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Mumps among adolescents and young adults.
Objectives of the work The aim of the work was to determine the course of mumps in adolescents and young adults and to map the specifics of nursing care in adolescents and young adults from the point of view of nurses of general practitioners. The following research questions have been chosen: What was the course of mumps in adolescents and young adults? What are the specifics of nursing care in adolescents and young adults from the point of view of nurses of general practitioners? Methods used To supply the necessary information was elected qualitative research using in-depth interviews with patients who have had mumps and nurses working with general practitioners for adults or children and adolescents. Interviews were captured by a recorder, recorded on the phone or written, and processed by direct transcription. Results The rewritten interviews were subjected to detailed analysis by open coding, using the paper and pencil method. From the data analysis, a total of six categories were formed, divided into two groups: Nurse interviews and Interviews with patients with mumps. Categories from interviews with nurses are: Vaccination, Measures in mumps, Mumps course according to nurses. The categories of interviews with mumps patients are: Collaboration with medical staff, Patient information and vaccine used, and Mumps course in patients with mumps. The individual categories are assigned subcategories, which are encoded to important information and all are included and illustrated in the various schemes. Conclusion From interviews with respondents, we found out how mumps had progressed by adolescents and young adults. It was found that half the respondents had more serious complications, but without lasting consequences, just in one case, the hearing remained impaired, the other serious complications after the cure disappeared. For nurses the result showed what are the specifics of nursing care in adolescents and young adults from the point of view of nurses practitioners. In the main issue, all nurses were oriented correctly. We have found that nurses have a minimum of experience with this disease because they have encountered it sporadically in their practice, and they know it only theoretically, although the incidence of mumps has increased in recent years and nurses should gain more experience. This finding may result in insufficient awareness of compliance with all treatment measures. The results obtained suggest that it would be advisable for doctors and their nurses who did not experience this disease to attend an education seminar focused on mumps, their symptoms, treatment, possible complications and anti-epidemic measures, with which the nursing care of mumps is related.
A comparison of nureses' attitudes to education in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Bradáčová, Mária ; Janečková, Hana (advisor) ; Svobodová, Hana (referee)
Bakalářská práce "Porovnávání postojů sester ke vzdělávání v České republice a na Slovensku" prezentuje vývoj vzdělávání sester na Slovensku a v České republice po roce 1990 a analyzuje postoje sester z obou zemí k současnému systému vzdělávání. Práce je rozdělena do šesti kapitol. V teoretické části popisujeme proces změn ve vzdělávání sester po roce 1990 v obou zemích až po současný stav pregraduálního a postgraduálního vzdělávání sester. Cílem empirické části bylo zjistit názory sester z praxe na současné vzdělávání na Slovensku a v České republice a zároveň porovnat jejich postoje. Výzkum jsme realizovali v Nemocnici na Bulovce v Praze a v Univerzitní nemocnici Louisa Pasteura v Košicích, na anesteziologicko-resuscitačních odděleních a na chirurgických odděleních. Podle výsledků dotazníkového šetření hodnotí sestry obou zemí kvalifikační přípravu sester po transformaci vzdělávání spíše nespokojeně až velmi nespokojeně a řešení této problematiky shodně vidí v lepším finančním ohodnocení, zkrácení doby studia a diferenciaci kompetencí v praxi podle dosaženého vzdělání. Na základě výzkumu navrhujeme zvýšit povědomí sester o potřebě současného systému vzdělávání, samotný vzdělávací proces by se měl zaměřit především na zvýšení úrovně praktické přípravy absolventů a mělo by se ponechat jen...
Congregation of Scholastic Sisters of III. Regulated Monastic Order of St. Francis
Řehořová, Zdeňka ; Honč, Petr (advisor) ; Šmíd, Marek (referee)
CONGREGATION OF SCHOLASTIC SISTERS OF III. REGULATED MONASTIC ORDER OF ST. FRANCIS This diploma thesis is focused on the development of the Congregation from its establishment to the present. I deal with the phenomenon of devoted life, spiritual motives and social cause through the history. I also give an attention to the nineteenth century, which was a great period of social changes and to the origin of woman's monastic orders and congregations as an answer to the actual requirements. The aim of the core section of the thesis is to describe the history of Congregation of St. Francis's school sisters from its beginnings in Graz to the separate branch in Bohemia. I primarily focus on the life of Czech province and its significant personalities, especially sister Eliska Pretschnerová and her beatification process. The final part of the work deals with sister's activities in the present time. I reflect the causes of the declining number of members as well as other options of existence of the Congregation. Keywords Devoted life, congregation, sisters, church, service, educate
Quality of comunication in the emergency department for children
Nováková, Blanka ; Tomová, Šárka (advisor) ; Javůrková, Alena (referee)
Bacelor thesis called Quality of communication of The Emergency Department for Children deals with the matters of communication between the nurses and parents of children during the child's acceptance in The Emergency Department for Children. This bachelor thesis is composed of a theoretical and empirical part. Theoretical part describes communication at general and it is also focused on a communication in public health. Further thesis analyses development of a communication abilities during the childhood and describes specificity of a communication with ill or injured children. This chapter inclused also a communication with the parents of a ill child. Last chapter of theoretical part describes The Emergency Department for Children of University Hospital in the Motol. Empirical part is aimed on the survey focused on a quality of communication between the nurses of The Emergency Department for Children and the parents of children who are transported to Emergency. The goal of this bachelor thesis is to describe the satisfaction of parents with a communication skills of nurses with them and their children and to analyse deficiencies of this type of communication. During the survey, qualitative method of interview was used. Empirical part also contains a transcription of interviews between parents and...
Burnout by Nurses in Intensive Care
Jánová, Simona ; Mellanová, Alena (advisor) ; Honzák, Radkin (referee)
Burnout by nurses in intensive care Abstract: Objective of this thesis was to determine incidence of the risk of burnout by nurses in intensive care in the Motol University Hospital in Prague, compare to risk of burnout among nurses in intensive care for childern and adults and by age, sex, marital status, education, length of experience in health care and on the current department, satisfaction and performance in the workplace. The research method for data collection were two anonymous questionnaires: one prepared by author of the thesis and a standardized questionnaire by dr. Pines to determine the risk of burnout. It was found that more than hlaf of nurses in FN Motol had low risk of burnout and has not demonstrated that nurses have on children's or adult wards increased risk. Results confirmed that discontent and the increasing intensity of stress in the workplace is proportional to the risk of burnout. This research confirmed that although most nurses achieved good results has been shown a high percentage of nurses with alarmig score and even burnout. Therefore we should not ignore this issure, but rather to warn him and avoid unpleasant consequences through educational seminars, pleasant working environment and do not overload nurses. Keywords: burn-out, stress, nurses, intensive care, mental hygiene
The issue of education of nurses in basic and advanced resuscitation according to applicable Guidelines.
Theoretical background The thesis is about education in area of basic and advanced resuscitation according to valid Guidelines for nurses. The department of internal medicine was chosen for research investigation. The theoretical part briefly describes sudden circulatory arrest. In context the resuscitation is explained and categorized into basic and advanced. There is also described what are Guidelines, what are the trends in CPR. Furthermore the shockable heart rhythms are described. The defibrillation is summarized and characterized. The theoretical part also contains the term AED (automatic external defibrillator). There is also information about rate of sudden circulatory arrests in hospitals. Priorities are defined for work of nurses in case of sudden circulatory arrest and priorities for CPR. The theory of andragogy is presented as a science discipline for education of adults. In the end of the theoretical part Hal is presented as a hi-tech modern robotic patient. The educational method of e-learning is described as well. Goals and research questions In the empirical part of the thesis two goals were established. One goal was to find out if the nurses that work in the department of internal medicine are interested in a course in basic and advanced resuscitation and problems involved. The second goal was to map awareness of nurses of CPR. The task was to educate nurses from department of internal medicine in basic and advanced resuscitation according to valid Guidelines and recommendations of European resuscitation council 2010, and also to teach them how to use the automatic external defibrillator. The primary research question is the following: How are the nurses from department of internal medicine educated in basic and advanced resuscitation in case of sudden circulatory arrest? The secondary research questions are the following: 1) What kind of knowledge of sudden circulatory arrest and CPR do the nurses have? 2) How are the nurses educated in CPR in case of sudden circulatory arrest? 3) How big is the interest of nurses in a course in CPR in case of sudden circulatory arrest? 4) How to efficiently educate nurses in CPR in case of sudden circulatory arrest? 5) How competent do the nurses believe they are in defibrillation of the heart? Methodology The method used for research is qualitative research which is divided into three phases. The research sample in the first phase was made of at least seven nurses from department of internal medicine. Structured interview is used in this phase which consists of fifteen questions to probe the knowledge of CPR, sudden circulatory arrest and use of AED. In the second phase a short educational course was put together with help of a doctor from anaesthesiology and resuscitation department. Findings The of the is to research satisfaction of nurses from department of internal medicine with education in sudden circulatory arrest and CPR. Conclusions The thesis gives us a look at education of nurses from department of internal medicine in sudden circulatory arrest and urgent resuscitation, competences of nurses for defibrillation, presence of automatic external defibrillators in departments of the hospital. From the finding we can conclude that the nurses from department of internal medicine are actively interested in learning more about cardiopulmonary resuscitation in case of sudden circulatory arrest. They are interested in manipulation with defibrillator and automatic external defibrillator. We can also see the benefit in the course which could improve the odds of survival for people affected by sudden circulatory arrest in hospitals.
The role of a nurse at general practitioner's office for children and adolescents in connection to prevention of testicular cancer
Theory background Testes are two male reproductive glands located in the scrotum and separated protective sheath of dense connective tissue. They play major role in spermatogenesis and hormone production. They also represent secondary gender symbols and therefore are important for the personality forming of young individuals. Testicular cancer stand for about 1- 1.8% of all malignant tumour diseases in males and occur most often between 15- 35 years of age. This bachelor's work gives information on the anatomy and physiology of testes, the risk factors and causes for the occurrence of testicular cancer, and also about the symptoms and diagnostics. This thesis also deals with the role the nurse has in general practitioner's office for children and adolescents regarding the prevention of testicular cancer, preventive check-ups and self-examination. Work aim First aim of this work is to map the role of the nurse in general practitioner's office for children and adolescents regarding the prevention of testicular cancer. The research question posed was: What is the role of the nurse in general practitioner's office for children and adolescents regarding the prevention of testicular cancer? Second aim was to find out about the awareness on testicular cancer in boys 15-19. First hypothesis says: Awareness about the prevention of testicular cancer varies with age. Second hypothesis: Self-examination of testes changes with age. Used methods Qualitative research was used for the first part of the assignment, while a questionnaire and method of deep dialogues with the nurses working at general practitioner office for children and adolescents in South Bohemia was conducted for the second part. The dialogs were recorded on a dictaphone and then transcribed word for word. In the second part quantitative research was used through a method of questioning and technique of non-standardised questionnaire. The questionnaire was filled in by boys aged 15-19 living in South Bohemia. The parameter test Anova, a type of scattering analysis, was used on the data. "Its basis lies in the total scattering of the followed variable being divided into scattering within individual selections and scattering between them. If the scattering between the selections is improbably large it points towards significant influence of factor a (Budíková, 2010, s. 181)." Results The transcribed dialogs were analysed by open coding, by the pen and paper method. Five categories were defined: Education, testicular cancer, testes examination, patient dispensary. Subcategories with major data encoded, were assigned to each category. Analysis of the non-standardised questionnaire gave rise to ten resulting graphs with respondent answers. The graphs were consequently described. First hypothesis saying that the knowledge about the prevention of testicular cancer changes with age was not proven. The second hypothesis saying that the process of self-examination changes with age was not proven either. Conclusions The first research part proves that nurses working in general practitioner office for children and adolescents do educate the patient on this subject. The respondent possessed basic information on the subject of prostatic cancer and stated that testes examination is conducted in the surgeries. Scientific literature for this subject was recommended by only two of nine respondents. The respondents stated that testes examination and education about the subject of testicular cancer is conducted, although the second part of the research showed that the boys are almost not at all familiar with the subject. Furthermore, testicular examination was not conducted for most of them at the practitioner's office. The second part of research showed that the boys aged 15-19 let possess insufficient information on the prevention of testicular cancer. Most had almost no knowledge on what is involved in such prevention.
Education of patiens after kidney transplantation
The title of this bachelor thesis is: Education of Patients After Renal Transplant. A transplant usually means the transfer of an organ or tissue to another place or another individual. Kidneys are among the most frequently transplanted organs here and in the whole world. Eight centers perform kidney transplants in the Czech Republic. Most of them are carried out at IKEM in Prague. The thesis is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part includes basic information on anatomy, it describes acute and chronic kidney failure and subsequent therapy possibilities, renal transplant and education. quantitative research. The practical part includes quantitative research. The research was performed by a half-structured interview with 8 patients after the first renal transplantation and with 4 nurses working in the Nephrology Unit of IKEM in Prague. Case reports were prepared from these interviews. We set two goals at the beginning: to find out how the nurse educates patients after renal transplant on regimen measures and to find out how patients comply with the regimen measures. We posed to ourselves these three research questions: What methods does a nurse use when educating patients after renal transplants? What is the educational background of nurses designated for educating patients after a renal transplant? What are the transplanted patient´s life restrictions after a transplant? What life restrictions impair the patient the most after integration into normal life following a transplant? The research questions were answered during the interviews. The interviews showed that all patients are educated during their hospitalization several times. Patients know the regimen measures to be adhered to. The education is carried out by a coordinator who does not have special training and does not have any knowledge about how to conduct the education. Therefore, the output of the thesis has been a training plan which will be available for the hospital management to prepare its own training plans.
Influence regulation charges on relationship between nurses and klients
Influence regulation charges on relationship between nurses and klients ABSTRACT On 1.1.2008 Act No. 261/2007 Coll. on stabilization of public budget came into force and became effective. This law implements into practice the long-prepared regulation fees, defines precisely what medical procedures will be subject to CZK 30, 60 or 90 fee. This way the financial involvement/contribution of the clients becomes legislatively valid and justified. Introduction of fees is aimed at reducing the excessive use of medical care, making the existing medical care more effective. The result of that should be the clients better taking care of their health and thinking of prevention, maintaining proper regimen and directing their investments at the right direction. In the theoretical part we have dealt with the concept of regulation fees in health service which work as a financial contribution of citizens to health care funding, and with the fact how and where the regulation fees are levied to. The administration of collection of regulation fees is treated as well. The theoretical part also mentions the experience with health service reforms in abroad, that is in Slovakia, Germany and Austria. An important part of the health care reform is the role of a nurse, her communication skills and duties in relation to regulation fees. We treated the ethic and psychological viewpoints of the relationship between the patient (client) and a nurse, and the factors which affect the behaviour of a nurse. The aims of the degree paper were determined within the survey: to ascertain the impact of regulation fees on the relationship between general nurses and clients, to ascertain the level of awareness of nurses regarding the collecting of regulation fees, to ascertain the abilities of nurses to provide correct information to patients, and to find out whether the patient, as a client, expects better medical care. The aims were investigated on the basis of hypotheses created. Hypothesis 1 in which we assumed that regulation fees in health service had negative impact on the relation between general nurses and clients; Hypothesis 2 in which we assumed that both the nurses and clients evaluated general awareness of fees as insufficient; Hypothesis 3 assuming that nurses are not able to provide patients with correct and complete information regarding the issues of regulation fees; and Hypothesis 4 assuming that patients require better medical care based on regulation fees. Improvement of medical care which can be implemented immediately irrespective to the collection of regulation fees is within the compass of every individual. This improvement requires a smile, patience, introducing of both the nurse and a patient and holding out a hand which should become a matter of course. In connection with the improvement of care each health care facility should issue publicly available regular reports, about how it spends the collected regulation fees which should help to improve the awareness of the clients/patients.

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