Risks in technical diagnostics
Machů, Roman ; Hammer, Miloš (referee) ; Hájková, Alena (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of risks in technical diagnostics. The theoretical part of the thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part attention is paid to technical diagnostics in general and its methods. The second part then summarises the risk issues in general, including examples of different risk assessment techniques. Tables containing examples of the risks associated with selected methods of technical diagnostics, i.e. vibrodiagnostics, tribodiagnostics, electrodiagnostics and thermodiagnostics, have subsequently been produced. These risks have been assessed and mitigation measures have been proposed for significant risks.
Electric drives in engineering
Štos, Vojtěch ; Hájková, Alena (referee) ; Hammer, Miloš (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the basics of electric drives in mechanical engineering. The initial chapter includes their definition and classification. The following chapter deals with the general mechanical and electrical properties of electric actuators. The remaining part of the thesis is devoted to a detailed description of the different types of motors. A special chapter is devoted to motors that find their application mainly in automation technology. The last chapter focuses on the control and regulation with regard to the control and regulation of electrical drives.
Modern approaches to maintenance in engineering practice
Vašíček, Martin ; Hájková, Alena (referee) ; Hammer, Miloš (advisor)
The bachelor thesis is focused on maintenance. The first part presents the current maintenance standard entitled "Maintenance-Maintenance Terminology" and the older standard with the same name, which was replaced by the current standard. The work describes the types of maintenance according to each of these standards and compares them with each other. In the second part, modern approaches to maintenance in engineering practice are presented. The third part is focused on one of these modern approaches, namely TPM. The fourth part is focused on the implementation of TMP in two companies.
Porosity during welding aluminous alloys
Hájková, Alena ; Daněk, Ladislav (referee) ; Sigmund, Marian (advisor)
This thesis deals with the problem of occurrence of porosity in aluminous alloys and the methods of their repair in the company IFE. Theoretical part is aimed on the current state of porosity and the ways in which the be pores can be repaired. Used technologies of repairs are TIG welding and cementing. The practical part consists of experiment in which is used a method of cementing on specific part.
Risk of Presence of Fine and Ultrafine Particles at Work Place of Specific Industry
Hájková, Alena ; Skřehot, Petr Adolf (referee) ; Martincová, Jana Victoria (advisor)
Submitted Master’s thesis deals with risks of fine and ultrafine particles occurrence in the industrial workplace area of automotive production. The introductory part has been analyzing the contemporary state of art defining basic terms, qualities, ways of measurement and health risks involved with fine and ultrafine particles. Furthermore, the research deals with the legal framework based around fine and ultrafine particles exposure in the workplace and the management of work-related risks in general. The experimental part of the thesis describes devices and conditions of measurement in the industrial company. The results of each measurement have been presented with the emphasis on inhalant exposure. Technical and organizational measures have been proposed on the basics of obtained results to reduce potential health risks of employees involved in exposure of fine and ultrafine particles. Final chapter of the thesis concludes obtained results, findings and in practice recommendations.
Proposal of internal methodology for measurement of products and parts on CMM UPMC Zeiss at CMI Brno
Hájková, Alena ; Jankových, Róbert (referee) ; Šrámek, Jan (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the proposal of internal methodology for measurement of products and parts on CMM UPMC Zeiss at CMI Brno. The first part of this work analyzes the current state of knowledge in the field of accurate measurement on coordinate measuring machines (CMM), which includes the definition of basic metrological concepts, methodology for determining and expressing uncertainties of measurement and a general description of CMM. The diploma thesis also contains a detailed description of the UPMC 850 CARAT S-ACC device from the company Zeiss and summarizes the requirements for the testing laboratory in accordance with the standard ČSN EN 17 025: 2018. The next part of the work is focused on defining and determining the measurement uncertainties for this CMM and on developing a testing procedure for measurements on this machine. The final part of this thesis summarizes the achieved results and recommendations for practice.
Measurement of process variable – temperature
Dvořák, Matěj ; Hájková, Alena (referee) ; Konečný, Antonín (advisor)
This thesis summarizes the current knowledge about temperature sensors used for measurement, of which there is a wide variety. Therefore, it should serve as a guide to the world of temperature measurement, starting from the fundamental principles of measurement, explaining terms and analysing the characteristics of measuring instruments, and providing a detailed overview of their types. Additionally, it allows readers to navigate through the abundance of published documents and standards and provides an overview of wireless communication methods. As this topic is extensive, this publication is intended to be a practical tool for everyday use or a reference point for finding more detailed information in the specific area of interest.
Methods of technical diagnostics - vibrodiagnostics
Soldán, Josef ; Hammer, Miloš (referee) ; Hájková, Alena (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis deals with technical diagnostics, especially vibrodiagnostics. The work first describes technical diagnostics in general, namely its means and methods, including vibrodiagnostics. The mentioned method is the focus of the presented bachelor's thesis, therefore its description forms the majority of the theoretical part. As part of this work, the vibrations of the electric motor were measured, which were subsequently evaluated according to the standard.
Risk of Presence of Fine and Ultrafine Particles at Work Place of Specific Industry
Hájková, Alena ; Skřehot, Petr Adolf (referee) ; Martincová, Jana Victoria (advisor)
Submitted Master’s thesis deals with risks of fine and ultrafine particles occurrence in the industrial workplace area of automotive production. The introductory part has been analyzing the contemporary state of art defining basic terms, qualities, ways of measurement and health risks involved with fine and ultrafine particles. Furthermore, the research deals with the legal framework based around fine and ultrafine particles exposure in the workplace and the management of work-related risks in general. The experimental part of the thesis describes devices and conditions of measurement in the industrial company. The results of each measurement have been presented with the emphasis on inhalant exposure. Technical and organizational measures have been proposed on the basics of obtained results to reduce potential health risks of employees involved in exposure of fine and ultrafine particles. Final chapter of the thesis concludes obtained results, findings and in practice recommendations.
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