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Automatization of the digitization workflow of the National Library of Technology
Řihák, Jakub ; Kosek, Jiří (advisor) ; Římanová, Radka (referee)
This diploma thesis is focused on the automatization of digitization workflow in the National Library of Technology, Prague, Czech Republic. This thesis examines possibilities of digitization processes automatization by means of scripts written in Perl programming language and Apache Ant build tool. The advantages and disadvantages of both solutions are analyzed as well as their suitability for automatization of digitization workflow. Based on the comparison of both solutions, the scripts in Perl programming language are selected as the most suitable solution for automatization of digitization workflow. The question whether Ant build tool could be used for the purpose of automatization of digitization workflow is also answered in this thesis. The Ant build tool could be used for the above-mentioned purpose. However, once the activities in the given process divert from the general scope of tasks provided by the Ant build tool, the complexity of the whole solution increases rapidly. This complexity is given by the necessity to use predefined tasks -- sets of functions which have to be combined to create a functional automatization script. Even though Ant is an extendable tool, it is necessary to understand the Java programming language in order to create a new Ant task successfully. On the other hand, the Perl programming language allows easier customization of the script for the purposes of automatization of digitization workflow. Also, the modularity of the Perl programming language makes it easier to create those scripts and modify, correct or develop them even further.
Europeana Cloud Athens Plenary Meeting 2014 Digital Curation Unit, Research Centre „Athena“
Pejšová, Petra
17. 3. – 19. 3. 2014 v Athénách (Řecko) proběhlo plenární zasedání v rámci projektu Europeana Cloud: Unlocking Europe’s Research via The Cloud pod zkratkou eCloud. Za Národní technickou knihovnu se zúčastnili bc. Jakub Řihák a PhDr. Petra Pejšová. Na zasedání byly shrnuty dosavadní výsledky a představen plán na následující rok. Řešily se administrativní záležitosti a byl dostatek prostoru k diskusi nad jednotlivými pracovními balíčky. Bylo zdůrazněno, že Europeana Cloud má být výzkumná platforma, ne portál.
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Implementation of electronic registry into the company E.ON Czech republic
Vaněk, Petr ; Kunstová, Renáta (advisor) ; Ovesný, Tomáš (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with the processes associated with receiving and sending postal items of E.ON Czech Republic followed with the effective development of the life cycle of documents with use of the digitization and data mining. The aim is to develop the project "Electronic Registry", which can be implemented into current information systems of the company and which will contribute to the optimization of processes of the registry. To achieve this objective it was developed an extensive analysis of the current state of registry and records management system in E.ON Czech Republic. Based on analysis it was proposed a specific solution for improvement. The first part deals with the analysis of current legislative requirements and theoretical analysis of the document lifecycle, which is demonstrated on the example of E.ON Czech Republic in the second part of the thesis. In the second part there is the introduction of company E.ON Czech Republic, which is followed by description of the current state of registry and processes in relation to the rece-iving of postal items. In the analysis of the current situation there are identified issues that arise when receiving and processing postal items to the registry. To the identified problems are offered individual solutions, which are elaborated in the overall solution in the final part of the thesis. The last part is a custom suggestion of optimization of existing processes by using of digi-tizing paper documents and data mining for automatic sorting, which helps to streamline existing processes. This section describes specific solution that is introduced into the E.ON Czech Republic. The solution system provides a single place for the digitization of docu-ments received and their subsequent management.
42nd LIBER Annual Conference
Pejšová, Petra ; Římanová, Radka
Na konferenci LIBER 2013 byl prezentován poster s názvem „Czech Scientists Database“. Hlavní náplní tohoto ročníku bylo téma informační infrastruktury výzkumu a s tím spojené nové role knihoven. Účastníci se dozvěděli rámcové politiky Evropské unie směrem k otevřenému přístupu a výzkumným datům. Dále jim byly představeny již existující fungující praxe a možné náhledy, jak postupovat v následujících letech. Knihovny by se měly stát centrálním bodem pro vědce nejen v získávání informací, ale též v jejich publikování především v digitální podobě. V souvislosti s novou rolí knihoven byla zmiňována nová specializace tzv. „data librarian“.
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Europeana Cloud Kick-off meeting 2013
Pejšová, Petra ; Řihák, Jakub
Účelem zahraniční cesty (2. 3. – 5. 3. 2013) byla povinná účast zástupců NTK PhDr. Petry Pejšové a Bc. Jakuba Řiháka na úvodní schůzce k projektu Europeana Cloud: Unlocking Europe’s Research via The Cloud pod zkratkou eCloud, která se konala The National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag, Nizozemí. Na schůzce byla probrána obecná témata spojená s administrací projektu a představeny jednotlivé pracovní balíčky. Řešitelé měli možnost vyjasnit si své role v rámci jednotlivých pracovních balíčků. Celkem se schůzky zúčastnilo 73 zástupců z 35 řešitelských organizací.
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The Role of Institutions in Long-term Preservation of Digital Content
Hanzal, Tomáš ; Riedlbauch, Václav (advisor) ; Hanzlík, Jan (referee)
The thesis focuses on the long-term preservation of digital content or digital information, in particular with respect to memory institutions. Emphasize is given on the "frailty" of digital information on the one hand, and on the importance of its preservation for the future as part of the cultural heritage on the other hand. One of the thesis's aims is to show the high technical and organizational complexity of the preservation of digital documents and new demands for operation of memory institutions that result from such complexity. The thesis proceeds from the preliminary general notes on the issue of digitization via the description of specific problems and methods of digital archiving and the overview of planning and certification tools of trustworthy digital repositories to the summary of legislative conditions for digitization in the Czech Republic and European Union. The follow-up case study deals with the project of establishing the National Digital Library within the National Library of the Czech Republic.
Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) 2012
Pejšová, Petra
Účelem zahraniční cesty byla účast na konferenci Libraries in the Digital age – LIDA 2012, která se konala 18. - 22. června 2012. PhDr. Petra Pejšová vedla na konferenci 18. 6. 2012 workshop s názvem Grey Literature From Hidden to Visible a 20. 6. 2012 představila účastníkům konference poster na téma A linked data Vocabulary of the Types of Grey Literature: Version 1.0. Hlavní náplní tohoto ročníku byly změny v knihovních službách a v oblasti elektronických zdrojů.
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Electronic Books
Diblík, Jaroslav ; Přibil, Jiří (advisor) ; Novák, Michal (referee)
Bachelor thesis deals with the topic of Electronic books. It describes the history of e-books, current state of developments and future prognosis. Thesis also deals with digitization and digitization projects. It provides a brief summary of e-book formats and examples of hardware and software used for reading e-books, then presents their internet sources. At the end, thesis briefly describes distribution of e-books and compares the price of printed and electronic book.

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