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The Social Status Conditioned by Work
From the sociological research realized in last years we can learn many interesting facts. We can find out what are currently the prestigious profession and what are not, what is the socio- economic status of individuals, what is the subjective social distance to the profession and many interesting research focused on the profession, prestige of the profession and social status. Sociological research take account of the objective viewpoint and on the subjective viewpoint regarding to the demographic and economic situation in the society. Some of the named sociological researches were compared with the results of this work that was interested in the subjective perception of respondent´s social status, and how risky profession affects their health. My diploma thesis is divided into three parts. The main themes are: the company, work and state of health. The first part of the theory is focused on the concept society based on other concepts important for this thesis. The second part focuses on the theory of professions working sample of respondents to the prestige of their profession and to the international classification of employment. The last is engaged in the concepts of health, illness, health and social determinants of health. The aim of this work was to determine how the respondents perceive their subjective social status, whether the selected structure of employment (education, income, occupational position) affect the social status of the respondent and the effect on the type of profession declared subjective health. The work set up three research questions, which copied the contents of its objectives: ? What is the respondent´s subjective social status? ? Do the chosen structures of employment have any influence on the social status of the respondent? ? Do the exercised profession has any influence on the subjective declarated heslth? Becouse of the set aims, I used the form f qualitative research. To collect data I used research method and its associated questioning research structured interview technique. The research group consisted of eight respondents from the staff of the Czech Police, Fire and Rescue Service of Czech Republic, Ambulance Service and the miners working in uranium mines with differentiation according to age. The work could serve to expand awareness of the different professions working. It may also serve as inspiration for further research.

Delivery Conditions INCOTERMS in international trade
The aim is to show file delivery INCOTERMS in the context of foreign trade activities. The aim is to describe some possible connections and consequences that occur during their use in international trade. It focuses on foreign trade operations under the jurisdiction of INCOTERMS delivery, from the perspective of both parties. The practical objective is therefore to analyze applications Incoterms clauses in selected real-world business operations of companies following the introduction of clauses INCOTERMS 2010 according to various criteria. The company is monitored in the evaluation viewed from two sides, it is a party buyers and sellers. The work compares the use of Incoterms clauses, both among buyers and sellers and between their trading partners.Data were obtained by questionnaire survey of companies in the Czech Republic.

Pension reform in the Czech Republic - approach of system dynamics
PAPEŽ, Vladimír
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to provide a paradigmatic view on the future development of the pension system in Czech Republic within the environment of the system dynamics. This objective incorporates the goal of creating a dynamic model that will sufficiently informative and includes the key aspects, both the current and the future form of the pension system (PS) in Czech Republic. The results of the current form of PS conclude that under the presumption of slightly unfavourable demographic development and constancy of PS is the system unsustainable. The model also points out the fact that the problem of PS could be solved through its partial adjustment. Under the assumption of gradually increasing pension tax rate, opposed with the real value of pension benefit and gradual pension age postponement up to 71 years. The results of the pension form post reformed analysis pension form are based on the assumption of intergenerational schism. That means different attitudes to the pension system reform. Pension system post reformed analysis results coincidently work with the fact that all people under 30 years (year 2009) will join the voluntary pension fund system. The current scenarios consider that the coming generation of working population will without exception enter this voluntary system. The older population (aged over 31 years) will not participate in the pension reform. Another common feature of the proposed scenarios is the fact that all individuals will join the capital pillar (the pension voluntary system) at the beginning of the year 2013. When comparing current and post reform form of the pension system a remarkable finding has arisen. The model of the post reform PS shows considerably worse results than is model of the current PS form.

Education and HIV: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
Kopecký, Tadeáš ; Chytilová, Julie (advisor) ; Korbel, Václav (referee)
The HIV/AIDS epidemic remains a large threat for developing countries, es- pecially for Sub-Saharan Africa. To be able to fight the epidemic, we need to understand the socio-economic drivers of it to distinguish the groups of people at the highest risk of the HIV. We performed an econometric analysis using logistic regression dealing with the relationship between education and several HIV connected factors - HIV status, HIV knowledge and sexual behavior - based on a large sample from 21 Sub-Saharan African countries from Demographic and Health Survey data collection from years 2008-2014. The education ap- pears to be non-lineary correlated with the HIV status as people with primary and secondary education are at the highest risk of being HIV positive. These results can be nevertheless influenced by e.g. survivorship bias as the education appears to have a positive effect on both HIV knowledge and protective sexual behavior. It is thus advised to promote education in the Sub-Saharan Africa. At the same time, it is needed to target the help primary to the groups at the highest risk of being HIV positive to prevent further spread of HIV and to help families of the HIV positive individuals. Moreover, we found that there is no significant difference in the correlation between education and HIV status between...

The Prospect of Economic Relations between the Czech Republic and Mongolia
Oberfalzer, Jan ; Jiránková, Martina (advisor) ; Pavlík, Petr (referee)
The aim o this thesis is to determine whether there is a promising prospect of mutual economic relations between the Czech Republic and Mongolia, to analyze the Mongolian economy and to highlight potential possibilities and sectors that could represent a suitable opportunity for the Czech investors to do business in this region. The first part characterizes geographic, climatic, demographic, political and historical profile of Mongolia. The second part analyzes the Mongolian economy as a whole, its structure, foreign trade and foreign direct investments. In the third part is mapped position of Mongolia in Asia, Mongolian relations with neighboring states and foreign policy. The fourth part deals with the evaluation of economic relations between the Czech Republic and Mongolia, their history, present and prospects for the future.

Mutual link between the monetary and exchange rate policy and economic development on the example of Romania and Bulgaria
Mleziva, Daniel ; Brůna, Karel (advisor) ; Obešlo, František (referee)
This bachelor's thesis focuses on the possible link between the monetary and exchange rate policy and economic development. The first part presents basic theoretical aspects of monetary and exchange rate policies which are then applied to the case of two selected countries, namely Romania and Bulgaria. The practical part analyses the evolution of monetary and exchange rate policies in both countries and also follows the development of both economies with the help of several indicators. The objective of the thesis is to describe a possible dependence of the economy's evolution on monetary policy regime using the evaluation and comparison of collected data.

Dohled vykonávaný ČNB
Byrtus, Eva ; Mates, Pavel (advisor) ; Barák, Josef (referee)
Centrální bankovnictví vzniklo na našem území r. 1816, založením Privilegované Rakouské národní banky. Dále zde působila Rakousko-Uherská banka (1878-1918), Národní banka Československá (1926-1950), Státní banka Československá (1950-1993) a Česká národní banka (od 1.1.1993). V období po vzniku samostatného československého státu (1918-1926) zastával činnosti spojené s emisí oběživa Bankovní úřad Ministerstva financí. Česká národní banka má zakotvený svůj cíl, postavení a činnosti v Ústavě ČR a zákoně o ČNB. Jedná se o ústřední banku státu a orgán vykonávající dohled nad finančním trhem. Hlavním cílem ČNB je péče o cenovou stabilitu. Za její nejdůležitější činnosti lze považovat určování měnové politiky a výkon dohledu. Dále emituje oběživo, stará se o devizové hospodářství, přijímá vklady a poskytuje úvěry bankám a zajišťuje operace pro stát. Poprvé v zákoně o SBČS z r. 1989 je zmínka o bankovním dohledu. Činnost dohledu se relativně vyvíjela. Postupně přešla od prosté kontroly dodržování právních předpisů k široké činnosti zahrnující povolovací, kontrolní, analytickou, legislativní, koordinační a jinou činnost. Nejdůležitější témata posledních let pro dohled ČNB jsou konsolidovaný dohled, jednotná evropská licence, centrální registr úvěrů, integrace regulátorů na finančním trhu a nová kapitálová koncepce Basel II. ČNB jako regulátor a dohlížející vydává licence a povolení k činnosti. Dále sleduje subjekty, jejich zdraví a v případě, že zjistí pochybení, může udělit opatření k nápravě či sankci. Při vážných problémech přistupuje k odejmutí licence. Zatímco v bankovnictví se považuje odejmutí licence za nástroj, který by se neměl často používat, v pojišťovnictví, ale především na kapitálovém trhu se jedná o účinný nástroj podporující morálku ostatních subjektů. Základní formy výkonu dohledu jsou dohled na místě a dohled na dálku. Prostřednictvím dohledu na dálku je subjekt pravidelně sledován a kontrolován. Je zajišťován stálým inspektorem, který se specializuje na daný podnik(y). Subjekty finančního trhu jsou povinny v určitých periodách zasílat finanční výkazy. Výsledkem jsou vzájemně porovnatelné ukazatele, které by měly naznačit situaci podniku. Dohled na dálku je nezbytné doplňovat dohledem na místě. Často je pojímán jako návštěva subjektu zaměřená na konkrétní problém, např. sledování určitého rizika.

Obchod s čínskými partnery: cestovní kancelář se zaměřením na poskytování zdravotních služeb pro čínskou klientelu
Volný, Jan ; Strouhal, Jiří (advisor) ; Volfová, Jitka (referee)
The goal of the Masters Thesis is to analyze opportunities and subsequently develop a business plan for a new venture offering medical and health tourism services and tailored solutions to Chinese clientele, which will be formulated based on analysis of Chinese economy, its outbound tourism, business partners, clients cultural specifics and health tourism potential of the Czech Republic. The first chapter aims to analyze the Chinese socio-economic and demographic environment as well as the outbound and medical tourism of China. Next chapter uncovers cultural specifics of Chinese counterparts and customers. The third chapter defines the health and medical tourism and describes the situation in the Czech Republic. After the three theoretical chapters, the practical part in form of business plan for medical tourism agency for Chinese could be prepared.

Briú: A Coffee Roasting Startup
Beck, Maximilian ; Jirsák, Petr (advisor) ; Nussbaumer, Rebecca (referee)
The purpose of this study is to examine the German coffee market and its appropriateness as a new market to enter for the startup Company Briu. The company has been continuously growing since its initial start. The Chilean Coffee startup has since then looked for new markets opportunities in Europe. Their favored market is Germany. The research conducted in this paper is supposed to reveal the market its suitability for the company its expansion. The following key areas are assessed in order to decide whether or not the company should enter the market: 1. The demand for specialty quality coffee in Germany 2. The supply chain for the product 3. Governmental support of startups in Germany 4. The potential of the German Coffee Market 5. The legal and regulatory frame in Germany 6. German Customer 7. Market attractiveness 8. Ease of entry 9. Partner selection In this study, nine Coffee startups were interviewed. All the companies are located in Germany and the interviews were conducted via phone. The results suggest that the demand for specialty coffee in Germany is high enough to make the market entry of the company successful. The legal and financial landscape of the German startup industry supports the decision to enter the German specialty coffee market and an appropriate supply chain as well as suitable business partners are available.

Analysis of Social and Economic Development of the Municipality Mikulov
Čada, Ondřej ; Husák, Jakub (advisor) ; Martina, Martina (referee)
This thesis deals with the topic covering social and economic development of the municipality Mikulov located in South Moravian Region of the Czech Republic. The introductory theoretical part defines the basic terms which are public administration, local government, and characteristics of the municipality and its respective authorities. Furthermore, it describes the regional development and also explains in detail the regional policy in the EU, and the Czech Republic. The final chapter of the theoretical part presents specific concepts of the regional development. The beginning of the practical part characterizes the nature of Mikulov including the history of the area. The crucial part of the thesis is the analysis of the current socio-economic situation of Mikulov with the focus on demographic characteristics, economic environment, labour market, civic amenities, culture, sport and leisure, tourism, transport and technical infrastructure, and environment. The conclusions derived from all these areas are summarized in the SWOT analysis. At the end, the thesis indentifies key recommendations on various areas for Mikulovs development.