than ALL? According to the author's investment in science and research in Austria - currently invest nearly 2% of GDP, as well as 100-year-old development WU, when no interruption to develop economic theory and their application in practice, as well as linking university knowledge with practice.

The entry of the Czech company into the Polish market
Homolová, Hana ; Černá, Iveta (advisor) ; Hinčica, Vít (referee)
This thesis contains information on the entry of Czech firms into the Polish market. The main goal is to provide a complete overview of the Polish market and describe the process of entry of the Czech company into this territory as its own branches. According to the truncated PEST analysis describes the situation on the Polish market. The first chapter deals with methods and indicators that are used at work. The second chapter provides general information about the Republic of Poland. The third, most extensive chapter describes the Polish market from specific angles of selected factors according PEST analysis. This chapter deals in details with economic factors and indicators of competitiveness, while the least is dedicated to social factors. Under the technological factors there are promising sectors for business emphasized particularly. In politic-legal factors there are highlighted mainly legal environment and conditions for establishing a company in Poland. The last part contains specific experience that related to the founding of the company in Poland.

The legal status of Japanese-Americans in the USA during the Second World War
Křížek, Jakub ; Labus, David (advisor) ; Sýkora, Jan (referee)
This Bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of suspension of Japanese Americans' civil rights during the Second World War, particularly on the West Coast of the U.S. The first part focuses primarily on the historical context and reasons to the problem, followed by a description of key legal rules framing the legal status of the Japanese minority in the U.S. and a description of their practical implementation. Finally the most important U.S. Supreme Court Decisions in this matter are introduced, including the most famous case concerning the Japanese Americans - Korematsu v. United States. The thesis also discusses briefly the process of rethinking the entire policy of discrimination in 1980s, resulting into an official apology of the American government accompanied by provision of redress and reparation for affected citizens.

Peru - legal and economic conditions for foreign investments
Koreňová, Eva ; Boháček, Martin (advisor) ; Svatošová, Olga (referee)
Tato práce pojednává o právních a ekonomických podmínkách pro zahraňiční investice v Peru. Po stručné charakteristice země,její historie a politického systému, následuje podrobnější úprava obchodního práva, především z pohledu fungování obchodních společností. Na závěr se snažím upozornit na zajímavý investiční záměr výroby bioetanolu, který si myslím, že je v do budoucna velmi perspektivní.

Development of accounting in Slovakia
Samseliová, Simona ; Valášková, Mariana (advisor) ; Skálová, Jana (referee)
The bachelor's thesis is focused on the theme of development of accounting in Slovakia. The thesis is divided into four main chapters. The aim of the first chapter is to define the complex accounting system and provide the basic understanding of this area. The second part chronologically describes the historical process of formation and development of accounting system in generally. It is also devoted to important milestones in the evolution of Slovak accounting legislation, which is terminated by summary of currently valid legal standards. The third chapter follows the topic and it focuses on the international harmonization within the European Community. The last and final section deals with practical view on accounting. It shows accounting statements requirements and changes in legislation following the implementation of EU Council Directive. These changes are attributed to the harmonization process, which the Slovak republic is a part of.