National Repository of Grey Literature 44 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Honest and Simple Report. Edition and Analysis of Jan Blahoslav's Treatise on the Distinctiveness of the Unity of the Brethren from 1566
Pacovský, Karel ; Halama, Ota (advisor) ; Just, Jiří (referee)
The bachelor thesis presents for the first time a relatively unknown Czech treatise by Jan Blahoslav titled "Honest and simple report on the following two questions: Why do the Brethren separate themselves from other churches, whether they administer communion under one or both species? Why do the Brethren oblige people to obedience?" The text was completed on 1 December 1566 in Ivančice, Moravia, where Blahoslav served as a bishop of the Unity of the Brethren. It was intended for Albrecht Černohorský of Boskovice, a prominent Moravian politician. The Lord of Boskovice was among the distinguished noble representatives of the utraquist Church of Bohemia, who sympathized with Lutheranism and aimed to unify the Protestants in Moravia based on a shared confession inspired by the Augsburg Confession. However, he faced opposition from the Czech Brethren, among whom his wife was a member. Under these circumstances, Blahoslav decided to clarify the reasons behind the Unity's rejection of such unification attempts and to defend its own unique identity through a separate treatise. In addition to the critical edition of Blahoslav's text based on all three surviving manuscripts, the thesis also includes introductory chapters that acquaint readers with the historical context of the creation of the work and its...
Analysis of usage hydrogen in power supply
Krček, Martin ; Ptáček, Michal (referee) ; Radil, Lukáš (advisor)
The work deals with harnessing the hydrogen in electricity production. It surveys hydrogen production, storage, transportation and its use as power source for fuel cells and combustion turbines. Characteristics of a hydrogen production electrolyzer were gauged in laboratory and its efficiency was evaluated.
ČURDA, Bohuslav
The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to present and analyse the art of the early 20th century in Central Europe, so that it is possible to evaluate how the mentally complex social situation before, during and after the war was reflected in art, and how people's thinking has changed. Painting and literature will be pointed out and it will be lightly linked to the music of individual artistic styles. Each of the styles, which in this work includes expressionism, cubism, futurism and dadaism, depicts a view of the world, which leads us to the conclusion that behind it all is man, or society. According to the works I have selected, which have moved with time and influenced the direction of art, we will finally conclude that the theme of the works and the resulting feelings flexibly indicated the direction in which Europe was heading. At first, man longed for a change that would be brought by war, so expressionism often follows on from shocking to haunting matters in conjunction with contrasting colors. Subsequent cubism seeks to fend off the confusing fruits of science that new technologies have brought. The result is the decomposition or destruction of previously clear things. Futurism will further support this idea with a focus on radical destruction through technology and the expectation of a more dynamic and modern future in terms of technology. And the dadaism created during the war only reflects violence and tries to break the old values in its grotesque art that is supposed to end the war. In the same way, other artistic directions realize the destructiveness of modern warfare, and after the war they try to warn against the technologies of the new war, or just retroactively reflect the horrible experiences of the war.
Animal motifs in the visual culture of 16 -century confessional polemics
The diploma thesis Animal motifs in the visual culture of 16th century confessional polemics deals with the analysis of animal motifs used in the visual art of Czech provenance, created in the context of the religious reformation in the 16th century. The main part of the text is focused on the folios of the Jenský codex and the pamphlets created by Václav Brodius; with specific attention to artwork containing animal motifs connected with confessional polemics. The depicted animal motifs are subjected to an analysis aimed at identification of their origin and templates used for adopted symbolism of the themes. Further analysis defines the purpose of individual leaves around their iconological meaning and explores the theme of depicting monsters in polemical graphic sheets by foreign authors - and provides historical context relating to the use of such motives during the religious conflict taking place on European territory.
Johanka z Krajku and Czech brothers
Kaleta, Juda ; Foltýn, Dušan (advisor) ; Havlůjová, Hana (referee)
This thesis is focused on the personality of Johanka Kraiger of Kraig, a noblewoman in the times of Jagiellon's reign, who is known for her support of Czech brothers and for the later joining the Unitas Fratrum. This thesis is split into two parts, each of parts tries to describe a lady of Kraig from a different perspective. The first part is a comprehensive biography with noticing of important events in the Czech kingdom, which formed the life of Johanka. The second part is dedicated to the Unitas fratrum and their relationship to Johanka of Kraig. The thesis tries to describe complicated relations between Czech brothers and the nobility and the question of personal devoutness - mainly on the analysis of the Creed by Johanka. 1
The Church of England: comparison of its development during the reigns of Henry VIII and Edward VI
Vozabulová, Diana ; Suchánek, Drahomír (advisor) ; Drška, Václav (referee)
This bachelor thesis aims to compare the development of the Church of England during the reign of Henry VIII and his son Edward VI. In the first part of the thesis there is a brief overview of Henry's and Edward's reigns. The Regency Council that governed the realm while Edward was a child is also mentioned. The work also deals with Henry's divorce from Catherine of Aragon, as it led to the break with Rome. Furthermore, this thesis is concerned with the documents and acts issued by the parliament that established the royal supremacy over the Church of England in the 1530's. The second part of the thesis focuses on the process of establishing the doctrine and liturgical use during the 1530's and 1540's. Important differences between the development during Henry's and Edward's reigns are compared. These differences concern especially the doctrine of Eucharist and communion or the attitude to clerical celibacy and marriages. Individual chapters of the second part of the thesis are concerned with particular events that are crucial for the development of the Church of England, e.g. the Dissolution of the Monasteries, the suppression of the chantries, English translation of the Scripture or the publication of the Book of Common Prayer. One of the main aims of this works is also to examine the position of...
The religion and politics of Rudolf Habsburg II.
Butakov, Vadim ; Hrdlička, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (referee)
Práce je zaměřena na dobu před nástupem Rudolfa II. Zde jsem nastínil stav českého království, postavení nekatolíků v Čechách a boj o Českou konfesi. Abych čtenáře seznámil s tehdejší politickou a náboženskou situací, je také důležité je seznámit s výchovou a vladařskými začátky Rudolfa II. Ve druhé části jsem se snažil popsat průběh zápasu o Majestát a komplikace, které ho doprovázely. Moje práce zahrnula popis náboženské a politické situace v Čechách, od druhé poloviny 16. století, až po Bílou horu. Pro práci jsem použil odbornou literaturu, slovníky a některé vydané historické prameny.
Interpretation of Freedom in the Work of Jan Hus and his Sources at St. Augustinus
Schmitzer, Jiří ; Blažková, Miloslava (advisor) ; Hogenová, Anna (referee)
The paper focus on Jan Hus and T.G.Masaryk and their contribution to the Czech philosophy. The emphasis is given mainly to the parts of their lives and work which include timeless moral message. The aim of the paper is not to offer detailed analysis of the philosophical texts but rather to track fundamental moral accents they include and their impact on Czech philosophical landscape. Brief overview Hus' and Masaryk's important life events and decisions is used to describe a practical dimension of their philosophy. The reflection of the Hus' and Masaryk's works follows approach and intepretation of Erazim Kohák's books. With their help the paper tries to indentify meaning of Czechness as it was defined and shaped by Masaryk and Hus.

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