National Repository of Grey Literature 34,556 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 2.07 seconds. 

Cultural support in Prague's districts
Mokrá, Jolana ; KAŠPAR, David (advisor) ; PROKOP, Petr (referee)
Diploma thesis ”Cultural support in Prague's districts” focuses on a current situation in municipal strategical management and support of culture in all Prague districts. The introduction emphasises the importance of each level of government in the management and support of culture through comparing specific cultural policies. The research is divided into two parts. First one depicts how culture is being understood on the municipal level and presents an overview of existing instruments for support and planning. The second part is focused on a few municipal districts that handle their culture policy with a particular strategy and consider it to be an irreplaceable part of a local development. The second part also examines what tactics and tools these municipal districts use for a realization of their strategic goals. In conclusion, this thesis proves why the role of the local official government is so important in the developement and implementation of culture.

The Media Influence on Transformation of Democracy
Půlpánová, Barbora ; Pehe, Jiří (advisor) ; Slačálek, Ondřej (referee)
Mass media has always played the key role in democratic process. They are not only the indicator of its right functioning, but also the iniciator. From historical point of view is obvious, that technological progress and changes in the way of informing people were related to the political area. But with the increasing role of media, they changed their position from pure mediators of informations to the main actors of social and political life. The ‚old' media, such as newspapers, radio and television, are therefore partly responsible for commercialization of the public sphere and also for its depolitization. With contribution of the globalization effect on today's world, which causes besides other things the weakening of the nation state, there are only a little of the key democratic aspects left. Some find the solution in the ‚new' media represented by the Internet and social media, which are more interactive so they could get the citizens back to the game. And right in the increase of civic engagement see the theorists the potencial for creating a new democratic order based on high-level participation. KEY WORDS Mass media, Democracy, Public Sphere, Civic Engagement, Internet, Social media, Participative Democracy, Deliberative Democracy

Survey of continuing care for cardiacs in Czech Republic, with focus on nursing care.
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the Czech Republic. An increasing number of its inhabitants become cardiac patients who require a nursing intervention. Nursing in cardiology has an irreplaceable position in the cardiovascular care provision. The health care costs are rising, nursing has been undergoing many changes. Training of cardiology nurses gets changed, as well as the image and role of cardiology nurses in society. Cardiology nurses are much more independent, educated and organized. In cardiovascular facilities nursing care is being standardized and the quality of care is improving. In this thesis, focus is given to nursing in cardiology. In the introduction the issue of cardiovascular diseases is outlined, the major part is devoted to the concept of Czech nursing in cardiology. Individual stages of the system of care for cardiac patients in the Czech Republic and the status of cardiology nurses involved in the system are surveyed. Attention is also paid to the structure of cardiovascular facilities and expert companies in our country and abroad. The thesis has the title: Survey of continuity of care for cardiac patients in the Czech Republic with focus on nursing care. In total five goals, seven research questions and four hypotheses were stated. We surveyed the cardiology nurses´ attitude to lifelong learning, if they are building their own specific image, and if they ensure the continuity of care. Our objective was also to identify the role of nurses in education of cardiac patients and the level of cardiac patients´ knowledge. The research section is elaborated on the basis of a qualitative and quantitative investigation. The qualitative part was carried out by semi-structured interviews with cardiology nurses working in comprehensive cardiovascular centers. The quantitative part of the survey was conducted with patients of comprehensive cardiovascular centers. Seventy domestic and foreign sources of literature devoted not only to the issueof cardiovascular diseases were quoted. The research results are supposed to serve as a basis for coordinated efforts of all participating nurses and institutions to build a well-functioning and technically and economically efficient system of nursing care for cardiac patients in CR.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching vocational subjects depending on physical activity before schooling.
Janošíková, Martina ; Hanušová, Marie (advisor)
The period of transition to secondary school brings substantial changes in the requirements for study obligations, autonomy, communication, expression, or separated from their families in the form of staying at the dormitory. Students enrolled in sport centers, in addition to these changes, still struggling with the responsibilities associated with sport. Because they are students first through fourth grades of secondary schools and secondary vocational schools, an age when image self-I am, what I believe in, arises in interactions with the outside world and their own experience, plays a very important role to influence the environment, educators, teachers and trainers, with which students spend most of their time in practice. This study looks at students comprehensively in terms of personal development as a multifactorial biopsychosocial unit, in terms of cognitive and motivational processes, states and properties from the perspective of social psychology dealing with the interactions, relationships and communication, psychology of individuals within the social group and its importance for the development of the individual . It monitors conditions and educational outcomes in terms of educational psychology, dealing with forming properties, opinions, attitudes and value orientation from the perspective of educational psychology.

The occurrence of domestic and wild forms of the camels in the old world and their economic use
Burgerová, Michaela ; Gardiánová, Ivana (advisor) ; Jan, Jan (referee)
Genus camel (Camelus) includes two species, the Dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius) and Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus). Camels have a wide range of utilization. People in Arabia countries but also in India and Egypt are using camels as a milk and meat animal, or even as a transport and companion animals and riding animals too. The aim of this thesis was to find sources about camel keeping and using and his role of farm animal in different cultures and countries. And about conditions and requirements in captivity. The first part of thesis contains information about phylogeny and origin of the camel family, taxonomy of camels, short information about the history of domestication and using of camels. There are also described the two species in terms of species biology etc. plus a brief mention of camel hybrids and camel breeds. The second part focuses on the use of camels. The preffered and most common use is in the production of milk, other dairy products from camel milk, fermentation of milk. Another use is for meat performance, meat composition, describes products. His utilization i also useful for other parts such as hair wool and mane, they come mainly from bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus). The last is working utilization of camels, carrying baggage. Then hobby use. The thesis describes the conditions of keeping camels in captivity, keeping camels in Somalia, requirements for the supply of water and food, housing conditions in the Czech Republic, it is particularly widespread keeping camels in zoos. In Czech Republic they are small private camel breeders. For comparison they are conditions for keeping camels in captivity in Australia.

Fish passes and their role in landscape and ecosystem management
Míka, Martin ; Horký, Pavel (advisor) ; Kuříková, Pavlína (referee)
Fishways are devices intended to restore fish migration through the transverse obstacles in fragmented flows. Basic types of fish passages can be divided into technical and close to nature. Technical as cellular or crevice between the close to nature can include, for example, a bypass channel or boulder ramps. Close to nature fishways are suitable not only for Migration wider range of species and the size of fish, but they are preferable as landscape elements in urban landscapes. Can be recommended to be close to nature when crossing streams fragmented preferred, although not necessarily their use, for example, due to space constraints at a particular location possible.

Development of electronisation of local administration of Zábřežsko micro region in relation with e-government
Filipová, Lucie ; Ulman, Miloš (advisor) ; Martin, Martin (referee)
Thesis "Development of an electronisation of local administration of Zábřežsko micro region in relation with eGovernment"examines the issues of the development of electronisation of autonomy in relation to legislation and eGovernment. The topic of the public administration has been increasingly discussed in recent years not only in the context of increasing demands for processing speed and information, but also to facilitate transparency and sub-processes in public administration. Theoretical part describes the role of eGovernment in the public administration, the process of electronisation of public administration and individual services of eGovernment (Czech POINT, data boxes, basic registers, communication infrastructure of public administration), which are being in place with municipalities. The practical part evaluates the situation of software and hardware equipment, legislatively bound on a contract software and service of eGovernment on a sample of villages Zábřežsko. On the basis of the results of the questionnaire researches are determinated recommendations for sample of 20 micro region Zábřežsko.

The role of authority and form of partnership during creation of new choreographic dance piece
Radačovský, Mário ; KAZÁROVÁ, Helena (advisor) ; WIESNER, Daniel (referee)
In our dance life its very important that we meet time to time people who are so incredibly influencetial to us ether positive or negative ways. Some of them are able to influence us so much that we keep this impact which they have made on us for ever.Role of autority and partnership between these two elements is crucial.Its has impact on everyday of our working life.I ca not imagine what can happen if there is not existing somekind of form of partnership in the dance studio.To be dancer is very no simply just job .Is more ,its something truly special what not everyone can understand.The task of my work is to go back in my profesional past ,through out my own memories and profesional experiences to offer some situations when I truly felt presents of authority and partnership .Sometimes only autorithy .I this work Im trying to offer my small stories which I lived thourgh from my prospective and Im tring to analysed them through my own expierience of today.It always about something.We are creating because we want to say things.Journey is very important sometimes more then final outcome. Now important during this journey is able to see how things are done how we comunicate them and autorities will appear .

Noise, Transport and Structural Properties of High Energy Radiation Detectors Based on CdTe
Šik, Ondřej ; Lazar, Josef (referee) ; Navrátil, Vladislav (referee) ; Grmela, Lubomír (advisor)
Poptávka ze strany vesmírného výzkumu, zdravotnictví a bezpečnostního průmyslu způsobila v posledních letech zvýšený zájem o vývoj materiálů pro detekci a zobrazování vysokoenergetického záření. CdTe a jeho slitina CdZnTe. jsou polovodiče umožnují detekci záření o energiích v rozsahu 10 keV až 500 keV. Šířka zakázaného pásma u CdTe / CdZnTe je 1.46 -1.6 eV, což umožňuje produkci krystalů o vysoké rezistivitě (10^10-10^11 cm), která je dostačující pro použití CdTe / CdZnTe při pokojové teplotě. V mé práci byly zkoumány detektory CdTe/CdZnTe v různých stádiích jejich poruchovosti. Byly použity velmi kvalitní spektroskopické detektory, materiál s nižší rezistivitou a výraznou polarizací, detektory s asymetrií elektrických parametrů kontaktů a teplotně degenerované vzorky. Z výsledků analýzy nízkofrekvenčního šumu je patrný obecný závěr, že zvýšená koncentrace defektů způsobí změnu povahy původně monotónního spektra typu 1/f na spektrum s výrazným vlivem generačně-rekombinačních procesů. Další výrazná vlastnost degenerovaných detektorů a detektorů nižší kvality je nárůst spektrální hustoty šumu typu 1/f se vzrůstajícím napájecím napětí se směrnicí výrazně vyšší než 2. Strukturální a chemické analýzy poukázaly, že teplotní generace detektorů způsobuje difuzi kovu použitého při kontaktování a stopových prvků hlouběji do objemu krystalu. Část mé práce je věnována modifikaci povrchu svazkem argonových iontů a jejímu vlivu na chemické složení a morfologii povrchu.

New Methods for Increasing Efficiency and Speed of Functional Verification
Zachariášová, Marcela ; Dohnal, Jan (referee) ; Steininger, Andreas (referee) ; Kotásek, Zdeněk (advisor)
Při vývoji současných číslicových systémů, např. vestavěných systému a počítačového hardware, je nutné hledat postupy, jak zvýšit jejich spolehlivost. Jednou z možností je zvyšování efektivity a rychlosti verifikačních procesů, které se provádějí v raných fázích návrhu. V této dizertační práci se pozornost věnuje verifikačnímu přístupu s názvem funkční verifikace. Je identifikováno několik výzev a problému týkajících se efektivity a rychlosti funkční verifikace a ty jsou následně řešeny v cílech dizertační práce. První cíl se zaměřuje na redukci simulačního času v průběhu verifikace komplexních systémů. Důvodem je, že simulace inherentně paralelního hardwarového systému trvá velmi dlouho v porovnání s během v skutečném hardware. Je proto navrhnuta optimalizační technika, která umisťuje verifikovaný systém do FPGA akcelerátoru, zatím co část verifikačního prostředí stále běží v simulaci. Tímto přemístěním je možné výrazně zredukovat simulační režii. Druhý cíl se zabývá ručně připravovanými verifikačními prostředími, která představují výrazné omezení ve verifikační produktivitě. Tato režie však není nutná, protože většina verifikačních prostředí má velice podobnou strukturu, jelikož využívají komponenty standardních verifikačních metodik. Tyto komponenty se jen upravují s ohledem na verifikovaný systém. Proto druhá optimalizační technika analyzuje popis systému na vyšší úrovni abstrakce a automatizuje tvorbu verifikačních prostředí tím, že je automaticky generuje z tohoto vysoko-úrovňového popisu. Třetí cíl zkoumá, jak je možné docílit úplnost verifikace pomocí inteligentní automatizace. Úplnost verifikace se typicky měří pomocí různých metrik pokrytí a verifikace je ukončena, když je dosažena právě vysoká úroveň pokrytí. Proto je navržena třetí optimalizační technika, která řídí generování vstupů pro verifikovaný systém tak, aby tyto vstupy aktivovali současně co nejvíc bodů pokrytí a aby byla rychlost konvergence k maximálnímu pokrytí co nejvyšší. Jako hlavní optimalizační prostředek se používá genetický algoritmus, který je přizpůsoben pro funkční verifikaci a jeho parametry jsou vyladěny pro tuto doménu. Běží na pozadí verifikačního procesu, analyzuje dosažené pokrytí a na základě toho dynamicky upravuje omezující podmínky pro generátor vstupů. Tyto podmínky jsou reprezentovány pravděpodobnostmi, které určují výběr vhodných hodnot ze vstupní domény. Čtvrtý cíl diskutuje, zda je možné znovu použít vstupy z funkční verifikace pro účely regresního testování a optimalizovat je tak, aby byla rychlost testování co nejvyšší. Ve funkční verifikaci je totiž běžné, že vstupy jsou značně redundantní, jelikož jsou produkovány generátorem. Pro regresní testy ale tato redundance není potřebná a proto může být eliminována. Zároveň je ale nutné dbát na to, aby úroveň pokrytí dosáhnutá optimalizovanou sadou byla stejná, jako u té původní. Čtvrtá optimalizační technika toto reflektuje a opět používá genetický algoritmus jako optimalizační prostředek. Tentokrát ale není integrován do procesu verifikace, ale je použit až po její ukončení. Velmi rychle odstraňuje redundanci z původní sady vstupů a výsledná doba simulace je tak značně optimalizována.