National Repository of Grey Literature 111 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Antimicrobial materials based on nanostructures with enzymes
Jurová, Bronislava ; Vysoká, Marie (referee) ; Skoumalová, Petra (advisor)
This bachelor thesis is focused on the preparation and characterization of antimicrobial gels and coatings containing antimicrobial components and enzymes. The theoretical part deals with a brief description of antimicrobial substances, their structure and mainly enzymes with antimicrobial effect. The methods used in the testing are also listed here. The practical part deals with testing the antimicrobial effects of extracts from cinnamon and cloves, clove essential oil, lysozyme and bromelain against Micrococcus luteus, Serratia marcescens and Candida glabrata. Various types of extracts were prepared from the selected spices, namely aqueous and ethanol extracts in different percentages. The individual extracts were characterized and, according to the total proportion of phenolic substances, the best ones were selected for encapsulation in liposome particles and gels. Extracts and enzymes were also added to the hydrogel and non-fibrous covers. A solution of sodium alginate and chitosan was used to prepare non-fibrous covers. A broth dilution method was used to test the antimicrobial effects on the given microorganisms. Furthermore, nanofibers based on PHB were prepared using the forcespinning method. These nanofibers were enriched with clove essential oil and their antioxidant activity was monitored.
Characterization of antioxidative and antimicrobially active substances in some types of wood
Ďatko, Tomáš ; Hlaváček, Viliam (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to analyze antioxidant and antimicrobial active substances in woody plants. The theoretical part deals with characterization of these biologically active substances, the overview of selected types of woody plants and dividing of extraction techniques. Moreover, methods for determination antimicrobial activity were described. The experimental part is focused on preparation of bark extracts of birch, oak and willow using different solvents (water, methanol, ethanol, DMSO) at various parameters (time, temperature). The concentration of polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins and antioxidant activity was set by using spectrophotometrical method. Subsequently antimicrobial activity of extracts was tested against the three microorganisms: Micrococcus luteus, Serratia marcescens and Candida glabrata. The results show that the most antioxidant active substances are found in the willow bark and antimicrobial activity was showed very weakly in selected bark extracts.
Study of bioactive compounds of fennel
Mierna, Jana ; Skoumalová, Petra (referee) ; Veselá, Mária (advisor)
The master´s thesis is focused on the study of biologically active compounds of fennel. The theoretical part describes basic characteristics of fennel and its chemical composition, further specifies plant´s biological active substances and antioxidants, also describes extraction techniques for obtaining these bioactive compounds, methods of their determination and verification of antimicrobial effect. In the experimental part were spectrophotometrically determined contents of polyphenols and flavonoids in the prepared extracts of fennel tea, whole and crush spice. On the basis of extraction curves, antioxidant activity and potential antimicrobial activity against the selected microorganisms Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus, Serratia marcescens a Micrococcus luteus was determined in the samples with the highest values of the given bioactive substances. Among the all monitored extracts, the inhibitory effect was showed only by an aqueous extract of the fennel tea against the bacterial strain of Micrococcus luteus.
Biologically active substances of chokeberry (Aronia spp.)
Palkovská, Kateřina ; Pořízka, Jaromír (referee) ; Vítová, Eva (advisor)
This master thesis deals with preparation of extracts from fruits of aronia, optimization of conditions for extraction and subsequent characteristics of the obtained optimal extract. In the theoretical part information about the botanical characteristics of Aronia melanocarpa and about its utilization are mentioned. Furthermore, the chemical composition of aronia fruits is described and the main biologically active substances contained in the plant are described. At the end of the theoretical part extraction and separation techniques, determination methods of antioxidant, antimicrobial activity and determination of aromatic active compounds are described. The experimental part describes the optimization of maceration so that the macerate contains as much polyphenolic substances as possible, as well as aromatic active substances. 40% ethanol, at a temperature of 60 ° C, with a weight solvent ratio of 1: 5, for 40 minutes proved to be optimal for the maceration of aronia fruits. The total polyphenol content of the optimal extract was determined to be 5237.2 ± 40.7 mgGAEkg-1 and the antioxidant activity by TEAC to be 512.5 ± 5.04 gml-1. 24 aromatic active compounds were identified in the extract, with the largest percentage being monoterpenes and aldehydes. Furthermore, it was found that the extract did not show antimicrobial activity against the microorganisms used (Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli and Candida glabrata). The obtained results confirm that aronia extracts are an important source of many biologically active compounds and can be used in food as a natural source of nutritionally and sensory valuable substances.
Study of antimicrobial substances of ginger
Ciburová, Alena ; Skoumalová, Petra (referee) ; Veselá, Mária (advisor)
For thousands of years ginger rhizomes are used in traditional Chinese medicine. Because of his significant pungent flavour is commonly used in foods and beverages all over the world. Nowadays many of the beneficial pharmacological positive effects of ginger rhizomes are identified. Their occurrence is due to the high concentration of bioactive compounds. This thesis is focused on analysing of occurrence of bioactive compounds such as polyphenols and flavonoids and their influence on antioxidation and antimicrobial properties of samples of fresh and dried ginger. The results show that for extraction of bioactive compounds in different ginger samples is more suitable to use different types of extraction solvents. The highest antioxidation activity was measured for macerate of 100% bio ginger tea from Sonnentor company in 96% ethanol. Antimicrobial properties were showed only for 100% bio ginger tea against gram-positive bacteria Microccocus luteus.
Bokrová, Jitka ; Pekař, Miloslav (referee) ; Kráčmar, Stanislav (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
The presented doctoral thesis is focused on preparation of nanoparticles and nanofibers with natural active ingredient and testing their biological effects. Modern types of application forms were prepared from biomaterials based on one or more natural polymers. Chitosan particles were prepared from cross-linked polymer using ultrasonication. A mixture of soy lecithin and cholesterol was used for preparation of liposomes. Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate was used for preparation of combined liposomes, too. All liposome particles were prepared by ultrasonication. Nanofibers were obtained from polyhydroxybutyrate using electrospinning. Mixtures of low-molecular antioxidants obtained by extraction from natural sources were used as active ingredients. Different types of teas, barks, herbs, spices, fruits and vegetables were selected as sources of natural antioxidants. Total phenolic and flavonoid content and total antioxidant activity of extracts were determined using spectrophotometrical methods. Obtained natural extracts were subsequently used for encapsulation. Prepared application forms were characterized in terms of their physicochemical properties. Particle size was monitored by dynamic light scattering. Colloidal stability of particles in suspension was determined using zeta potential. Spectrophotometry was used to evaluate the efficiency of encapsulation of active compounds into particles. The morphology of the new type of combined PHB liposomes was monitored by electron microscopy. Chromatography was used for quantification of individual components of particles. Morphology of nanofibers and incorporation of active agent into their structure were monitored using FTIR-ATR spectroscopy and electron microscopy. Afterwards, antimicrobial, cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of preparations were evaluated. It was found that the most suitable types of extracts for liposome preparation are aqueous and lipid extracts of natural antioxidants. Prepared particles showed excellent stability and good encapsulation efficiency. The study confirmed that incorporation of polydroxybutyrate into liposome structure does not reduce neither the colloidal stability of the particle, nor the efficiency of encapsulation process. Antimicrobial and antimycotic effect of preparations against model microorganisms Micrococcus lutues, Serratia marcescens and Candida glabrata was detected. It was found that process of encapsulation increases the inhibitory effect of natural extracts of antioxidants. The safety of preparations was assessed using two human cell cultures: epidermal keratinocytes and HaCaT cell line. Assays of cell viability and plasma membrane integrity were used to determine cytotoxicity of preparations. Low toxicity of liposome particles was confirmed by a series of cytotoxic tests. Obtained data showed that association of phospholipid with PHB polymer does not cause a significant increase in cytotoxicity in human skin cells. Genotoxicity testing on model procaryotic organism confirmed zero genotoxic potential of preparations. The new type of combined particles and polymeric fibers cant thus be used as a carrier for active ingredients, complex natural extracts, antimicrobial agents and many others.
Preparation and characterization of Echinacea extracts
Pallová, Jana ; Veselá, Mária (referee) ; Vítová, Eva (advisor)
Echinacea purpurea is a rich source of biologically active compounds, which are attributed to several therapeutic effects. This thesis is focused on the optimization of the extraction process, considered these substances. Maceration was chosen as a type of extraction, due to its simplicity. The Optimal conditions were solid-solvent ratio 1: 5, 40% ethanol, 60 °C, 60 minutes. An extract from the dried flowers of Echinacea purpurea was prepared by this optimized process. The content of total phenolic compounds was set on 365.18 ± 3.51 [mg_GAEl^(-1)] and the antioxidant activity was 507.50 ± 6.89 [mg_TEACl^(-1)]. The percentage of radical scavenging activity ABTS•+ was 95.45 ± 1.30. The antimicrobial activity of the extract was tested against 3 microorganisms – Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus and Candida glabrata. There was not detected inhibitory effect on the growth of microorganisms. In a total, 39 volatile compounds were identified, and the biggest group were represented sesquiterpenes (70.9%). The obtained results confirm that Echinacea extract has antioxidant activity and contains several interesting aromatic substances, In the future, it can be used as a natural resource of nutritionally and sensory valuable compounds, e.g., into various foods and delicacies.
Preparation and characterization of chitosan-based materials
Puchírová, Simona ; Kalina, Michal (referee) ; Kovalčík, Adriána (advisor)
The presented diploma thesis focuses on the characterization of the rheological properties of hydrogels based on agarose, alginate, polyvinyl alcohol and the study of the antimicrobial effect of chitosan added to selected hydrogels. The theoretical part is focused on the creating a literature research dealing with the description of the basic characteristics of hydrogels in general, describes the nature, properties, structure and possibilities of its use. In the experimental part, hydrogels without added active substance and hydrogels modified with chitosan were prepared. Based on rheological measurements, suitable combinations of hydrogels with chitosan were selected. A part of the hydrogel was taken from the samples and monitored in a drying and re-swelling process in distilled water. The hydrogels were tested by Ftir analysis, which verified the presence of chitosan in the samples. Monitoring of the antimicrobial effect of chitosan was performed by the hole diffusion method. Efficacy was tested on bacterial strains of Escherichia coli, Candida glabrata, Micrococcus luteus, Serratia marcescens. Most excised hydrogel disks have formed zones of inhibition of various sizes. Inhibition zones were also formed around hydrogels without chitosan, where the sensitivity of individual microbial cultures to acetic acid is assumed. The antibacterial active of chitosan was verified by studying the separate sensitivity of chitosan solutions and acetic acid.
Ion-selective membrane with antimicrobial effect
Gablech, Evelína ; Farka,, Zdeněk (referee) ; Soukupová,, Jan (referee) ; Drbohlavová, Jana (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá zlepšením antimikrobiálních vlastností komerčních polymerních membrán používaných v mlékárenském průmyslu pro filtraci mléčných výrobků jako je syrovátka. Tyto membrány trpí kontaminací způsobenou mikroorganismy přítomnými v mléce během procesu filtrace. Toto biologické znečištění ovlivňuje životnost membrány i samotný filtrační proces. Pro ochranu membrány před vytvořením biofilmu z mikroorganismů byly tyto membrány modifikovány pomocí plazmových metod tak, aby došlo k funkcionalizaci aminovými skupinami pro následnou imobilizaci nanočástic stříbra a selenu. Antimikrobiální aktivita obou typů nanočástic a membrán s imobilizovanými nanočásticemi byla stanovena proti buněčným kmenům Staphylococcus aureus a Escherichia coli.
Preparation of edible antimicrobial packaging
Kozubová, Petra ; Dzurická, Lucia (referee) ; Skoumalová, Petra (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis is focused on preparation and characterization of eatable packaging. Eatable packaging consists of two components, antimicrobial component and base of packaging. The task of eatable packaging is to protect product against antimicrobial attack and to extend durability of the product. As antimicrobial components were used water and oil extracts of several herbs (mint, nettle, lavender, cinnamon, cloves, vanilla, ginger and rhinoceros). Oil extracts were also encapsulated into liposomes for better application. Firstly, concentrations of polyphenoles and antioxidants of extracts were determined. Oil extract of clove contained the highest concentration of both determined substances. Encapsulation efficiency, stability and size of liposomes were tested too. All prepared liposomes were stable and relatively of the same size. Also high encapsulation efficiency was observed. Next, antimicrobial activity of prepared extracts and liposome particles against yeast Candida glabrata and two bacteria strains Escherichia coli and Staphycococcus epidermidis was tested and the high antimicrobial activity reported mainly all tested liposomes. Then alginate, chitosan and carboxymethylcellulose and their combinations respectively were used as bases of packaging. Created film had to meet several parameters, especially suitable sensory properties such as pleasant taste and smell, as well as invisibility, gloss, affordability and suitable manipulability. Combination of 2% carboxymethylcellulose and 1% alginate in a ration of 2:1 with liposomes of mint as antimicrobial component achieved the best results.

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