National Repository of Grey Literature 34 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Differences in the resolution of sea territories conflicts in areas with energy resources
Bančanský, Andrej ; Karlas, Jan (advisor) ; Parízek, Michal (referee)
Energy security is an important phenomenon of the contemporary world. A significant number of oil and gas reserves are located on the seabed. Expansion of oil and gas drilling to deeper and from shore more remote locations can again raise the question of ownership of these deposits. On one hand, there are regions of the world where these disputes over borders of maritime territories escalate into a series of clashes and incidents. On the other hand, there are other areas where states can settle their disputes and cooperate on drilling. The goal of this study is to determine which factors lead to the fact that particularly in the South China Sea disagreement about the boundaries of maritime territories results in the escalation of disputes in comparison with the regions of the North Sea and the Caribbean Sea, where disputes are solved or minimized. These factors are represented by six variables, which are based on three theories: a realist, idealist and constructivist theory of international relations. The first part of this study describes the historical development of current international maritime law with regard to the territorial division of the world's oceans. It is followed by a description of three case areas. The second part deals with the theoretical foundations of the examined factors. In...
The Middle Eastern alliances: Analysis of relations and further development of the region
Eštoková, Denisa ; Aslan, Emil (advisor) ; Ditrych, Ondřej (referee)
Examining any topic in the Middle East requires a general knowledge because of the region's complexity and dynamics. Important characteristics is the link of Islam and politics, because this relation shaped political establishment of states. The strategic location and rich natural resources of this part of the world were tempting also for the global superpowers whose engagement divided the Middle Eastern states, particularly during the Cold War. An analysis of the factors and events that led to the formation of alliances and rivalries in the Middle East is the goal of this work. Research will focus on alliances of Iran and its Shia allies on the one hand and Saudi Arabia with the rest of Sunni monarchies on the other. Unlike other alliances mentioned in the work, these two blocks have long term character. They are also specific because of sectarian differences, their stance towards the United States and Israel and shared responses to emerging threats. Historical development of Middle Eastern alliances begins with the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, continues with the both World wars, the Israeli-Arab conflict, the Islamic revolution in Iran and other milestones which were meaningful in shaping inter-state relations in the region. The modern period moves from invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq to...
Realism and the Nixon Administration: Triangular Diplomacy as a Tool of US Foreign Policy
Moravčík, Vladimír ; Jeřábek, Martin (advisor) ; Kotvalová, Anna (referee)
Abstract The thesis deals with the US foreign policy under Richard Nixon. More specifically, it examines the US rapprochement with Communist China (PRC) and the triangular diplomatic relations between the US, USSR, and PRC. The thesis draws from the realist theories, particularly the offensive and defensive branches of neorealism represented by John Mearsheimer and Kenneth Waltz. The thesis applies the theoretical concept of wedging strategies as power-balancing tools on the selected US foreign policy. The thesis conducts a qualitative case study using the process-tracing method. A causal mechanism derived from the concept of wedging strategies is theorized and further applied in the analysis. The analysis of the US foreign policy towards China examines the individual traces in the theorized mechanisms. The results of the study show that the US broke the Sino-Soviet alliance using a defensive wedging strategy by exploiting the Sino-Soviet split, resulting in PRC's dealignment with the USSR. The US reapproached the PRC and swayed the Chinese leadership with strategic guarantees tacitly aimed against the USSR. These guarantees were ultimately projected into the Shanghai Communique of 1972.
Russian international arms trade: Opportunism or strategy?
Jaroš, Milan ; Ludvík, Jan (advisor) ; Střítecký, Vít (referee)
This master's thesis focuses on Russian international trade of conventional weapons. Arms trade had played an important role during the Cold War as a tool to gain influence. Currently, Russia is using it to regain the influence it had lost after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in various regions around the world. At the same time, Russia is the second largest arms exporter after the United States. The thesis briefly addresses past Russian arms trade, but the main focus is on the decade between 2010 and 2020. It answers the question whether Russia currently uses its arms trade opportunistically to only maximalise its economic profit or whether it serves as a part of a larger strategy to balance the influence of the United States. The work focuses on Asia, the MENA region, and Latin America. It analyses circumstances surrounding arms deliveries from Russia into the countries in these regions. The thesis consists of several case studies, which illustrate the evolution of Russian approach towards arms trade. It reaches the conclusion that, for Russia, international arms trade is an important tool to help reach its foreign policy goals. Russia maintains strong and stable relations with the most important trade partners to support its defence industry. At the same time, other countries receive...
NATO and European Security in the East: The Impact of the Ukraine-Russia Conflict on NATO Doctrine and Ukrainian Strategy
Tymchuk, Halyna ; Záhora, Jakub (advisor) ; Ditrych, Ondřej (referee)
This diploma thesis will basically work with the concept of security, namely, the European secu- rity in recent years. Although Ukraine is not a NATO member, and Russia is NATO's distant neighbour, in this thesis I will prove that we should connect the events on Ukrainian border with European security. From the very onset of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, NATO was firm in its support of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. The Allies immediately condemned the illegal "legitimate annexation" of the Crimea to Russia in March 2014 and they have repeatedly stated that they would never recognize it as well. They also condemned deliberate destabilization in eastern Ukraine which was provoked by Russia with the use of its military intervention and militants' support. The crisis in Ukraine has proved to be a real turning point in Euro-Atlantic security since some senior Western politicians began to speak about changes in the guideline of European defense policy. Ukrainian crisis created new security situation in Europe and still requires attention, in- volvement and response from NATO. This crisis sharpened strategic misunderstanding between Russia and the West. It shows very clearly that Moscow and the West understand European security in...
Bandwagoning with the Belt and Road: Russia's changing attitude towards the Chinese presence in Central Asia post-Crimea
Bill, Simon ; Šír, Jan (advisor) ; Horák, Slavomír (referee) ; Duncan, Peter John Stuart (referee)
BILL, Simon. Bandwagoning with the Belt and Road: Russia's changing attitude towards the Chinese presence in Central Asia post-Crimea. Praha, 2019. 78 pages. Master's thesis (Mgr.). Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of International Studies. Department of Russian and East European Studies. Supervisor Prof. Jan Šír, Ph.D. Abstract Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia has considered the Central Asian states to be a part of its exclusive sphere of influence. In recent years, however, China has also increased its presence in the region, investing heavily in the energy and transportation sectors. This is exemplified by its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), specifically its Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) component, which was launched in September 2013. As China increased its presence in the region, and Russia launched its own initiative, the Eurasian Economic Union (EaEU), the two powers seemed to be on a collision course. However, relations between the two never deteriorated as predicted. Instead, the opposite has happened. In 2015, Russia found itself internationally isolated due to its controversial actions in Ukraine and embraced China's initiative. This dissertation will seek to explain Russia's increasingly accommodating attitude towards China's growing investment and influence...
Freedom of the seas and security of navigation in South China Sea
Horvátová, Karolína ; Romancov, Michael (advisor) ; Karmazin, Aleš (referee)
This bachelor thesis conducts research in terms of South China Sea within the frame of its significance for the important players in the international politics - USA and China. On the basis of the historical framework and naming critical atributes for international maritime law, it identifies a long-lasting strategical and historical importance of this particular area and it displays current political issues it the new historical light. This thesis also documents important changes in Chinese and American foreign policy since 1980's until current history represented by the end of the second term of former US president Barack Obama in 2017. Through the paradigm of neorealistic perspective on international relations it describes main principles in Sino-American relations in South China Sea, which have security-economic atributes. The concepts of "rising power" and Nye's "soft power" are used for deeper analysis and better identification of the factors that influence Sino-American interests in this area. To show the issue in complex details, the analysis based on these concepts indicates another layers of political-ideological, or social-cultural characters. The findings of this thesis can be used in another research for this particular area or in analysis of Sino-American relations.
The United States, China, and the Emerging Balance of Power in the Arctic
Lavengood, Zachary Colin ; Hornát, Jan (advisor) ; Raška, Francis (referee)
The increasing pace of climate change in the last two decades has brought the Arctic, a former geopolitical afterthought, into growing prominence on the global stage. Receding ice and melting tundra have made a cornucopia of rare earth metals and hydrocarbons ripe for extraction as well as opened new shipping lanes which have the potential to revolutionize how goods are moved around the planet. In this emerging environment is a budding balance of power which involves the most powerful actors in the world-system, two of which, the United States of America and the People's Republic of China, are the focus of this thesis. Their respective arctic policies shape the balance of power for not only themselves, but for all other actors in the theater. The United States' laissez faire attitude towards the Arctic has caused it to fall behind the progress of other powers in the region which could make it difficult to assert its influence in the theater in the future. China however has chosen to follow an ambitious arctic policy despite its geographical distance from the region, and has given the arctic a prominent position in its greater Belt and Road project, much to the suspicion of traditional arctic powers. Analyzed through a realist lens, the balance of power in the Arctic appears to be stable for the...
Comparative analysis of political and economic organizations MERCOSUR and Pacific Alliance
Mocák, Filip ; Krausz Hladká, Malvína (advisor) ; Svitková, Katarína (referee)
The purpose of this work is to examine two political and economic blocs of South America; MERCOSUR and Pacific Alliance. Concretely, it focuses on the way of founding above mentioned organizations as well as it stresses economic power of both coalitions and their potential for the future. Region is analysed by realism perspective. While MERCOSUR was understood as a product of bandwagoning executed by Brazil's neighbours, the research about Pacific Alliance was based on balance of power behaviour. I used two research strategies: (1) a descriptive method applying bandwagoning and balance of power concepts on process of creation of both respective organization and (2) comparative analysis to compare coalitions and bring insight on current success of Pacific Alliance and potential outlook in the future. Since the relevant continent is considered as zone of peace, the realistic view on power was enriched by economic aspect. Hence, a driving force in regional affairs is economic, rather than military power. In case of Pacific Alliance, The focus was on two founding members, Chile and Colombia, since both are considered as secondary powers on the South American continent. The main sources to conduct this research were published economic reports and academic articles, analyses and journals. Even though...

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