National Repository of Grey Literature 12,368 records found  beginprevious12359 - 12368  jump to record: Search took 1.09 seconds. 

The Act Of Civil Service from the aspect of related legislation
Horová, Jana ; Matula, Miloš (advisor) ; Louda, Tomáš (referee)
The master thesis analyzes the Act No. 234/2014 Coll., On Civil Service, from the aspect of related legislation, Act No. 312/2002 Coll., On Public Officials of the Local Self-Government Units. When the Law On the Civil Service came into force, at the beginning of last year, two categories of officials were created. On the one side there are civil servants who are in service of the Czech Republic, on the other side there are officials who are employed by local self-government units. The analysis is focused on five areas, where it is possible to compare the method of legislation under both laws. After review of these selected areas, the application problems of the civil service are identified. At the end of the thesis, there are legislative proposals for changes that are inspired by relevant legislation.

Analysis of integrated transport systems in big cities
Šimůnková, Martina ; Wokoun, René (advisor) ; Vychodil, Petr (referee)
V diplomové práci se zabývám integrovanými dopravními systémy velkých měst. V první části mapuji problematiku integrovaných dopravních systémů obecně. Poté uvádím několik příkladů ze zahraničí a podrobněji se věnuji pražské integrované dopravě. V praktické části práce provádím srovnání pražského a mnichovského integrovaného dopravního systému v oblastech územního rozsahu dopravní sítě, tarifu a jízdného, délek tratí a linek a dopravních výkonů. Pomocí SWOT analýzy hodnotím silné a slabé stránky, hrozby a příležitosti pro pražskou integrovanou dopravu. Výsledkem mé práce jsou doporučení a návrhy možností dalšího rozvoje Pražského integrovaného dopravního systému.

Conversion of industrial building into cultural site used for theatrical purposes and scenic dance
Tanzerová, Eliška ; Lindner, Milan (advisor) ; Hucková, Barbara (referee)
The bachelor thesis is focused on conversions of industrial buildings into cultural sites which are used for purposes of theatre and scenic dance. The goal of the thesis is to analyze and evaluate condition of these real industrial monuments in the Czech Republic. Several selected objects are compared with examples from abroad and suggestions for improvement or opportunities for possible further development are discussed. The main objective of this thesis is a theoretical definition of industrial buildings and their categorization. Furthermore, the history of industrial heritage and the beginnings of its heritage protection are investigated. The thesis briefly summarizes transformations of the architecture which is related to industrial buildings primarily in the course of the last century. Further, the possibilities of transformation of industrial sites and their animation are discussed. Economical and socio-economic aspects of these aforementioned projects and possibilities of their new use are an important part of the thesis. The following practical part is focused specifically on the Ponec theatre and afterwards, similar examples of conversions in the Czech Republic are outlined. The aim of this practical part is to compare and apply the findings from the analysis of the historical, functional and economical aspects of this selected object from abroad into the example of the Ponec theatre.

Analýza možných problémů plánované důchodové reformy a penzijního připojištění
Pačesová, Petra ; Ježek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Říhová, Petra (referee)
Cílem práce je poukázat na problémy spojené s plánovanou penzijní reformou, které nejsou nikde řešeny. Práce obsahuje různé návrhy nového penzijního systému. Žádný z těchto návrhů však není dokonalý. Otázkou také je, co je lepší, zda parametrické nebo systémové změny. S penzijní reformou souvisí i penzijní připojištění spravované penzijními fondy. I v penzijním či zaměstnaneckém připojištění můžeme najít jisté nedostatky, které se mohou projevit ve výši vyplácených dávek až za několik let, nebo nevýhody související s omezenými investičními možnostmi penzijních fondů.

Analýza projektu Detekce podezřelých bankovních operací
Beránková, Kateřina ; Zvánovcová, Helena (advisor) ; Felcmanová, Jana (referee) ; Nováček, Jan (referee)
Diplomová práce analyzuje a hodnotí interní projekt bankovní společnosti, v rámci něhož byl implementován softwarový balík na podporu detekce podezřelých bankovních operací. Povinnost bránit legalizaci výnosů z trestné činnosti je dána zákonem a finanční instituce mohou tuto povinnost realizovat různým způsobem. Práce též hodnotí projektové řízení v bance a úroveň jeho vyspělosti. Zjištěné nedostatky jsou podkladem pro doporučení bance a návrhy na budoucí opatření.

Institution for Spending Leisure Time of the Youth up to the Age of 18
Martinec, Lukáš ; Polišenský, Miroslav (advisor) ; Gabriela, Gabriela (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the institutions for spending leisure time of the youth up to the age of 18. Specifically, is focused on a selected institution dealing with the topic. The thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part are provided general concepts and knowledges that relate to the issue of free time, children and youth, non-profit organisations and low-threshold facilities for children and youth. The theoretical part is based on study of professional sources used to understand the issue. The practical part is based on a research focused on the analysis of activities in low-threshold facility for children and youth Ponorka in Žďár nad Sázavou. The research is carried out by method of institutions analysis by Bronislaw Malinowski to verify the hypothesis. On the practical part follow an evaluation of the research, which lists the possible shortcomings surveyed institution and proposals for possible solutions to eliminate them or at least mitigate. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the selected institution for the spending leisure time of young up to 18 years and evaluate if it meets a public purpose and mission.

Organisation Culture and its Role in Process of Employees Recruitment in Organisation
Kašparová, Kristýna ; Urbancová, Hana (advisor) ; Jaroslav, Jaroslav (referee)
Recently, the lack of high-quality workers has increased, and therefore companies have to expend considerable resources to recruit them. Except for financial side, job applicant is interested in setting of the company, relationships at workplace, and values held by the organisation. Especially organisational culture can be a good motivation for employee who would want to work in a specific company. For obtaining required information, the analysis of technical literature and technical articles has been made as well as the basic concepts relating to the issue were explained. Moreover the method of questioning using survey was applied which was aimed at employees of the chosen company. In addition to that a semi-structure interview with a personal manager of the company was carried out. Given the research results, there were suggested the recommendations for improvement during process of employees recruitment and for motivating potential employees by organisational culture as well as it was suggested to accept another employee for personnel department. The aim of this thesis was to identify components of organisational culture and to evaluate how organisational culture influences the process of recruitment employees in a chosen organisation. The recommendations for corrective measures were processed in the final part of thesis.

Strategy for development of environmentally friendly tourism in region Nechanice
Součková, Michaela ; Kašparová, Ivana (advisor) ; Karel, Karel (referee)
This thesis deals with possibilities of tourism development of mikroregion Nechanicko in region Hradec Kralove. The thesis includes analysis of the current region (geography, hydrography, climate, residents and transport) and tourist services and device (accommodation, attractions and events, refreshment). This analysis has been prepared from own investigation ofregion, region strategic plans and other documents. This analysis is a discription of eachvillage in region frompointofview of transport ofand social activities. From this analysis and individual interviews with a representative of each village was made SWOT analysis (Strenghts, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) of region. During analysis wereperformedinterviews with representatives of each village and some local bussinesmen about their products and services and how they to tourism with their products and services in region. It was also proposed several preffered axes. Some of thepriorities are developed in a part of proposed precautionand owen proposals precaution in parts of number 19. and 20. The last part of this thesis are owen proposal for cycling trips. There cycling trips are helped to advertising environmental tourism in this region.

Spatial planning legislation in the Czech Republic
Votava, Filip ; Matula, Miloš (advisor) ; Jílek, Petr (referee)
The aim of my graduation theses is the analysis of spatial planning legislation in the Czech Republic between 1945 and present. In the theoretical part I have explained basic terms and the legal regulation of spatial planning and I have presented individual concepts of spatial planning legislation since 1945. Besides the comparison of the basic concepts of spatial planning, the practical part mainly deals with the analysis of the relation of spatial and strategic plans. I have defined the main differences between these documents and compared whether it is advantageous for the municipality to start with a spatial plan or a strategic plan. Furthermore, I have focused on the creation and the content of the spatial plan of Domažlice, focusing on the compliance of legislation in the area of spatial planning, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of current legislation and the weaknesses of the spatial plan in Domažlice. Finally, I have indicated my own suggestions on how to improve the situation.

Comparative Analysis of Liberal and Mandatory Health Insurance Systems (specifically the USA and Czech Republic)
Topinková, Kateřina ; Krebs, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Brabec, Petr (referee)
The thesis aims to critically compare liberal and mandatory health systems, and based on detected advantages and disadvantages of each, propose certain solutions and recommendations to optimize the health care system. During this task it also puts into context historical, legal and ethical backgrounds which strongly influence the system set up. Optimal adjustment of the health care system is an issue that worries most of the world's countries and this thesis, with it's unbiased evaluation, proposes suggestions on potential better functionality and effectiveness of health care. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the major economical terms connected to health care and the typology of healthcare systems. In the following practical part, the US and the Czech healthcare systems are analyzed as the representatives of the liberal and the traditional mandatory health care systems by the international comparison method and the result shows positive experiences from the systems, applicable especially for the Czech Republic.