National Repository of Grey Literature 112 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
PerfEval: Marrying unit testing with performance evaluation
Hrdý, Dominik ; Tůma, Petr (advisor) ; Hnětynka, Petr (referee)
When developing software, unit tests are commonly used. This thesis proposes Perf- Eval, a tool that performs performance testing in a similar way. The PerfEval tool is designed to compare the performance measurement results of two software versions and evaluate whether the performance of the newer version differs. The tool uses the results of measurements from common benchmarking frameworks. By comparing the results of measurements from these frameworks using statistical methods, it detects changes in performance between versions. Just as unit tests alert the user if their code is incorrect, PerfEval also alerts the user to changes in performance. PerfEval is a console application, so it can be easily controlled from scripts just like unit tests.
A system for community package transport
Wikarská, Miriam ; Hnětynka, Petr (advisor) ; Škoda, Petr (referee)
The thesis is built on the lack of a community-driven package-transporting application. The thesis presents an analysis of the functionalities such an application could have. The application is analyzed through its use cases, conceptual model, and other requirements. Furthermore, the thesis presents the implementation steps taken when creating the prototype implementa- tion. The thesis explains in-application communication, data persistence, authentication of its users, and the user-application communication. The implemented prototype is an application that uses the Java programming language for the application logic. The thesis shows that such an applica- tion can be implemented, illustrates an example of its intended use, and compares the prototype with a few package-transporting applications or ser- vices. Lastly, the thesis summarizes the accomplished goals and proposes future work on the application.
Abaku game implementation
Cihlářová, Klára ; Hnětynka, Petr (advisor) ; Kofroň, Jan (referee)
The aim of this thesis was to implement a board math game Abaku. Abaku is a game for 2 to 4 players similar to Scrabble, but instead of composing words, we compose arithmetical problems. Players connect to the game server to play with each other or play only locally against artificial intelligence. In the case of a multiplayer game, at the end of the game, the statistics for the given players are displayed. They are stored in the database. Furthermore, part of this work is also a program for performing database operations.
Extensible Collaborative Development Platform
Halaša, Michal ; Hnětynka, Petr (advisor) ; Bureš, Tomáš (referee)
Title: Extensible Collaborative Development Platform Author: Michal Halaša Department / Institute: Katedra distribuovaných a spolehlivých systémů Supervisor of the bachelor thesis: RNDr. Petr Hnětynka Ph.D., S 212, Malostranské nám. 25, Praha Abstract: Currently, there exist a number of collaborative development platforms (also known as "forges"). These platforms offer to developers a set of tools for collaborative development (e.g. VCS tools, bug-tracking tools, mailing-list managers, etc). On the other hand, there exist many standalone tools for bug-tracking, etc. Usually, these standalone tools offer more features to the developers, however they have to be set up and managed separately. The goal of this thesis is to develop a collaborative development platform (forge) that is fully extensible, i.e. it will allow developers to easily add existing tools to it and manage them in a unified way. Keywords: java, forge, extensible, development platform
A modern implementation of LALR(1) parser generator
Fišer, Karel ; Bednárek, David (advisor) ; Hnětynka, Petr (referee)
The goal of this thesis is to design and implement a modern parser generator. The result is a program that reads description of some context-free LALR(1) grammar and semantic actions from an input file. To output files the program generates source codes in several target modern object-oriented programming languages for implementation of the syntax analyzer which, when parsing the language corresponding to the given grammar, executes the given semantic actions. Powered by TCPDF (
Supporting real-time features in a hierarchical component system
Hošek, Petr ; Hnětynka, Petr (advisor) ; Kofroň, Jan (referee)
The thesis focuses on an extension of the SOFA 2 component system allowing development of high-integrity real-time embedded systems using the component-based development approach. SOFA 2 employs a hierarchical component model and many advanced features which may be useful in this area of software development. The thesis offers discussion about necessary changes and features that needs to be incorporated into the SOFA 2 component system. The thesis also consists of design and prototype implementation of the extension in order to realise and prove the viability of the proposed concepts. This implementation allows development of high-integrity real-time embedded systems by its decomposition into components which offers strict separation of concerns and higher reuse. The prototype implementation aims to reuse as much as possible of the existing SOFA 2 tools and code. Use cases and comparison with related work is provided to demonstrate usability and features of the prototype implementation.
Application for Real Estate Management
Rada, Michal ; Kofroň, Jan (advisor) ; Hnětynka, Petr (referee)
The goal of the bachelor thesis is to design and implement an Internet application which aims at simplification of the work of the real estate owners regarding the management of real estates, renters, fees, and rent, monitoring, and calculation of return of investments. The application should contain not only the interface for the owner, but also an interface for renters, which would offer appropriate information to the other side and would allow communication between renters and the owners. The application should be designed with respect to easy use and simple control, in ideal case in a platform independent way.
Semiautomated evaluation of multi-criteria analysis of cartographic resources
Kotrč, Jaroslav ; Hnětynka, Petr (advisor) ; Malohlava, Michal (referee)
Bachelor thesis deals with automatization of evaluation of multi-criteria analysis of cartographic resources. Analysis uses a number of evaluation scales, different criteria weights and especially various number of criteria and their articulation. Structure suitable fo automatization of evaluation is described in the thesis and on its base is created and described program, which is part of the thesis. Program provides creation of criteria structure and description of analysed resources. Then analysis of quality of the resource is done over this structure with the aid of program by filling in the rating of individual criteria. Aggregation of analysis is calculated after it in consideration of distinct attributes of evaluators and importance of criteria.
Supporting multiplatform applications with YA-RPC
Kovařík, František ; Hnětynka, Petr (advisor) ; Yaghob, Jakub (referee)
Title: Supporting multiplatform applications with YA-RPC Author: František Kovařík Department: Department of Software Engineering Supervisor: RNDr. Petr Hnětynka, Ph.D. Supervisor's e-mail address: Abstract: Over the last three decades, Remote Procedure Call (RPC) has become a popular inter-computer and inter-process communication paradigm widely used by a variety of interconnected computer systems. Even though a number of RPC protocols and implementations evolved over those years, no single system offers a significant set of features, while providing an easy-to-use application programming interface. In this thesis, we present Yet Another Remote Procedure Call - YaRpc, a specification of a flexible and programmer friendly middleware that offers advanced features such as pluggable transports and protocols, callbacks, and configurable method dispatch. Additionally, we define YaRpc Native Protocol (YNP), a new light-weight high-performance RPC protocol with a rich set of features. We provide a native implementation of both YaRpc middleware and YNP protocol for Java and .NET Framework, and compare its usability with Java RMI, .NET Remoting and SOAP web services. Keywords: YaRpc, remote procedure call, distributed system
Supporting multiplatform applications with YA-RPC
Kovařík, František ; Hnětynka, Petr (advisor) ; Yaghob, Jakub (referee)
Title: Supporting multiplatform applications with YA-RPC Author: František Kovařík Department: Department of Software Engineering Supervisor: RNDr. Petr Hnětynka, Ph.D. Supervisor's e-mail address: Abstract: Over the last three decades, Remote Procedure Call (RPC) has become a popular inter-computer and inter-process communication paradigm widely used by a variety of interconnected computer systems. Even though a number of RPC protocols and implementations evolved over those years, no single system offers a significant set of features, while providing an easy-to-use application programming interface. In this thesis, we present Yet Another Remote Procedure Call - YaRpc, a specification of a flexible and programmer friendly middleware that offers advanced features such as pluggable transports and protocols, callbacks, and configurable method dispatch. Additionally, we define YaRpc Native Protocol (YNP), a new light-weight high-performance RPC protocol with a rich set of features. We provide a native implementation of both YaRpc middleware and YNP protocol for Java and .NET Framework, and compare its usability with Java RMI, .NET Remoting and SOAP web services. Keywords: YaRpc, remote procedure call, distributed system

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