National Repository of Grey Literature 144 records found  beginprevious103 - 112nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Comprehensive immigration reform suspended: Lessons from the U.S. Senate 2004-2010
Švajda, Michal ; Kozák, Kryštof (advisor) ; Calda, Miloš (referee)
The M.A. thesis "Comprehensive Immigration Reform Postponed: Lessons from the Senate 2004- 2010" elaborates upon the causes hindering in the years 2004 to 2010 the adoption of a comprehensive immigration reform in the United States of America. The main goal of the thesis is to assess the consequences of the polarization of the American political scene on the immigration reform and to evaluate the party divide on the matter upon the floor remarks made by the members of Senate Committee on the Judiciary taking in account the differences in between the 109th and 111th Senate. The focus on the Committee on the Judiciary is justified by the role played by its members in the drafting process of particular reform proposals. The scope of the polarization of the Committee is assessed upon the aggravated means attributed to the most dominant narratives used by the senators. The remarks used in the evaluation are addressed in the context of the most significant contemporary factors influencing the polarization of American political scene as well as under the light of the development surpassing the domestic affairs.
Characteristic of Charles Perrault's Fairy Tales
Šuráňová, Kateřina ; Pohorský, Aleš (advisor) ; Voldřichová - Beránková, Eva (referee)
The theme of this work is the characteristic of fairy tales of French writer Charles Perrault. The aim of the analysis is to refute a clear polarization of fairy tales' characters and shows their ambivalence. Further, the work explores the moral significance of the stories and their impact on readers, discusses the morals of tales attached to the end, looks for if the author during his work was inspired by the texts and if the characters themselves are the bearers of moral message. The paper is divided into three parts. In the first chapter there is created a primary character typology. The study characterizes the fabulous hero in terms of mental and physical characteristics, social status and material security, interpersonal relations and polarization. In this part we can already see the fact that the characters can not be clearly divided into positive and negative ones, they should be further classified as neutral heroes. Moreover, the analysis finds out the fact that in fairy tales in verse miraculous element is not necessary, it is essential for the storyline only in Ridiculous wishes. In fairy tales in verse, the existence of supernatural powers is inevitable. The chapter is crucial for further analysis of the figures in following chapters. The second chapter deals with the polarization of...
Mechanisms of epidermal cells polarization in plants.
Vojtíková, Zdeňka ; Žárský, Viktor (advisor) ; Soukup, Aleš (referee)
Plant epidermal cells form contact area of the plant, they protect it from impacts of surrounding environment and they mediate the communication with its neighbourhood. In the epidermis there are evenly distributed several cell types with quite specialized morphology (pavement cells, trichomes and guard cells) due to the polarization mechanisms. The cytoskeleton and signal molecules of ROP GTPase family promote the polarized growth. Thanks to polarized growth the cells reach their shapes. The cytoskeleton responds to the signal by expanding the cell, helps with targeting of the secretion to the sites of active growth and mediates polarized formation of the cell wall. On the upper side of the epidermis the cuticle and layer of epicuticular waxex is secreted. The secretion of cuticular components is baso-apicaly polarized. This work summarizes the mechanisms of the polarization in plant epidermal cells discoverd untill now.
Noise, Transport and Structural Properties of High Energy Radiation Detectors Based on CdTe
Šik, Ondřej ; Lazar, Josef (referee) ; Navrátil, Vladislav (referee) ; Grmela, Lubomír (advisor)
Poptávka ze strany vesmírného výzkumu, zdravotnictví a bezpečnostního průmyslu způsobila v posledních letech zvýšený zájem o vývoj materiálů pro detekci a zobrazování vysokoenergetického záření. CdTe a jeho slitina CdZnTe. jsou polovodiče umožnují detekci záření o energiích v rozsahu 10 keV až 500 keV. Šířka zakázaného pásma u CdTe / CdZnTe je 1.46 -1.6 eV, což umožňuje produkci krystalů o vysoké rezistivitě (10^10-10^11 cm), která je dostačující pro použití CdTe / CdZnTe při pokojové teplotě. V mé práci byly zkoumány detektory CdTe/CdZnTe v různých stádiích jejich poruchovosti. Byly použity velmi kvalitní spektroskopické detektory, materiál s nižší rezistivitou a výraznou polarizací, detektory s asymetrií elektrických parametrů kontaktů a teplotně degenerované vzorky. Z výsledků analýzy nízkofrekvenčního šumu je patrný obecný závěr, že zvýšená koncentrace defektů způsobí změnu povahy původně monotónního spektra typu 1/f na spektrum s výrazným vlivem generačně-rekombinačních procesů. Další výrazná vlastnost degenerovaných detektorů a detektorů nižší kvality je nárůst spektrální hustoty šumu typu 1/f se vzrůstajícím napájecím napětí se směrnicí výrazně vyšší než 2. Strukturální a chemické analýzy poukázaly, že teplotní generace detektorů způsobuje difuzi kovu použitého při kontaktování a stopových prvků hlouběji do objemu krystalu. Část mé práce je věnována modifikaci povrchu svazkem argonových iontů a jejímu vlivu na chemické složení a morfologii povrchu.
Use of the plane of polarization of light propagation for high-speed optical fiber transmission
Šimák, Petr ; Münster, Petr (referee) ; Filka, Miloslav (advisor)
Thesis deals with the use of polarization planes in light propagation for high-speed optical fiber transport. It also deals with the issue of polarized light, its mathematical description using Stokes and Jones vectors and representation using the Poincare sphere. We explain how can light be polarized. It also describes the transmission of information via optical fiber and polarization mode dispersion. At the end of the thesis we describe a design of optical networks for the use of two polarization planes as separate transmission channels.
Marginální a periferní regiony (vybraná území obcí s pověřeným obecním úřadem) v Jihomoravském kraji
Suchá, Andrea
This thesis deals with the marginal and peripheral regions (at the level of administrative districts of the municipalities with an authorized municipal office) in the South Moravian Region. The subject of this thesis is the evaluation of three selected regions, a description of their socio-demographic characteristics, from which the marginality and the territory peripheries can be studied. The work is complemented with the time series (population, basic index), the line charts, and also with the relevant cartograms. The future regional development in selected municipalities with an authorized municipal office has been captured through the linear trend function until 2020.
Vertically polarized Yagi antenna with magnetic dipole
Weigel, Filip ; Pokorný, Michal (referee) ; Raida, Zbyněk (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with the principles of operation and simulation of planar Yagi antennas with a magnetic dipole. Simulation of electromagnetic field was performed in the simulator CST MICROWAVE STUDIO (CST MWS). The project compares results of simulations of several types of Yagi antennas. These antennas can be used for the communication along the living tissue (on-body communication).
Characteristics features of luminescence radiation solar cells
Malý, Martin ; Šimonová, Lucie (referee) ; Stojan, Radek (advisor)
This thesis deals with characteristic features of luminiscence radiation solar cells during electroluminiscence. Electroluminescence is the process in which a substance begins to radiate electromagnetic radiation (luminiscence radiation) due to passing electrical current. Various defects in the structure of the photovoltaic cell can cause polarization of that radiation. The aim of this thesis is to measure some polycrystalline solar cells by electroluminescence. Selected solar cell is measured by electroluminescence extended by polarizing filter and afterward collected data are processed in MATLAB.
Polarization properties of laser beam
Březina, Vojtěch ; Hudcová, Lucie (referee) ; Poliak, Juraj (advisor)
Bachelor thesis deals with polarization properties of optical beam and determination her polarization state by Stokes parameters. Further is studied the influence of environment on the polarization of wave. At the beginning of the thesis, fundamental terms which concern wave polarisation including description of polarisation device are defined. In conclusion of the thesis, experimental workplace for polarisation properties measurement using Poincare sphere and Stokes parameters is designed. The object of the experimental part were: measurement of the polarization wave, Mueller matrix measurement, verification function beam splitter and the creation of supportive programs in MATLAB. The results of the experimental findings were determined, allowing to improve measurement.
Mechanical design of rotary satellite antenna polarization system
Vítek, Petr ; Mazal, Pavel (referee) ; Paloušek, David (advisor)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is mechanical design of rotary satellite antenna polarization system. It is a part of a mobile satellite antenna positioned on the roof rack of a passenger car. Device must be designed to achieve precise positioning and smooth running. It must also resist moisture and temperature fluctuations. For this application, there has been selected and developed solution with toothed belt. The thesis includes a selection algorithm of drive, belt and bearings. The achieved polarization angle is 180 °. The results of this paper can be used to produce a functional mobile satellite antenna polarization.

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