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Virtual Machine Implementation of Strongtalk System
Sitarčík, Ľuboš ; Hrubý, Martin (referee) ; Kočí, Radek (advisor)
The goal of this bachelor's thesis is to develop own virtual machine based on existing system Strongtalk virtual machine, respectively modify the virtual machine written in the language MS C++ so that it would be portable between operating systems Windows and GNU-Linux. Thesis describes a programming language and a system Smalltalk-80, which is implement by Strongtalk, thesis contains informations about what is a virtual machine and then describes the actual implementation of virtual machine, its testing and its shortcomings, which should be focused in the future.
Cybersecurity game in OpenStack platform
Huška, Luděk ; Lieskovan, Tomáš (referee) ; Stodůlka, Tomáš (advisor)
The bachelor thesis is about creation of the cybernetic game on the OpenStack platform. The work starts with an explanation of necessary knowledge like: Informational cybernetic and computer security, security threats, and testing of the overall security. In the practical part, there is created a cyber game that focus on exploitation and basic security vulnerabilities. The next part involves analysis ongoing complexity of hardware resources like RAM, CPU, disc, etc. In the end, there is a guideline for a lab exercise, which is made for students and professors or teachers both separated.
Virtual Machine Management System
Skála, Milan ; Zachariášová, Marcela (referee) ; Dolíhal, Luděk (advisor)
This thesis focuses on design and implementation of the application for remote management of virtual machines that will be able to manage the virtual machines automatically. It describes a motivation for deployment of virtualization technology in companies and corporations, various virtualization methods altogether with their assessment from the practical point of view. The existing, globally widespread solutions, are also analyzes in the thesis. The application, which will be able to remotely control virtual machines, is designed and implemented in the practical part of this thesis. The final part describes possibilities of further extensions of the application.
JamVM Virtual Machine on the ARM Architecture
Pobořil, Filip ; Smrčka, Aleš (referee) ; Kočí, Radek (advisor)
This thesis describes and compares two Java virtual machines on the ARM architecture, namely JamVM and HotSpot on Raspberry Pi. First part of this thesis describes Java and virtual machine principle. Next part focuses on both virtual machines, describes their features and methods of interpretation. Last part describes web application, which was used to compare both virtual machines, and evaluation of results.
Libvirt Admintration API
Škultéty, Erik ; Peringer, Petr (referee) ; Smrčka, Aleš (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá problematikou virtualizace, konkrétně virtualizační knihovnou libvirt, cílem které je správa virtuálních strojů a podpora různých typů hypervizorů a virtualizačních řešení jednotným způsobem transparentním pro uživatele. Podstatná část funkcionality knihovny libvirt je na pozadí implementována formou démona libvirtd. Ačkoliv libvirtd démon poskytuje služby pro správu virtuálních strojů, neumožňuje správu sebe samého, kromě změn hodnot parametrů v konfiguračním souboru. Pro změnu nastavení je pak standardním přístupem změna v konfiguračním souboru a následný restart démona. Jelikož uvedený způsob mění pouze perzistentní konfiguraci a restart démona nemusí být vždy optimální řešení, vznikla idea administrativního rozhraní knihovny libvirt, které by umožnilo správu démona za běhu. Hlavním přínosem této práce je návrh a popis implementace aplikačního rozhraní pro administraci knihovny libvirt. Konkrétně pro tuto práci byla zvolena rozhraní pro konfiguraci počtu obslužných vláken, nastavení úrovně a filtrovacích parametrů pro žurnálovací podsystém a správu připojených klientů na straně démona libvirtd.
Java Byte Code Emulator Suitable for Malware Detection and Analysis
Kubernát, Tomáš ; Rogalewicz, Adam (referee) ; Drahanský, Martin (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is to create a virtual machine that emulates a running programs written in Java programing language, which would be suitable for malware analysis and detection. The emulator is able to detect arguments of exploitable methods from Java standard classes, the order of calling these exploitable methods and also execution the test application. Overall functionality was tested on appropriate examples in which held its own measurements. At the end of the paper we describe testing of the emulator, which also contains tables and graphs for better results visualization.
JamVM: An Alternative Java Virtual Machine
Kalman, Ondřej ; Kočí, Radek (referee) ; Dudka, Vendula (advisor)
This thesis deals with comparison of two virtual machines, namely HotSpot and JamVM. The first chapters of this thesis contain introduction to Java platform and summarize general properties and principals of Java virtual machine. The next chapters follow on this introduction and compare different properties of HotSpot and JamVM virtual machines. Based on these differences was designed and described set of benchmark tests which was also implemented and performed as practical part of this thesis. Last chapters deals with results of performed benchmark tests.
A Comparison of CACAO Virtual Machine and HotSpot JVM
Malík, Nikolaj ; Janoušek, Vladimír (referee) ; Kočí, Radek (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is introduction of Java platform and two chosen representants of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) implementations. At first JVM HotSpot as widespread one and on the other side JVM CACAO as an alternative option. This thesis describes implementation of chosen areas of both machines. It provides useful information for everybody who deals with runtime program optimalization. Final part presents benchmark results of the match between abovementioned machines by memory and time complexity.
Java Applications Monitoring Using JVM Tool Interface
Vomáčka, Pavel ; Dudka, Vendula (referee) ; Kočí, Radek (advisor)
This thesis deals with the design and implementation of an agent with a purpose to watch over the stack and over the heap with focus on localization of object allocation. This information is then shown in graphic user interface. A JVM TI interface is also described. Later parts of the thesis discuss the Java Virtual Machine and its important components with special attention to its memory management.
Petri Nets Virtual Machine
Lapšanský, Tomáš ; Janoušek, Vladimír (referee) ; Kočí, Radek (advisor)
This bachelor thesis formally defines the Object Oriented Petri Nets. Then it designs concept of compilator and virtual machine for Object Oriented Petri Nets using PNTalk language. It uses PNTalk language. It describes implementation of virtual machine and compiler.

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