National Repository of Grey Literature 34 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Chinese reaction to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
Rothschein, Tomáš ; Kazharski, Aliaksei (advisor) ; Šenk, Michal (referee)
The main objective of Diploma Thesis: "Chinese reaction to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine" is to determine whether and how has the war in Ukraine influenced Sino-Russian relations. To determine this, the paper focuses on a research question: "Why did China not oppose Russia's invasion of Ukraine despite its long-lasting tradition of non-interference policy?". To answer the question, the paper contains a complex analysis of the evolution of the modern Sino-Russian relations, its converging and diverging tendencies, the history and relevance of the Chinese policy of non-interventionism and indicators proving close Sino- Russian cooperation despite the ongoing war effort. The tracked indicators are composed of joint-military exercises, number of official visits, official statements, and perceived patterns of behaviour in the UN Security Council. All of these factors would subsequently be analysed through the prism of Neoclassical realism. The results of the study indicate the partially fading importance of the non-interference policy, which can be outweighed by the realist cost/benefit calculations. Consequently, the said balance of power logic and attempts to maximalise state power were concluded to be the motor behind the post-invasion Sino-Russian rapprochement.
Russian-Israeli Relations after the Dissolution of the Soviet Union
Pavlíková, Klára ; Kalhousová, Irena (advisor) ; Plíštilová, Tereza (referee)
The thesis Russian-Israeli Relations after the Dissolution of the Soviet Union looks at the relations of these countries in the period from the end of 1991 to 2022 from the perspective of the neorealist balance of power theory. The main aim of the thesis is to answer the question of how the geopolitical interests of the two countries are inscribed in their diplomatic relations. At first glance, some diplomatic interactions between Moscow and Tel Aviv may give the impression of very warm relations. However, the two countries are fundamentally at odds over their interests in the Middle East. Russia's interests, as could be deduced from the balance of power theory, derive from its efforts to counterbalance the USA. Israel's interest is to survive surrounded by enemies, which it seeks to achieve through its alliance with the USA. The thesis is based on two case studies: Iran and Syria. I analyze both geopolitical interests and diplomatic relations using qualitative and quantitative research methods. In the case of geopolitical interests, I draw on official government documents, military doctrines, statements by top politicians, the formation of military-strategic alliances, energy cooperation, and Russian, Israeli, and U.S. votes at the United Nations in the cases of Iran and Syria. I analyze...
Deployment and proliferation of Turkish UAVs and their impact on regional balance of power
Kocáková, Lenka ; Solovyeva, Anzhelika (advisor) ; Hynek, Nikola (referee)
This diploma thesis is focused on discussing Turkish unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) deployments in Libyan and Syrian conflicts in 2019 and 2020 respectively, and their implications on regional balance of power. Theoretical framework is based on the balance of power theory, and more specifically on the concept of regional balance of power which is concerned with more nuanced dynamics that occur on a regional level. The concept is then applied to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, where Turkey is the main case study of this paper, and its involvement in Libya and Syria makes both countries the sub- case studies. The development of UAVs, their categorization, some technical aspects, and their brief history, showing how Turkey emerged as an important producer is also discussed. The findings of this study show a significance of Turkey's participation in both conflicts and the deployment of its own UAVs in Libya and Syria, among other factors, which resulted in Turkey achieving its objectives and shaping the outcomes of both conflicts. Consequently, the thesis suggests that Turkey indeed plays a key role in defining the dynamics in the MENA region.
The Ukraine crisis, Russia and the West: clashing strategic visions
Stan, Mihai-Sebastian ; Kazharski, Aliaksei (advisor) ; Solovyeva, Anzhelika (referee)
This thesis looks at the 2014 Ukraine crisis through the lenses of strategic culture by analyzing both the Russian Federation and the European Union's strategic cultures. Over the last eight years, the annexation of Crimea and intervention in Donbass have received a great deal of attention as it was the first geopolitical power struggle in Europe between East and West since the Cold War. Since most of the scholarly work dealing with the 2014 Ukraine crisis have taken a realist approach, this thesis is taking a constructivist approach in order to cover this gap. The paper will cover the Russian strategic culture - the institutional influence of the intelligence services and agencies, foreign political rhetoric, security-related texts, the influence of the leading institutions and the role of 'active measures' - as well as the one of the EU - the influence of the German strategic culture, multilateralism and military restraint. Overall, the thesis will try to shed new light on the 2014 Ukraine crisis so that we can garner more insight on this event. Key words: Ukraine crisis; strategic culture; the Russian Federation; the European Union; Germany; Crimea
The role of enlargement in the relations between the Russian Federation and NATO
Laru, Dmitry ; Karásek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Ditrych, Ondřej (referee)
This particular work deals with the process of expansion by the North Atlantic Alliance in view of the theory of balance of power and the relationship between Russia and NATO. The author of the work draws on assumption that NATO's expansions, that have followed the end of the cold war, strengthen NATO's might, to which Russia must react to counter the growing power of the potential adversary. This work is divided into two main thematic parts. The first part regards the three waves of the expansion which followed the breakup of the Soviet Union (1999, 2004, and 2009); therein, the author analyzes NATO's strengthening on the military, political and geopolitical levels. The second part of the work is devoted to unveiling of Russia's potential counterbalancing steps. The Russian attempt to counterbalance the NATO's moves, of course, has also been analyzed within three frames - military, political and geopolitical. The analysis of the counterbalancing by Russia, as well as the strengthening of NATO is presented within the frame defined by five year periods. To facilitate the theoretical view, the power counterbalancing analyses has been divided into, so called, "Hard balancing" and "Soft balancing". Because the end of the bipolar conflict contributed to substantial changes in international political...
Political and Economic Reasons for Energy Cooperation between the EU and Russia
Evgrafova, Elena ; Svoboda, Karel (advisor) ; Romancov, Michael (referee)
In this paper I investigate the energy cooperation between the EU and Russia from the political and economic points of view. The relevance of the issue is due to the growing role of energy sector, the need for security of energy supply and demand and for political and economic balance of power in the region, and closer economic integration. Two theoretical approaches, geopolitical and bureaucratic, guiding the research, explain the behavior of protagonists. To better understand the present level of cooperation I analyze the background and dynamics of EU - Russia energy trade relations. As a case study, I investigate the Nord Stream project as an example of successful cooperation of Germany as an EU member state and Russia in this field. I discuss challenges for the healthy mutual partnership in the energy sector, namely, high politicization of the issue, monopolization of Russian energy sector and low sustainability of Russian economic development, and mistrust between the protagonists. I attempt to identify possible policy changes aimed to improve this cooperation and achieve fruitful partnership, security and stability. Key words: Russia, EU, energy, cooperation, Realpolitik, international relations, oil, gas, energy dialogue, ECT, security, balance of power, geopolitics, interest groups,...
Uzbekistan's Foreign Policy (2001-2012): The Pendulum Diplomacy between the US and Russia
Lídl, Václav ; Šír, Jan (advisor) ; Horák, Slavomír (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the creation of Uzbekistan's foreign policy. It attempts to answer three main research questions: What were the chief goals of Tashkent's foreign policy? What were the factors that influenced the creation of Uzbekistan's foreign policy? Which factors and causes played the decisive role in the case of Uzbekistan's most significant foreign policy turnovers in 2001, 2005 and 2012? It claims the principal aims of Uzbekistan's foreign policy were threefold. Firstly, it was the preservation of Uzbekistan's independence. Secondly, it was the strengthening and securing of Karimov's regime. Finally, it was the attempt to become the regional leader in Central Asia. Subsequently, the study maintains that the foreign policy formulation was altered by four processes or challenges which the regime in Tashkent had to cope with. These were namely the challenge of geopolitical position, establishing of a viable political system, transforming the command economy, and the threat of radical or political Islam. Uzbekistan's pendulum diplomacy between the US and Russia is a new term coined for the purposes of this study. I argue that Tashkent was prone to change abruptly its strategic partner in order to secure its three strategic imperatives. Hence, there occurred three turnovers of...
Freedom of the seas and security of navigation in South China Sea
Horvátová, Karolína ; Romancov, Michael (advisor) ; Karmazin, Aleš (referee)
This bachelor thesis conducts research in terms of South China Sea within the frame of its significance for the important players in the international politics - USA and China. On the basis of the historical framework and naming critical atributes for international maritime law, it identifies a long-lasting strategical and historical importance of this particular area and it displays current political issues it the new historical light. This thesis also documents important changes in Chinese and American foreign policy since 1980's until current history represented by the end of the second term of former US president Barack Obama in 2017. Through the paradigm of neorealistic perspective on international relations it describes main principles in Sino-American relations in South China Sea, which have security-economic atributes. The concepts of "rising power" and Nye's "soft power" are used for deeper analysis and better identification of the factors that influence Sino-American interests in this area. To show the issue in complex details, the analysis based on these concepts indicates another layers of political-ideological, or social-cultural characters. The findings of this thesis can be used in another research for this particular area or in analysis of Sino-American relations.
The United States, China, and the Emerging Balance of Power in the Arctic
Lavengood, Zachary Colin ; Hornát, Jan (advisor) ; Raška, Francis (referee)
The increasing pace of climate change in the last two decades has brought the Arctic, a former geopolitical afterthought, into growing prominence on the global stage. Receding ice and melting tundra have made a cornucopia of rare earth metals and hydrocarbons ripe for extraction as well as opened new shipping lanes which have the potential to revolutionize how goods are moved around the planet. In this emerging environment is a budding balance of power which involves the most powerful actors in the world-system, two of which, the United States of America and the People's Republic of China, are the focus of this thesis. Their respective arctic policies shape the balance of power for not only themselves, but for all other actors in the theater. The United States' laissez faire attitude towards the Arctic has caused it to fall behind the progress of other powers in the region which could make it difficult to assert its influence in the theater in the future. China however has chosen to follow an ambitious arctic policy despite its geographical distance from the region, and has given the arctic a prominent position in its greater Belt and Road project, much to the suspicion of traditional arctic powers. Analyzed through a realist lens, the balance of power in the Arctic appears to be stable for the...

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