National Repository of Grey Literature 101 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The Business Activities of Company FLEET s.r.o. on the Czech Market
Song, Chen ; Němečková, Iveta (advisor) ; Hinčica, Vít (referee)
This thesis focuses on business activities and development of the Czech company FLEET s.r.o. engaged in the trade of tea. The work is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part defines the world's tea market, the overview of the main territories of tea production, the European tea market and the situation on the tea market in the Czech Republic. The practical part introduces the company FLEET s.r.o. itself and its entrepreneurial forms, provides information about chosen products. On the basis of the SWOT analysis is recommended to the company how to aim its business activities to develop effectively on the Czech or foreign markets.
The Current Position of Iceland on the Global Market
Tomanová, Veronika ; Hinčica, Vít (advisor) ; Jurek, Martin (referee)
The aim of the bachelor thesis is to describe the current situation of the icelandic economy and the current position of Iceland on the global market. The bachelor thesis is divided into seven chapters. The first part of the thesis is focused on basic characteristics of Iceland, basic macroeconomic indicators and important economic sectors of Iceland. There is also mentioned the icelandic financial crisis. The second part describes foreign relations of Iceland, its foreign trade and foreign investments. There are also mentioned competitiveness of Iceland and relations with the Czech Republic.
The analysis of foreign trade between the Czech Republic and selected countries of Latin America
Marecová, Nikol ; Hinčica, Vít (advisor) ; Bolotov, Ilya (referee)
This work illustrates view of relations between the Czech Republic and selected countries of Latin America, specifically Chile and Argentina. The aim of the study is to determine when mutual relationships were established, how they have evolved and what kind of contracts are based on. Another object of examination are kinds of exported and imported commodities by Czech Republic. After the analysis of collected data take place comparison of trade between the Czech Republic and Chile, and between the Czech Republic and Argentina.
Impact of the Chechen conflict on the economy and trade of the North Caucasus
Ionova, Ksenia ; Bolotov, Ilya (advisor) ; Hinčica, Vít (referee)
The aim of this thesis is based on historical and political context evaluate the impact of the Chechen conflict on the economy of the North Caucasian Federal District and Russian federation and analyze its development after 22 years from the beginning of the First Chechen War. The first and second parts of the thesis include the characteristics and significance of the North Caucasian Federal District, analysis of analyzed ethnic and social structure of the population of the studied region and the historical and political context of the war. The following chapter deals with the core of the bachelor thesis, the impact of the conflict and the social and economic spheres. The last part is SWOT analysis of general and economic factors of the district
Shipping and logistics solutions of UPS company
Krugol, Valeriya ; Hinčica, Vít (advisor) ; Křenková, Eva (referee)
This bachelor thesis focuses on logistics solutions of UPS company. The work consists of five parts. In the first part, there is an introduction to logistics. The second part is dedicated to introducing of the company and it's creation. The third part introduces the services offered by the company and it's correct choice. The fourth part analysis the company's common problems, its business strategies, long-term and medium-term financial goals. The fifth chapter presents the evaluation of the results and the proposal for solutions to the identified problems. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the situation of the company in order to propose solutions for its better development.
Mexico's International Trade on an Example of a Particular Trade Operation
Dostalík, Vít ; Bolotov, Ilya (advisor) ; Hinčica, Vít (referee)
This diploma thesis focuses on trade environment in Mexico with special focus on practical example of a particular trade operation. The aim is to analyze trade environment in Mexico on an example of particular trade operation. The first part focuses on main attributes, characteristics and structural problems of the Mexican economy. The second part describes more in detail the country's business environment and customs procedures. The last chapter analyzes the selected trade operation of export of goods to Kuwait performed by small Mexican trade company. Based on the analysis of the operation are identified several recommendations for potential improvement of the exporter's activities. Methods of interview, description, analysis and comparison are used. The bibliography cites printed resources, books and articles, as well as electronic resources, statistical databases and legal rules. The practical part was elaborated with support of the exporter's and freight forwarder's experts, who provided access to information and documentation needed.
Economy of Catalonia and possible consequences of its eventual independence from Spain
Polák, Milan ; Hinčica, Vít (advisor) ; Bolotov, Ilya (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse important aspects of separatism in Catalonia. Thesis is comprised of three chapters and conclusion. The first chapter addresses the historical origins of Catalan attempts to gain independence, legal and political issues and further examines current situation in the autonomous community. The second chapter analyses the problem from economic point of view. Spanish and Catalan economies will be examined alongside with their economic relationship. The third chapter is relevant factors that might play an important role in cause of eventual separation: the form of gaining an independence, viability of a new Catalan economy and possible scenarios of relationships between Catalonia, Spain and the European union. In the end author summarizes the problem and provides conclusions.
New trend - Delivery parcel lockers
Vagnerová, Jana ; Hinčica, Vít (advisor) ; Kučera, Zdeněk (referee)
This bachelor thesis is about delivery parcel lockers - a new way how to deliver merchandise from e-shop to customers. It contains a research of delivery parcel locker suppliers with the purpose of finding an optimal supplier for It also talks about the future of different shipment options and what should delivery lockers be able to do in the future.
Russian arms industry
Anisimova, Alina ; Hinčica, Vít (advisor) ; Sato, Alexej (referee)
1st part Classification of Weapons: ? By purpose ? By type of troops Part 2 Export of Russian weapons. Major exporters. 3rd part Appreciation of Russia's position on the world military market based on the information described in the previous chapters. Conclusion, presentation of results.
Maritime transport in EU - China trade
Mrážik, Matúš ; Hinčica, Vít (advisor) ; Sato, Alexej (referee)
The bachelor thesis gives an overview of the role of maritime transportation in the international trade between EU an China. Concerning the modern trends in maritime transportation, the containerization is pointed out as well as the actual image of shipping market. The main aim of the bachelor thesis is to introduce basic elements of commercial maritime traffic between the EU and China. Write and analyze trends in the given mode of transport in order to compare the evolution of container shipping in recent years. The main aspects examined include the volume of goods transported, international trade in China and the EU, the OBOR project, the quantity of containers transhipped in ports and others.

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