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The Theory of Cognition in Thomas Aquinas
Samec, Zdeněk ; Novák, Lukáš (advisor) ; Válová, Dita (referee)
(in English): The thesis "The Theory of Cognition in Thomas Aquinas" investigates the conception of cognition in the work of one of the most significant medieval thinkers, saint Thomas Aquinas. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the elements of Thomas's conception of cognition, i.e. sense perception, intellectual grasp of essences and Thomas's theory of intentional mediation of cognition (species sensibilis and species intelligibilis). In the following part of the thesis Thomas's theory of intentionality is considered in detail, with approaches of the so-called direct realism (held by D. Perler) and representationalism (held by R. Pasnau) taken in account. The thesis ends by its author's own evaluation of the controversy between representationalism and direct realism.
The Question of the Natural Knowability of God in the Writings of Thomas Aquinas and its Reception by Selected Contemporary Authors
Řičař, Jiří ; Bouma, David (advisor) ; Salvet, Ondřej (referee)
Bibliografická citace Otázka přirozené poznatelnosti Boha u Tomáše Akvinského [rukopis] : a její recepce u vybraných současných autorů : diplomová práce / Jiří Řičař ; vedoucí práce: David Bouma. -- Praha, 2016. -- 62 s. Abstract The thesis will be devoted to the possibility of knowing God in philosophical sense. Methodologically disregards the biblical revelation (revelatio) and Christian doctrine. Master student will present appropriate doctrine of Aquinas and tries to find its influences and forms in the works of contemporary philosophers of religion as R. Swinburne, R. Schaeffler and more. The aim of thesis is to express the doctrine of Thomas Aquinas in this area and evaluate its response and changes in the works of certain philosophers. Keywords Thomas Aquinas, Natural Theology, Natural Knowability of God, God's Attributes, Philosophy of Religion, Atheism
Proofs of God's existence in the work of Thomas Aquinas
Adamovič, Tomáš ; Rybák, David (advisor) ; Blažková, Miloslava (referee)
The submitted Bachelor Thesis aims at the explanation of proofs of Godʼs existence in the work of Thomas Aquinas in a broader context. First, it is focused on the understanding of the basic terms of "proof" and "God" employed in the introduction of Thomistic tradition into philosophy. After a brief stop with previous theologians, the Thesis attempts to describe the proofs, or "ways", towards finding evidence of Godʼs existence, as contained in the writings of Thomas Aquinas. These descriptions are supplemented with criticism of some of the authors. The chosen approach includes a compilation of relevant knowledge from secondary literature followed by an analysis of primary literature, occasionally combined with comparison. Keywords God, existence, Thomas Aquinas, philosophy, theology, natural theology
Heterodox Masters of Liberal Arts and Their Discussions with Thomas Aquinas
Severa, Miroslav ; Sousedík, Stanislav (advisor) ; Heider, Daniel (referee) ; Nejeschleba, Tomáš (referee)
Heterodox master of liberal arts and theirs discussions with Thomas Aquinas Mgr. Miroslav Severa Summary: The proposed thesis deals with two important issues discussed by Tomas Aquinas in connection with the averroistic controversy that occurred in the second half of the thirteenth century in Paris. The topics are On the eternity of the world and On the unity of intellect. Its author defends the position that concerning the problem On the eternity of the Word is the solution proposed by Thomas Aquinas closer to the position of heterodox masters of liberal arts then to the attitude of some orthodox theologians. The heterodox teaching On the unity of intellect is by Thomas sufficiently disproven. The doctrine of Thomas Aquinas doesn't need to always constitute an irreconcilable antithesis against the attitude of heterodox masters as it is described by some authors. The thesis also deals the two topics on the historical background of the condemnations issued by the Parisian bishop Stephan Tempier in the years 1270 and 1277. Although the heterodox masters of liberal arts are in their philosophizing strongly influenced by the Arab philosopher Averroes theirs position concerning the relationship between fides and ratio is different. Averroes says that when the conflict between reason and revelation occurs than...
Suárez's Proof of the Existence of God
Pavlorek, David ; Novák, Lukáš (advisor) ; Němec, Václav (referee)
of the Paper The goal of submitted paper is to show Suárez's proof of the existence of God as the main task of his metaphysics and to show the influence of St. Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus on his own system of metaphysics. As will be shown, the importance of this preeminent thinker of so called second scholasticism is in his synthesis of relatively incompatible doctrines of thomism and scotism. This paper will therefore deal with main problems of precedening tradition of Aristotelian metaphysics, especially with analogy of being as applied to God and creatures, then with theory of causality and other connected questions. Keywords Suárez - Thomas Aquinas - Duns Scotus - metaphysics - proof of existence of God
Objective and Subjective Cognition of Beauty in the Writings of St. Thomas Aquinas.
This thesis deals with the objective and subjective cognition of beauty by a scholastic philosopher Thomas Aquinas. The initial chapters provide historical sources and a source of St. Thomas´s beauty, because beauty was not the main topic of theology and philosophy in the Middle Ages. From the definition of beauty, we know that beauty belongs to the cognitive power, thus next chapters present the activity of the senses and reason, by which we recognize beauty. (Pulchrum autem respicit vim cognoscitivam). This cognitive power results in the objective characteristics of beauty, ie.: a) integrity; b) proportion; c) clarity.) The penultimate chapter justifies the importance of knowledge of objective and subjective beauty, from which it follows in us enjoyment (delectatio et amor). If there is a reason to evaluate the knowledge and principles relating to the beauty, there is a necessary overlap present knowledge such as science. The final chapter addresses the interesting question of modern science - aesthetics: "Whether beauty, as written by Thomas Aquinas, is a specific distinct transcendental or only implicit transcendental initiated by the philosophers of the 20th century?" The thesis tries to show the importance of studying medieval philosophy in shaping topics such as beauty and art.
Aquinas on passions and contemporary view of emotion
In the first part, this thesis deals with description of concept of passions in Summa theologica from Thomas Aquinas. Further in two subsequent parts, the concept of passions is compared with attitudes to emotions within psychological discourse. Firstly, there is being described a manner of men´s cognitive abilities in the thesis and also there is being separated rational from sensory cognition which evokes in fact the reaction, to wit: passions. These are divided into two parts according to Aquinas. The first part contains concupiscible passions which rise in a direct response to a stimulus leading to achieving success. The second part called irascible has its aim in surmounting problems and difficulties. Secondly, the thesis describes theories of emotions and sorts them according to psychological attitudes. Finally, the theories of emotions are compared to the concept of emotions by Aquinas in the final part and consequently the congruence is being sought.
Classic theories as sources of natural law
This thesis is engaged in the theme of natural law, especially in sources of natural law - in theories, which are labelled as "classic". The thesis focuses on these theories (Aristotle, stoicism, Thomas Aquinas) and their common points, which are proper to these theories. That is the object of this thesis. These points present the essence of natural law. The first part explains problem of the term "natural law". The second part deals with the classic theories. The third chapter summarises findings of the second part. The fourth part is devoted to the similarity between the classic theories and the modern (enlightenment) theories. This chapter is devoted to the connection between natural law and positive law too.
The virtue of love by Thomas Aquinas
The work focuses on the virtue of love by Thomas Aquinas. It mainly deals with the principles of love in the philosophy of T. Aquinas, but also with themes that with concept of love directly related - such as the general conception of virtue, goodness, happiness or sins against love. The thesis is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is an introduction to the work of T. Aquinas. The second chapter deals with the basic characteristic of the concept of virtue and differentiation of natural and supernatural virtues. The next chapter deals with the concept of love itself. In this chapter there are the basic definitions and differentiation types of love. Another chapter is devoted to one of the question in Summa Theologica - About love itself which is perceived like basic question of the concept virtue of love by T. Aquinas. The fifth chapter deals with sins against love, which are seens as contravene to the love. Another sixth chapter focuses on whether love can be increased or decreased. The last chapter is devoted to the love from the today perspective.
The theory of common nature of Thomas Aqvinas in the treatise De ente et essentia
BUZKOVÁ, Markéta
The work deals with theory of common nature and universals of Aquinas in the treatise De ente et essentia. In first part is defined conceptual foundation based on Aristotelian and Avicennian concepts of essence and existence. Avicenna defines two ways how can be essence considered. First it is absolute consideration of the essence and second the essence considered as it has being. Thomas Aquinas develops his notion of essence in a quite noticeable Avicennian framework. In the second part are presented the theory of common nature by St. Thomas. The theory is based on the essence considered as it has being, we can found it in rational soul.

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