National Repository of Grey Literature 7,681 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.56 seconds. 

State - country - nation: The loyalty of Moravian Czechs and Germans
Řepa, Milan
This study traces in parallel the transformation of the collective consciousness and loyalties of the Czech and German populations in Moravia in the 19th century. It focuses on various forms of collective consciousness – provincial patriotism, Austrian state patriotism, Czech and German nationalism. It looks at how they relate to other forms of solidarity or loyalty, such as those based on class, religion, or region and at how their formation was influenced by important events and historical processes, beginning with Enlightenment absolutism, the Napoleonic Wars, the revolutionary years 1848/1849, the evolution of civil society in the 1860s and 1870s, the Austro-Prussian War (1866) and the Franco-Prussian War (1870), and ending with the diversification of political life in the late 19th century.

The Changes of agricultural Landscape of Microregion Sedlčany in the years 1850-1943
Mašková Janotová, Šárka ; Jakubec, Ivan (advisor) ; Štemberk, Jan (referee)
The thesis is focused on the economic situation development in the Sedlčany region from the first half of the 19th century till second half of the 20th century. The period observes changes from the agrarian landscape. At the end of period of the Second Czechoslovak Republic the landscape could be described as agrarian-industrial landscape. Traditionally, the Sedlčany region is considered industrially influenced. The presented thesis deals with confirmation or disproof of this idea. The research tries to find the potential focuses of dynamic economic development. If the focuses existed in the past, the research deals with comparison economic development of the Sedlčany region with other parts of Bohemia and finds the circumstances of the development. The economic situation of this area is located into wider context of the industrialization in the Czech countries during given period. Of course, the phenomenon of industrialization process relates to many factors, such as demographic development, transportation, trade, banking, agriculture and administrative activities. The federation actions are followed up in the region. The main aim of the associations is economic development of this region. They emphasize mainly upward movement of the peasant status. Keywords Sedlčany, economic history,...

Transboundary eel (Anguilla anguilla) management plans
Lehoučková, Sabina ; Kalous, Lukáš (advisor) ; Nechanská, Denisa (referee)
In the bachelor thesis are collected and compared data obtained from available materials that deal with the issue of declining state of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in European waters. Population decline was recorded already in the 80s of last century and throughout the range, which includes most inland and coastal waters of Europe and North Africa. The first chapter describes the species of Anguilla anguilla, developmental stages and migration cycle, who during his life this species pass. In the following part of the work is information on the Council Regulation (EC) No. 1100/2007 of 18 September 2007 establishing measures for the recovery of the stock of European eel. This regulation requires the individual Member States of the European Union to draw up plans Management of European eel on their territory if the area falls between habitats eel. The next section discusses the management plans for the Czech Republic, England and Wales, the Netherlands, Denmark and Spain. The management plans are then selected individual chapters devoted to the definition of the basin, which measures for the recovery of the eel population concerning the procedure for determining the target escapement levels of 40 % of adults with eel in marine waters and further concrete measures implemented by means of the watercourses which should be the target level achieved. The final part is devoted to the discussion, which are summarized and compared the measures used by Member States in the individual management plans. Furthermore, this part contains data on the eel population after the introduction of primary measures for its renewal.

Pension reform in the Czech Republic
Štekerová, Nikol ; Pletichová, Dobroslava (advisor) ; Jaroslav, Jaroslav (referee)
Czech Republic faces up to and will even face up to an unfavourable demographic progress from now on. A current situation would become completely intolerable without any transformations. Author reviews every single pillar including a closed down second pillar. In the analytical part there is a suggestion to improve a pension scheme right in several parts. Those most outstanding parts are the motives for a political and economic situation improvement because any reforms success exactly depends on economy performance, a political situation, a demographic risk elimination including elements of birth support and migration and general pension restructure. Several appropriate pension restructure conceptions are suggested. For instance: taking a corporate pension under Swedish pattern which would exclude a question of pre-pension as well. Additionally, a private pension scheme should offer the citizens of the Czech Republic more choices so that everyone could choose the provision for retirement age possibility that is the most appropriate and convenient for them.

Legalization of proceeds from crime
Kříž, Lukáš ; Hřebík, František (advisor) ; Markéta, Markéta (referee)
The thesis deals with issues of legalization of proceeds of crime in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part is focused on defining terms and analysis of the general characteristics of organized crime, including its development since the late 20th century to the present. Further detail is aimed at analysis of the crime of money laundering focusing on stages of the process of money laundering. The practical part describes the recover the proceeds of crime and compares previous and amended legal provisions concerning this issue. Further analyzes the statistical data of economic crime in the Czech Republic between 2008 and 2015, with a forecast of the years 2016 to 2018 and describes the analysis of actual cases of money laundering. At the end of the work deals with a summary findings and compare the characteristic features of the process of money laundering with the real practices recorded on specific cases.

The destruction of mozaic of agricultural landscape - study area Dolnohbitsko
Furchová, Věra ; Zímová, Kateřina (advisor) ; Lagner, Ondřej (referee)
The thesis deals with the development of the agricultural area of the region of Dolní Hbity. On the basis of historical data, it analyses the area from the time of the first information about the village in the 12th century until vast destructive intervention in the landscape which mainly occurred in the 1970's and 1980's. The thesis also investigates the influence of the intervention on the condition of soil.

Winter Bird Assemblages in Different types of Rural Settlements along the Czech-Polish Border
Moravec, David ; Zasadil, Petr (advisor) ; Šmejdová, Lucie (referee)
In the last few years there has been a significant decrease in the of number of wild birds across the Europe. It is mostly concerns synantropic species and species related to agricultural landscapes. The main cause of this decrease could be the changes in agriculture and also changes in the character of village surroundings and therefore the connection to a decrease of livestock. In this thesis a comparison of the differences in the bird community in winter months has been made, focusing on a sparrow in the Czech-Polish borderlands. There have been found differences between the agriculture development and development of rural settlements in each of these countries especially in the second part of the 20th.century. At the end of my thesis there are the comparison results of my thesis and the research, that was carried out in the summer months of 2014. The main research was done between December 2015 and January 2016 along the CzechPolish border. 16 villages were chosen and in each village there were 2 research areas the the dimensions of 100 x 100 meters. The total study consists of 64 research areas in different types of environments. The data collection was done twice in each area. The results show that in the Czech republic there occurred more birds and also birds species. It has been demonstrated, that poultry farming has a major impact on sparrow numbers. Out of the six surveyed habitats the one with the most birds was found to be found in the middle of a village with a factory farm and the most bird species were found on the outskirts.

Comparison of the performance of selected varieties of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus)
Krouželová, Jana ; Bečka, David (advisor) ; Roman, Roman (referee)
Winter oilseed rape is the most important oilseed plant grown in the Czech Republic. During recent years, rapeseed sown areas rapidly increased due to its complex usage in industry. Similarly, the rapeseed oil gains importance which is used in food industry. The successful cultivation of rapeseed includes the right cultivation technology as well as the choice of suitable variety which will be the adapted to climatic conditions of location. There are over 600 varieties to choose from based on Common Catalogue of Varieties of Agricultural Plant Species from which is about 80 varieties commonly used in practice in climatic conditions of the Czech Republic. Suitability of these varieties and their yield are tested based on variety testing conducted by ÚKZUZ. The varieties which proved to be suitable based on previous testing are recommended for cultivation and placed in Recommended List of Varieties which helps farmers to orientate in new varieties in the Czech Republic.The aim of this diploma thesis is a comparison of the performance of selected varieties of rapeseed which were cultivated in semi-operational conditions in Humburky, Kralovehradecky region. In this theses yield, oil content, 1000 seed weight were compared. Two hypotheses were set: 1) Hybrid varieties reach higher height and yield 2) Oil content of liner and hybrids cultivars is equivalent Further these features were observed: plant height, pod number on the terminal raceme, stalk number on the terminal raceme, number of primary and secondary branches, height and length of yield floor and their correlation with yield. Cultivar Faktor KWS (hybrid) reached the best yield from selected varieties, yielding 5,02 t/ ha (119,2 % average yield). The average yields of liner and hybrids cultivars were almost equivalent (4,16 t/ha hybrids and 4,10 t/ha liner). The greatest difference between liner and hybrid varieties was observed in plant height. The hybrids reached 10 cm higher on the average than liner varieties. The second hypothesis about the similar oil content of hybrid and liner varietes was confirmed. Observed varieties reached both 43,3 % of oil content .

Effect of Exchange Rate Hedging on the Performance of Collective Investment Fund
Pfeiferová, Daniela ; Valder, Antonín (advisor) ; Jiří, Jiří (referee)
Collective investment is among the fastest growing areas of investment in financial markets. Its importance within each economy is influenced by the level of development of the capital market. The beginnings of collective investment in the Czech Republic are associated with the coupon privatization in the 90s of the last century. The basic advantages of this method of investing can include risk diversification, professional portfolio management, liquidity of the investment, regulation and tax benefits. The theoretical part describes the historical development of this business in the financial market. The systematization of collective investment was proposed according to the subject of investing, the method of returns distribution to investors, the terms of investment strategy, the investor's investment profile and according to the existing legislation. Transparent classification schemes were created for particular perspectives. The analytical part of the thesis analyzes the processes used to measure the performance of mutual funds, characterization of the risks associated with collective investment and the possible ways to hedge the foreign currency exchange rate risk. The outputs of the thesis respond to two hypotheses: H1: The monthly cost to hedge the foreign exchange risk affects the monthly performance of the mutual fund on the basis of the correlation in time series. H2: Is the information on the costs of exchange rate hedging required for quality decisionmaking for a small investor (consumer).

The analysis of Russian economic performance in the light of competitiveness and natural resource curse phenomenon
Kuzmenko, Elena ; Maitah, Mansoor (advisor) ; Smutka, Luboš (referee)
Recent years a lot of debates have been taking place around Russias dependence on natural resources, especially on crude oil and natural gas, and consequent necessity to escape from it through diversification of the Russian economy. The research problem of the present doctoral thesis therefore is to investigate whether Russia demonstrates any success in this process or not. The main goal of the thesis is to analyze Russian economic performance along with Russian producers (representing corresponding economic sectors) relative position towards foreign rivals in external and internal markets and via investigation of the real effective exchange rate of ruble and quality of Russian institutions shed some light on the presence of Natural resource curse phenomenon in the Russian economy. The analysis of Russian economic performance in the light of competitiveness was seen as justified since the results of that analysis may reveal the existence of perspective points of growth in the economy. In the final stage of the research the existence of a long-run interrelationship was checked among the structure of Russian export basket, GDP growth, price of crude oil and the real effective exchange rate of Russian ruble with the use of Johansen cointegration technique.